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HOMEBREW Digest #3725

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HOMEBREW Digest #3725		             Mon 03 September 2001 

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Re: RIMS, SSR's and heat dissipation ("RJ")
Re: Temperature controller + fridge == true love! ("RJ")
Tap-A-Draft (Squidwerd402)
Looking For Brewers In Townsville ("Phil & Jill Yates")
Bass Ale Clone...which yeast? (Denis Bekaert)
jsp malt mill (Ed Jones)

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Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 07:19:50 -0400
From: "RJ" <>
Subject: Re: RIMS, SSR's and heat dissipation wrote:

"I am about to build my RIMS now and have a few practical questions.
Given that I will have a combo of 10A and liquids, I would like to put the
electrical stuff in a safe enclosure, IP55 or thereabouts. I have never used
a SSR before, but they seem to require a major heatsink. Where do I put the
SSR, inside or outside the enclosure?

The numbers are 220V current, 1350W element (can be upped to 2000W by
wiring a third loop). My planned safety measures include fusing the element
(10A fuse), grounding everything and a 220V GFCI. The enclosure would have
separate power switches for Mains, Pump and Heater, as well as a 1300/2000W
toggle. Which of my ideas will fry me?"


Check out these guys... They good equipment and excellent technical
reference materials.


Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 07:49:35 -0400
From: "RJ" <>
Subject: Re: Temperature controller + fridge == true love!

"John Zeller" <> wrote: To Doug:

"My only point being that all of this is unecessary with either controller.
There will be very little fluctuation in the 5 gallons of wort with the
probe in the air. I can easily maintain the wort temperature within one
degree or so with the probe in the air and this is more than stable enough
for brewing purposes. It is much easier and cleaner to keep the probe out
of the wort and still have excellent temperature control."

I did some temperture tests a few years back with my two lager/fermentation
bins, one an old 17cuft refrigerator, the other a new 22cuft chest
freezer... And, found that the best way to control the temperatures on both
was to strategically place a small wood-stove fan inside, along with a
controller... This de-stratifies the air inside making a more constant

The tests were made with a remote thermometer that recorded high-low
variations, and was placed next to the controller's probe & away from it (to
verifiy results)... The variations were astounding! As much as +8 -12F,
even though the differential was set a +/-3F.

I originally had the fan come on with the compressor, but found that I
needed to have the fan on constantly, to be consistent. I now enjoy a 6F
total variation, which is what I thought I had before the testing.

PS: The controllers' probe sits (in air) about 1/3 of the way down, from the
top, in the bins and the fan is on the bottom opposite the probe.


Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 11:31:34 EDT
Subject: Tap-A-Draft


I was wondering if anyone has had an experience using the Tap-A-Draft small
kegging system currently available through

Any thoughts?



Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 20:32:51 +1000
From: "Phil & Jill Yates" <>
Subject: Looking For Brewers In Townsville

>From a pilots' point of view, visually descending into Townsville is like
arriving on the moon. No vegetation of any particular description but plenty
of rocky outcrops and a nasty looking airstrip they call their
"international airport". This is the home of Graham Sanders and along with
his mates in the tower (I assume they are his mates), they are a bloody rude

I would be inclined to be bloody rude too if I lived in a place which so
closely resembled the moon.

I wonder how they brew up there, even in winter it is hot enough to have you
sweating in a short sleeve shirt.

Today (despite being Fathers Day) I flew all the way to Townsville and fully
expected to see Graham at the airport. He prides himself in making sure no
person gets in or out of Townsville without his permission.

I carried with me gifts of hops, special yeasts and two wort kits to appease
the cranky bastard. But he was not to be seen. His mates in the tower were
so rude I was tempted to wander across the tarmac and pull their noses for

But what would be the point?

Are there really any brewers in Townsville?
Maybe there are, but finding them would be like looking for life on the
moon. Or searching for a brain cell in Max McDonohue's head.

Not easily found!!



Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 15:01:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Denis Bekaert <>
Subject: Bass Ale Clone...which yeast?

Oh I am all ready to brew a Bass Ale clone
tomorrow on Labor Day and when I went to the yeast
cupboard for a Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) that I
thought was there, but what I have is Wyeast 1056
(American Ale). I popped the frozen 1056 in the
starter, but wondered if perhaps I should wait until I
can get the 1098.

I also have a Wyeat 1318 (London Ale III) on hand that
I could use.

Problem is that the homebrew shop is 60 miles away
(one way) and won't be open until Tuesday. Any

Brew on Brothers and Sisters...

Denis in Beechgrove, Tennessee where Moonshine is our
history but homebrewing is our passion


Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 19:47:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ed Jones <>
Subject: jsp malt mill

I'm seriously considering buying a JSP malt mill but I don't know if I should
buy the fixed or adjustable version. Admitidly, I'm fairly ignorant about
grain size and how to even adjust a mill, but I'd learn if it were actually
important. What would you recommend?

Secondly, the Phil Mill 2 has smaller rollers and probably crushes a little
slower, but it seems to be much easier to adjust. Does anyone have any
comments relative to these two mills?

Thank you!

- --
Ed Jones

"When I was sufficiently recovered to be permitted to take nourishment,
I felt the most extraordinary desire for a glass of Guinness...I am
confident that it contributed more than anything else to my recovery."
- written by a wounded officer after Battle of Waterloo, 1815

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3725, 09/03/01

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