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HOMEBREW Digest #3631

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HOMEBREW Digest #3631		             Sat 12 May 2001 

Digest Janitor:


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My Vienna (craftbrewer)
Big Brew in Africa (Ant Hayes)
Huh? (Ray Kruse)
German Micro. Kiwi Scene. ("Dr. Pivo")
re: Glycogen level ? ("Stephen Alexander")
Hemp Plugs ("Eric R. Theiner")
Anyone Brewing in Pensacola? (James Pensinger)
RE: Selling on the Internet, apple cider, hemp = Paranoia ("Doug Hurst")
MCAB3 1st place barleywine and 3rd place IPA (McNally Geoffrey A NPRI)
RE: Idophor killed my carbonation (Todd Bissell)
fix and under modified mash schedule, barley wine in fermentor ti ("Czerpak, Pete")
Competition Announcement (stihlerunits)
cycloheximide question (David Harsh)
Peltier (AJ)
Jeff McNally: You out there? (Pat Babcock)
MCAB III Lambic-Style Framboise ("Marc Gaspard")
2001 A Beer Odyssey - AHA National Convention Notice (Drew Beechum)
"Brewing Beers Like Those You Buy" (Todd Bissell)
MCAB 3 Recipe (Nathan Kanous)
Details (Nathan Kanous)

* AHA Membeers: Exercise your RIGHT to VOTE! BOA Ballot
* available at (Adobe
* pdf v4.0) or
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 17:35:27 +1000
Subject: My Vienna

G'Day All
Now I am one upset little dingo at the moment. Jeff got it right
when he said
Graham Sanders <>,
figuring that now that the Survivor 2 crowd has left his beloved
North Queenland, it's safe to pop his head up again, <<<<<<
And as the only other brewing god in these parts he is of course
right. But what happens, no sooner do i put my head up and
coo-ee, well the bastard sends over the whole bloody pacific
fleet to have shore leave not only in Australia, but in my back
yard. Now I have never met a yank i didn't like, its just i cant
stand more than one at a time, but seeing them massing in groups
is downright terrifying. And oath, they're thicker than flys on a
outdoor dunny seat.
Taipans have been set free, salties are on the munch, and even
got the head hunting cod out and about but its no use, they
still keep coming. Pity the dry has set in, all the gential groping
frogs have gone to bed till the warmer weather returns.
Now as Appollo said to Thor the other day "you live in your
world and i'll live in mine", who am I to question this guru of the
brew kettle when he says
>>>>>>>My experience differs from this, and it may be a matter
of recipe or
it may be a matter of taste. Two plus years ago I brewed a
For a 30 liter batch I used
10 lbs. Durst Vienna (4.5 kg)
2 lbs. Durst Pils (900 g) (I didn't have 12 lbs. of Vienna)
1 lb. Briess Carapils (450 g)
This latter is a very low color (1.4L) sort of uncaramelized crystal
malt which is a body and foam builder<<<<<<
And thats where we differ. Jeff has a grain bill more suited to a
lighter style. Mine was
38 Litres 95% brewhouse efficiency
5.00 kg Schooner Malt
1.65 kg Vienna malt
0.35 kg Cara-Vienna
0.35 kg light Cara-Munich
0.35kg Dark Cara-Munich
Now dont get me, or I hate to say it, Jeff wrong. There's nothing
wrong with the beer i made. Its just we both have different
perceptions as to what a Vienna should taste like, or more
important what we prefer. Me, i have a sweeter tooth and higher
alcohol desire than Jeff, that is all. Both would fit the bill as a
Graham Sanders
Oh To those Yanks who dont know. Our dingoes are on the
prowl again, Kid been taken by one recently and a tourist is missing,
suspected of also being taken. Wonder if i should ship one in.
Now what was that old joke - oh yeh, whats a baby in a pram
on Ayres Rock called.
A Takeaway meal (Drivethru)


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 10:18:25 +0200
From: Ant Hayes <>
Subject: Big Brew in Africa

Anyone interested in seeing what Big Brew 2001 looked like in Africa - go to

Our claim to fame is that we had more sites than any country apart from the
US - whom we lagged considerably admittedly.

Ant Hayes
Gauteng; South Africa


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 07:30:27 -0400
From: Ray Kruse <>
Subject: Huh?

From: TOLLEY Matthew <>
Subject: WARNING - contains bad accents, references to genitals, Iowa

Where is Genitals, Iowa? Can't find it on *my* map.



Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 13:23:55 +0200
From: "Dr. Pivo" <>
Subject: German Micro. Kiwi Scene.

There was a posting, that suggested a diacetyl flavour in a German
Micro, that appears in all of it's beers except an unfiltered version

> The off flavor manifests itself as a sort of buttery or butterscotch flavor
> to my taste. I associate this with diacytel but I am open to suggestions.

I'd suggest that you are right.

> What happens during a diacytel rest, do the yeast scavenge
> diacytel or is it only a precursor at this point so that the diacytel does
> not manifest itself until later in the process
While yeast DO produce the precursor to diacetyl, They also DO consume
diacetyl itself. Early diacetyl should be somewhat masked by the
extreme complexity (and indeed harshness of) green beer, and often is
not apparent (to me) by taste, but when I repitch a "real producer" it
still comes through as aroma if it is present at appreciable levels,
unless the yeast is a real "stink bomb" (sulphur producer) in which case
I don't think you can even smell yourself to it.

I agree wholeheartedly with Ray Daniels suggestion that doing a
microbiological analysis is the only real way "to be sure" if you've got
an infection, but don't agree that late developement of diacetyl
necessarily points towards that being the case.... in fact that is a
pretty normal course of events. Diactyl is oxidation, and as such can
develope as quickly or slowly as allowed.

The unfiltered version lacking diacetyl is also "pretty typical", as the
yeast will "sooner or later" turn on the diacetyl if nothing else is
offered to them.

A typical example of this comes to mind in a Czech brewery where their
unpasteurised, microfiltered Pilsner has a diacetyl level of around 3-4
ppm (according to my "sniffometer"), but they also produce an unfiltered
"natural" bottled version where there is "none at all" (also done by
"sniffometer" analysis)... this particular brewery had no means for
analysis of diacetyls in their lab, so there were no "exact" numbers on
this, but the brewmaster and assistant, did concur with my "analysis" of
the situation, even if the whole subject of diacetyls must be approached
with diplomacy and caution. (No modern commercial brewer would like to
admit that they are producing them, as they are considered
"mistakes",,,, pointing them out is a bit like remarking when someone
has just returned from the toilet, that there underpants are "riding
up", and showing over the back of their pants... and that they are

If I was going to suggest a "first help", giving the brewing situation
you described, the first thing I would do would be not to drop too
quickly from 10C (primary) to 2C (lagering), but slowly "step down" the
temperature over time while in the lagering tank.. Intermediate
temperatures are in fact the "modern" way of dealing with diacetyls
within the framework of Cyllindro-conicals (CKT's in this part of the
world), in spite of all the yardage written on the classical "diacetyl
rest" at higher temps.

If you want some exact CKT rest times and temps for diacteyl reduction,
I'd be happy to send you some, but they are in fact emperical, so the
brewer should probably just "!ry something". Drop from 10 to 6 over a
day. hold a day. Drop from 6-4 over a day. hold 3-4 days, seems to me to
be a good jumping off point.

While this method is not as "exact" as doing an anlysis, it is cheap.
It won't hurt the beer., and if this reduces diacteyl levels it would
pretty much say that infection was not the problem, but "crash cooling"
the yeast was the culprit.

Since I have a perverse interest in PRODUCING diacetyls at predictable
level, I've played a fair bit around the different places they are
either created or destroyed. Should "step chilling" not solve your
problem, and they still don't want to pay for an anlysis, I've got a few
other places to start looking.

Dr. Pivo

Oh yeh. Someone asked about the brew scene in New Zealand.... VERY alive
and blossoming... at last count somewhere between 60-80 micros as I
recall, which is a fair number for two not so huge islands. Most
interesting is probably the use of their own varietal hops, which can
give some very lovely floral character to beers. There is an "on line"
news letter called "Sparging On Line"; I believe, which covers the Kiwi
brew scene, and should lead your friend to all information required.


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 07:48:22 -0400
From: "Stephen Alexander" <>
Subject: re: Glycogen level ?

Del writes ...

>I had asked a simple "A or B" question and received a lengthy
>phillipic that did not answer the question. If you don't know the answer
>that is fine, but save the bandwidth and say, "I don't know."

Sometimes questions like yours are ill-formed and don't admit any correct
answer. I did answer the more complete question - but since you didn't get
it on the first go-round I'll reiterate.

>which would be a more suitable
>pitching culture; A)a culture that is 97% alive with 6% glycogen levels
>or B) a culture that is 93% alive with 50% glycogen levels?

You question omits the most important issue - UFAs and sterols. These are
the real issue behind glycogen.

Glycogen+squalene + O2 ==> sterol
Glycogen+FAs + O2 ==> UFAs

And this conversion takes place in a matter of hours with yeast exposed to
O2. The total level of these lipids in your yeast population are probably
the most important differential determinant of fermentation quality.

So the real question is - which yeast has the greatest sterol/UFA potential.
Without also knowing the current sterol and UFA levels of these yeast
populations the question is meaningless. If grown conventionally we could
guess that culture 'B)' is anaerobic and probably sterol/UFA poor, but has
good potential for these lipids. 'A)' could either represent a decent
starter that is well aerated several hours ago, full of sterol+UFA and going
strong - ready to pitch, or else a weak old anaerobic yeast cake, with
little sterol, UFA or glycogen, sitting around too long. There are other
possibilities, but without added info it's just speculation about what you
mean by the question. You haven't given enough information for a proper

Under the assumption that both yeast populations are relatively sterol poor
like a typical anaerobic yeast cake, then "B) is a safe bet as the winning
slurry because of it's much greater glycogen so sterol&UFA potential. The
several percent difference in viable pitching rate is not the issue. Nor is
the 3% vs 7% dead cells.

In reality under these conditions (anaerobic stored cultures, sterol poor,
with the glycogen levels indicated) the above scenario is unlikely unless
you've purposely added dead cells to 'B)'. As Fix said, viability should
correlate with glycogen levels [and as I said - under these conditions
(anaerobic dormant culture) , not all conditions].

- ---------------

>As for...
>>> claim 'proof' for some general principle; for example that
>fermenter geometry is a major factor in HB fermentation,<<
>It was De Clerck that studied fermenter geometry and found that,
>from 1liter to production size, geometry plays a significant role.

I don't have specifics of DeClerk's experiment but I'll wager that it was
not designed to eliminate other factors and the conclusion that it is H:W
ratio isn't the only plausible conclusion from the data.

It was Fix who pickup up this old bone and claimed ludicrously poor
fermentation in upright cornies because of the H:W ratio. Anyone with a
passing understanding of the forces of nature must realize that the
statement is in error. For it to be true there must be some differentiating
force applied to the individual yeast cells due to the H:W ratio that would
cause Fix's horrible fermentation performance. There is no such force
differential available in our small scale fermenters. Certain geometries
(like CCs) undoubtedly do aid in circulation which in turn reduced temp
gradients and especially reduces entrapped CO2 and so provide a better
environment for yeast growth and fermentation. But that's CO2 and
temperature and not H:W ratio at work. Perhaps there are other factors I
haven't thought of, but I'll wager a tidy sum it isn't H:W ratio.

I suspect DeCleck and Fix both suffer from ill-designed experiments which
did not control these other factors, and also overreaching conclusions which
focus on H:W ratio over other more physically plausible explanations ...

>My own speculation on this is that; it is not so much the size or
>depth, but the relative area exposed to atmosphere for oxygen
>uptake during the critical lag/adaptation phase.

I've been assuming aerated wort and anaerobic conditions otherwise, but
that's a very good speculation too, Del, and could be easily tested. But
my point remains - it may be CO2 levels or O2 inclusion or something else,
but its almost certainly not geometry. The yeast cells just don't
know/can't feel the fermenter H:W ratio at this scale. If you control for
the other factors I am confident that geometry of our small fermenters will
fall out as a complete non-issue.

[n.b: of course large commercial fermenters have depth pressure as a factor,
and a poor surface/volume ratio leading to heat trapping, but we are
discussing small fermenters.]



Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 09:31:29 -0400
From: "Eric R. Theiner" <>
Subject: Hemp Plugs

Paul asks about using Hemp Plugs in brewing.

What you need to do is wrap those plugs in paper and apply a bit of flame
to the end. Then you won't be worried about brewing at all (RDWHAHB).

<Please note that the above is only a joke!! Hemp is a non-psychoactive
substance, and even if we were talking about it's psychoactive cousin, I
would only be making a joke.>

Actually, hemp seeds are what are used in brewing hemp beer. They are
toasted, crushed, and added to the grist. If you have plugs of hemp
leaves, I'd suggest putting them into your mash a la mash hopping-- I'd
think that you'd get a lot of tannins and chlorophyll from hemp leaves if
you boiled them.



Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 10:25:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: James Pensinger <>
Subject: Anyone Brewing in Pensacola?

I am currently on travel in Pensacola FL and want to
Know if anyone would like some company in the next
couple weeks while brewing?

I am staying at the Suburban Lodge Extra on Barancas
Blvd if anyone would like to call. The number is
453-8240 x222.


Mike Pensinger


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 09:52:31 -0500
From: "Doug Hurst" <>
Subject: RE: Selling on the Internet, apple cider, hemp = Paranoia

Don C writes:
>>"Is the ATF looking at the list? Anyone else found these two posts
just days apart just a bit questionable? Matt and Kevin both need to
contact their attorneys if they want to sell brew of any type. Sorry if
I seem paranoid, but brewing is important to me as is this list. I
would hate to see anyone give out legal advise and compromise the
listserv with legal advise. IF YOU WANT TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES,

And today "Paul" writes:

>>"Greetings all,
I have a question about hemp plugs. Awhile back I received a lb. of
hemp plugs for brewing. I've kept them in the freezer. How much should
be used for a 5 gal. batch, and what should I expect as far as taste,
viscosity, head retention, etc...? I have a batch to make soon, and I
wanted to use the plugs. TIA, and keep on brewing.

Don, I'm beginning to get your paranoia. Where are these posts coming
from all of a sudden? Now today Paul's post about hemp.

Paul, where did you get "hemp" plugs? What do they consist of? Are you
sure you don't mean hop plugs? Hemp is not a typical beer ingredient.
Although it can be and is incorporated into beer (even

If a government agency is reviewing this list and trying to elicit a
particular response, I urge them to look elsewhere for illegal activity.
participants on this list do not violate the law nor encourage others to
do so.

Doug Hurst
Chicago, IL


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 11:02:26 -0400
From: McNally Geoffrey A NPRI <McNallyGA@Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil>
Subject: MCAB3 1st place barleywine and 3rd place IPA

Hi All,

Pat Humphrey asked:

>As has been done in the past, would the winners of the MCAB 3 be willing to
>post their recipe's to the digest?

Here is the recipe for my American Barleywine that won 1st place at MCAB3.

Hop Monster II Barleywine


20 lb Canadian Malting 2-row
1.5 lb Weyermann munich dark (11L)
0.5 lb Crisp crystal (60L)
0.75 lb flaked torrified barley
0.25 lb Munton's wheat malt

total: 23 lb

Milled with a Corona mill.
Mashed all the grains together in 25 quarts of water at 152F for 90 minutes.
Raised temp to 165F for a 25 minute mashout rest.
Sparged with 15 quarts of 180F water.

Hops (all are whole hops):

3 oz Galena 12.5%AA 60 minute boil
1.25 oz EKG 4.5%AA 30 minute boil
2 oz Cascades 5.5%AA 15 minute boil
1 oz Cascades 5.5%AA 0 minute boil (steeped)
2 oz Cascades 5.5%AA dry hop

total: 9.25 oz (approx 88 IBUs per Tinseth using 6 gal post-boil volume)


Wyeast #1272 (American ale II)

I pitched the entire yeast cake from the primary of a previous batch that
was racked to the secondary on the day this barleywine was brewed.

Aerated with pure O2 (Liquid Bread setup) for approx 1 min.

Wort temp at pitching: 65F

3 hour lag time.

Misc ingredients:

1 tsp gypsum (calcium sulfate) in the mash
2 tsp irish moss (rehydrated) added 15 minutes before the end of the boil


brewed on 2/7/99
racked to secondary and added dry hops on 2/15/99
kegged on 4/25/99

primary ferment at 64F (8 days)
secondary ferment at 65F (13 days) and upper 50'sF for approx 2 months

1st runnings SG = 1.094
last " " = 1.041
OG = 1.098
FG = 1.025

I also won 3rd place in the IPA category. The recipe for the IPA that
qualified me for entry in MCAB3 was posted to the HBD in:

I brewed another batch (well, 3 actually) of IPA for entry in the MCAB3.
The recipe for the batch that I won 3rd place with is similar to, but somewhat
different from, the one that I qualified with. IMO the qualifier was a
considerably better IPA so I'll just refer you back to that recipe.

Hoppy brewing,


- ---------------------------------------
Geoffrey A. McNally
Mechanical Engineer
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Systems Development Branch
Code 4121, Bldg. 1246/2
Newport, RI 02841
(401) 832-1390


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 16:04:40 GMT
From: Todd Bissell <>
Subject: RE: Idophor killed my carbonation

Hi all,

First off, just wanted to thank everybody for taking the time to write in
on this post (both on- and off-line), regarding my over-zealous use of
Idophor in the bottling process.

Secondly, the thread's title is a bit misleading, since it really should
say "I killed my carbonation"...! To clear up any confusion, I really
screwed up the concentration of Idophor-to-water, that is to say, I used
nothing but Idophor in the bowl of the injector ("Doh...!"), and then not
even letting the injected bottles fully air-dry (To paraphrase a poster
who's name currently escapes me, "No wonder there's no carbonation"!).
So, that having been said, if all that Idophor didn't kill both the
beasties and yeasties, I'm not sure what will! :) Oddly though, no
Idophor color/taste can be detected.

On the advice of several very helpful e-mails and posts, I've split the
remainder of the batch into two groups. To half of the bottles I added
some grains of dry yeast, and to the other half I added a little less dry
yeast, and very tiny pinch (more like a dusting) of corn sugar, with the
theory being that perhaps my priming/bottling procedure didn't ensure
that enough sugar ended up getting into each bottle (and thus starving
the very few yeast survived the Idophor).

I don't expect to be able to salvage much from this batch (except
experience, of course!), but on the other hand, I figure that I have
nothing to lose by experimenting with it, either. I'm already looking
forward to moving onto bottling my forth batch (an ESB), armed with allot
more knowledge of what NOT to do in the process...!


Todd S. Bissell


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 12:11:30 -0400
From: "Czerpak, Pete" <>
Subject: fix and under modified mash schedule, barley wine in fermentor ti

George Fix posted a few days back about his use of undermodified malts such
as BUDVAR and his use of the MCAB2 A_B increasing temp mash schedule. Can
you or someone who attended MCAB2 last year comment on the specifics?

Also, someone has started a small experimental barleywine batch with 1056.
I like the yeast. I've used it in a few barley wines. I've used a few
others and enjoy them all - slowly of course over a few years. Time in the
fermentor was mentioned as a concern. When I pitch yeast slurry my ferments
tend to finish visually by about 1 week or so with the bulk of the yeast
already dropping out. I tend to wait another week before racking to
secondary (total primary = 2 weeks). Gravity at this time is usually about
1.020 to 1.030. I then secondary for atleast 2 weeks and maybe 4 if I get
lazy and the gravity usually drops another 2-4 pts down to low 20s. At that
point, I rack to keg and bulk age for atleast 3 months at room temp before
my first taste of "finished" barley wine. I'll usually have a few on tap
and then slowly start CP bottling from here and continue to age some in the
keg as well as the bottles which I set aside.

I haven't broken into my last keg of english style BW and it was brewed in
sept and hit the keg in maybe oct/november last year. The key is to brew
big beers enough so that you can let it rest and age without being tempted
too much. Its almost time to get mine in the fridge now....

I don't really like to leave beers in the primary for too long. I guess I
consider about 2 weeks my limit when on the bulk of the yeast mass as well
as the cold break etc that I get with carryover from the kettle.

Thanks to those who are sharing their MCAB winning recipe. I think Phils
had one of the most complex award winning grain bills I've seen in quite a
while. By the way, how did you like the acidulated malt? I'm thinking of
trying some in a dry stout sometime....

Pete czerpak
albany, NY


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 16:58:42 GMT
Subject: Competition Announcement

Announcing the E.T. Barnette Homebrew Competition!

This is an AHA sanctioned competition.

The grand prize for Best of Show is $500!!!

Six Classes will judged: Dark Ale, Light Ale, Dark Lager,
Light Lager, Specialty/Mixed style, and Mead.

Great prizes and custom medals will be awarded to the 1st,
2nd and 3rd place winners in each of the six judged Classes.

Entries will be accepted: July 3-11, 2001

Entry fees: Submit three 12-16 oz brown or green crown capped
bottles and a check or money order for $5.00 in U.S. funds.

Judging: The first round of judging will take place on July 13th.
The date and time of the final, Best of Show round of judging
is to be arranged once we know how many entries and judges we have.

Location: Fox, Alaska (~10 miles north of Fairbanks)

More information as well as Entry and Bottle ID forms may be found
at the following URL:

We also are in need of BJCP judges so if you are in the area and are interested
in helping out please let me know.

Should you have any questions or are interesting in judging contact
Scott Stihler at (907) 474-2138 or

Please forward this message to anybody you know that might be interested
in either entering this competition or helping out with the judging.


Scott Stihler
Fairbanks, Alaska


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 13:28:57 -0400
From: David Harsh <>
Subject: cycloheximide question

Louis K. Bonham <> wrote:

> The cycloheximide kills any the brewers yeast present...

What specifically does this mean? Saccharomyces only?

Very useful post, btw - I would just like to clear this up.

Dave Harsh
Bloatarian Brewing League Cincinnati, OH
Beer and Sweat - the world's largest all-keg homebrew competition;
August 18th. See for more details


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 15:36:48 -0400
From: AJ <>
Subject: Peltier

While it's true that thermoelectrics are not as efficient as compressor
based systems the fact of fewer moving parts, the ability to control
cooling very precisely (gate power supply with proportional output from
PID controller), the fact that they don't leak refrigerant and that they
can be made to heat and cool makes them very desireable for applications
where a modest amount of cooling is required and the reliability,
control and environmental issues outweigh cost and electricity
consumption. I'm using them to cool and temperature stabilize microwave
amplifiers and while we are just getting started with them they look
great. We got ours from Melcor, This
site will give anyone interested an idea of what is available, how much
they cost and so on. Looking forward to the day when these things start
to hit the surplus market or prices on new ones drop dramatically before
considering them for cooling fermenters.


- --
A.J. deLange
CT Project Manager
Zeta Associates
10302 Eaton Place
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 359 8696
855 0905


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 16:21:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Pat Babcock <>
Subject: Jeff McNally: You out there?

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

Sorry for the disinteresting post, but: Jeff McNally, please email me. The
address I have for you is no good...

- --
See ya!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Home Brew Digest Janitor
HBD Web Site
The Home Brew Page

"The monster's back, isn't it?" - Kim Babcock after I emerged
from my yeast lab Saturday


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 17:55:35 -0500
From: "Marc Gaspard" <>
Subject: MCAB III Lambic-Style Framboise

>As has been done in the past, would the winners of the MCAB 3 be willing
> to post their recipe's to the digest?
>Pat Humphrey
>Lake Villa, IL
OK, here's my Lambic-Style Framboise. Took 2nd Place.

(I usually split a 6 gallon batch into 2 3 gallon batches, one with
raspberries, one
with cherries from my yard. I have no idea what kind of cherries they are!)



6 Lbs. Maris Otter pale ale malt
1 Lb. Wheat malt
2 Lbs. Torrified Wheat
1 lb. 27L DWC Caravienne malt
6 oz. Hallertau hops (4% AAU; aged 2-3 years.)
1 tsp. Irish Moss

Wyeast 3278 Belgian lambic blend
Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast
Wyeast 4733 Pediocuccus cerevisiae
Wyeast 3526 Brettanomyces lambicus

8 oz. dextrose (For priming. Split in half for each batch.


Mash in all malts, @ 132 degrees F, let it come down to 122F & hold for 1/2
hour. Then add boiling water gradually to raise to 140F, hold for 1/4
hour. Add more boiling water (or heat on stove if you have enough water)
to raise to 156F, hold for 1 hour. PERFORM IODINE TEST TO CHECK FOR STARCH
CONVERSION. Raise to 167F and hold for 10 minutes to mash out. Sparge to
collect 6+ gallons of wort.

Bring wort to boil, add hops and boil 90 minutes. Stir every so
@ 60 minutes add Irish moss.
@ 90 minutes take off heat, chill, rack to fermenter of previous
and add yeast. Let ferment six months. Add Wyeast 1056 @
2 weeks, add peddiococcus @ 2 months; add brettanomyces
lambicus @ 4 months.

After primary fermentation is finished, rack to two 5-gal. plastic
secondaries; one with 6 Lbs. raspberries and one with 6 Lbs. cherries.
Ferment another six months. Rack to two 3-gal carboys for clearing for a
month. After one-to-two months, bottle with dextrose & gelatin finings
(optional). I actually went about 6 months due to various complications.

Brewed:8/27/98 O.G.1.052 (adj. 80F)
Add Peddiococcus:10/20/98 F.G.1.014
Add Brettanomyces lambicus:12/17/98 5% abv
Racked (over fruit; 3 gals. each): 1/29/99 (age 1 year)
Secondary Racking (to clear): 1/10/2000
Bottled: 4/7/00


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 17:17:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Drew Beechum <>
Subject: 2001 A Beer Odyssey - AHA National Convention Notice


Greetings from the Web/Email arm of the 2001 A Beer Odyssey AHA National
Convention. (

For those of you who don't know, the AHA Convention will be held at the
LAX Four Points Sheraton on June 20th-23rd. Early bird registration is
just about up (May 15th). I know people have been wondering about the total
cost for the conference. The Four Points Hotel (a hotel run by some true beer
nuts) have graciously matched the hotel cost from last years convention,
$89 per night. The total convention package is available for $185/$220 before
May 15th and $220/$260 (AHA Member/ Non-AHA Member). Per Event packages are
also available. See the website for full details or call 1-888-U-CAN-BREW.

We'll be having lectures on everything from "Improving Extract Beers" from
Charlie Papazian to "Building a Better Starter" from MB Raines-Casselman.

The Club Night is not our only beer festival this year. We're having the 1st
Annual LA Brewer's Open Festival. It's a real ale and draft beer festival where
we all get to vote for prizes for the actual brewers of the award winning beers!

Also we're looking for clubs for the Beer Odyssey club night. I've talked to
a bunch of the Southern California brew clubs at the SoCal Hombrewers Festival
at Temecula, but everyone is welcome to bring and serve for the clubs. Just
contact me at this email address.

New to the Website ( :

- A finalized schedule of events and speakers.

- A list of all the beer that the Beer Sommelier staff
has bought for all the thirsty brewers!

- -- Drew Beechum
Webmaster/Electronic Distribution - 2001 A Beer Odyssey
Club Night Coordinator


Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 03:03:03 GMT
From: Todd Bissell <>
Subject: "Brewing Beers Like Those You Buy"

Hi all,

Was digging through my favorite used book store, and picked up a
much-used and -abused (wort stains and all) copy of this book, copyright
1980. I cherish Real Ale (Milds and Bitters mostly), and this book is
loaded with die-hard Real Ale recipes.

The catch is that while I'm used to converting all-grain recipes to
extract/specialty grain recipes without allot of trouble, most of recipes
detail some rather unorthodox methods (e.g. boiling grains), "polypin
cubes", and slightly arcane ingredients (brewer's caramel, invert sugar,
Saccharin tablets, brown sugar, Demerara sugar, etc).

My question to the board is simple: has anyone either brewed these
recipes from (what I assume to be) a semi-classic recipe-book
word-for-word, and/or converted the recipes to coincide with more modern
ingredients/brewing practices...?


Todd S. Bissell

P.S. A plus is that the narrative is rather quaint ("[Morland Abingdon
Mild Ale is} a particularly good example of mild ale. Called 'Ale'
locally"); and the book also includes recipes for Budweiser, Colt 45, and
Schlitz! (I think I'll pass...!) :)


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 22:49:22 -0700
From: Nathan Kanous <>
Subject: MCAB 3 Recipe

Hi Everyone,
First of all, credit where credit is due. My first attempt at this beer
was a direct copy of My Father's Moustache. Thanks go to Jeff Renner.

Second of all, I have to admit that I never expected to place in the MCAB
with my competition beer. I had re-arranged the hop profile to meet what I
thought would replictate a Czech Pilsner but in a Classic American
version. In my mind I came to the conclusion that for a 5 gallon batch I
needed 3 additions of Saaz hops each 1.5 ounces at approximately 60, 30,
and 15 minutes before knockout.

I prepared my MCAB 3 competition brew with that in mind....except for one
thing. I added some first-wort hops (FWH) and I forgot to add my bittering
hops. I like this beer to be bitter. As a result, I went to reach for my
30 minute addition (3 ounces for 10 gallons) and found my bittering hops
laying there.

Frantically I ran to my computer to crunch some numbers based upon what
hops I had in the freezer and the following recipe is the result. I don't
have ProMash (boy that would be a nice prize) so I'm just going to type it
in. I use SudsWare.

As a result of omitting the bittering hops, in an attempt to get back to my
projected 35 to 40 IBU's I added a TON of hops at 30 minutes. This is one
incredibly hoppy beer (not for the faint of heart). Next time I'll back
off on the bittering just a touch and I'll probably stick with the two
additions of 1.5 oz of Saaz at 30 and 15 min before knockout to see how my
original intent would turn out.

I can't praise this beer style enough. I'm going to guess that I like it
because I grew up drinking cheap flavorless lager beer that is some poor
bastardization of the Classic American Pilsner. It's a house favorite of
mine. Brew one up and you'll love it. I'm going to go draw a glass and
type in the recipe for you.

I don't have all the water chemistry stuff that seems to be loaded into
ProMash. We've got water so hard you can walk on it in Madison. I made
this with RO water "hardened" 4:1 with Madison tap water. I also added 2
tsp CaCl2 to the mash. I acidified my sparge water (same mix) with 6 mls
of phosphoric acid.

Brown's Beer #4 - MCAB 2nd Place Classic Americal Pilsner
8.5 lbs Schrier Special Pils Malt
6 lbs Breiss 6-row (I like a touch of graininess from this)
3.75 lbs Flaked Maize

1 oz Vanguard (whole) 7%AA 75 minutes (First Wort Hopped)
1 oz Horizon (whole) 12.5%AA 30 minutes
1 oz Vanguard (whole) 7%AA 30 minutes
2 oz Czech Saaz (whole) 2.2%AA 30 minutes
1 oz Liberty (pellets) 3.7%AA 30 minutes
2 oz Czech Saaz (whole) 2.2%AA 15 minutes
1 oz Liberty (pellets) 3.7% AA 15 minutes

Mash in 1.25 qts per pound at 150 deg (not only did I forget the hops, I
ran out of propane at this strike temp and went with it) for 60
minutes. Boost with heat to 168 deg F for 15 min mashout. Sparge with 1/2
gal per pound of mixed water (RO and city 4:1).

Boiled 75 min with above hopping schedule. Wort settled for 15 min then
pumped through counterflow chiller to 56 deg F (it was January).

Half the batch fermented with 2 qt starter of White Labs Kolsch Yeast
(WLP029), half fermented with WYeast 2035 American Lager. The MCAB award
winner was fermented with the Kolsch yeast (I won't lose my award, will I?).

I have liked 2035 in the past, but I fermented a best bitter recipe with
the WLP 029 and thought it had a character that would compliment a
CAP. Both halves have turned out great.

There you have it. I screwed up on bittering hops and I fermented with a
Kolsch yeast. It worked. The brewing Gods must have been looking out for
me. Must be in the name of the brew.....
nathan in madison, wi

PS why'd I ever try a kolsch yeast in a best bitter? our brewclub brewed 3
barrels at a commercial brewery (actually the brewer did, we
watched). everybody was either using the house english ale yeast or the
omnipresent Wyeast 1056...I chose to be different. it made a good
beer. not an english beer but a good beer. why mention this? so that
brewclubs think to hook up with a local brewer to bring in club members to
watch a commercial brewer do his thing and take home the goods. it was a
great experience for everyone involved and we'll do it again if we can
convince Tom to do it. have a great day....sorry for the bandwidth


Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 22:59:05 -0700
From: Nathan Kanous <>
Subject: Details

Details, details, details.

Original Gravity 1.052
Final Gravity 1.012

I'm not real anal about these things. I know that it started at 1.052. I
know that the Kolsch half was at 1.012 when I kegged it (approximately 10
days post-brew). I'm sure it's dried out even a touch since then.

Hope this helps.
nathan in madison, wi

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3631, 05/12/01

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