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HOMEBREW Digest #3626

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HOMEBREW Digest #3626		             Mon 07 May 2001 

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Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739

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Bottle Bill Passed!!! ("Mark Tumarkin")
Beer and non-tobacco cigarettes (Tom Smit)
Commercial Kolsch (mkboyer)
Re: Corking Champagne Bottles ("Matthew Saunders")
Re: Selling on the Internet ("Matthew Saunders")
Kostritzer Clone Recipe/hops/EBU? ("tomandwen")
Bottle Filling (Alan & Jeanette Davies)
re: question re: Mash Temps ("Stephen Alexander")
Lactose ("Fred L. Johnson")
A great MCAB (RBoland)

* AHA Membeers: Exercise your RIGHT to VOTE! BOA Ballot
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* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (


Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 05:05:54 -0400
From: "Mark Tumarkin" <>
Subject: Bottle Bill Passed!!!

I have some really good news to share. Yesterday, in a cliff-hanger ending
with less than an hour to go before the legislative session closed; the
Florida Bottle Bill was read and voted on in the House. It took less than a
minute to be read and voted on. 111 in favor and only 4 votes against! It had
previously been passed in the Senate, so now it goes to the Governor for his
signature. Jeb had said months ago that he'd sign it if it came to his desk.
So, assuming he keeps that promise, we've won!!!

I'd like you to all join me in a toast, after years of work the Bottle Bill
has Passed!!!

Mark Tumarkin
Gainesville, FL


Date: Sat, 05 May 2001 18:14:38 +1030
From: Tom Smit <>
Subject: Beer and non-tobacco cigarettes

Hi all,

Has anyone else noticed or is it me that drinking some nice homebrew
brings on the munchies just like smoking non-tobacco cigarettes does?

On another matter. You may encounter some shellshocked Aussies within
HBD portals in ever increasing numbers. Treat them gently. They have
just found out that Graham Sanders, Scott Morgan and David Lamotte will
censor ruthlessly any Oz HB who even thinks about calling a spade an
agricultural implement on the "Craftbrewer" site.

I was merely the first casualty and my therapy is nearly finished. I
am not the only one though. Treat them gently untill they re-awaken to
the fact there are lists that allow free speech and adult debate.


Tom Smit
aka Sh*t Face
just back from Big Brew Day (and doesn't that explain a lot??)


Date: Sat, 05 May 2001 09:17:38 -0500
Subject: Commercial Kolsch

I found a commercial Kolsch style a few days ago. Shiner's "Summer
Stock" is a Kolsch, and it's labeled on the bottle as "A Kolsch style".
It's quite good.


Date: Sat, 05 May 2001 12:54:50 -0600
From: "Matthew Saunders" <>
Subject: Re: Corking Champagne Bottles


I use straight corks. I cut the "mushroom" piece off champagne corks to
help wire the corks. I've also used 1/2 inch dowling cut in 1/4 inch

Hope this helps.

Matthew in CO

> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 13:56:06 -0400
> From: "Galloway" <>
> Subject: Fw: Corking champagne bottles. . .
> - -----Original Message-----
> From: Galloway <>
> To: <>
> Date: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 1:52 PM
> Subject: Corking champagne bottles. . .
> Hey,
> I want to brew a Saison style beer and bottle it in 750 ml champagne
> bottles.
> I would also like to use real cork "corks" instead of the newer plastic
> ones.
> I have no idea in how to do that. Any thoughts??
> Regards,
> Dave Galloway
> Chattahoochee FL


Date: Sat, 05 May 2001 13:23:48 -0600
From: "Matthew Saunders" <>
Subject: Re: Selling on the Internet

Matt asks about selling his homebrew and homemade wine on the internet. One
word DON'T. It not legal. You are allowed to brew a certain amount each
year for your own consumption. Unless you have the proper licenses as a
micro-brewer the ATF will eventually come knocking at your door and at best
fine you and at worst throw you in jail.

Matthew in CO


Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 08:59:18 +1200
From: "tomandwen" <>
Subject: Kostritzer Clone Recipe/hops/EBU?

Apologies if this has been addressed recently, but I need to know
urgently the hops and EBU (IBU the same?)for Kostrizer. I have a
recipe that asks for 'Perle' Off the Weyerman site, but I cannot
get them here in NZ (I plan to use Pacific Hallertauer, AA 6.5%)

Cheers, Tom.


Date: Sun, 06 May 2001 18:58:46 +1000
From: Alan & Jeanette Davies <>
Subject: Bottle Filling

Could The people out there with prior experience in bottle filling with
gas, advise me
on the best way to do this.I have just made a bottle filling machine and
am about to use it .Do I put the gas in first or after the beer?. What
pressure? What type of gas is best.? Currently I am using Draught gas
which is CO2 in Nitrogen.
Thanks in anticipation.
Alan Davies


Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 06:17:03 -0400
From: "Stephen Alexander" <>
Subject: re: question re: Mash Temps

Darrell.reiterates ...

My question is this: What would be the difference, in terms of the final
product if one were to:

1) proceed directly to mash out temps (170F) after the rest at 148F or so..
<do not pass go, not collect 200 dollars>


2) take a short rest at 154F before proceeding to mashout?

Normally little difference, with 2) being a tiny bit more fermentable.

The total beta-amylase(BA) activity in the mash is the primary determinant
of the differential fermentability of the wort. You need to understand that
malt has many times (20X-ish) the alpha-amylase(AA) activity as BA activity
and that BA is much more rapidly denatured at a given temperature. There is
always enough alpha-amylase to remove starch, [and not a huge difference,
some though, between the point of starch removal and the alpha-limit dextrin

BA isn't very stable even at 148F, having a half-life around 20 minutes at
this temp, and so higher temps will limit the total BA activity of the mash
by heat denaturation. After a rest at 148F the BA complement is
substantially decreased so resting at 154F isn't buying so much additional
BA activity over a straight boost to mashout. There are significant
differences in fermentability between single infusion mashes at 152F, 156F
and 160F, but these become much smaller if you first rest at 148F.



Date: Sun, 06 May 2001 08:07:42 -0400
From: "Fred L. Johnson" <>
Subject: Lactose

Darrell asks about how much lactose to use to sweeten his stout.

I have used lactose in several attempts to sweeten ciders (in which
sweetness is notoriously very difficult to maintain). Lactose is effective
at providing some mouth feel or body, and it has a small effect on
sweetness. You can convince yourself of the limited ability of lactose to
sweeten compared to dextrose or table sugar by simply tasting equivalent
weight/volume water solutions of these. You will quickly notice how much
sweeter dextrose and table sugar are compared to lactose.

I add lactose to ciders (60 g/gallon, a lot!) at the time of bottling (along
with dextrose for carbonation), but I don't think it will really matter when
you add it. The effect should be similar regardless of when it is added.
- --
Fred L. Johnson
Apex, North Carolina


Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 20:04:23 EDT
Subject: A great MCAB

The Third Annual Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing was held last
weekend in Berkley, CA. It was a great success. Thanks go to Mike Riddle,
Dave Sapsis, Russ Wigglesworth, and David Brattstrom for a great coordinated
effort between Northern California homebrewing clubs.

Bob Boland
St. Louis

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3626, 05/07/01

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