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HOMEBREW Digest #3483

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HOMEBREW Digest #3483		             Mon 20 November 2000 

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re: secondary in corny keg (John Bowerman)
Re: SWMBO ("Joanna Osterman")
some logic ("Dr. Pivo")
SWMBO and a National Apology (John Adsit)

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Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 21:36:45 -0800
From: John Bowerman <>
Subject: re: secondary in corny keg

> I was thinking of using one of my corny kegs as a secondary.
Does anyone
>know of any reason not to do this? also any suggestions on
attaching an
>airlock to the keg. My idea was to take the poppet out of the gas
side and
>find a length of hose that will fit snugly over the fitting (ball
lock) and
>putting the other end in a jar blowoff style. Any better ideas?

I've been using a corny as a secondary for about two years now. I
haven't bothered with an airlock as yet. Just vent by pressing
the poppet every day or two. I usually secondary and lager in a
chest freezer (external thermostat) and it's a lot easier on my
back and nerves than juggling a glass carboy full of


Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 00:26:58 -0700
From: "Joanna Osterman" <>
Subject: Re: SWMBO

The origin of "She-who-must-be-obeyed" is a book by H. Rider Haggard
written in 1887
called "She". The following is from

Ayesha is She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, a 2,000-year-old queen who rules a fabled
lost city deep in
a maze of African caverns. She has the occult wisdom of Isis, the eternal
youth and beauty of
Aphrodite, and the violent appetite of a lamia. Like A. Conan Doyle's Lost
World, She is one of
those magnificent Victorian yarns about an expedition to a far-off locale
shadowed by magic,
mystery, and death.
Book Description
Drawing on his knowledge of Africa and of ancient legends, Haggard weaves
this disturbing tale of Ayesha, the mysterious white queen of a Central
African tribe. She, or "She-who-must-be-obeyed," is the embodiment of the
mythological female figure who is both monstrous and desirable, and deadlier
than the male.

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 23:14:53 -0700 (MST)
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Subject: SWMBO

One is certainly free to invent various possible meanings for the acronym,
but I believe the origin
of "swmbo" dates back to Queen Victoria. As the monarch of the empire, it
was she who must be
obeyed. These days, though, the popular use of the term refers to one's
spouse or partner.

Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:26:48 -0500
From: "Stephen Alexander" <>
Subject: Logical decisions/SWMBO?

"She who must be obeyed", orig 'Rumpole of the Bailey', BBC TV series circa


Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:05:33 +0100
From: "Dr. Pivo" <>
Subject: some logic

Admirable thoughts by John Adsit, which I may only think because they
parallel mine.

Roger Ayotte adds:

> For those who would like to experiment, I would only
> caution, brew the same beer over and over until you know what the
> results are, and can achieve a consistent beer, then change one
> thing at a time.

This approach is what I call "serial brewing" and is quite a
painstaking, and uncertain process.... I have a certain familiarity with
this method since I once spent 8 years doing it with one single recipe.
This may seem weirder than it actually was, because it was before the
days of "homebrew shops" and the materials I was limited to was what the
local brewery used which wasn't too varied.

The more fascinated I became with the complexity of the process, and the
more inconsistancies with accepted theories I seem to notice, have long
since prodded me to go over to a scienteriffically more traditional
method which I call "parallel brewing", that is, try and make that
single variation within the same batch.

This way you can truly approach analysing a single variable, and can
even evaluate it side by side at the same stage of maturity.

I will warn you in advance if you take this approach.... it just may
turn you into a sceptic.

PS. Did I forget to mention that I don't trust ANYONE (including
myself) to do sensory analysis of things where they may have a
predisposed idea about the results..... but blind tasting is nice.

Dr. Pivo (more long winded thoughts on this
where Alan Mckay allows me to babble on at length)


Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 11:21:27 -0700
From: John Adsit <>
Subject: SWMBO and a National Apology

Since the SWMBO question arises every few months, I am surprised that
when it does, we end up going through every step of the thread over

The origin of the phrase "She Who Must Be Obeyed is a novel by H. Rider
Haggard. _She_ was an enormously popular novel that drew upon the
public's interest in the exploration of Africa. The novel was serialized
in a magazine in 1886 and appeared in book form in 1887.

I remember being fascinated with the book as a child, and my youthful
passions were further driven by the movie version starring Ursula

Go here for an interesting essay on the novel:

Graham's description, though entirely accurate, is a more modern use of
the term.
- -----


The rest of us saw the humor in your posting, and we don't mind. I
apologize for the fact that we have a section of our country that is so
sensitive to issues like that.

- --
John Adsit
Boulder, Colorado

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3483, 11/20/00

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