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HOMEBREW Digest #3356

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HOMEBREW Digest #3356		             Tue 20 June 2000 

Digest Janitor:
Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of
Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.

bt back issues and kissie poo's (Scott Morgan - Sun On-Line Telesales Representative)
re: cider pointers ("Thomas D. Hamann")
When pull-tabs were introduced (John Roe)
Oh No - not HSA ! ("Stephen Alexander")
Beer, Footy And Eradication Of Cane Toads ("Phil & Jill Yates")
Brew Pot advice (question) ("Darrell G. Leavitt")
Mauri Dry Ale Yeast ("A.Carminati")
Old timey ( not that old) beers, Hudepohl and JD, church keys (Dave Burley)
Fermenting in cornies and HSA ("Pannicke, Glen A.")
6 row malt, clip art (Bill.X.Wible)
RE: Polyclar / cornies / HSA (LaBorde, Ronald)
Brewing Techniques Back Issues (Jim Bentson)
Re: Graham's deliberate mistake; HSA ("Bret Morrow")
RE: Strange beer (Chris Cooper)
Re: rubbery stuff in wort (Jeff Renner)
RIMS valve location ("Raymond Lowe")
Al K.'s Alt ("G. M. Remec")
dry vs liquid yeast (Paul Edwards)

* Don't miss the 2000 AHA NHC in Livonia, MI
* 6/22 through 6/24

* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!

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JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 15:17:36 +1000 (EST)
From: Scott Morgan - Sun On-Line Telesales Representative <Scott.Morgan@Aus.Sun.COM>
Subject: bt back issues and kissie poo's


no antagonism to yourself dave lamotte, but after seeing BT fall almost 12
months ago, or how ever long it is, I am still amazed at the folks who are
still waiting with baited breath for their copies that to come thru and
posting on the HBD.

The company has gone belly up, kaputz, gone to bankruptcy heaven. So too your
monies are lost, wether you paid 5 minutes before the bell tolled, your money
is lost. Give up, deal with it move on, else join those others in line and go
thru the standard channels with the creditors.

Even though those behind BT promise to one day get those issues out, they are
not obliged too. However moral they feel, its a failed business, and I bet
that BT meant no personal insult to any of those that they have left short.

I must say that its all a bit gushy at the moment with the recent spate of
apologies from the Aussies. Personally I was enjoying the antagonism. This
kiss and make-up stuff is all a bit much (I know I am weak in many ways
sensei, esp with those lingering memories of french school girls!) I like
my Phil fired up, wearing a slighty tight rugby jersey and rice larger in



Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 15:35:57 +0900
From: "Thomas D. Hamann" <>
Subject: re: cider pointers

Many thanks to the prompt replies on my cider query, greatly appreciated.
On Saturday Brad and I purchased ~ 60 litres of freshly pressed juice
(including a scrummy apple/strawberry blend) for 50 cents a litre. What a
OG = 1.058
Did a variety of recipes -
Batch #1. pitched dry ale yeast and nothing else
#2. boosted gravity to 1.110 with mallee honey and pitched white
wine yeast
#3. white wine yeast plus cinnamon stick and a clove
#4. same yeast in the apple/strawb. blend
As you can see, I have kept everything very simple (Mr. Dunn's influence!).
No campden tabs, no pasteurising and no sugar. Will keep you posted, thanks
again, Thomas.

wadde hadde dudde da?

..............................................Stefan Raab, Koelner! wadden


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 02:31:45 -0400
From: John Roe <>
Subject: When pull-tabs were introduced

Jeff Renner writes:

>I'd guess that pull tabs are something like 30 years old, but beer can
>collectors would know for sure.

Pull-top cans were first sold by the Pittsburgh Brewing Co.
in 1962. Schlitz sold "Pop-Top" cans nation-wide,
starting in March 1963.

John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca

"Moderation is the last refuge
of the unimaginative."

John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca

"Moderation is the last refuge
of the unimaginative."


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 03:15:44 -0400
From: "Stephen Alexander" <>
Subject: Oh No - not HSA !

Apologies to Phil Yates.
When I said we needed an unbiased brewer and that
disqualified you - you took it all wrong. I would disqualify
myself and good guys like Rob Moline who have come
down one way or another. Obviously after the fuss Jill
made about the smashed lamp shade and being relegated
to Buradoo extract beers you can't expect me to feel
very comfortable about your leanings.

- --
I'm just thinking out loud here, but does anyone know
if the darker beers by A-B also pass thru the air
column ? There used to be a Mich Dark and I think a
newer dark beer. If so it might make a very interesting
example for HSA testing. It would be aerated after
the boil while hot (tho some claim mash enzymes are
involved) and it's about as consistent as is possible.
and obviously post fermentation O2 is about as low as
is practical as well. It wouldn't allow for a control but
might say something about times, temps and
development of wet cardboard aromas.

As for the times involved in flavor impact. I have tasted
some sort of fairly sudden negative change in kegged
beers at around 15 to 20 weeks of age. I've associated
this with HSA, tho' the only strong association is that I have
never experienced this again after taking better care re HSA.



Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:36:58 +1000
From: "Phil & Jill Yates" <>
Subject: Beer, Footy And Eradication Of Cane Toads

Dave Edwards tidies up our little scrap and suggests that Southwark White
(certainly I have not heard of it) is worth a try. As of about a month or
two ago it was not available at the Adelaide casino but I shall keep an eye
out for it. Must admit, I don't mind the Southwark stout at all.

But then Dave dirties the waters with this wild statement : >So I suppose
it's cheers to football of any
>code, as long as it's played by an Aussie.

Shame on you Dave!!
Surely you are not suggesting that Queensland be included in this?

Graham Sanders was recently taken aside by Pat Babcock (as he keeps hinting)
and spoken to about mentioning footy on the HBD. And for damn good reason!!

Pat may at the moment be obsessed with his reincarnation as a brewer but he
is not so silly as to let Queenslanders go public on footy. Certainly not in
the HBD.
Pat would have said :
"Graham, you are a Queenslander, we can forgive you for that dreadful XXXX
beer, it's not your fault.
But your team has just been disgraced in front of thousands three times in a
row by the awesome Cockroaches, the team sponsored by Burradoo Breweries!
Don't ever ever mention footy in here again!!!"

Thank you Pat. I couldn't put it better myself.

But of more concern to me is the harsh treatment I have dealt out to Doc
Pivo. No wonder Steve Alexander is fearful of my bias, and cruelty too, no
doubt. The Doc, in a language not of his native tongue put together most
splendid verbosity in describing his favourite beer. What was it? Something
about raspberries rolling off the edge of his tongue and dissolving
exquisitely in a vat of fragrant Saaz saliva.

Visions of Barry Humphries portraying Sir Les Paterson spring to mind.
Anyway Doc, I was rude. It was a very good description and one that I would
now like to apply, with your permission of course, to the latest lager just
now rolling off the production line here at Burradoo Breweries.
This is an all malt number (we've run out of rice for the time being) and
entwined through the explosive flavours of a floor malted barley come the
spicy enticements of Hallertau and Saaz. This one I am sure would knock the
Doc flat on his back.
And oh so cleanly fermented with this precious Ayinger yeast.

Burradoo Breweries, you've done it again!!

Too bad those shamed Cane Toads will never get to try any of it.

Phil Yates
Chief In Charge
Propaganda Promotion
Burradoo Breweries


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 07:11:21 -0400
From: "Darrell G. Leavitt" <>
Subject: Brew Pot advice (question)

Fathers Day brought me a 40 quart "Brew Pot"! While it has not
arrived yet, it is apparently made by Polar Ware, from
Williams Brew Supply. If anyone has experience with this as a
mash-lauter tun, or if you know of a site that describes its
use, I'd really appreciate it.

Up to the present I have used a zapapp sort of setup...and
have been limited with my 20 quart kettle.

I have not received the pot yet...but any advice would be very
welcome. I am familiar with mash temperatures and such, but
just need to know any peculiarities of this particular model.
I am inclined to do 2 stage infusions usually...~148, then
~158 F.....

- --------------------------
Darrell G. Leavitt, PhD
SUNY/ Empire State College
- --------------------------


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:20:08 -0300
From: "A.Carminati" <>
Subject: Mauri Dry Ale Yeast

Hi folks

Does anybody has proven Mauri Dry Ale Yeast (imported from Australia) ? I'd
like to hear some experiences prior to my one !

Thanks in advance (private emails are fine !)

Alexandre Carminati


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:34:04 -0400
From: Dave Burley <>
Subject: Old timey ( not that old) beers, Hudepohl and JD, church keys


Discussion of Schlitz, Stroh's and other beers of the 50s and 60s,
especially in Ohio ( I'm a born and raised SE Buckeye, also) brings to mind
the subject of alcohol content. Ohio had low and high beers available, with
a restriction to low beers for 18 - 21 year olds.

Jeff speculates that the "high" beers available to 21 year olds were not
the 6% as they were called. I think I remember on the labels it said "6%
but not more than 7.2%", didn't it? I believe the "low" beers are nearly
what we what we buy now as "regular" beers thanks to the Big Boys' cost
cutting and insurance companies.

I worked in WVa on the Ohio River one summer for DuPont, but made beer runs
across the river to get "high" beer in Ohio. IDs were not really required.
While a student at OSU, I used to show off in front of the girls by
drinking my favorite Stroh's by the pitcherful - literally - standing on a
table in the bar or in chugging contests ...errr..uhh.. Boggles the mind
even now. But I walked home.

I seem to recall that my father once told me he could buy "near beer" in
soda shops and ice cream parlors in the 1920s to 1930s, just like Coca-Cola
with no age restriction. I have the impression that these were not LA beers
but beer with about 2-3% alcohol. Any more reliable info on this?
- --------------------------
Jack Daniels ventured into the Specialty Beer market some years ago and
even had a pilot plant at their distillery in Tennessee, but their beer was
made commercially by Hudepohl ( I say "Hugh Duh Pole") and may explain the
failed venture as each variety tasted pretty crappy, IMHO.
- --------------------------
Like Jeff, I got a chuckle out of Nina's lack of knowledge of what a
"church key" was. And how it was used to open tabless cans. The
disadvantage was that you had to have one of these ( with a bottle opener
on the other end) before you could drink, as the beers were in tinned steel
cans and not aluminum. Every glone compartment and kitchen drawer had one
of these. These church keys were usually chromed steel, often free at the
beer store and had advertisements on them. I suppose there is a huge
collector trade in these nowadays.

It also reminded me of the first church keyless days when the beer and soda
pop cans had pull tabs which came completely off ( 1960s) and we made hat
decorations, necklaces and wrist bands from them by daisy chaining them.
Then there were those souls who, wishing to be neat or macho, dropped the
pull tabs in their cans of newly opened beer can and proceeded to drink
from them. A few choking deaths from beer tabs in the epiglottis prompted
the development of the non-removable tab. A boon to the environment also.

Keep on Brewin'

Dave Burley


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:26:09 -0400
From: "Pannicke, Glen A." <>
Subject: Fermenting in cornies and HSA

In HBD #3354 Dave B. was puzzled why one would ferment in a corny:

>I can think that perhaps it is possible to get several cornies into a
>fridge for temperature controlled fermenting, versus perhaps only one
>carboy because of the shape of the respective vessels, but are there other

For me there are a number of reasons and some weren't apparent until after I
started using them. I still use my glass, but I have it reserved for
special fermentations like lambics, barley wines, etc.

1. Space, sure. Slightly taller & thinner than glass carboys
2. Versatility - You can ferment, lager, cask condition, serve with 'em
3. Ease of use - Sanitize one vessel with all racking equipment BEFORE you
4. Closed system transfers from primary to secondary
5. Safety - No glass to break and they come with handles to make lifting
6. Convenience - Depending on your setup, once you fill up the fermenter,
closed system transfers will allow you to move your brew through the process
without lifting those heavy tanks all the way to the dispense step. I only
lift empties now.
7. Cleaning - Cleaning is as easy as a glass fermenter if you add 20%
headspace in primaries. Then the few extra nooks & crannies of the posts
are not a problem. The "bathtub ring" is not a problem with a proper
cleaning regimen (applicable to glass too).
8. Easier Access - The larger opening helps with cleaning as well as making
dry hopping easier. Try taking a bloated hop bag with 1 oz of hops out
through the neck of a carboy. Lot's of twisting, squeezing, pulling and

1. Cost - 2X - 3X more expensive than glass.
2. Monitoring - You can't see through stainless
3. Better blow-off capabilities - wider mouth vs. post - less prone to clog.

When I first started thinking about these, I let Con #1 hold me back for
quite some time. But after a while my list of pros started to outweigh my
list of cons. Con #2 still bothers me, but now I worry less and relax more.
As for Con #3, big gravity brews with the increased possibility of feusel
production (such as Barley wines) will still be brewed in glass in order to
take advantage of the blowoff.


As for HSA... Rob Moline doesn't think it's fakakta:

>>This is the only sensible comment I've heard on HSA so far! All this
>>postulating, formulating and experimenting... it's fakakta!

> Avoid the question if you wish...I will avoid HSA!

Rob, don't get me wrong. I'm with you on HSA. I just think debating an
issue based on very little information is what's fakakta. We could
postulate, theorize, research, argue and debate all we like, but we still
probably wouldn't come up with the truth because we're not properly
educated, equipped or funded to take on something like this. We might as
well be discussing the existence of aliens here. I'm sure that the mega
breweries have poured millions into researching this and have some answers
to our questions. Chemistry is a wide field AND we have many chemists in
the forum. But how many are BREWING chemists? These are the people who I
want to hear definative statements from.

I have no problem with discussing the subject. That's what the forum is
about. In fact a lot of good discussion has come about in trying to help us
understand the possible mechanisms in place. But some make definitive
arguements based solely on conjecture and scant information. I would like
someone with the proper education and experience IN THE FIELD OF BREWING
SCIENCE to explain or disprove HSA.

I probably haven't gotten a good taste of an HSA'd brew because I've been
taught from the beginning to avoid it. I could probably do a test batch to
see if it exists and if I can taste it. But what if it does exist? Why
would I want to ruin good beer? Waste that money? I want answers and I'm
sure someone already has them - or at least a good lead.


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:13:04 -0400
Subject: 6 row malt, clip art

First, let me appologize for the tone of my message regarding clip art.
Jim and I communicated privately through email, and we're OK. No hard
feelings on my end, I hope Jim isn't holding any.

Jeff, the numbers I cited - 140 for 2 row and 150 for 6 row - are from Charlie
Papazian's New Complete Joy of Homebrewing. I guess the book is old
enough now that the numbers have changed since it was published. If you
got those numbers from the maltster, then I have to assume they are correct.
Thanks for bringing me up to date!



Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:23:18 -0500
From: (LaBorde, Ronald)
Subject: RE: Polyclar / cornies / HSA

From: "Pannicke, Glen A." <>

>Ronald La Borde doesn't trust CO2 flushing:

>>When I get around to it I would like to try pulling with a vacuum into the
>>next keg, but I still would use the racking out of the fermenter. I like
>>vacuum idea because it would help remove the oxygen out of the receiving
>>keg. I just don't trust CO2 flushing.

>I used to pull a light vacuum (maybe 15 - 20 psi) with a faucet aspirator
>the lab. I don't know where to find one, but would like to for various
>reasons. I don't believe that they're very expensive. The aspirator
>attaches to the faucet and you run water through it into the sink. The
>running water causes a vacuum to be built up in a port on the side of the
>contraption (Bernoulli principle). The port will accept a hose which you
>can attach to whatever vessel you want to create the vacuum in. You can
>the aspirator to vacuum out a container or pull a liquid (such as
>through it.

I already found one at my medical school supply lab, costs around $7.00 made
by Nalgene.
Some time ago I read on the HBD about a suggestion to use a pump to
recirculate water in a bucket and feed the aspirator. I tried it and it
works great! Thanks whoever, and thanks HBD.

Connecting to the water faucet was just too awkward and wasteful, but with
the pump in a bucket with water recirculating, I can place it right at the
beer and keg setup and aspirate all day and only use a gallon of water.

About the boiling water in the cornys, once I put some boiling water in and
pushed it out the out port through the hose and faucet. Hmm, the yellow
plastic or rubber seal on the out poppet partially melted. Since then I
have quit with the boiling water!

So, question:

Anybody know how Coke and Pepsi clean the kegs????


Ronald La Borde - Metairie, Louisiana -


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:55:59 -0400
From: Jim Bentson <>
Subject: Brewing Techniques Back Issues

Recently Don Lake wrote :>
>I just love pulling out old issues of Brewing Techniques to read. Boy,
>I sure miss that overly-technical, narrowly-niched magazine.
>What's the status of all you folks who ordered back issues after BT went
>"kaputt"? Did you receive them or are you still waiting? Are they
>still offering the back issues? I was about to order online sometime
>ago and held off because of many posts complaining that the orders were
>not being filled.

Don: I was one of the unfortunates how had just renewed prior to BT
folding. After they folded I opted to take back issues to fulfill the
subscription. I never received anything. I sent an e-mail to Steve Mallery
in Jan of this year asking what had happened and got a return e-mail that
said :
"Thanks for your query. I am unable to respond in detail at this time but
will follow up shortly. Stay tuned.

Thanks again,

-stephen mallery"
I am still tuned and have not gotten a thing. Based on my experience I can
not recommend ordering back issues from them. In fact it would be very
unethical for them to be ignoring their subscription obligations to those
subscribers who requested back issues, while at the same time selling back

Jim Bentson
Centerport NY


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:22:54 PDT
From: "Bret Morrow" <>
Subject: Re: Graham's deliberate mistake; HSA


Graham wrote:
I brew 38 litre (10 gallon to the heathens). I
use two 22 litre soda kegs (if your maths are up to date thats 18 litres per
keg) as my fermenters.

Then he wrote:
Now, did anyone pick up the deliberate mistake....Buts thats the point
heathens, metric is soooo easy.

Graham, sorry, I thought you were just, well, "challenged." The tip off for
me is that you use the metric system ;-)

On a more serious note, HSA has not appeared here in Connecticut. I don't
fling the hot wort or mash into the air, but I do boil outside in the
breeze. This whole subject seems to be a "snipe hunt" (for those in .AU --
a "3 legged, purple kangaroo hunt.") I have transferred hot mash from one
container to another (due to equipment failure) with no noticeable effect on
the finished beer (a regular ole bitter). One caveate is that I generally
store my beer (kegged) cool or cold and drink it within 6 months. Perhaps
everyone should try some type of experiment themselves and we could do a
meta-study (a type of analysis of analysis)!

My $0.02,

Bret Morrow
Hamden, CT

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:28:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: Chris Cooper <>
Subject: RE: Strange beer

Greetings all! Nina Cohen's recent post about finding two beer cans
in an old barn started me thinking (an unpredictable and sometime
curious endeavor).

First a quick partial answer to your question, "Hudepohl" was a classic
Cincinatti local brewery. I believe the label is still being produced and
sold in the Cincinatti area, I remember having one at a bar in their airport
a few years back.

Nina, a special thanks to you for your post and question, it took me on
a very nice mental escape. Back to a summer afternoon, and a family
picinic with my parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Collecting fire-flys in a jar and sneaking up behind the adults to take
a sniff of the mysterious forbidden beverage in the cans that had to be
opened with a special tool that of and by itself appeared to belong to
the yet to be experienced club called "adulthood". Perhaps it was those
early sniffs and occasional tastes (there was always one uncle who would
conveniently leave a not quite empty can near where the "boys" were
playing) and the remnants of youthful curiosity that sparks my
appreciation of home brewing today.

As to the age of the cans you found, I am fairly sure they date back at
least to the 1950's (as that is the time frame of the above memory).

Before the advent of the "pop-top" can early beer cans were made
from three pieces of metal, a top, a bottom and a side. These early cans
had no built in opener, to get access to the beer you had use a beer can
opener (not a simple bottle opener) which left a triangular shaped hole in
the top of the can, most people would poke two holes in the can, one on
each side, to allow air into one side as you drank from the other (to would
reduce the foaming).

The "Pop Top" came next, allowing the users to access the product even
if they didn't have a proper operner. The only flaw in this design
was that it was too well recieved. I often go cannoeing in the summer
months and still see millions of these things shimmering in the sunlight
from the bottom of the river bed. Environmentally they were a disaster!

The next major inovation was the invention of the two piece can, this was
accomplished with a machine called the "hydra-cupper" which extrudes at
very high speed a one piece metal "cup" A top is then crimped and rolled
in place forming the can. Tops were created with two circles which could
be pushed in by finger pressure, a larger one for drinking and a smaller
one to allow air in. These circles remainded attached and did not of and
by themselves produce a liter problem, there was some public concern as to
the possiblity of cutting your finger on the hole.

********* Mount Soap Box **********
Until bottle and can return policies were legislated the beer can itself
was one of the major polution artifacts in most public places. I don't
applaud most things in which the government sticks it's nose but this is
one place that I feel they really performed a public service!
******* Dismount Soap Box *********

The final step to the beer can as we know it today. A "pop-top" that
remains attached after useage, the key-hole shape and the bland product that
most contain!

There is an old saying: "better than slice bread and canned beer" that
comes to mind. I guess that the beer can did for beer what red, yellow
and blue balloons on the wrapper did for bread! Convenience over taste
has unfortunately taken it's toll. It is a contradiction that in today's
up-scaled neighbor hoods we find local brew-pubs and bakeries poping up
with yuppies standing in line to get what was once the standard fare for
all. Go figure!

Chris Cooper, Pine Haven Brewing (aka. Debbi's Kitchen)
Commerce, Michigan Member, Ann Arbor Brewer's Guild
(Approximately 25 miles from 0.0 Renerian)


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 15:58:32 -0400
From: Jeff Renner <>
Subject: Re: rubbery stuff in wort

Rick Dial, AA8JZ of North Muskegon, writes:
>Rather then add gypsum to the hot liquor tank or the mash water I decided to
>just toss it in the grist.
>While the wort was rolling around I noticed this funky stuff sticking to the
>big spoon.
>Tannish brown color and had the consistancy of something between compacted
>rubber bands and cheap gum. So far no flavor consequences to my uneducated

My guess is that the rubbery stuff is hot break - coagulated insoluble malt
protein. This is a good thing (tm) to have as it should make for clearer
beer. However, hot break isn't really that substantial in consistency, so
I'm not sure. On occasion I've had it look like egg drop soup, and once,
when I overdid a protein rest in a weizenbeer, it looked like dumplings.
The resulting beer had a thin body and was headless, so I called it "John
the Baptist Weizen." If you paid attention in Sunday school, you might get

Good hot break is one of the results of good Ca++ levels, so since you had
higher levels than usual in the mash (since that's where you added it all),
maybe it coagulated in the mash. Only thing is, I'd expect it to have
stayed there, not get into the kettle.


Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, c/o
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943.


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 16:27:32 -0400
From: "Raymond Lowe" <>
Subject: RIMS valve location

Thanks to all who replied to my question on the valve location of my
RIMS system! Just to summarize, it seems that the best location for the wort
flow control valve would be somewhere before the inlet of the heater
chamber. If the valve is positioned on the outflow side of the heater
chamber, it seems that pressure of the wort in the heater might be a
problem. This is caused by the restriction from the valve and the pump still
pumping full bore. Also the closer to the pump the valve is located, will
help to keep an adequate prime on the pump. Thanks again to all who
As of now I am going to watch a thermometer and flip a switch to the
heater on and off to maintain my temps. My heater chamber is designed so I
can add a controller to it in the future (ie: a place for a temp probe)
Any ideas on the best temperature controller? and where to purchase?

Raymond Lowe
Catawba VA
Star City Brewers Guild


Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 15:59:25 -0600
From: "G. M. Remec" <>
Subject: Al K.'s Alt

Hello all,

I'd like to brew Al K.'s alt recipe, which calls for 5%-12% Aromatic malt,
and the remainder Munich malt. For me, that works out to about a
half-pound to a full pound of Aromatic. I've heard that Aromatic is pretty
strong, and I don't know which end of the range I should use. Has anyone
else tried this recipe? How prominent is the Aromatic, and how much should
be used? What was your mash schedule? Also, what other styles use
Aromatic malt? I'm thinking of using a Steam yeast; any thoughts?




Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 19:10:25 -0500
From: Paul Edwards <>
Subject: dry vs liquid yeast

Ted, Ted, Ted, Ted, Ted...

Jethro Gump is quite correct.

Dry brewing yeasts of many moons ago doesn't even begin to compare to
the quality stuff Lallemand is putting out under the Danstar banner
today. True, there's not a ton of strain choices (yet), but what they
have works great. I like Danstar especially for those days when I get
the itch to brew but haven't had time to grow up a starter from a smack
pack or a tube. I'm a stickler for pitching plenty of yeast, and
Danstar makes that fast, easy, clean and relatively inexpensive.

No Connection with Lallaemand, just a happy customer.

- --Paul Edwards (
Foam Blowers of Indiana (FBI)
"We tap Kegs, not Phones"

ps - Ted, where's my CF bottle filler you borrowed and were gonna
return? If you want to keep it, send cash...

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3356, 06/20/00

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