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HOMEBREW Digest #3323

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 · 8 months ago

HOMEBREW Digest #3323		             Fri 12 May 2000 

Digest Janitor:
Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of
Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.

BJCP (Aaron Robert Lyon)
Re: AHA Vote ("Paul Smith")
Pigs Love Their Trough ("Phil & Jill Yates")
GCHC and MCAB ("John or Barb Sullivan")
AHA Nationals First Round results? (Rob Hanson and Kate Keplinger)
AHA BoA Election - I ("Louis K. Bonham")
AHA BoA Election -- II ("Louis K. Bonham")
Re: keg cleaning (Susan/Bill Freeman)
beer toxicity (Demonick)
re Brewing Techniques (Robin Griller)
re: beer toxicity (John_E_Schnupp)
travels afar (Marc Sedam)
Home malting (Michael Doehnel)
Yeast Culturing ("Frank J. Russo")
Recipe formulator ("Jonathan Raybould")
re: Hop'n Gator recipe... (Lou.Heavner)
Effect of food tannins on beer palate ("Richard Pass")
Toronto Suggestions ("Vaughn, John Ext.5091")
The Quest For Beer Engine Parts: Praises to be sung... ("Pat Babcock")
SoFB 2000 - Call for judges (John Dittmann)
>How about one with Charlie Papazian's head on it? (Bob Sheck)
AHA Board Election (DS2 FEATHERS)
6th Annual CT & New England Craft Brewers' Festival ("S. SNYDER")
MiY2K: The 2000 Conference ("Ken Schramm")
RE: Misplaced Hefeweisen (Beth Fuchs)
Kiltlifter Ale (AKGOURMET)
bottle labels ("Spinelli, Mike")

* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!

* 18th Annual Oregon Homebrew Festival - entry deadline May 15th
* More info at:

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JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 01:32:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Aaron Robert Lyon <>
Subject: BJCP

I was wondering if some of you could post what you believe to be
recommended reading for the BJCP exam. If possible, could you list them
in the order of relevance? I'm hoping to take it right before the
conference for the first time. Thanks.



Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 04:22:01 -0500
From: "Paul Smith" <>
Subject: Re: AHA Vote

Although I am no longer an AHA member, I felt I needed to chime in re:
Stephen Mallery.

He ran a great magazine in BT, but despite the many calls from members to
simply "give him the refund money" on BT's demise, I was, and continue to be,
dumbfounded at the shoddy manner in which the company was handled, shortly
before the demise and thereafter.

ONE WEEK before the company folded I called the mag, and a cheerful rep
cheerfully took my money. We all know the story since then. I do not feel it
is my (or anyone's) job, to bail out Stephen Mallery from a failing business .
It is up to him to honor his company's commitments, which he clearly has not.

I would not vote for him, although I have to admit he's got some major cajones
claiming to represent the interests of America's homebrewers.



Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 20:01:19 +1000
From: "Phil & Jill Yates" <>
Subject: Pigs Love Their Trough

I was hoping to pass the matter over and move on to other things, but I feel
Jeff Renner's "below the belt" aspersion directed at us anachronistic
Aussies must be taken to task.
Jeff comments :
>Elevated urinals are somewhat modern here in the states, >too. Post WWII I
>would guess.

The "trough" is an integral part of an Aussie bloke's night out at the pub.
Ever since they let women into the public bar, the fellas have found it
increasingly difficult to have a "blokes" conversation in peace. Standing at
the trough allows such a rare moment. At the Burradoo Hilton there are
shelves strategically placed where one can rest his beer and have a fag
whilst chatting at the trough.

Why last week even there was great discussion amongst the patrons over the
question of moving the dart board into the Men's toilet. The move was
narrowly defeated, by a majority of bloody women!!

It just wouldn't do to see us all standing over individual basins having a
beer and a chat. Besides, sword fighting and max distance peeing
competitions could prove very messy.

I do have some concerns. A plumber mate of mine has done quite a bit of work
at the Burradoo Hilton, mainly to do with the guest rooms and the nasty
habit of the hot water system running to full cold without warning whilst
patrons are showering on a minus 4C morning. The screams are shocking and
can be heard all over Burradoo! But he tells me, cause he's seen the
schematics, that the plumbing below the men's toilet all heads mysteriously
towards the cellar room. This is a worry, and the beer on tap would cause
further contemplation that something odd is going on.

Not to worry, despite the very ordinary beer, usually a great night is had
at the Burradoo Hilton, but please, don't ask us to give up our trough.



Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 06:35:01 -0500
From: "John or Barb Sullivan" <>
Subject: GCHC and MCAB

Darryl Newbury takes me to task for throwing down the gauntlet in the
MCAB/GCHC debate. OK, I fell for the lure. The previous posts just
suckered me in and now all anyone has to do is set the hook and I'm toast.
Darryl also invited me to his event.

Would love to come but alas I am married with children. Sound like Al
Bundy to you? Also I used up all my spousal capital (beer bullets) for
2000 organizing MCAB. No offense meant to your event (I should have put
the required smiley faces in it). Hope yours is as successful as ours was.
I wonder however, how many of the registrants at MCAB really wanted
engaging speakers as opposed to those who could provide information to
them? As you are aware, there were structured segments and unstructured
segments designed to allow interaction between the speakers / panelists and
the crowd. The MCAB registrants were particularly interested to the point
that few were lingering around in the hallways or back at the hotel bar.
One of our major concerns this year was to do such a bang up job not that
we would be a hard act to follow so much, but to set a standard for future
MCAB's and to ensure it's survival and hopefully growth into the future.
Hopefully that was done.

I probably shouldn't belabor this, but what the hell! As to Michael
Jackson being a prestigious featured speaker.....I don't know what he would
have been able to offer TECHNICALLY to our crowd. We tried to get him
there but it wouldn't work out without fees and expenses and his agent was
not that forthcoming in talking with us once he found out we were a
grassroots movement with no upfront bankroll. Everyone else was there
because they wanted to be there. Surely the MCAB crowd would have loved to
hear MJ, for his travels and tasting notes, but what does he know of
optimal pitching rates, high gravity brewing, pre-prohibition American
styles, and the history of homebrewing in America, etc.? In other words,
how can he help someone to brew a better beer. In speaking (and I could be
wrong), Michael would be entertaining I'm sure, but probably not
technically informing.

I need to know more about this cab driver as well. Let me know.

I wish the GCHC luck and success for your event.

John Sullivan
St. Louis, MO


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 08:11:29 -0400
From: Rob Hanson and Kate Keplinger <>
Subject: AHA Nationals First Round results?

Has anyone heard anything? Not that I expect any of the beers I
entered to go on to the next round-- it's just that those bottles I
reserved for the second round (you never know) are singing their siren
song everytime I open the refrigerator...

The judging for the east coast took place April 22 and 23, I think.
Either way I thought we all might see something on the HBD in the last
week or so.

- --Rob Hanson
The Closet Brewery, Washington, DC
'post tenebras lux'

- -----------------------
"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink
I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about
the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and
dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of
work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to
myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their
dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."
- --Unattributed


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 07:42:19 -0500
From: "Louis K. Bonham" <>
Subject: AHA BoA Election - I

Hi folks:

Regarding the upcoming AHA Board of Advisors election, there are additional
materials on the candidates at:

This is a different URL than was listed in Zymurgy, and was only activated
a couple of days ago. I concur with Spencer that another resource for the
inquiring voter is to search the HBD archives and rec.crafts.brewing
database for posts by the various candidates, as it'll give you a pretty
good flavor of who they are.

For those of you who don't know me, a quick introduction and manifesto:

I've been brewing for over ten years now. I wrote a column (The
Experimental Brewer) for the much-missed Brewing Techniques Magazine, and a
couple of years ago I started a little competition called the Masters
Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB). I've also been on the HBD Steering
Committee since its inception, and have spoken on technical brewing topics
at homebrew conferences, including the 1998 NHC.


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 07:42:35 -0500
From: "Louis K. Bonham" <>
Subject: AHA BoA Election -- II

My forays in to AHA stuff started a few years ago when the AHA attempted to
kill off the BJCP (which at that time was a joint venture of the AHA and the
homebrew trade association, the HWBTA) and replace it with an AHA-controlled
organization. At the behest of Scott Birdwell, who was at that time an AHA
Board of Advisors member and a former president of the HWBTA, I interceded
as pro bono counsel for the HWBTA (I'm an attorney by trade). Working with
Pat Baker and others, we were able to preserve the core of the BJCP
(including the name and cash assets) and get it set up as a stand-alone

In this process, I became aware of and concerned about what I perceived as
an incredibly arrogant attitude among the bureaucracy at the AHA, as well as
some extremely questionable business practices. This led me, along with Jim
Liddil, Pat Baker, and others, to ask some very hard questions about what
was really going on in Boulder, and how AHA money was being spent. And the
answers we got -- including many from people within the organization -- were
less than satisfactory. See the archives back in 1997-98 for some of the
message traffic about this.

Since then, I have continued to raise question about the AHA's operations,
but generally offline and in conjunction with folks like Rob Moline, Dave
Houseman, and former AHA director Jim Parker, who have made genuine efforts
to fix things. (IMHO, many of the problems stemmed from one person in
particular, who is no longer with the AHA/AOB.) And to its credit, things
have started to turn around at the AHA in the past two years, especially
with the hiring of Ray Daniels as editor of Zymurgy.

Much more remains to be done to recover the trust and support of the amateur
brewing community that has been lost, as well as continue the process of
reform. I believe that, along with peole like Scott Abene and Pat Babcock,
I can contribute to this effort.

All the best -- Louis K. Bonham


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 08:58:26 -0500
From: Susan/Bill Freeman <>
Subject: Re: keg cleaning

> In most kegs the dip tube or "out" tube will completely expell all the liquid
> in the keg. Far be it from Pepsi or Coke to lose even a tablespoon of
> syrup. Just make sure the tube points to the center of the bottom of the keg
> or in the middle of the little dimple they put down there. There is never
> more than 1/2 a teaspoon in the bottom of my kegs once I let the CO2 blow the
> liquid out. This is not enough to hurt you or cause an off flavor in your
> beer.
> TSP or trisodiumphosphate is a no no for me unless I am removing paint from
> something. I, like you, am very hesitant to use the stuff. Of course if you
> read the StarSan package you will see a lot of the same information, but I
> have been assured by my chemistry friends here in Birmingham at the University
> that it is really harmless in the amount we're talking about. If I wash out
> the few bottles I use as soon as they are empty, I can sterilize with StarSan
> and be on my way. I use high pressure water spray to clean out any crud I
> find in bottles if needed.
> Hope this helps. If I can help further, please let me know. Hey, I love my
> kegs and now have over 20.

> Bill Freeman aka Elder Rat

> KP Brewery home of "the perfesser'

Birmingham, AL


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 08:06:05 -0700
From: Demonick <>
Subject: beer toxicity

Jim Liddil <> Wed, 10 May 2000 22:18:22 -0400
>Does anyone know of a place that list the number of deaths attributed
>to beer each year and the actual amount of said fluid required to
>reach this state?

This will not answer your question. You might try checking the
Justice Department's statistics,
You might also try the ATF site,
You might also try the National Safety Council,

I'm not sure that you could kill yourself by drinking beer. People
die of alcohol poisoning by tanking a large quantity of hard liquor.
Alcohol begins to be absorbed from the gut and the blood alcohol level
starts to rise. At some point the blood alcohol content rises to a
level to cause unconsciousness. This is still well below lethal
levels. However, there is still a load of unabsorbed alcohol in the
gut, and as it is absorbed during unconsciousness the blood alcohol
content continues to rise. Eventually, the nervous system is
depressed enough to stop breathing and the idiot asphyxiates.

One can certainly drink one's self into unconsciousness with beer :-),
but even if at the time of unconsciousness your gut was totally full
of beer, I doubt there would be enough total alcohol in the beer to
raise your blood alcohol level to a lethal level.

On the other hand, I bet someone, somewhere, at one time or another,
has drowned in beer.


Domenick Venezia
Venezia & Company, LLC
Maker of PrimeTab
(206) 782-1152 phone
(206) 782-6766 fax orders
demonick at zgi dot com

FREE PrimeTab SAMPLES! Enough for three 5 gallon batches. Fax, phone, or
email: name, shipping address (no P.O.B.) and phone number. (I won't
call. It's for UPS in case of delivery problems). Sorry, lower 48 only.


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 10:48:31 -0400
From: Robin Griller <>
Subject: re Brewing Techniques

Hi all,

There's been some criticism of Stephen Mallery here and on the board
recently and I'd like to add some thoughts in defence of Mr. Mallery. This
post is very similar to one I sent to the brewery list.

As someone who experienced being in charge of a business that was bankrupt
and closed down (many years ago) I would like to say that I am largely in
sympathy with Mr. Mallery. It is a horrible, frightening, and emotionally
exhausting experience, in which everyone, from large companies to single
individuals, screams at you for their money, whether it is large amounts
or peanuts. If people are mad becaue they didn't get a few measly back
issues, imagine the abuse directed Mr. Mallery's way by various collection
agencies pursuing debts from larger creditors. In addition, people need to
remember that there are laws about dealing with creditors when a business
closes down: certain debts get priority over others and equally
prioritized debts have to be paid off in equal terms (i.e. if you pay me 6
cents on the dollar, you have to pay all equal creditors at 6 cents on the
dollar). It doesn't matter if you want to give priority to certain types
of creditors; the law prevents you from doing this, unless you want to
lose everything you personally have in the lawsuits that would follow from
shortchanged creditors.

Given the situation, my suspicion is that Mr. Mallery has done the best
he can; if he has been less than perfect in setting realistic goals for
reimbursing subscribers and in communicating, I think it is perfectly
understandable given the traumatic process he has recently gone through.
Given all of the above, and given the benefit to the homebrewing community
that his work on BT provided, I personally think that it is admirable that
Mr. Mallery is willing to volunteer his time to assist this community
further at the AHA. It is, perhaps, even astonishing that he is willing to
take the abuse that is undoubtedly going to be directed at him.

NOTE: I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the AHA. I was not
involved with BT in any way, even as a subscriber, though I did read it
on occasion. I am, however, on the board of the Canadian Amateur Brewers'
Association and am looking forward to the GCHC this weekend. One of those
too rare occassions when some homebrewers can get together, support/get to
know each other, learn a little, and have some fun. Oh yah, I'm also not
interested in getting into a macho pissing match about whose is bigger
with humourless people who would take a couple of silly posts (from people
who are not involved in organizing the GCHC no less. I guess we Canadians
all look the same.) seriously.



Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 09:11:09 -0700
Subject: re: beer toxicity

>Does anyone know of a place that list the number of deaths attributed to
>beer each year and the actual amount of said fluid required to reach this

Sorry I can't directly answer your question Jim, but it does bring up another.

Do you want to know the amount of beer one would need to drink to die from
alcohol poisoning or the amount one needs to become drunk and drive their
car into (pick your favorite object) and kill themselves?

I believe that this would be two different amounts.

John Schnupp, N3CNL
Dirty Laundry Homebrewery
Georgia, VT
95 XLH 1200


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 10:45:32 -0700
From: "John Watson" <>

This is the first call for entries for the ...


Begin your Preparation for the Millennium 2000 Competition
Winner will Brew their Beer @Tied House Mtn. View

Entries are due at the drop off points from July 17 to July 23.
Plenty of time to think about what you'd like to enter,
but don't procrastinate!

See details below and at the S.B.F website:

General Information:

This competition will be BJCP registered and will be
judged according to the 1999 BJCP style guidelines
with the 1999 BJCP scoresheet. The pointer to the
BJCP webpage, which contains links to the long and
short versions of the guidelines in verious format is:

All categories will be judged by the first day of the
Festival, August12th. The Best of Show round will be
judged during the festival on the 12th. Scoresheets
will be returned promptly. If you have questions not
answered here you may call 888-875-BREW Ext. 1 or

If you are an experienced beer judge or would like to learn
about judging while helping out, please contact John Watson
( or Peter Torgrimson (
of the Worts of Wisdom Homebrew Club

For more information, updates and entry forms,
look at the "Beer Contest" link on the

Visit, your free web-based communications center. Life on the Dot.


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 13:52:36 -0400
From: Marc Sedam <>
Subject: travels afar

Hey all:

I'll be visiting Munich (Germany), Salzberg (Austria), and
Basel/Bern (Switzerland) in July. Any and all
recommendations for beer or brewing related establishments
would be great.


- --
Marc Sedam
Technology Development Associate
Office of Technology Development
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
308 Bynum Hall; CB# 4105
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-4105

919.966.3929 (phone)
919.962.0646 (fax)


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 11:32:41 -0700
From: Michael Doehnel <>
Subject: Home malting

I have a small amount of winter barley from a 98 crop harvest. I wish to
malt this at home, but am having trouble with the germination energy
(grains are not chitting evenly under numerous water, air and Co2 regimes
using the standard of 3 waters and 2 airs to make up 40 hours and 44 - 47%
moisture ) .

Germination capacity is 97% and dormancy not an issue. The moisture is
about 14% which is a little high, but there are no major visible signs of
grain deterioration. The 98 crops first steep water is darker in colour
than the first steep water of the 99 crop (which is also at about 14 %
moisture and 9.5% protein)

The end result is malt which has about 1/4 of the corns at 1/2 to 2/3
modification. I don't think there is any embryo or corn damage. There is
also a wide variety of corns being affected. Some smaller, bigger, more
stained etc, and water uptake seems to be even. There is also modification
taking place without any root growth at all.

Help, can this barley be saved?

Mike Doehnel
Saanichton, BC CDN.


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 14:51:28 -0400
From: "Frank J. Russo" <>
Subject: Yeast Culturing

I need little help here. I want to do a some yeast culturing. I have a
significant enough background to technically accomplish this. My problem
is, where do I find the sterile agar plates? Anyone put me in the right


ATF HomeBrew Club
NewBern, NC


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 09:54:15 +0100
From: "Jonathan Raybould" <>
Subject: Recipe formulator

Hello all,

I have been using an Excel recipe formulator for a while now with pretty
good results. Being from the other side of the pond, the U.K., I use EBC and
EBU measurements for colour and bitterness respectively. The program also
calculates recipes in litres only.

It is pretty basic but very easy to use.

Anyone prepared to have a look at the spreadsheet and help me improve it
would be most welcome. Please e-mail me for a copy.

Cheers......Jon Ray


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 16:36:49 -0500
Subject: re: Hop'n Gator recipe...

"Irvin Bennett" <> asks for help formulating a
clone for Hop'n Gator

Back in the 70s Pittsburgh Brewing Company put out a fruit
tasting beer called Hop'n Gator that was based on Gatorade,
which had been invented by a professor at the University of
Florida. It was a terrific thirst quencher. Since then
I've started brewing my own beer and would like to find a
recipe that comes close to Hop'n Gator to try. Pittsburgh
Brewing Company stopped making it in the late 70s, I think.
Any help out there?

It's not the recipe, it's the packaging! ;)

"Philip J Wilcox" <> reports while
explaining the art of keg cleaning and maintenance

That said here is what to do. For re-used kegs, hopefully
none were rootbeer. If so, dispose of all things rubber and
get new ones from your local source. (2 o-rings on the
fittings, 2 o-rings under the dip tubes, and the big o-ring
on the lid 5-7$) You won't get the flavor of rootbeer out of
them, even with a stout. I can't tell you how many rootbeer
stout's I have had to taste in the last 5 years. Yuck. Some
people have the same problem with Slice.

Use a keg that held slice and you should have a fine Hop'n Gator


Lou Heavner - Austin, TX


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 09:16:03 +1000
From: "Richard Pass" <>
Subject: Effect of food tannins on beer palate

Mike Day, an esteemed member of the Canberra Brewers, recently posted this
on our club chat list. I thought a wider perspective on the subject would
be interesting.

Richard Pass

<<I have an issue that I would like to raise.
Has anyone else had the experience of tasting a beer that you are familiar
with and then finding that on this particular occasion it seems much more
bitter than usual?
It happened to me (not for the first time) the other night.
It occurs to me that it may have some connection to what I had been eating
before drinking the beer, on this occasion a pasta dish with a tomato sauce.
I believe that drinking a beer that has excess tannins in it has the effect
of stripping something from the lining of your mouth such that the beer
appears to become more bitter the more you drink. Perhaps eating certain
foods, tomatoes maybe, does something similar.
If there is this sort of effect, and it's not just me getting past it, then
there are implications for judges as to what they should avoid eating before
judging a comp.
Any comments from my brewing bretheren?>>


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 16:57:01 -0700
From: "Vaughn, John Ext.5091" <>
Subject: Toronto Suggestions

Greetings all,

I am headed up to Toronto next week for a combination vacation and business
trip (isn't it great when your employer pays to get you to and from your
vacation destination). I will be there a little over a week and wondered
about any "don't miss" beers, brewpubs, beer bars, restaurants, etc. We
will be staying near the University and the conference will be at the
Convention Centre. We will not have a car so will be using public
transportation. Any and all recommendations will be appreciated.


John Vaughn
Elkhorn Wholehog Brewery
Castroville, California


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 21:13:28 -0400
From: "Pat Babcock" <>
Subject: The Quest For Beer Engine Parts: Praises to be sung...

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

As closure to my quest for beer engine repair parts, I must sing the praises
of one Leon Singleton of Singleton Services in North Yorksire -

Not only did Leon track down the parts necessary for the now obsolete SI
beer engine I recently required, he also found all the components necessary
to complete the Worthside beer engine which was sent to replace the damaged
SI. PLUS he provided me with a new swan neck to replace the old straight
neck, spare seals and a spare sparkler head. Excellent, friendly, personable
and communicative service. Highly recommended!

As usual, no affiliation - just an exceptionally tickled-pink customer!

See ya!

Pat Babcock in SE Michigan
Home Brew Digest Janitor
HBD Web Site
The Home Brew Page
"Just a cyber-shadow of his former brewing self..."


Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 23:15:42 -0700
From: John Dittmann <>
Subject: SoFB 2000 - Call for judges

Brewers United for Real Potables(BURP) is sponsoring the Eight Annual Spirit
of Free Beer Homebrew Competition. This regional homebrew competition is
registered with the BJCP and sanctioned by the AHA. Judging will take place
in all BJCP categories, including mead and cider. This year the SoFB will
once again serve as one of eleven qualifying events for the Masters
Championship of Amateur Brewing(MCAB).

We need BJCP accredited beer judges to judge the event. Although
BJCP-accredited judges will have priority, novice judges are welcome and
will be teamed with experienced judges. Stewards are also needed.

Judging will take place at the Old Dominion Beverage Company in Ashburn,
Virginia on Saturday, June 10, 2000 and Sunday June 11, 2000. Stewards and
judges are asked to arrive by noon on Saturday and 8:00 am on Sunday.
Coffee and Donuts will be served before the Sunday morning session. A
cook-out lunch, prepared by the TR James Caterers, will be provided to all
judges and stewards on Sunday.

BURP will organize a Saturday night pub crawl of local brewpubs, and all
judges and stewards are invited. Free lodging for a limited number of out
of town judges will be available from members of BURP.

The Spirit of Free Beer has grown over recent years to more than 400
entries. This is due to the SoFB's growing reputation for being well
organized, having great judges and awarding fantastic prizes. The Best of
Show winner will be invited to formulate and brew the winning beer at one of
the local microbrewries/brewpubs.

Judges are encouraged to register online at

Pleas contact me with any questions.

John Dittmann
Judge Coordinator
2000 Spirit of Free Beer


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 00:26:16 -0400
From: Bob Sheck <>
Subject: >How about one with Charlie Papazian's head on it?

So why shouldn't CP be popular here? If truth be known, most all of us
would have a life beyond questing after more perfect beer if it weren't
for his early efforts.

I, for one among many, credit Charlie with my involvement with quality,
home brewed
or otherwise, beer.

>Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 12:11:24 -0500
>Subject: RE: Primetabs
>Tim Burkhart writes:
> >How about one with Charlie Papazian's head on it?
>Gosh. I knew that he wasn't the most popular person
>around the HBD, but this seems kind of extreme. ;-)
>Dan Stedman
>Brewing this weekend in Minnetonka, MN

Bob Sheck

bsheck, me-sheck, abednigo! Greenville, North Carolina or see us at:
- -------------
"Madness takes its toll -- Please have exact change!"
- -------------


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:26:50 +0700
Subject: AHA Board Election

This is my first post to the HBD but I couldn't pass not letting this
information out.
On the list of AHA Board nominees is Lynne O'Conner of St. Pats Homebrewing
in Texas. I have been ordering from her for about a year and a half and
hadn't had any problems until November of last year. I was glad to share St.
Pats web address and phone number to those interested until, I placed an
order and never received it. I sent plenty of email and on only one occasion
received an email back simply saying that the order was on its way. I
continued with the one way emailing (never receiving a response except for
that one time) and even supplying copies of my credit card bill. One of my
friends that I referred to St. Pats had a problem with an order and had
heard from Lynne that she was having problems keeping employees. His problem
occurred roughly the same time that mine had, but his was taken care several
weeks later while mine still hasn't been an issue of hers. I still haven't
received any email regarding this matter and frankly just don't do business
with her company anymore.
I just can't see voting for someone for the board of AHA when they can't
even keep the customers of the business they own happy.

Gregory Feathers


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 08:41:31 -0400
From: "S. SNYDER" <>
Subject: 6th Annual CT & New England Craft Brewers' Festival

For all New England Homebrewers and beer enthusiasts:

The following announcement was sent to me by Terry Boyd at Mountainview
Wines and Liquors in Naugatuck, CT. If you ever happen to be in the area,
his shop is definitely worth an hour or so visit. Terry is quite hospitable
and really knows his stuff (about beer). If he has it he will take the time
to show you all around the store at his prideful selection. Took me 9
months to finally get to his store (put it off way too long) and I really
wish I had checked it out sooner.


Fellow Beer Enthusiasts:

Just a brief reminder that our sixth annual CT & New England Craft Brewers'
Beer Festival is fast approaching. It will again be held outside Jesse
Camille's Restaurant beside the Hop Brook Golf Course, under a large tent,
in Naugatuck. The site is easy to get to, just 2+ miles south on Rte 63 off

Exit 17 on I-84 just west of Waterbury. The event will be held the Saturday

before Memorial Day Weekend, May 20th, from 6:30 - 9:30 pm. (rain or shine).

CT's best breweries and brewpubs will once again be represented including
several new brewpubs like Union Restaurant (Glastonbury) and Colorado
Co. (Danbury). From out of state there will be brewery representatives from

Allagash, Brooklyn Brewery, Gritty McDuffs (coming to CT in June!), Red
Hook, Shipyard, Magic Hat, Otter Creek, Long Trail, Harpoon, Ommegang,
Saranac and
other surprises. Maltose Express (Trumbull) will also have a booth for you
homebrewers. All proceeds will be donated to the United Way of Naugatuck
and Beacon Falls.

If you purchase your ticket in advance at Mountview Plaza Wines & Liqours,
the cost is $25 which includes all beer (you can choose your own
and two food items (hamburgers and/or hot dogs). Additional food items can
be purchased for the nominal price of a dollar. Tickets purchased at the
door (without advance reservations) cost $30. If you want to book a
reservation in advance and pick up the tickets at the gate we will honor the

$25 ticket price.

Please feel free to forward this E-mail to anyone whom you think might be
interested in attending. We have plenty of space (25 brewery/brewpub
tables), beer and alternative beverages, ie hard lemonade, hard ciders and
non-alcoholic soda (60+ different brews for your tasting pleasure).

Feel free to call for any additional info at Mountview Plaza Wines &
(203) 729-8978 (phone of fax), or E-mail me at the above address.

Hope to see you all there for this great event featuring the best beer from
all over New England.

Terry Boyd
Mountview Plaza Wines & Liquors
727 Rubber Avenue
Naugatuck, CT 06770


Scott Snyder

Cheers all.


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 11:17:41 -0400
From: "Ken Schramm" <>
Subject: MiY2K: The 2000 Conference

The conference is right around the corner at this point. If you
haven't made your plans yet, please do so. If you are
wondering whether it will be a good time and worth the
time and money, it absolutely will. The presenters and
events will be first rate, and the Michigan contingent
putting this event together hopes to set a standard that
will make the AHA conference a much anticipated
event for the future. We will have dynamite food and
beer for Club Night (AKA Beer Without Borders), and
the hospitality suite schedule is looking phenomenal.

I myself am ponying up a smoked salmon and pheasant
spread for the AABG club night/Hospitality Booth shifts
that should make a lot of palates happy, along
with kegs of mead and cider.

On line info is available at

We have been able to keep the registration fee the same
as it was in KC, despite the higher underlying costs in
Detroit. Take a look at the presenters; they're pretty respectable.

If your club is interested in participating in Beer Without
Borders Club Night, please make contact through the
website or through me, so that we can make
arrangements for table space. The Detroit and Chicago area
clubs are well represented, and we are throwing down
the challenge to any club out there that thinks they can out-do us.
Bring it on guys, let's see what you've got.

I know there are differing opinions on the current state
of the AHA (how's that for understatement?). The AHA
is at a crossroads, and there are major changes in its
future. In which direction those changes take this
organization will be affected greatly by those who
care enough to attend and make their voices heard
at this conference. Homebrewing deserves an
organization that will serve the needs of its constituency.
Already, the AHA has made moves toward a more
democratic structure, but there is much more to be done.
Please come and help change and revitalize this
association, so that homebrewing will have an
organization moving toward a bright future, not
away from a flash-in-the-pan past.

Ken Schramm
Troy, MI
41 Days until the Best Homebrew Event
of the New Millennium
Tell 'em Pfeiffer sent ya


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 10:39:02 -0600
From: Beth Fuchs <>
Subject: RE: Misplaced Hefeweisen

A while ago, I asked the collective about whether or not my misplaced
hefeweisen would be ok to drink. I am pleased to state that it seems to be
fine. The neighbors and I sampled a bit last night and no one was unhappy
at all with the taste. In fact, some of them even thought it tasted better
after the aging process.
Thanks for all the advice!
Beth Fuchs
Research Engineer
Center for High Technology Materials
University of New Mexico
1313 Goddard SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
(505) 272-7844 office
(505) 272-7801 fax e-mail web page


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 15:10:25 EDT
Subject: Kiltlifter Ale

I have a customer who is interested in brewing a clone of Moylan's Kiltlifter
ale. I haven't tried this beer, so I can't formulate a recipe for him. Does
anyone out there have a close approximation -- extract preferred, but all
grain is fine, too. Even a good discription of the beer would be helpful.


Bill Wright


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 15:16:04 -0400
From: "Spinelli, Mike" <>
Subject: bottle labels


I've got a pen & ink design on plain paper I want to reproduce and turn into
bottle labels.

Q1 - How should I reproduce it?
Q2 - What kind of paper should I use?
Q3 - What should I use to stick them on?


Mike Spinelli
Mikey's Monster Brew
Cherry Hill NJ

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3323, 05/12/00

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