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HOMEBREW Digest #2277

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This file received at Hops.Stanford.EDU  1996/11/15 PST 

Homebrew Digest Friday, 15 November 1996 Number 2277

Mike Donald, Digest Janitor-in-training
Thanks to Rob Gardner for making the digest happen!

THe Stone?? ("JohnBoy")
[none] ()
Re: airstones (Andy Donohue)
[none] ()
RE: beer systems (Rick Dante)
[none] ()
Pumps and Mashing ("Welsch, John")
[none] ()
[none] ()
re:fix HBD (Derek Lyons)
mail order (George Smith)
Gases Separating ("OMAHONEY, LARRY -LLOM")
Pumps and an Inline Aerator Design (Marty Tippin)
Re: Beer dispensing and gas mixtures (
Re: bottle filling ((Jacques Bourdouxhe))
Air Stone Santization ((Steve Adams))
Nitrogen settling in a tank... ("Pat Babcock")
Mixed gas dispensing ((George De Piro))
How to Serve Mead? (
Heavy gas / corn question (Dave Hinkle)
carbonation level ((BAYEROSPACE))
Errors-To: ((Harlan Bauer))
Re: carbonation level (Wade Hutchison)
Carbonation, Dicetyl, Irish Chocolate Stout (John Penn)
Recycle that chiller water (3rd attempt and counting) (Tim Martin)
Beer styles book? (Tom Lombardo)
How to determine boiling wort level (2nd attempt) (Tim Martin)
Homebrewed Rootbeer=Alcohol? (
Your Message has been received - and discarded! (Steve Alexander)

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From: "JohnBoy" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 18:14:20 -0800
Subject: THe Stone??

Howdy all,

Just got myself a corny keg system and was wondering if the
carbonating stone was worth the $25 smacks. It seems more
economical for the C02, because force carbonating by rolling
it around seems to waste the C02.

Thanks in advance for your opinons!



Subject: [none]


From: Andy Donohue <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 22:21:05 -0500
Subject: Re: airstones

>> Alternatively, can anyone confirm whether Chempro SDP is the cause of
>> the air stone's demise or perhaps suggest an alternative sterilizing
>> agent, like bleach?

I can suggest an alternate airstone. I use a Tetra Luft plastic
'airstone'. It is made of grooved rings and is adjustable for bubble
size. It can also be disassembled for cleaning, costs about $2 and is
guaranteed for life.

Andy Donohue


Subject: [none]


From: Rick Dante <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 19:21:32 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: beer systems

Kevin wrote

>commonsense. The whole basis of a beer dispensing system is that
>gases will not mix. Thus the CO2 is in contact with the beer and the
>air separates out in its own layer. So apply that to a tank and you
>have the heavier gas settling to the bottom and the lighter gas at
>the top where the gas is dispensed.
>I don't claim to be an expert at beer system technology, however this
>is how it was explained to me by my Perlick rep. And for those who

The Perlick rep sounds like he failed high school physics. The CO2
isn't going to settle to the bottom with air on top like oil and water
(what is air anyways? 20% O2, 70% N2, 10% *CO2* if I remember correctly,
a *mixture* of gases). The CO2 *is* going to diffuse into the air until
the gas phase is a homogenous mixture.

/ **** / ^
/ / / / ^^ ^^
/ **** / Rick Dante ^^^^^^
/ ____ / Pinnacle Internet
/ | | INnacle San Juan Bautista, CA (408) 623-1040
/ | | inTERNET
/ |RE| serving the spirit of the internet!!


Subject: [none]


From: "Welsch, John" <A069067@MDCPO102.HB.MDC.COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 96 19:53:00 PST
Subject: Pumps and Mashing

Some thoughts,

Richard Walto writes:

> When you have one of the those little March MTX motors like I do and it
> something like 7-gallons per minute, you don't leave it on for the
> mash!

I use just that model for a RIMS and yes, the pump runs for the entire time.
I control the output side of the pump with a ball valve and regulate the
actual flow that way. Being a magnetically coupled pump, restricting the
output doesn t cause the pump any harm. Running full time also eliminates
the possibility of setting the mash when the pump cycles.

Brew well and often

John Welsch
Strand Brewers
Redondo Beach CA


Subject: [none]


Subject: [none]


From: Derek Lyons <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 22:59:04 -0800 (PST)
Subject: re:fix HBD

At 09:24 PM 11/14/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Al writes:
>>I find it very irritating that I have to check to make sure that posts
>>actually make it into the HBD. A response from is no guarantee
>>that the post actually will make it.
>Yea, no kidding! I had 3 posts bounce back yesterday when I tried to ask
>what the s-bscription address for Lambic Digest was--the bot thought I was
>trying to s-bscr-be. (Apparently this word is forbidden) Then I get the
>digest today and my post wasn't on it despite the confirmation.
>BTW, Derek <>, how were you able to respond to my post in
>the previous digest if it never got posted??

Could it be that the bot does not check msgs that go out via the undigested

Did my reply post make it into the digest? (which contained the nasty word

Derek L.
Bremerton, WA


From: George Smith <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 06:08:58 -0800
Subject: mail order

I live overseas and I am trying to locate a mail order store in Flordia
that sells bulk malt extract by the pound.

Thkank You

George Smith


From: Joe Rolfe <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 09:14:21 -0500 (EST)

i would have guessed the problem would have been fixed by now....
this none crap is getting very old.....

my guess is they dont know it is broke, as "they - the hbd owners"
have yet to respond with any inkling of what the hell is going on...


Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 06:34:00 -0800
Subject: Gases Separating

Al writes:

>That's simply not how gasses behave... I also thought that initially, and
>it is intuitive, but really, gasses will diffuse into each other till
>their concentration is the same throughout the tank. Really!

Yes, that IS how gases behave, at least in very large scale situations.
I work in the petroleum and mining industries. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
and CO2 occur naturally in both mines and wellbores. These gases settle
into low lying areas, such as bowls, small valleys and petroleum storage
tanks, displacing "normal" air. Personnel working in H2S and CO2
environments must be aware of this and avoid low lying areas lest they
are overcome by these poisonous (H2S) or suffocating (CO2) gases. Having
experienced these effects firsthand, I can tell you gases do separate
into layers.

In a small pressurized environment such as a keg, the effect may be
slowed to the point that is not noticeable during the short life of the
batch of beer, but given time the gases will separate.



From: Marty Tippin <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 08:36:15 -0600
Subject: Pumps and an Inline Aerator Design

Richard Walto asks:
>When you have one of the those little March MTX motors like I do and it
>something like 7-gallons per minute, you don't leave it on for the whole
> Do you?

Yep. But just because the pump can handle many gallons per minute
doesn't mean you have to run it at that rate. Most people use a ball
valve on the OUTPUT side of the pump to throttle the flow back to a
reasonable rate. I've never measured the rate I use but it's probably
around 1 to 2 gpm. Much faster than that and you'll compact the
grainbed and generally make a mess of things.

Other people use a dimmer-type switch so they can forcibly slow the
pump's motor. The March tech guy I talked to said that was a bad idea
and would be hard on the motor - something about being a single-pole
design, whatever that means.

As soon as I've mashed-in, the pump comes on. And it stays on right up
until the last drop of sweet liquor is sparged to the boiling kettle. I
think this is one of the secrets to the success of the RIMS systems and
the typical high levels of extraction efficiency - I get around 90 to
95% routinely from my system (although it's a bastardized RIMS - I use
propane heat on the kettle instead of an electric element and fancy
temperature control). Plus the sweet wort is *unbelievably* clear
during the sparge.

And regarding inline aeration, I've got an idea but haven't assembled
anything yet - however, I did throw together a quick drawing and a few
words in a web page - I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions
regarding the design. I'll be brewing a batch this weekend and may try
to throw something like this together to see how well it works.

The inline aerator is at

Comments by e-mail should be sent to me at the address below - NOT the
address I posted this message from (don't ask why...)

- -Marty


Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 08:47:27 -0600
Subject: Re: Beer dispensing and gas mixtures

Kevin Sprague describes commercial beer dispensing gear/gases and says
that a knowledgeable supplier has described to him how mixed gases
floating on the top of a keg will separate into layers based on
density. I don't think I buy that. There is a little fellow called
entropy who doesn't believe in creating order from disorder
spontaneously. [ Looks like my chem e training is showing ;) ] Even
in a fermenter where the conventional wisdom is that heavier CO2
remains below lighter air pushing it up and out, the picture is
probably not that black and white. There is undoubtedly some
diffusion going on between the CO2 rich layer and the air rich layer.
I don't know off hand or have the inclination to look it up, but the
diffusion in a still, closed fermenter at common fermentation
temperatures is probably small enough for the layering affect to have
gained credence. If you could actually do a test, you'd probably find
that there is actually a concentration gradient established vertically
in the head space. Over time as "pure" CO2 enters the head space from
the fermenting wort and air rich mixture leaves the top, the average
CO2 concentration increases throughout. What might be really
interesting for those with nothing better to do is consider what
happens to the O2 which is leaving the top via the airlock and trying
to stay in equilibrium with the wort below where yeasties are busily
munching on any available O2 in solution. It is important to remember
that everything tends towards equilibrium, but seldom reach it. That
is probably the best explanation for most of the technical
disagreements on this digest.


Lou Heavner


From: bourdouj@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Jacques Bourdouxhe)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 10:24:37 -0400
Subject: Re: bottle filling

Re: Deschutes/bottle filling
> From Ted Hull
> I just bottled a batch of beer using a Phil's Philler
>and felt like it injected a lot of air into the beer as I filled
>the bottles. Anyone else get this impression?...
>Ted Hull


I had exactly the same problem as you have until I saw one good article in
Brewing Technique magazine about bottling ( sorry, I don't remember who
wrote that article and what issue number it was ).

1) Cut away the spring valve of your bottle filler and throw it away
2) Using 3" of flexible tubing, connect the spigot ( you know, the cheap
red one ) at the bottom of your bottling bucket to the rigid tube of your
amputated bottle filler
3) Insert the rigid tube inside the bottle all the way to the bottom
4) Gently control the beer flow with the spigot.
5) voila
Results: less airspace in the bottle, less foaming during bottling, the
beer keeps fresh a lot longer , and...the judges give a higher score.
IMHO the comercial bottle fillers using a sprig valve create too much
oxidation and foaming
I hope this helps.

Jacques Bourdouxhe


From: (Steve Adams)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 96 10:30:35 est
Subject: Air Stone Santization

Fellow Brewers:

I use ID Carlson's <One Step>, which is purportedly a hydrogen-peroxide,
environmentally safe, sanitizing agent. I've used it for a couple of years now
and it generally goes easy on all equipment. You use one tbs. per gallon and
you don't have to rinse because the residue breaks down into water. It does
form little bumps on glass, which can be removed with a vinegar solution, if
you allow your fermenters to soak in it for a while. Anyway, its real handy to
have around and I use it for all my air locks, tubing, etc. The amount of
bleach I was using was bugging me, so I wanted to try something not so toxic. I
mix the stuff in a big bowl and just let my equipment soak for a few minutes or
so. I can keep the bowl with me while I'm working and don't bother rinsing.
It's really practical when you are doing quick jobs like dropping into a
secondary. It cleans stainless very well too. I soaked my ten gallon coke can,
which was really a mess from fermneting in it, and it ate up all of the residue
and sounding like a freight train coming through when it was working. You know
I'm not affliated and all that junk, but I couldn't get much info on the stuff
from the manufacturer or distributor when I started using it -- which kind of
put me off -- but it works. I pay about $15 bucks for 5 pounds of the powder;
it comes in 8 oz bags for much more per pound, if you want to try it out.

What kind of fish tank pump are you using? Any recommendations?

Steve Adams


From: "Pat Babcock" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 10:49:17 -0500
Subject: Nitrogen settling in a tank...

Greeting, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

In HBD #2275, Kevin Sprague comments on mixed gas delivery systems...

I don't want to start the "the whole world would sufficate if this was true -
ah, but you forget weather patterns" thread again. Rather than present
thermodynamic and physical properties explaining why the gas in the tank is
uniform, I'll rely on the anecdotal:

o Many, many, many people use Aligal, beverage gas, et al without
overcarbonating. This implies that the heavier gas does not settle out in the
tank as the Perlick rep has suggested.

o An idiot working for a company allied to a field remains an idiot. This is
not directed at you, but at the Perlick rep. Unfortunately, many will lead
you astray in the hopes of selling their system (perlick sells the air mix
systems used to drive beers in bars) claiming to be an authority.

Driving with a handpump introduces air in the headspace as you have
indicated. In this air is oxygen. Oxidation is the source of your staling
flavors - that and no control over the microbiota pumped in with each
depression of the pressure bulb. The outgassing of CO2 does occur, but this
only results in flat beer and the associated loss of "sharpness" the CO2
bubbles give a beer.

As for the CO2/airmix, these are generally intended for fast-moving product.
hHe CO2 mix helps mitigate the effects of the air on the beer - after all,
the air used is a higher percentage of CO2 - and, if properly set up will
prevent the outgassing of CO2 in the beer. However, oxygen is still being
introduced into the headspace of the keg, and oxidation will suredly occur.

Just my $0.02. Couple with the last, you now have $0.04. Still can't buy a

See ya!

Mr. Babcock


From: (George De Piro)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 08:30:47 -0800
Subject: Mixed gas dispensing

Hi all!

Kevin writes in about commercial beer dispensing systems, and says
some stuff that I would question.

First, none of the bars I go to have an air compressor hooked up to
the kegs in any way. Air in the kegs is a Bad Thing. It introduces
bacteria, causes oxidation, etc.

Kevin also writes, " The whole basis of a beer dispensing system is
that gases will not mix."

Actually, gasses do mix (which is why we are alive and breathing), and
that is the basis for a mixed gas dispensing system. As has been
discussed here recently, a mix of CO2 and N2 are used to push beer out
of kegs, through long tap lines, without over-carbonating the beer.
Air should never touch most kegged beer (cask-conditioned, handpump
drawn beer being a notable exception).

The sales rep that told you this stuff is pretty whacky!

Have fun!

George De Piro (Nyack, NY)


Date: Fri, 15 Nov 96 09:09:00 -0700
Subject: How to Serve Mead?

Once again I find myself apologizing for straying from topic, but I just
*know* I can find some help here.

For quite some time I've considered making a mead, but I wanted to know
what it tasted like before actually doing so. I found a bottle at the
local wine store, but alas, I have no idea whatsoever about how it
should be served -- none of my books address the subject. Specifically:
what temperature and in what type glass?

Since this *is* off-topic (and probably of little interest to the
majority here) I'd ask that any replies be emailed privately. Also, I'd
appreciate any comments as to the particular brand I purchased --

We now resume our regularly-scheduled programming ....

- Jim


From: Dave Hinkle <>
Date: 15 Nov 1996 11:07:20 -0700
Subject: Heavy gas / corn question

Al K. comments on Kevin's post:

>>air separates out in its own layer. So apply that to a tank and you
>>have the heavier gas settling to the bottom and the lighter gas at
>the top where the gas is dispensed.

>That's simply not how gasses behave... I also thought that initially, and
>it is intuitive, but really, gasses will diffuse into each other till
>their concentration is the same throughout the tank. Really!

Thank God for that (gas dispersion)! I'd hate to have all the heavy gases like
ammonia, argon, methane etc. in our atmosphere concentrated at sea level. Kind
of would make a day at the beach a bit of a bummer. But seriously, gases will
take a while to disperse in closed-systems were there are no air currents, but
they will EVENTUALLY disperse (think of a fart in a closed elevator - OK, not
the best example, but you get the idea). Air currents in a keg would be
minimized by not moving the keg, keeping temperature stable, not adding gas
pressure/movement, and not dispensing the beer. Violating any of these
conditions would foil any attempt at creating a CO2 "blanket" on top of the
beer by the resulting faster dispersion of CO2 & "air". Once gases are dis
persed (mixed), they don't "settle out" on their own. I don't mean to
oversimplify, but this is why CO2 is mixed with an inert gas like N for
dispensing systems that require partial pressures of CO2. "Air" is harmful *
to beer stability, N isn't. And gas dispersion in a dispensing system is a
reality, no matter what the Perlick salesman says.

* no flames from the CAMRA ranks, please!

- ---------------


I want to make a corn-adjuct lager, and was wondering what is the easiest and
cheapest form to use. Quick grits seem like a good possibility - does anybody
know if they are pre-gelatinized, since "cooking" isn't really required? I
used flaked maize once, worked well although a slow sparge, but it costs quite
a bit more than malted grain! Hardly a cost-saving adjunct in the flaked form,
at least not when purchased from a homebrew store. I know I could use regular
grits (cheaper than "quick" grits), cooked before adding to the mash, but was
looking for a time/money compromise. If I use the quick grits, should I
pre-cook anyway? For how long? Anyone ever mash quick grits w/o pre-cooking?
How do you tell when your adjunct is gelatanized enough?

Dave Hinkle
Phoenix, AZ


Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 12:21 -0600
Subject: carbonation level

collective homebrew conscience:

tim martin wrote:

> To my chagrin I was considerably under the programs
>default mash efficiency of 70%. One recipe was 42% and the other
>was 51%. <snip>I mash in a Gott cooler, single infusion around 155 degreesF,
> Klages as
>base malt, sparge with home made rotating Phil's arm, take hydrometer
>reading after boiling and chilling to 65-70 degrees.
>Is a 70% efficiency too much to expect after only four batches?

no, 70% should be within reach. things you didn't mention that can affect mash
efficiency are:

1. pH of the mash (pretty crucial, actually, for good efficiency)
2. length (time) of saccharification rest.
3. length (time) of sparge.
4. the quality (coarse/fine) of the crush.
5. mash thickness (not crucial, but it has some effect)

(number 6 is currently under debate here on the hbd)

next time you brew, try adjusting the pH of the mash to 5.0 to 5.5 (this is a
broad guideline), mash for at least 2 hours, sparge for at least 45 minutes if
it's a 5 gallon batch (this does not include the recirculation and
clarification period), and use 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 quarts of water per pound of
grain in the mash (that's a medium thick mash). also make sure your crushed
grain is crushed enough so that you don't see a large percentage (>10% or so?)
of uncrushed grains in the grist. if your water supply has 50 to 100 ppm
of calcium, don't worry. even if it's a little under that range, you
probably don't have anything to worry about. soft water is not going to
drop your efficiency from 80 to 40 per cent.

if you do these things, you *should* see a rise in efficiency. if you still
have problems with low efficiency, there's something i've omitted. but i
think the above list has the basic guidelines for reasonable efficiency.

> If someone would like to take me to the
>sidelines and couch me on this I would sure appreciate it.

really, is there a need for psychotherapy? i think not.

regarding carbonation and fill level, i have experienced lower/slower
carbonation levels with high bottle fills, relative to lower bottle fills
from the same batch. just my $.02.

one hypothesis behind why this occurs is that pressure builds up more
quickly in a small headspace than it does in a large one, and the higher
pressure slows down yeast activity. has this been disproven? i haven't
seen anybody mention it recently as a possible cause.

brew hard,

mark bayer


From: (Harlan Bauer)
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 12:54:16 -0600
Subject: Errors-To:

Bryan Gros asks:

>What's the best way to insulate a converted sankey keg so that it
>can still be heated on the propane burner, but the temperature won't
>drop like a rock during the 1 hr. sparge?

Here are 2 possibilities, both available from:

Illinois Fibre Specialty Co., Inc.
4301 S. Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60609


The first is rigid fiberglass duct insulation for 16-in ducts. Budwizer kegs
are 16-in in diameter. This stuff is just like the 1/2-in pipe insulation
the sell at Home Despot &c, but made of rigid fiberglass and slides right
over the keg. It's also slit lengthwise i.e., it looks like a big "C" if
looked at from the top. It's available in 1, 1.5, and 2-in thicknesses.

The second is a ridgid fiberglass board that is flexable in one direction
only--it behaves just like bendable plywood.

These people will deal with individuals, but they are primarily a commercial
outfit. The also have a slew of other specialty insulations for very high

BTW, I encased the fiberglass on my Mashtun in sheet aluminum--extra points
for neatness.

Hope this helps,

* *
* Harlan Bauer ...malt does more than Milton can *
* Carbondale, IL To justify God's ways to man. *
* <> --A.E. Houseman *
* *


From: Wade Hutchison <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 14:29:30 -0500
Subject: Re: carbonation level

At 12:21 PM 11/15/96 -0600, you wrote:
>collective homebrew conscience:
>tim martin wrote:
<<description of low efficiency mash deleted>>
>no, 70% should be within reach. things you didn't mention that can affect mash
>efficiency are:
> 1. pH of the mash (pretty crucial, actually, for good efficiency)
> 2. length (time) of saccharification rest.
> 3. length (time) of sparge.
> 4. the quality (coarse/fine) of the crush.
> 5. mash thickness (not crucial, but it has some effect)
>(number 6 is currently under debate here on the hbd)
>next time you brew, try adjusting the pH of the mash to 5.0 to 5.5 (this is a
>broad guideline),

What do you use to adjust the pH?, and how do you measure the final
pH value (pH paper, I assume, but I'd like to know if you're doing
anything else) Thanks,



From: John Penn <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 15:56:47 +0000
Subject: Carbonation, Dicetyl, Irish Chocolate Stout

Thanks AlK for the carbonation experiment. My personal experience has
only included normal carbonation and a very underfilled bottle. The
bottle with a large airspace was one of my early batches where I didn't
want to waste any beer so I bottled about 2/3 of a bottle. Well it
wasn't worth the effort, not only was it fairly flat but it smelled and
tasted bad. I noticed another post with a similar comment about smell
and taste of underfilled bottles, though AlK's experiment only concerned
carbonation level. Somewhere I read of another fill level experiment
and as I recall the fill level seemed to have more affect on how quickly
the beer carbonated rather than the final equilibrium carbonation level
and taste. The test levels were very full and about normal fill.
Certainly underfilling is bad.
Al Korz, thanks for the comments on getting dicetyl, I'll have to try
that. I hope to do a Scotch Ale soon trying for that butterscotch
flavor I love so much in McEwan's Scotch Ale. I'll use Wyeast 1084
Irish Stout yeast this time. Made a nice Scottish Ale with Wyeast 1728?
but I wanted to get more dicetyl so I'll give your aeration during
fermentation a try.
My Irish Chocolate Stout tastes pretty good though its only two weeks
old. I decided to repost the recipe anyway. The coffee smelled
wonderful while cooling the wort but there's no such smell now. I can't
really taste it so its probably optional. Here goes:

Irish Chocolate Stout 5gal
Estimated OG~1.073 Actual OG: 1.071 FG: 1.020 (~7%alcohol) IBU 55+
9.2# liquid light malt extract
1# crystal malt (60L)
1# chocolate malt
1/4# black patent
1/2# roasted barley
4oz cocoa (12 TBs)
1/4 cup steeped coffee beans (optional?)
Bitter Hops (22-23 HBUs)
Finish Hops 1 oz. 5 mins (Fuggles)
Irish Ale Yeast 1084

Steep grains 150-155F. Remove grains, bring to boil. Add extract and 22
HBU bittering hops, mostly northern brewer. Added cocoa after about 15
mins. Added 1 oz finish hops in final 5 mins. Removed from heat, added
coarsely chopped coffee beans and began cooling. Pitched yeast,
fermented, bottled with 4oz dextrose (wt.). After two weeks its a very
flavorful stout with a slight chocolate taste.

John Penn


From: Tim Martin <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 15:22:22 -0500
Subject: Recycle that chiller water (3rd attempt and counting)

Hey Neighbors,
Just a reminder since we are discussing chillers (at least we were).
Run your outlet hose into your clothes washer. A great way to recycle
water. Not my idea but thanks to the person that thought of it.

Tim Martin
Buzzard's Roost Homebrewery
"with that strong predatory taste"
Cullowhee, NC.


From: Tom Lombardo <favt3tl@rvcux1.RVC.CC.IL.US>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 14:57:31 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Beer styles book?

Last month I posted a question about the "definitive" oktoberfest beer,
and I got some great responses. Since then, someone started a similar
thread on IPAs, and I found the responses equally entertaining. So I
started thinking, there must be a book out there that describes the
classic beer styles, some commercial examples of each, and how to brew

So, anyone out there know of such a book?


If at first you DO succeed, try not to look too surprised!
Tom & Ray Magliozzi



From: Tim Martin <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 16:26:51 -0500
Subject: How to determine boiling wort level (2nd attempt)

Hey Neighbors,
Question? How do you all determine when to stop boiling your wort so
that you don't over evaporate and condense your wort. I use a tall
selendrical SS tank to boil in with a propane cooker. In the winter there
is so much steam above my wort I am not able to see my mark inside my
tank. I always boil for an hour, which is a constant varibale but my
propane cooker is a variable I can not control, so every batch is a
different concentration. This is a very annoying part of the process that I
have not been able to tinker my way out of... so does anyone have any
tricks, tips or suggestions?

Tim Martin
Cullowhee, NC


Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 16:42:14 -0500
Subject: Homebrewed Rootbeer=Alcohol?

My new Big Brothers/Big Sisters "Little" has been very curious about my
brewing set up. Not wishing to introduce, educate or get into the possibility
of producing alcohol with minors I offered the root beer alternative. As it
turns out, the recipes included with the kit calls for 4 lbs. of cane sugar,
the extract, and a beer or bread yeast. Isnt this going to do more that
"carbonize" the root beer? It also directs you to bottle immediatly. No
wonder I've heard so much about homemade root beer bombs! I dont have a
brewing calculator, but wont 4 lbs. of sugar in 4 gal of water produce A: a
significant amount of alcohol (to a minor) and B: enough CO2 for an explosive

Another thought occurred to me, since I have a CO2 system (Corny Kegs) Why
not keg it and force carbonate? If I used the above recipe I wouldn't I be
overly sweet by the amount of sugar the yeast is supposed to consume? How
much is that? Can any one out there help me? Would others that have made root
beer mind relaying me their experiences? Much would be appreciated.

Phil Wilcox
The Soon to be the "Mad Root beer Bomber"
Frog Spit Sarsaparilla?...Barking Frog Birch Beer? Raniadae Root Beer?
Poison Frog Home Brewery


From: Steve Alexander <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 17:06:48 -0500
Subject: Your Message has been received - and discarded!

The [none] gremlin eats most of my posts !

Al Korzonas responded re enzyme inhibition and the relevence of the
mashout. And I have to agree with his points with the following minor
caveats ...

Alpha-amyase does produce a small fraction of the fermentables ... at
the end of mash I expect this is negligible.

Remaining AA may reduce the detrin mix a bit (more smaller dextrins)
during a 1hr sparge, but I'm not sure what effects could be attributed
to this. There may be a role for these dextrins in head formation and
the ever debatable "mouth-feel". There is some evidence that
malto-tetraose and perhaps some other larger carbos are lost(sediment)
during lagering or aging, but this is far from clear.

For case 3 with an intermediate mash temp you might have sufficient
beta-amyase at the end to have an effect (tho' it's in doubt), but if
you use a G.Fix 40-60-70 schedule this objection is moot.

The elevated temps of the mashout seem to be responsible for an
increase in some of the tertiary sugars in wort, like sucrose. Again I
think we can safely neglect this. This will happen in the boiler
anyway I suspect.

As a related topic ...

I also have some doubts about how effective the increasing
temperatures are on sparge extraction, the effects of increasing temps
on phenol extraction are pretty clear tho. I've seen references to
papers that report good efficiency from very cold (near freezing)
sparges - tho' I don't have the methodological details. In the recent
past I've been reducing my sparge water temps to figures in the
65C-70C range without obvious losses of extraction, however this is
after a normal mashout so the grainbed starts out hotter.

After considering Al's reasoning I'm planning on trying a no-mashout,
cool sparge experiment. Not as simple at the no-sparge method, but
simple enough. Anyone been there ?

I also have some published data relevent to this issue - will post later.

Steve Alexander


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