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HOMEBREW Digest #2022

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This file received at Hops.Stanford.EDU  1996/04/27 PDT 

HOMEBREW Digest #2022 Sat 27 April 1996

Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

Digest is up for sale (Digest Janitor)
Lighstrike/Autolysis/Ice vs Eis (A. J. deLange)
National Homebrew Day (lmatt)
Mistake? ("Murray")
pin vs ball lock (Wallinger)
Ready-to-Pitch Yeasts? I don't think so (P. Edwards)
glass bottles (Dave Whitman)
Re:glass bottles/lightstruck (Craig Amundsen)
Carapils and caramel pils (Jim Busch)
Securing CO2 tanks (UTC -04:00)" <>
lots of copies of HBD #2020 (Eric Palmer)
REMOVE (Alan Jurison)
Re: HBD #2021 What fools we mortals be... (Michael Lausin)
what an evening of fun (Shiva Vakili)
Prohibition (Douglas Thomas)
RE: Megabrewery Micros ("Gregory, Guy J.")
Temp Controller Plans; Module Availability (WALZENBREW)
Suppliers in Spain (Rich Larsen)
Securing CO2 tank/ LP to NG conv./Dextrin Malt ("Dave Hinkle")
Re: straining hops (D. Kris Rovell-Rixx)
Co2 Safety. Again.... ("Pat Babcock")
Orange Peels (Chris Strickland)
Keg Q/Stuck Ferment (mzekaus)


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From: Rob Gardner (Digest Janitor)
Subject: Digest is up for sale

I am looking for a stable, responsible party to take over ownership of
the Homebrew Digest as soon as possible. I will provide all necessary
assistance with the transition. If interested please email me



Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:25:09 -0500
From: (A. J. deLange)
Subject: Lighstrike/Autolysis/Ice vs Eis

Photons of energy corresponding to wavelengths of less than 550 nm (well
into the visible) are capable of splitting off the side chain and skunking
beer thus sunlight and fluorescent lighing will both spoil the beer but
tungsten light will do so to a much lesser extent. While the more energetic
photons of UV will probably do the job better and faster, the attenuation
of most glasses to these shorter wavelengths, as mentioned by Daniel
Goodale (is that really his last name?) should protect the beer from them
and the villains are then the short visible and longwave UV. The usual
glass bottle is thus designed to be a sort of low-pass filter with 20-30%
transmittance at 550 nm and presumably less at shorter wavelengths.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gregg Howard asks about yeast autolysis particularly whether it is oversold
as a danger to the brewer. I had never thought about it but I guess it is
in my opinion. Thinking back it is not something I have ever tasted but it
is certainly something I have smelled. I keg everything and am a lager buff
so I'll have stuff that has been sitting over yeast for more than a year in
some cases (bocks). The beer itself tastes and smells wonderful but on that
dreaded day when the handle is pulled and all that comes out is foam the
keg is depressurized to be opened and cleaned. When the lid comes off it is
not a pleasant smell that emanates from the keg. Upon distubing the yeast
sediment for removal, the smell becomes stronger and has a gagging sort of
burnt rubber aroma. I believe this to be the smell of autolyzation
products. Note that the wisdom is that the cold temperatures of lager
storage prevent autolysis from occurring. This is not so. The cold
temperatures only slow the process as the autolysis is veryplainly there
under the circumstance I described. The interesting question is what keeps
these out of the beer. It must be that the yeast mass confines the burst
cell products within itself. Autolysis supposedly is a form of canibalism
so perhaps most of the lysed products are consumed by the other yeast.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Eric Metzler commented on the Zymurgy article on Eisbock. Just a quick note
that the ideas behing ice beer and Eisbock are quite different although
freezing is involved in both. In the former case the idea is to hasten the
removal of "young beer" components such that the brewery can greatly
reduce, or altogether eliminate, the lagering period (it also is great
fodder for the marketing types). In the case of Eisbock the intent is to
concentrate flavor and alcohol by freezing and removing water. There is
some crossover between the methods but not much. I think little of the ice
is removed in the ice beer process (but note that these products are
usually 5.5% ABV).

A.J. deLange Numquam in dubio, saepe in errore!


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:26:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: lmatt <>
Subject: National Homebrew Day

In a recent post, someone ask what other homebrew clubs were doing for
May 4th. While on a recent tour of Tomcat Brewery in Raleigh, Thom
Tomlinson offered his 7 barrel (also has a 25 barrel) system to our club
for a celebration. Needless to say, Carboy (Cary-Apex-Raleigh Brewers Of
Yore) jumped at the chance and offered some involvement to TRUB (TRiangle
Unabashed homeBrewers).
Our clubs have developed a well hopped American Brown Ale recipe which
we will brew. All ingredients are being purchased by the club and
participating brewers will receive 5-10 gal for their effort. The
primary fermentation will be done onsite but our club will return the
following week to collect our beer and have flexibility on dry hopping,
adding fruit, or other variations.
While the mashing, boiling, and chilling are going on, we will have a
huge cookout being prepared for our members enjoyment. So many
homebrewers have always wanted to brew using a larger system and now we
have the chance. On May 4th, a homebrewer's dream becomes real.

Larry Matthews
Carboy/Trub member


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:33:23 EST
From: "Murray" <>
Subject: Mistake?


I have been homebrewing for the past few months (i.e. a rookie) and I thought
that I would try a "real" recepie so I chose the Belgian Honey Tickle ftom
Papazians' Homebrew Companion.

With help from my homebrew store, I managed to convert from Gal US
(19l) to Gal. CDN. (23l) however I think that I (we) did not convert
properly from Dry Malt Extract to liquid...missing the additional

My O.G. was 1.055 vs. 1.065-1.077 (recepie) and four days later was 1.11 (a
difference of 44) when transfering in to my secondary. The recepie
indicated that the final gravity should be 1.021-1.026 (a difference of 44).

What can I expect from I in trouble.....will the end
result be any I panic or sit back and have a homebrew?

Any help or comments muchly appreciated.

Murray Pinchuk


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 06:57:38 -0500
From: Wallinger <>
Subject: pin vs ball lock

>I use both and thought I'd chime in and agree wholeheartedly with Brian's
>answer concerning ball-locks. The bleed valve on top is the difference
>HMS - Baltimore

Actually, I have three pin lock kegs with the same feature.

Wade Wallinger
Pascagoula, Mississippi

newer brewers - check out our club's page for tips:


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 07:54:57 -0500
From: (P. Edwards)
Subject: Ready-to-Pitch Yeasts? I don't think so

Did anybody see the new product announcement in the latest zymurgy from
a company called Saccharomyces Supply Co? They've got liquid yeast that
they claim don't need a starter culture. The announcement says that the each
vial of yeast (sufficient for 5 gallons) contains 5 billion viable yeast cells.

Well I ran some numbers. In the Yeast Special edition of zymurgy a few
years back, Paul Farnsworth stated that 2 million yeast cells per milliter
was necessary at pitching to prevent microbiolical problems. The Practical
Brewer says pitching rates ought to be in the 5 to 15 million cells per ml

So, 5 gallons of beer is roughly 19 liters (19000 milliters). Using
Farnsworth's pitching rate, you'd need 38 billon cells. One the upper end
(for lagers or strong beer), the 15 million cells/ml would be 285 billion

So, if you used the RTP culture w/o a starter, you'd be under pitching by
anywhere from about 7 to 60 times.

Caveat Emptor!

- --Paul (


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 09:32:59 -0400
From: (Dave Whitman)
Subject: glass bottles

In HBD#2021, Daniel Goodales writes:

> Anyway, if I remember my optical crystallography correctly,
>glass is UV opaque. I remember that a UV prospecting device had to have
>quartz glass window for that reason. I always kinda thought that it was
>the warmth that skunked beer??

The skunking reaction is photochemical, presumably driven by UV light,
although I don't know the exact wavelength needed to drive the reaction.

Glass tends to block UV below a certain threshold wavelength (called the
"cut off") that varies with the type of glass. Quartz has a very low cut
off, and the soft glass used in bottles has a relatively high cut off.
Some UV light does get through even soft glass, though. Cut off
wavelengths for various glasses are given in most analytical chemistry

At one point I put a clear and brown bottle of my pale ale out in the sun
for a few days, and it confinced me that brown bottles are better. The
beer in the clear bottle was very bad smelling and tasting, almost
undrinkable. The brown one was a little degraded relative to stuff stored
in the dark, but not obviously bad like the clear bottle. This is a very
simple experiment to do, and worth doing if you want to see what skunking
is all about.

- ---
Dave Whitman
Rohm and Haas Specialty Materials


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 08:49:29 -0500 (CDT)
From: Craig Amundsen <>
Subject: Re:glass bottles/lightstruck

Hi -

Daniel Goodale wrote:
> Anyway, if I remember my optical crystallography correctly,
> glass is UV opaque. I remember that a UV prospecting device had to have
> quartz glass window for that reason. I always kinda thought that it was
> the warmth that skunked beer??

Then Algis R Korzonas wrote:
> Yes, but it does not have to be ultraviolet... in fact very little
> ultraviolet light makes it through glass. Through a process called
> non-radiative energy transfer, visible light (in some places it says
> green and below, in other places I've read that it is light in a
> narrower range, somewhere around blue-green) reacts with what is called
> a sensitizer (believed to be riboflavin in this particular reaction --
> the skunking of beer) and then transfers this energy to the isohumulone.

There is a nice graph (URL - that
shows the optical density of 5 different colors of beer bottles. The _Practical
Brewer_ from the Master Brewer's Association of the Americas, reports that
light below about 500 nm will skunk beer. This includes UV, which doesn't go
through glass. But light above about 350 nm does go through most colors of
glass to varying degrees, with brown glass being the most opaque to the danger

- Craig in St. Paul
- --
| Craig Amundsen | DILBERT - Sometimes I wonder if it's ethical |
| | to do these genetic experiments. But |
| (612) 624-2704 | I rationalize it because it will |
| 250 Biological Sciences | improve the quality of life. |
| 1445 Gortner Avenue | DOGBERT - What are you making? |
| Saint Paul, MN 55108 | DILBERT - Skunkopotamus. O- |


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 09:53:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Busch <>
Subject: Carapils and caramel pils

I see folks are interested in my aversion to Carapils malt. This is
just my opinion, YMMV.

As Olin correctly points out:

<Carapils and Dextrine malt are one in
<the same. Carapils is the trademarked name of Dextrine malt. Dextrine
<malt contains a high percentage of dextrins which are unfermentable by
<the malt enzymes, alpha and beta amylase.

De Wolf Cosyns sells a product which is a light caramel or crystal malt
called Caramel Pils or Caramel, Type Pils. German maltsters also sell
a similar product, often called caraPils. I wonder if the Briess trademark
is only valid in the US?

One can use any good caramel malt in the typical fashions, steeping for
extract brewers or mashing for all grainers. These malts impart a
pleasing nutty, sweetish, sometimes fullness of palate and some increased
head retention. The light caramels such as Type Pils can be used in
large percentages depending on the brewers target.

Briess/Dextrine/Carapils is another beast altogether and as Olin stated
it is not a caramel malt. I dislike the overall mouthfeel/body that
this malt can impart. A little is OK but it is seems to be used at
5-10% of some grists which is pretty high IMO. If I want to build
body/mouthfeel in my beers then I will adjust my mash program and
choice of malts to dictate the fermentability of the wort. I prefer
to use more natural methods to adjust my beers rather than adding a
more processed product which I feel negatively affects the overall
character of a beer. This can be a very subtle effect and in some
styles it may be a moot point. In very light lagers using noticable
amounts of Dextrine malt I find the effect almost artificial. This
is a presonal preference and yet another example of the diversity of
brewers, some love the stuff and thats all that matters.

Good brewing,

Jim Busch


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:03:31 EDT
From: "Rich Byrnes USAET(UTC -04:00)" <>
Subject: Securing CO2 tanks

Had to jump in on this post. The simplest way to secure a CO2
tank for the least amount of $$$ is DUCT TAPE! Just kidding!

Call a business that deals in fire extinguishers and purchase a
wall mount "holder?" for the size cylinder you own, then use
sheet metal screws and attatch the bracket to your fridge, you
can than easily undo the clasp to remove your tank for filling.

($25 for a guage cage? Ouch!!!!!!! Same part at a welding supplier
or mail order is around $12)

Regards,_Rich Byrnes Jr
Fermental Order of Renaissance Draughtsmen \\\|///
phone #(313)323-2613, fax #390-4520_______o000_(.) (.)_000o (_)


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 09:04:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: (Eric Palmer)
Subject: lots of copies of HBD #2020

I have more than enough copies of #2020. Thanks for the response.



Date: Thu, 25 Apr 96 23:58:36 -0700
From: Alan Jurison <>
Subject: REMOVE


Please remove Jeff Foley from your mailing list.

He no longer recieves his Internet mail and this newsletter is becoming

Thank you,

Alan Jurison
StormNet International Coordinator
StormNet Int'l Echomail Coordinator

> HOMEBREW Digest #2018 Tue 23 April 1996

> Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

> Contents:
> copyright (Rolland Everitt)
> celebrities (Wallinger)
> Testing CO2 Tanks (UTC -04:00)" <>



Date: Fri, 26 Apr 96 11:15:05 MDT
From: (Michael Lausin)
Subject: Re: HBD #2021 What fools we mortals be...

Hope the wife is feeling better...

NEVER, EVER leave a brew pot unattended! But I guess you already found that
out. Twice... :)

As far as the airlock clogging, I always put my carboy inside of a couple of
big black plastic bags. The bags block the light and helps prevent a blown off
airlock/blow off tube from doing damage to the inside of the closet, carpet,

The other thing I have found with using hop pellets is that the airlock gets
easily clogged with particles. I usually use a 5/16" tube in a stopper and put
the other end into a 1/2 gal sun tea jar that has about 1/2" of water in it.
That way it can blow off to it's hearts content and I don't have to worry about
a blown off airlock. I used to use 3/8" tubing, but had a problem with that
tube getting clogged during primary. Luckily having the plastic bags kept the
mess from going all over the place. I've seen tubing the size of the carboy
opening, but have never tried it. [Mostly worried about how good of a seal it
was gonna have. Gotta keep the gremlins out ya know!] :)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Lausin McDATA Corp. Broomfield, Co 303-460-4107
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PROGRAM n. A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's
input into error messages.
tr.v. To engage in a pastime similar to banging one's head against
a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The opinions expressed are mine, 'cause I'm the one pushing the keys!


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:28:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Shiva Vakili <>
Subject: what an evening of fun

Thank you so very much for inviting us. It was just fabolous. Yahya says
he does not remember having such a great time for such a long time.
You know he loves you and he became very much in fond of Sam your cousin.
good time! He was also so excited to see Lewis, from his tisses time!!
Oh what a great time we had. Thanks . You did it again .

- --
Shiva Vakili
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
Tel: (215) 898-4925 email


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:32:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Douglas Thomas <>
Subject: Prohibition

Hello Collective!
About 2 weeks ago I responded to a posting on the subject of prohibition
and claimed that wine making was legal nationally, during prohibition.
Well, I now give the back up for it
National Prohibition Act, Section 29 states that it is legal for the head
of household to make up to two hundred gallons of wine per year as long
as it is not sold or transported. Anywhere in the nation, a family head
could produce two hundred gallons for themselves. This is why California
vintners could stay alive. Grapes and grape concentrate was shipped
everywhere in the nation. The most popular product was Vine-Glo which
came in many varieties, and promised that wine could be made at home in
60 days.
This little section says nothing about beer, and if their were the rules
then as now about labeling "barley wine" then I would presume that that
too, could have been made.
Hope this explains things

Doug Thomas


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 96 12:00:00 PDT
From: "Gregory, Guy J." <>
Subject: RE: Megabrewery Micros

In HBD 2021, Mike Beatty <> exposes a conspiracy
during a tasting at Busch/St. Louis:
"since this seems to be an obvious attempt
by the big boy to pass off a micro-styled brew. All in all, it was
enjoyed by most there, including some homebrewers that I attended with"

Mike, trust me, this isn't a flame...As a homebrewer, I like my beer better
than most micros. Here in the NW, there is an explosion of microbreweries
and brewpubs, some of which make great beer, some is good beer, and some I
wouldn't pour on the ground. I really can't keep up, mostly 'cause I'm
drinking my homebrew and trying to make it better. Macrobreweries have all
been the same way as the micros (good, bad, indifferent), but I think since
the '60s they tended to appeal to the lowest common taste denominator.

I guess I have a couple of questions:

1) IMHO, if Bud or Miller or Coors or Schlitz chooses to brew with actual
rational amounts of barley, eliminating fillers, isn't that good?

2) Won't the resulting reintroduction of taste to beer actually increase the
market for everyone?

3) If you like it, isn't it automatically good beer, even if it's brewed in
gazillion gallon batches and left to sit on 100 degree loading docks for

Me, I don't care how good it gets, it still won't beat my beer. I think we
have a lot to gain and nothing to lose by monster breweries brewing good
beer. And I think Mike might agree.


Guy Gregory <> Lightning Creek Picobrewery-home of Helen
Chenoweth Memorial Sockeye Rye ale.....You're gonna miss it when it's gone.


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 15:17:20 -0400
Subject: Temp Controller Plans; Module Availability

The complete plans for my refrigerator/freezer/heater temperature
control, including a GIF of the schematic, are now on the TRASH home page at:

Also, just got this latest news on the availability of the module
that forms the heart of the unit. Radio Shack doesn't market the
module as "277-123" any more, nor is it stocked in any of their
stores. Marty Tippin ( informed me on 4/26/96 that
the module is available via mail order. He did some poking around
and found out that the controller *is* still available from Radio
Shack as a special-order part - it's now called part no. 1064-0316
and still goes for $19.99 + $2 shipping. It can be ordered
directly from Radio Shack at 800-843-7422 or you can have any local
store order it for you and it'll be shipped straight to your house.



Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:42:20 -0500
From: (Rich Larsen)
Subject: Suppliers in Spain

Does anyone know a supplier in Spain? I was chatting the other day with
someone who is interested in getting started, but lives in the North of Spain.

Not exactly my stomping grounds.

Please e-mail


=> Rich <>
Rich Larsen, Midlothian, IL. Also on HomeBrew University (847) 970-9778
"Spice is the Variety of Life"


Date: 26 Apr 1996 12:33:57 -0700
From: "Dave Hinkle" <>
Subject: Securing CO2 tank/ LP to NG conv./Dextrin Malt

Brain wrote about the gage cage:

>To prevent CO2 'rockets', may I suggest something simpler than securing the
>bottle to something. I use a 'gage cage', which surrounds the gages so
>they don't break when the bottle falls over. about 25 bucks at my homebrew
>store, so it pays for itself the fisrt time you knock over your CO2 bottle!

A Gage Cage still doesn't prevent the tank from tipping over. A safer
method is an older welders trick: get about 2-3 feet of light steel chain,
then put a snap-hook on each end. Costs just a few bucks at any
hardware store. You then just wrap the chain around the neck of the
tank a couple of times and secure the ends around something
stationary. Having a hook on each end lets you take up the slack.
I like to hook mine to one of the handles on the plastic trash can I ice
the keg down in. BTW, you can get the "Gage Cage" for $12 from
Superior Restaurant Supply via mail order. $25 is a BIT of a markup!
A falling tank is dangerous with or without a Gage Cage, as it doesn't
protect the tank valve. But if you're the type who leaves a loaded &
cocked shotgun leaning against a wall, then you probably don't worry
about a compressed gas tank falling over either.

Richard & Kathy Lai wrote about an LP conversion:

>My wife and I have a Liquid Propane (LP) barbecue grill
>that we want to convert to natural gas. Has anyone done
>If someone has done this, did you have to replace the
>burner and orifice or just the orifice? Who did this
>for you, or how did you get it done?
>I've called up several places, and they're either
>unable to sell converter kits, or feel it's too dangerous.
>Are we the only ones who have thought of this?

Call your gas company. They'll be more than happy to point you
to a source for what you need. The conversion is usually a new
orifice, hookup hose, and sometimes a new gas/air tube to
screw onto the bottom of the burner(s). The gas co. will also
inspect your fixed hookup valve to make sure it is the right
type (for free). BTW, the converter "kits" are usually made by
the grill manufacturer for your specific model or a range of
models. You could also call them for help.

Paul Brian wrote regarding Carapils:

>In hbd 2020 Jim Busch mentioned that he tends to avoid US carapils malt.
>Why? Does it have something to do with mashing? He mentioned only that
>it will break your tooth if bitten.

US Carapils (dextrin) malt, like unmalted wheat, is hellish on your mill!
As long as I get somebody else to mill it, I don't mind using it, but I find
it doesn't add as much body as European Carapils. I think it also adds
a "grainy-er" taste. Just my opinion.

Dave H.
Phoenix, AZ: where the next century refers to Fahrenheit.
Ahhh... Spring!


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 96 17:05:36 EDT
From: D. Kris Rovell-Rixx <>
Subject: Re: straining hops

> From: "Dave Higdon" <>
> HOMEBREW Digest #2021
> I recently brewed up a batch of palidia IPA. The wort was to thick to
> After a week of bottle age I tried one for carbonation and taste. It
> was horrible: very bitter with off-flavors. Will these efects decay
> with age?

For the first 1 1/2 months after kegging, my last batch of Palialia
tasted green and overly bitter. The bitterness mellowed with age.
The off-flavors disappeared and it turned into a really nice beer.
Palialia gets dryer with age. It continues to change as it ages but
it only seems to get better. I've gotten a lot of compliments with this
recipe. I think patience will be rewarded with this beer.
- --
D. Kris Rovell-Rixx (508)659-2096


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 17:32:34 +0500
From: "Pat Babcock" <>
Subject: Co2 Safety. Again....

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager....

Without mentioning any names, here's the drill:

o Gauge-cages protect the gauges, tis true - but only to an extent.
Don't kid yourself into thinking this little birdcage can keep you
from fracturing either the housing of the regulator or snapping it
off at the valve stem. Or even breaking the valve off. And, they are
"periphery protectors". Anything fitting up into them as the bottle
falls is "fair game".

o Why wouldn't oxygen stored under pressure "freeze up" as the claim
was made for CO2? The transition from liquid to gas in either case
would require similar amounts of energy, so why would any other gas
stored in liquid form not freeze up as was claimed CO2 would?

Simple message, folks: Better safe than sorry. Best practice is to
strap or chain the cylinder - ANY COMPRESSED GAS-FILLED CYLINDER - in
such a fashion to prevent it EVER falling over. And anchor it to
something that won't itself fall over. Anyone who tells you
otherwise also isn't living in your skin. As always, trust your own
instincts and judgement. If it doesn't sound reasonable, it probably

(And you know what to do with the flames...)

See ya!

Pat Babcock in Canton, Michigan (Western Suburb of Detroit) URL:
Let a good beer be the exclamation point at the
end of your day as every sentence requires proper


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 21:01:34 -0400
From: Chris Strickland <>
Subject: Orange Peels

I recently brewed a batch using dried orange peels in place of my normal
finishing hops. Tastes good, barely can taste the orange peels (really
don't want it to overpower). I used 4 tbs at 10 minutes left in the boil
and the 1hr it takes to cool. Anyone else tried orange peels, if so, how?
- --------------
Chris Strickland


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 23:13:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Keg Q/Stuck Ferment

Hi All,

After cleaning out a soda keg, I added my usual ounce of iodophor to the
water. I was wondering if the chlorine in the town water would react with
the stainless steel?.I leave the water/Iodophor as sanitizer until keg is
needed again. could be weeks or months. I haven't gotten the info I want out
of the water dept. yet as regard to PPM of chlorine...

I have another question about a fermentable:
Seemingly stuck fermentation on a brew called "Sugar on Snow" (5 gal)
1.5 Gal Grade A Amber Maple Syrup
2.5 Gal Concentrated Maple Sap (water removed via a membrane)
2.5 C Corn Sugar
1 Gal water
1 tsp. Acid Blend
1 tsp. Yeast Nutrient
2 X 7 gr. wine yeast.
OG 1.118 (3/16/95) had a rip-roaring primary ferment, racked to secondary on
4/8/95 with a SG of 1.088. then practically nothing. On 3/6/96 it had a SG
of 1.055, I re-pitched a starter of EC-1118 lalvin Champagne yeast. Some
activity, but I'm not impressed. I expected to get a FG a lot closer to
1.000. any suggestions?


Mark Zekauskas

- --
"There's no reassuring ceiling over you... Only an open sky full of changes.
Welcome it. Every sense you possess is an instrument for reacting to change.
Does that tell you nothing?" -Frank Herbert.

End of HOMEBREW Digest #2022, 04/27/96

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