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HOMEBREW Digest #1695

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HOMEBREW Digest #1695 Sat 01 April 1995

Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor

Wheat beer cloudiness... (" Patrick G. Babcock")
hoptech mail order ("Gerry Nelson")
UPS Shipping Homebrew (Michael L Montgomery +1 708 979 4132)
Valley mill/Wooden Casks/Yeast Culturing (Kirk R Fleming)
RE: Pyramid Apricot Soda....uhhh... Ale (uswlsrap)
Stuck Fermentations and the Dry Malt Extract Theory (harry)
Re: Brewing Techniques article (Spencer.W.Thomas)
RE: Lager Yeast Lag Time (Mark Thompson)
Lead crystal/gout/supergeniuses (Nathan Dalleska)
Re: Hoptech Shipping Problems (Linscheid, SSgt James)
Wyeast 1968 (Rob Emenecker)
Bernoulli Effect ("Dutcher, Pier")
Lager Yeast Lag time (Eric Schauber)
Kegging Faq (CA2160)
Raw wheat and covered boils (Jim Busch)
Re: Wooden Casks (Terry Terfinko)
Honey I blew up the beer. (Russell Mast)
priming weiss bier (Chuck E. Mryglot)
Lambic Offer (Rich Larsen)
Re: hoptech shipping problems (MTaylor266)
BOSS (Russell Mast)
HBD in BT (Norman Pyle)
Fred Waltman, where are you? (awalsh)
17th Annual UNYHA Competition (Kaltenbach)
Re: Hoptech (Russ Silbiger)
RE: Stuck CO2 regulator (Chris Cooper)
Best British beers? (pittock)
lead in crystal (S18312SG)
Greater Wichita Homebrew Comp results ("Lee C. Bussy")
Legalizing Beer making in MO (SMSUBears)
Using honey to prime ("Rick Gontarek, Ph.D.")
Re: Valley mill (Douglas O'Brien)

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Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 09:38:55 EST
From: " Patrick G. Babcock" <>
Subject: Wheat beer cloudiness...

In HBD #1693, Al Korzonas comments on the cloudiness in wheat beers. In

>> The cloudiness in Bavarian Weizens is due to the pouring of the yeast
>> from the bottom of the bottle into the glass and not from the wheat.

Is that right? I have experienced many weizens and hefeweizens that have
demonstrated chill haze in the bottle (No agitation; just sitting in the
fridge). It is not inconceivable that this could be due to yeast, but I'd
offer that pouring has little or nothing to do with it since the delicious
nectar remains under cap in the bottle ;-) Acts just like any other chill
haze, too. There when cold, gone when warm.

Particular examples would include Tuchers and Ayingers Dunkels and Helles
Hefeweizens - I cite these as they are most recent in my memory. Hopefully,
I'm not drinking some mutated versions of these brews.

Just some observations. No disrespect intended...

Brew On!
Patrick (Pat) G. Babcock |"Let a good beer be the exclamation point at the | end of your day as every sentence requires
(313)33-73657 (V) | proper punctuation." - PGB
(313)59-42328 (F) |


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 07:58:51 -0600 (MDT)
From: "Gerry Nelson" <>
Subject: hoptech mail order

Jay Richards mentioned in today's issue some problems with an order
from hoptech, and was wondering if this type of thing was common or
not. I have been using hoptech for some time now, and have found
them to be prompt, helpful, and professional. Living in the great
outback of Wyoming, it is difficult to get supplies locally, so mail
order is my only option. I have tried several mail order businesses,
and have had a few problems with most. I think it is the nature of
the business, the real proof is in how you are treated if a problem
does arise. Hoptech gives good service at good prices, and I would
hate to see a rumor get started that they are no good! Sometimes
stuff happens.
Jerry Nelson, Physical Sciences Division
Department of Geology/Geography
Casper College, Casper Wyoming 82601
(307)268-2514 (voice and FAX)


Date: 30 Mar 95 09:01:00 -0600
From: (Michael L Montgomery +1 708 979 4132)
Subject: UPS Shipping Homebrew

Today I got the UPS B...S... of not shipping bottles. I brought some
homebrew into the UPS customer counter, packed in a Beer Across America
box, to ship to a local competition, and because the bottles moved around
a little, the clerk wanted to look into the box. When she discovered that
the bottles were filled with beer, she said that under no circumstances
can she ship them. She pulled out a handwritten note stating that beer
and wine can be shipped by distributers only!!!

Is something going on with UPS? Are they cracking down on our shipments
to competitions? She looked like she was waiting for the opportunity to
find beer or wine and refuse shipment.

A while back, someone posted that it was OK to ship with UPS. They even
produced the Section and code number from the UPS guidelines. Could you
please post the rules again?

Mike Montgomery


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 08:34:13 -0700
From: (Kirk R Fleming)
Subject: Valley mill/Wooden Casks/Yeast Culturing

Valley Roller Mill
- ------------------
RE: HBD 1691 Douglas O'Brien says:

>The [Valley Mill] rollers are 9" long x 1" diameter knurled
>stainless steel with a direct drive handle (i.e. no gears or pulleys).

a) How does roller 1 turn roller 2--that is, how are the two coupled
then, if at all?

b) Would you say the knurling is full-depth and somewhat 'sharp',
or does it appear to be shallow knurling with a smoother surface?

c) Ball bearings or bronze bushings?

Wooden Barrels (Casks)
- ----------------------
At a homebrew shop in Denver I saw a ~5 gal wooden cask displayed
along with various associated parts, etc. I'm interested in casks
of that size, but would prefer smaller ones (say 10-15 L). Does
anyone know of a source and/or how much these barrels cost retail?

Yeast Culturing
- ----------------------
Has anyone innoculated slants using samples taken from the
fermenter during an active ferment? If so, have you experienced
the propagation of 'stuff' other than the desired yeast? I just
did this and it seemed like a really dumb idea when I was done...

Kirk R Fleming
Colorado Springs


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 10:34:15 EST
Subject: RE: Pyramid Apricot Soda....uhhh... Ale

When I visited the brewery last August, I sampled the apricot and thought it
tasted a lot like the way I would expect a "wine cooler" to taste. Can't
imagine why you'd want to brew one, but I also can't understand why it sells
so well, either. Different strokes, I suppose....

ANYWAY, the person giving the tour commented that some of the people there
don't like brewing it because the use of the apricot extract offends their
sense of purity. She also said something about it not having any hops. That
caught my ear, and I asked whether she meant that literally, or simply that it
was hopped very lightly (and compared to their wonderful pale ale very lightly
could still mean a decent number of IBUs ;-) ). Her response to my question
was "No hops." I started to ask whether other herbs were used as a substitute
for hops, but by then the tour guide's talk went on to other matters.

Can anyone confirm what I heard about the lack of hops in the brew? If it's
true, that should help our would-be Pyramid Apricot homecloners.

Now go have a beer,

Bob Paolino / Disoriented in Badgerspace /
- ---THE INTERNET: Hardwiring the neurons of the global brain:---
One geek at a time....
- ---------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 10:44:07 -0400
From: (harry)
Subject: Stuck Fermentations and the Dry Malt Extract Theory

I've read a number of postings recently from extract brewers with
stuck fermentation/high FG problems. I have been there, and I am there
right now with two batches (a lager and an ale).
Let's assume that all of the conventional advice for this problem
has been followed (pitched plenty of yeast from an active starter, aerated
the shit out of the wort, controlled my ferment temperatures, re-pitched
with fresh yeast, blah, blah blah). I still have a problem with some
batches not fermenting out.
I recently went through the notes for ALL of my brews, the good
ferments, the OK ferments (O.G.=1.050, F.G.=1.024) and the bad ones
(O.G.=1.046, Stuck at 1.030!) and FOUND a common thread- DRY MALT EXTRACT.
The good ferments had none, the OK ones had some, and the bad ones had all
dry extract.
Since I have used various dry malt extracts, I couldn't blame my
problem on their quality, so I figured the problem has to be my procedure.
I recently read in one of the handbooks (Miller?) that the dry malt extract
should be re-hydrated
by slowly stirring into warm water. I have not done this and believe now
that this is at the crux of my problem.
I generally use some sort of specialty malt or grain (e.g. crystal)
in my extract brews, which I steep in a bag in my water during the heat up
and pull out of the water just prior to boiling. I then just tossed my dry
malt extract into the boil and it would glob up into some disgusting hard
rock which further boiling would eventually melt.
FINALLY, my questions to collective brewing mind: Was I forming the
dreaded caramelized sugars by dumping the dry malt directly into boling
water? Are these sugars unfermentable, thus boosting my F.G's through the
roof? Is there a yeast that will ferment them, or a process I can use to
save the brew? Short of a hot new idea from you folks, I plan to
specifically brew up a batch or two of dry, low F.G. brews (lots of corn
sugar and highly attenuative ingredients) and blend them off prior to
Private e-mail responses are fine, but some of your knowledge on
this topic may be of general interest, in which case a posting may be
appropriate. Thanks in advance.



"God is not on our side... God hates idiots."
- Clint Eastwood from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 11:08:05 EST
Subject: Re: Brewing Techniques article

Mitch Gelly writes:
> A point made by Norm was that although thousands read the HBD, in a recent
> survey it was discovered that virtually all the posts are made by approx.
> 100 people. I would have liked to see the list of the top 10 contributors.
> I've got five bucks on Al K. being at the top of that list ;->

Here's the top 11 posters so far this year. There have been 74 issues
so far.

45 (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
41 "Fleming, Kirk R., Capt" <>
30 Jim Busch <>
25 "Lee Bussy" <>
21 "Bob Paolino" <>
17 (Philip Gravel)
17 (Dion Hollenbeck)
15 "Keith Royster" <>

Here's a table of the number of people who have made "N" or more posts:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
895 387 217 142 90 68 50 38 33 25

=Spencer Thomas in Ann Arbor, MI


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 08:14:08 -0800
From: Mark Thompson <>
Subject: RE: Lager Yeast Lag Time

DAN BURKE wrote:
>I recently brewed an Oktoberfest style, part extract, part mash, and
>pitched a Wyeast 2178 Lager yeast blend without a separate starter. The
>yeast was fresh and the packet swelled vigorously.

>I am trying to maintain lager fermentation temperatures for the first time,
>and after pitching I took the whole batch down to about 48 F. It has been
>three days now and there is no activity from the yeast. I did find
>evidence in the archives AGAINST starting these yeasts warm and then
>cooling them down, so I've tried to maintain the cold temperatures
>continuously since pitching.
>Question is, will this yeast go ahead and start? I expected that lag
>times would be longer given the cold temperature, but since this is my
>first truly cold lager, I don't have a baseline to judge by. My homebrew
shop said "Oh, take it out and let it warm up, and it'll get going."
>This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
I think that you severly underpitched this batch. For my PU clone I
used the packet to up to a 3/4gallon starter for a 9 gallon batch.
There still wasn't that much yeast settement and the starter was still
turbid so i had to pitch the liquid. I had cooled the wort to 55F, or
so, and imediately put the fermenter in the 50F frig after pitching. I
was worried the next morning because i didn't see a big kreusen(sp).
So i think i under pitched. By later that day, 24 hours later, i had
fermentation underway.

Through this process I came to the conslusion that the only way to
really get a decient pitching quanity is to brew several batches
of increasing size and pitch from one to the next. You could start
with a 500ml pitch from the packet. Next go to a 2l test batch. Next
brew a 3gallon batch, and repitch this into your 10gallon batch. You
don't have to throw away the beer on top of the later starters.
Ferment them out and store the beer in 1l or 2l pet bottles in the
frig. It's a lot of brewing but that's what this is all about. It'll
give you a chance to try different grain combos or hops. Just aim for
the same OG in each batch.



Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 09:27:54 -0700
From: nathan@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Nathan Dalleska)
Subject: Lead crystal/gout/supergeniuses

Jeff Wolf asks whether liqour (whiskey in particular) stored
in a lead crystal decanter can develop a dangerous lead con-
centration over time. According to Irving M. Klotz in
Journal of Chemical Education (volume 71, number 12, December
1994, page 1015) the answer is YES. For example, a sample of
whiskey taken from a decanter in the home of one of his
colleagues was found to hold 2.587 milligrams of lead per
liter. Port held in a lead crystal decanter less than
one year contained 203 micrograms/liter (IMHO this could be
accounted for from the lead containing foil over the bottle
the port was shipped in). In any event, lead blocks excretion
of uric acid by the kidneys, leading to gout. In the 18th
century, Klotz tells us, gout was endemic to Britain, apparently
due to the practice of storing port, sherry, madeira, etc. in
lead crystal containers. (Peer pressure wins again). This lead
to the belief among the wealthy classes of Britain that gout
is associated with genius intelligence. So Jeff, if your friend
continues drinking spirits from lead crystal, he can contract
gout and join the ranks of "supergeniuses" such as Alexander the
Great, Ben Franklin, Sir Isaac Newton, Tennyson, and even Luther.


Nathan Dalleska


Date: Sat, 30 Mar 19 95:11
From: LINSCHEJ.WING@WING.SAFB.AF.MIL (Linscheid, SSgt James)
Subject: Re: Hoptech Shipping Problems

Jay Richards was describing a problem with a recent Hoptech order. It was
an almost perfect description of an order I just made with then. I must
say, after a few calls, they DID fix the problems with the order. I
wasn't going to post my problem with them, but it seems there may be a
serious quality control problem that needs be be brought out, and
hopefully corrected.

- I ordered a Bavarian Wheat beer kit (possibly not the exact name, the
catalog is at home), and only received a bucket of extract and a notice
that the yeast was on backorder. There were no hops or instructions.

-- I called saying I only received the extract and was told the rest
would be sent. I finally received the yeast and hops, but no
instructions. I could have brewed without instructions, but this was
becoming a matter of principle. I called again and they faxed it to me
within an hour.

-- According to the instructions, and the AHA style guide, my OG
should have better than 1.040. The actual OG was 1.027! This almost
leads me to believe that there may have been more missing from the kit
than I thought. I guess it will be the kind of beer only AB could love

- Also in the order was a 12lb bucket of extract and a packet of liquid
lager yeast. The box was packed with the 12lb bucket on top of the yeast
packet! I feel very lucky that the yeast had not been activated!

I really hate to see this happen. From their catalog they seem to be a
first rate company with a wide variety of products. If they correct these
problem I would be happy to patronize them in the future.

James Linscheid

Computer Geek, Brewer


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 12:16:01 PST
From: Rob Emenecker <>
Subject: Wyeast 1968

Adding my 2 cents to the comments about Wyeast 1968 in HBD 1693 made by
Rich Lenihan....

I was out of touch with homebrewing for the past 6 months (moving to a new
house and trying to set-up an area that would accommodate brewing). To
christen my new brewing area I decided to make up an E.S.B. Although the
recipe I came up with (only ever made one batch of beer from a published
recipe) was slightly darker than the AHA style guidelines, bitterness, malts,
O.G. and alcohol were within guidelines. For the brew I decided to try
Wyeast 1968.

To give a bit of background, I have always done partial boils (3-3.5 gallons)
with extract. Aeration was never a great concern because I would splash 2
gallons of cold water into a carboy. Then using a nylon strainer, strain the
cooled wort into the awaiting water. Next I would cap my carboy and do the
rolling carboy rhumba for about 15-20 minutes. This has always given me more
than adequate aeration for my worts before pitching yeast... or so I thought.

With the liquid wyeast cultures, I always allowed them to incubate and would
pitch directly into my wort (without using a starter). Now, with my E.S.B.
(not only to christen the house, but also in honor of tax time) appropriately
titled "Got 'Dem Ole' I.R.S. Bitter Blues", after pitching the yeast it was a
good 48 hours before the yeast began a good healthy fermentation. It has now
been 9 days since pitching and the yeast is finally showing signs of slowing.
My concern is that I may not get a complete fermentation. What is the best way
to "wake up" the yeast and at the same time, minimize any chance of

: "There are only two things in life that oooooo :
: we can ever be certain of... _oooooooo :
: ...taxes and beer!" /_| oooooo :
: Cheers, // | ooo :
: Rob Emenecker \\_| oo | :
: (Rob Emenecker) \_| o| :
: Cadmus Journal Services, Inc. |______| :


Date: 30 Mar 1995 09:23:09 PST
From: "Dutcher, Pier" <>
Subject: Bernoulli Effect

From: Dutcher, Pier -PEDU
Subject: Bernoulli Effect
Date: 1995-03-30 09:11

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

John says <, it sounds more like the Bernoulli effect than Venturi. >
Keith says <Sorry, but this is not correct. As far as I am aware, there is
no Bernoulli "effect", just the Bernoulli equation <snip> . So, the
Bernoulli equation is what explains the Venturi effect. >

I know that this isn't a physics BB, but what-the-heck --

It's been a long time since Physics 201 for me, but Webster's dictionary
gives a nice definition of "Bernoulli effect" and nothing for "Venturi
effect." Bernoulli's *LAW* quantifies the Bernoulli effect, which explains
how a venturi works. A venturi requires a restriction in the fluid stream
to raise the velocity and lower the pressure, which is not what is happening
when you drill holes in the wall of constant-diameter tubing. I think John
is correct. Regardless, the dang things work for aerating wort. -- Pier


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 09:32:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Eric Schauber <>
Subject: Lager Yeast Lag time

In HBD #1693 (March 30, 1995) wrote:

> I am trying to maintain lager fermentation temperatures for the first time,
> and after pitching I took the whole batch down to about 48 F. It has been
> three days now and there is no activity from the yeast. I did find
> evidence in the archives AGAINST starting these yeasts warm and then
> cooling them down, so I've tried to maintain the cold temperatures
> continuously since pitching.
> Question is, will this yeast go ahead and start? I expected that lag
> times would be longer given the cold temperature, but since this is my
> first truly cold lager, I don't have a baseline to judge by. My homebrew
> shop said "Oh, take it out and let it warm up, and it'll get going."
> This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
> And as someone said the other day, I don't want to relax, and I am worrying!
> Mostly about infection in the meantime. I've gotten enough other bad advice
> from CP that the old RDWHAHB is starting to ring a little stale as well...
> Thanks,
> Dan

How quickly did you lower the temperature?
My take on this is that an abrupt change in temp. may have shocked the
yeast into (hopefully) temporary dormancy. For my first and only lager
attempt, I used Wyeast American Lager (#????), which is notably
temperature-sensitive. I let the pack incubate, pitched, and fermented
for one day, all at 75 F (per package instructions). After 24 h, the
batch was bubbling vigorously. I then turned off the heater, insulated
the fermenter with some old clothes, and let the batch cool to my
December room temp (about 45F, brrrr). The yeast expressed their
displeasure by ceasing all activity for over 2 days before resuming a
somewhat subdued fermentation. Yes, I was worried, and having homebrews
did not help the matter.

Hopefully, your yeasties will acclimate and resume their duties soon.

Eric Schauber
"Nothing compares to the healing properties of a good stout" -- my sister.


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 12:15:26 CST
Subject: Kegging Faq

SENT BY: Jonas Hartzler (CA2160)
Lab Tech III Ph: 453-6205
Y'all write back now, ya hear?
This is a dumb question, but where is the kegging FAQ on the World Wide Web?
Or is there one?


*** Information Technology --- Lab Technician III ***
*** CA2160 @ SIUCVMB.SIU.EDU - Rehn Hall Room 17 ***
*** Southern Illinois University - Carbondale, IL ***


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 13:36:48 -0500 (EST)
From: Jim Busch <>
Subject: Raw wheat and covered boils

Al says, in response to Jack:

> Question? Does raw wheat need to be pre-boiled like corn to gelatinize it?


Ive never boiled my 40% raw wheat wits and I get fine extraction.

<I have brewed every one of my 200+ batches with a partially covered kettle
<where the condensate on the inside of the lid *DID* drip back into the
<kettle and neither I, nor any judge who has tasted my beer, have sensed
<any DMS or other undesirable aromatics in any of my beers. However, 99% of
<them have been ales and the evolving CO2 does scrub out remaining DMS, so
<Jim's advice may be more important for lager brewers where the CO2 evolution
<is much slower. Just a few datapoints.

I was not referring to DMS. The condensate contains very unpleasent bitter
compounds that are better left out of the wort.

Jim Busch
Colesville. Md


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 13:41:08 EST
From: Terry Terfinko <>
Subject: Re: Wooden Casks

Kirk Fleming asks:
>At a homebrew shop in Denver I saw a ~5 gal wooden cask
>displayed along with various associated parts, etc. I'm interested in
>casks of that size, but would prefer smaller ones (say 10-15 L).
>Does anyone know of a source and/or how much these barrels cost

The BrewLab (1-800-900-8410) carries wooden casks in sizes from
2 - 15 gallons. They also have wooden stands to hold the cask in a
horizontal position, plus several other items in their catalog.
(No Affiliation, etc)

Happy Brewing - Terry Terfinko -


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 14:02:41 CST
From: Russell Mast <>
Subject: Honey I blew up the beer.

Someone mentioned priming their beer with 3/4 cup of honey. I hope you've
got strong bottles. 3/4 cup of honey is a lot more sugar than 3/4 cup of
dry corn sugar. About 3 times as much, working off the top of my pointy little
head. I'd pack those bottle up and send'em to the Chechens before they finish
carbonating. They need ammo, and you don't.



Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 16:01:43 EST
From: (Chuck E. Mryglot)
Subject: priming weiss bier

I'm gearing up to brew some weiss bier and plan to prime it
with wort which I'll save before I pitch the yeast. I think
I'll need about a quart and a half, but can someone point me
to some sort of formula that will allow me to calculate this
based on desired volumes of co2, wort gravity, etc....




Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 15:37:37 -0600
From: (Rich Larsen)
Subject: Lambic Offer

Hi all,

Just was looking through the latest mailing from Sam Adams and
came across an intersting article on brewing Lambic beer.

For those of you that don't know what a Lambic is, it is a
spontainiously(sp?) fermented ale. That means that the beer is
naturually fermented without the aid of any added yeasts. (Allthough
I'll bet some breweries do add some cultured natural occuring
yeast. ) Anyway, the wort is prepared and then allowed to cool in
large flat cooling trays in a room with the windows open. This
allows the wild yeasts and bacteria to blow in from the outside and
innoculate the wort. The only place in the world where the proper
microflora exsist is Belgium, so "Don't try this at home" :-)

The resulting brew is extremly complex, tart, fruity.... generally
speaking quite wonderful and distinctive. Sometimes fruit is added
to make a special beer. Examples of these beers are St. Louis Gueze
(I know I spelled that wrong) Lindemans, Timmermans, and Boon.

Anyway, one of the challenges of the home brewer has been to try
to duplicate this difficult style. You have to have the right
proportions of wild beasties to create the balance in the flavor.
Well is seems that it has been done by Boston Beer Co, of Sam Adams
fame. It appears that they received so many complaints from
homebrewers and beer enthusiasts about the "slaughter" of the lambic
appelation with their Cranberry Lambic, that they decieded to make
good and actually create a proper example. I quote..."With the
cooperation of Lindemans and Boon Brewerie, we were allowed to take dust
samples from the rafters and window sills from the cooling room. After
several attempts to culture from the samples we managed to isolate
nearly 200 different varities of wild yeast and bacteria. These
cultures did not however, create a beer as authentic as those
actually brewed in Belgium. Only when we hit upon the idea that
the proper organizims would be located only in the air, did we
manage to hit the style on the head. By carefully obtaining a sealed
case of Framboise from the brewery and transporting it to our brewey,
then forcing sterilized air though a hole in the box and bubbling it
through a starter wort, we captured the elusive bug. We then washed
and rinsed each bottle with the wort and allowed it to drain into
the culture.

After isolating the rare bacteria, we discovered it was previously
unknown to brewing science. Aptly dubbed and trademarked "Pediococcus kochus"
after Jim Koch. In keeping with last years promotion of the rare hops
sales to homebrewers, we will be providing cultures to interested parties
for a fee."

Advice from the article also stated that is is extremly easy to
duplicate the style with the use of this culture. All the homebrew
has to do is brew a 20% wheat light ale and pitch a starter from this
culture. Ferment at around 70F for about three weeks. Also it states
that for a higher success rate the beer should be brewed only once a
year on April fools day. ;-0

=> Rich <>
Rich Larsen, Midlothian, IL. Also on HomeBrew University (708) 705-7263
Variety is the spice of life.


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 16:48:05 -0500
Subject: Re: hoptech shipping problems

For Jay Richards:

I had a problem also with a hoptech order when I ordered a brewing kit which
came late with very poor instructions and packaging.

I would not give up on mail order yet, as I order frequently from William's
Brewing (usual disclaimers!) and have always received
good service and products.

Good luck!

Matt Taylor


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 16:30:08 CST
From: Russell Mast <>
Subject: BOSS

Congratulations to everyone! I'd like to thank Al Korz' for all the free
advice and criticism, my brew-buddy Jake Galley for the help with mashing
and that important final stage - drinking, and my girlfriend Sandy for putting
up with the mess and the smells and the cussing and swearing.

I also have to express my anal-retentiveness.

> Pilsners, German Pale Lagers and Pale American Beers
> 3rd Russel Mast (29.5)

It's "Russell" with two "L"s. It's really no big deal, it's just that I
missed my medication today and have to post to correct it. For all I know,
I spelled it wrong on my entry forms. Either that or it was the one I spilled
beer on.

(I was also gonna say it's "39.5" not "29.5" and it's "1st" not "3rd",
but I probably shouldn't push my luck.)



Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 15:27:05 MST
From: Norman Pyle <npyle@hp7013.ecae.StorTek.COM>
Subject: HBD in BT

Well, I guess I have a little explaining to do about my HBD feature in
_Brewing Techniques_. The survey I was quoting was done by Rob Gardner, and
the information was given to me sort of casually, i.e. it wasn't meant to be
conclusive or scientific. His survey was over a one-month period, which in
retrospect is definitely too small a sample to draw conclusions from. Don't
get me wrong though, this was my fault, not his. I consider myself a regular
contributor, but I often go more than a month without posting.

Spencer's numbers show a more accurate picture, as they have been gathered
over almost 3 months:

>Here's a table of the number of people who have made "N" or more posts:
>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>895 387 217 142 90 68 50 38 33 25

Applying a little common sense to the numbers, I'd throw out all of the
contributors who've only posted once so far this year - someone who posts
once every three months probably isn't carrying much of the information load
of the digest. This isn't completely valid though, since newbies sometimes
post the same article twice in one day (this happened just this week), and
others like Dr. Fix post rarely but their postings carry a good deal of
weight, i.e. information.

I guess I should have said done more research on this. If so, I'd probably
have said something like, "a recent survey shows that, though thousands of
people read the information presented, the vast majority of the digest
articles are written by only a few hundred people". I should have verified
that information, instead of taking it and running with it as I did. (ACCKK!
I've become one of those careless non-fact-checking journalists I've been
lampooning for so long!). Now Spencer, let's talk about how you got YOUR
numbers... :-) Sorry about the misinformation, folks.



Date: Fri, 31 Mar 95 09:58:25
Subject: Fred Waltman, where are you?

Sorry guys. I've lost Fred's email address and
need to contact him pronto. Please email me
Fred. Note my new address.

// Andy Walsh from Sydney.
// phone (02) 369 5711

PS. Nice article on the HBD in BT, Norm.


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 20:11:38 -0500
Subject: 17th Annual UNYHA Competition

It's not too late to enter the UNYHA 17th Annual AHA-sanctioned
Competition! It's a great chance to get some credit for brewing great
beer or mead! Prizes and high-quality certificates are awarded to 1st,
2nd, and 3rd place winners. Best of show prize is a complete home
kegging system! Send in those entries!

Upstate New York Homebrewers Association
17th Annual Competition and 6th Empire State Open

Saturday, April 22, 1994
McGinnity's Restaurant and Party House
534 West Ridge Road
Rochester, New York

Doors open at 6 PM -- Judging begins at 7 PM
Admission: $5.00

Come & join the fun! Enjoy complimentary samples of homebrew!


British Ale Light Lager Porter & Stout
North American Ale Amber Lager Belgian
Brown Ale Dark Lager Specialty
Mead Looks Like "Saranac Pale Ale"

No entries will be accepted after April 12.

Contest entries may be entered at homebrew shops in Rochester, Buffalo,
Syracuse, Utica, Ithaca, Binghamton, Albany, and the Hudson Valley
-or- they may be shipped. Send email request to address below for more


* Prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in all categories
* For all categories (except Looks Like): Malt extract or other brewing
supplies (honey for Mead category)
* For Looks Like "Saranac Pale Ale": Prizes awarded by F.X. Matt's

Prizes For Best of Show:

1st Prize -- Complete home kegging system
2nd Prize -- $50 gift certificate for homebrew supplies from The Wine
Press & Hops
3rd Prize -- $25 gift certificate at Rohrbach Brewing Company

(All categories except Mead and Looks Like "Saranac Pale Ale" compete
for best of show.)

*** Contest Sanctioned by the American Homebrewers Association ***

For more info about our competition, email me at the address below:

Tom Kaltenbach Member, Upstate New York Homebrewers Assoc.
Email: Rochester, New York, USA


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 17:45:01 +0800
From: (Russ Silbiger)
Subject: Re: Hoptech

> says:
> I recently received an order from HOPTECH which had a number of
> problems and was wondering if any one else has had problems, or if
> this was an isolated case. First of all I ordered from them based on
> their very informative and promissing catalog, I just wish all the
> promises made in the catalog were true. The problems I had were:
( quite a few)

My first order with them, they forgot to send the hops, then they sent
the wrong ones. Other than that (and slow deliverey on another order)
they have done okay.
Overall I prefer Williams' Brewing in San Leandro for my mail order
needs. Every order has been correct and sent out the same day.

========================================================== *_Russ_Silbiger_* This space available *__Ashland__Or__* for rent.


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 21:28:07 -0500
From: Chris Cooper <>
Subject: RE: Stuck CO2 regulator

Brian Pickerill asked about the wisdom of dismantling a
CO2 regulator to repair it. I recently was given 3 older
(at least 10 years old) "Cornelius" brand regulators,
they were very dirty and somewhat rusty but with effort
and a small dremel tool and wire brush I was able to put
them back into working order. I replaced all rusted screws
with stainless allen bolts including the one used to adjust
the pressure. (Hint: I used a old toothbrush and toothpaste
to clean the internal parts and rubber seals)

So I say get out your tools and go for it!

Chris Cooper , Commerce Michigan --> Where ever you go <-- --> There you are <--


Date: Fri, 31 Mar 95 12:38:46 EST
Subject: Best British beers?

Hi, I have a quick request. A friend is about to ship all of his
belongings from London to Australia and had very graciously offered to ship
back some beer for me. Could I pick the minds and palates of those on the
HBD for some beers of excellence that I should request? If you post
directly to me, I'll post a short summary if appropriate. Thankyou.
Chris Pittock.


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 21:58:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: lead in crystal

Hi Brewers,
Oh, boy, my first post. Regarding Jeff Wolf's question about
lead leaching from the crystal into the old whiskey: won't happen.
Two reasons: First, there is way too much silica in the matrix for
leaching to occur. Those old, lead pottery glazes are way high in
lead and auxilliary fluxes, so the soluble lead oxide is free to go on
its way.
Second: There ain't any lead there. My old glaze calc teacher
told us once that the glass industry uses lead in crystal as a
purifier. The lead is added to the cullet mix with the other, trace
fluxes. At high temperatures, the lead boils off taking impurities
with it. Thus, that wonderful, clear lead crystal.
I hope that clears things up a bit.
Steve Grimmer
Ceramics grad


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 21:18:53 +0000
From: "Lee C. Bussy" <>
Subject: Greater Wichita Homebrew Comp results

Here are the results from the Second Annual Greater Wichita Homebrew
Competition. Over 150 entries were judges and we had a great time!

Congratulations to all the winners!

American Ales
1st place Gary Lloyd GTHOF

2nd place Jim Madl GTHOF

3rd Place Mark Taylor Just Brewin'

English Ales
1st place Gary Lloyd GTHOF

2nd place Gary Lloyd GTHOF

3rd place Todd Hazard/Larry Brueninger GTHOF

Strong Ales/Belgians
1st place Stan Holder Derby

2nd place Mike Poulter Lawrence

3rd place Matt Henry St Louis Brews

Brown/Scottish Ales
1st place Chris Kaufman Derby

2nd place Doug Salsbury GTHOF

3rd place Jay Herning Rapscallions

1st place Gary Lloyd GTHOF

2nd place Todd Taylor SE KS Slackers

3rd place Chris Hedquist GTHOF

1st place Chris Kaufman Derby

2nd place Roger Clark Derby

3rd place Mark Taylor/Todd Taylor SE KS Slackers

Bock/Bavarian Dark
1st place Stan Holder Derby

2nd place Chris Kaufman Derby

3rd place Mike Bovee High Plains Draughters

German Lager/Pilsner
1st place Jim Madl GTHOF

2nd place Gary Lloyd GTHOF

3rd place Gary Lloyd GTHOF

Alt/American Lager
1st place Todd Hazard/Larry Brueninger GTHOF

2nd place Carl Froeschle/Tom Dey KC Biermeisters

3rd place Tom Gean Derby

1st place Chris Kaufman Derby

2nd place Tim Nagode High Plains Draughters

3rd place Tim Dey/Carl Froeschle KC Biermeisters

Wheat Beers
1st place Lee Bussy/ Tom Wick Derby
2nd place Chris Kaufman Derby

3rd place Todd Hazard/Larry Brueninger KS Biermeisters

1st place Robert Wikstrom Derby

2nd place Todd Lange Derby

3rd place David Gray Derby

1st place Matt Henry St Louis Brews

2nd place Jim Madl GTHOF

3rd place Mike Walker/Carla Walker Derby

Best of Show honors go to Stan Holder of the Derby Brewclub for
his Old Ale named Prize Old Ale.

Homebrewer of the year honors go to Chris Kaufman of the Derby
Brewclub. Congratulations Chris on such a fine effort and many
wonderful beers.

- --
-Lee Bussy | The 4 Basic Foodgroups.... | | Salt, Fat, Beer & Women! |
Wichita, Kansas | |


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 23:08:27 -0500
Subject: Legalizing Beer making in MO

All Homebrewers in Missouri--

There is a bill before the Missouri Senate (Senate bill 468) that will allow
the legalization of beer and winemaking for household consumption.

Please contact Sen. James Matthewson to persuade him to let the bill go to
the floor for a vote. Also contact your local senator to let him/her know you
are a homebrewer and want this bill to pass.

If you are not from Missouri and homebrewing is legal, great. If not, then
persuade your state government to legalize homebrewing.

SMSUBears (John Eilers, Springfield, MO)


Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 7:29:49 -0500 (EST)
From: "Rick Gontarek, Ph.D." <GONTAREK@FCRFV1.NCIFCRF.GOV>
Subject: Using honey to prime

Hello everyone. There has been some discussion lately on honey beers. There
was also a post several days ago by someone who used 3/4 cup of honey to prime
with, which resulted in WAY-overcarbonated beer. Is there anyone else who
has experience with using honey to prime? I will be brewing a honey Maibock
soon and would like to prime with honey to get a bit of flavor from the honey.
Papazian's new book says to use 1 cup of honey to prime, but I am wary of this
because of the info posted here. To the person who primed with honey (sorry
I forgot who it was), are you *sure* that the beer was done fermenting
completely? (ie, did you take hydrometer readings?) No offense, but maybe
the reason why the beer was overcarbonated was because it wan't fully
fermented out. Anyway, I'd appreciate hearing more about this. TIA!!

Rick Gontarek
Owner/Brewmaster of the Major Groove Picobrewery
Baltimore, MD

PS There is a new mail-order brew supply store out this ways. It's called
"Chesapeake Homebrew", telephone is (410) 655-7987. I have no affiliation,\
but their prices are great and they are really nice people. Give 'em
a call and request a catalog.


Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 07:44:12 -0500
From: (Douglas O'Brien)
Subject: Re: Valley mill

Kirk Fleming wrote:
>RE: HBD 1691 Douglas O'Brien says:
>>The [Valley Mill] rollers are 9" long x 1" diameter knurled
>>stainless steel with a direct drive handle (i.e. no gears or pulleys).
>a) How does roller 1 turn roller 2--that is, how are the two coupled
> then, if at all?

They are not coupled (except by the grain that is).

>b) Would you say the knurling is full-depth and somewhat 'sharp',
> or does it appear to be shallow knurling with a smoother surface?

The knurling appears full-depth and 'sharp'.

>c) Ball bearings or bronze bushings?

Neither, the end of the rollers fit through the ~1/2" thick end plates.


- --
Douglas J. O'Brien
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing tel: (613) 947-1287
588 Booth Street fax: (613) 947-1385
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0Y7

End of HOMEBREW Digest #1695, 04/01/95

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