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HOMEBREW Digest #0979

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HOMEBREW Digest #979 Tue 29 September 1992

Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

Yield3 (George J Fix)
1056 re-use (Russ Gelinas)
Seattle Microbrew Festival (ldl2142)
racking to secondary (David L. Kensiski)
South African Guinness (Guy D. McConnell)
re:labels ("Joel J. Garrett; Office 127 CMSL; Phone 831-2332")
RE: headaches (clarification) (Paul dArmond)
Invert sugar ("Jim N. Deakin")
HB headaches (Dennis J. Templeton)
McAndrews Scotch Ale ("CBER::MRGATE::\"A1::RIDGELY\"")
Altbier availability? ("Spencer W. Thomas")
Sparging Questions (Craig Vandeventer)
oops..., (Mark_Davis.osbu_south)
All About Beer Magazine (John DeCarlo)
Homebrew Headaches (John DeCarlo)
homebrew (ehh)
cider question (John Christophe Alden)
HBD FAQ available (Brian Smithey)
SAAZ competition details from Micah Millspaw (BOB JONES)
Beer Drinkers of America (87749194)
heather honey (David Suda)
Belgian candi sugar ("Balling, John D.")
invert sugar (Peter Maxwell)
Beer news ("Knight,Jonathan G")
sugary question ("Knight,Jonathan G")

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Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 08:50:43 CDT
From: (George J Fix)
Subject: Yield3

I have got quite a bit of e-mail asking about the relationship
between the yield formula in Dave Miller's book, and the
calculations I used. The answer is that they are the same, and
Balling should get credit for both.

Specific gravity (SG) is the ratio of the weight of a solution to
the weight of an equal volume of water. Balling apparently wanted
brewers to start measuring this, which of course can be done with
a scale and graduated flasks. He understood he would run into
resistance from practical brewers because the weight of wort comes
not only from sugars, but other wort solids as well. He therefore
launched into a lenghty empirical study, which lead to the conclusion
that the sugar fraction of wort (i.e., extract) can to a very high
degree of accuracy be regarded as an equivalent amount of sucrose.
This permitted him to construct his tables, and build his hydrometer
relating % extract by weight (PE) to SG. Balling's measurements had minor
errors due to his failure to tightly control temperature. Plato
corrected these, and it is his values that modern extract tables and
hydrometers are based.

Most hydrometers give both PE and SG. The term "Brix" is used on some,
but this is the same as PE. My refractometer gives only PE, so I need
the numerical tables to get SG. It should be noted that SG, unlike PE,
varies with temperature. Thus, the SG-PE equivalence is valid only at
the calibration cited on the hydrometer or table. Different tables and
instruments use different calibration temperatures, and this will lead
to slightly different numerical values.

The units involved tell the entire story about yield calculations. PE
has the units of kg extract per 100 kg of wort (which of course is the
same as lbs. of extract per 100 lbs. of wort). SG, on the other hand,
is dimensionless. However, since 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram
at the std. temp. (this is why metric units are so useful in brewing),
the product

(1) PE*SG*1.0

gives the percent extract on the basis of volume; i.e., kgs. of extract
per 100 liters (kg/hl). Thus, multiplying (1) by the volume in hectoliters
gives the no. of kg. of extract. That divided by the kgs. of grains used
times 100 gives the yield. So you see, Balling did all the hard work!

I have also had some e-mail from brewers expressing concern about the low
yields they are getting from their systems. I do not feel this is necessarily
a problem for I am aware of brewers consistently producing quality brews
with yields well below 30/lb/gal. For example, Anchor uses a no sparge
procedure with Old Foghorn, and get extremely poor yields. Conversely, I
tasted beers from ill conceived high yield systems that had a very unpleasant
grainy/husky astringency. On the other hand, whenever my yields drop much below
normal levels, I usually have gotten some bad malt. In the final analysis,
it seems that the malt character of the beers we make is the best guide to
determining if our yields are appropriate, be they low, medium, or high.


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 10:13:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: R_GELINAS@UNHH.UNH.EDU (Russ Gelinas)
Subject: 1056 re-use

Chris C. notice that batches made with Wyeast 1056 slurry got
progressively drier, to the point of being too dry. I've noticed the
same thing. 2 re-uses (3 batches total) is my limit; the 3rd batch
comes out quite dry. It must be a good adapter to one's brewing conditions.
I have heard that it can be unstable (but it's a great yeast nonetheless).
Is there a Wyeast strain that does not exhibit this behavior, or at least
is not so quick about it?

And, wrt. aeration/oxygenation/oxidation of wort/beer: Aeration is the
introduction of air into the wort/beer. This puts oxygen into the solution.
This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on when it happens.
Aeration at post-boil/pre-ferment time is good ("oxygenation"), and aeration
after ferment is bad (causes "oxidation").



Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 07:20:21 -0700
From: ldl2142 <,>
Subject: Seattle Microbrew Festival

This is not strictly related to Homebrewing, but..

I read the following information in Seattle Magazine this weekend:

Seattle Microbrew Festival
October 16-18
26 Microbreweries
Seattle Center Flag Pavillion
305 Harrison

I am posting this because it appears that the event is not advertised much.
(Last year I happened across a newswire article, but the Seattle Times
didn't mention anything until the weekend of the event.)

I am not in anyway affiliated with the event other than the fact that I
attended last year.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Layne D. Lommen | Ph: (206) 393-9441 FAX: (206) 393-9040 |
| Boeing Commercial Airplane Group | email: |
| P.O. Box 3707, M/S 9R-49 |-------------------------------------------|
| Seattle, WA 98124-2207 | See Standard Corporate Disclamer D6-99999 |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 08:17:56 -0700
From: (David L. Kensiski)
Subject: racking to secondary

My first lager batch has been merilly fermenting away now for
three weeks now and I'm getting anxious to get it away from the
sediments that have settled to the bottom. However, it has not
stopped fermenting and I'm a little concerned with that. Is it
alright to rack to secondary before primary fermentation has

Thanks for your help.
- --Dave
David L. Kensiski [KB6HCN] Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation NASA Ames Research Center, M/S 258-6
(415)604-4417 Moffett Field, California 94035-1000


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 10:34:09 CDT
From: (Guy D. McConnell)
Subject: South African Guinness

According to this week's Irish Emigrant, put out by Liam Ferrie of Galway,
as of this week, Guinness is being brewed in South Africa. It will have an
alcohol content of 7.5%, significantly higher than that of the Guinness brewed
in Ireland.

- --
Guy McConnell
"All I need is a pint a day"


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 11:41:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Joel J. Garrett; Office 127 CMSL; Phone 831-2332" <>
Subject: re:labels

>Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 10:28 EDT
>Subject: Labels

>So far I have been marking my brews by putting marks on the caps, but
>this is not a very elegant solution. I'd like to use labels on the
>bottles, but I don't want to have to soak them off after each use.
>Other than resorting to masking tape, are there labels available that
>peel off easily?

I haven't actually tried this yet myself, but wouldn't using a couple of
streaks of rubber cement to attach labels to bottles facilitate easy
removal upon reuse?

Maybe it is _TOO EASY_ to remove the labels this way? (i.e. they fall off,
come off too easily?)

While on the subject of labels, does anyone have any decent label "templates"
they might allow me to use? I'm especially interested in a template for
labels for the necks of the bottles (longnecks as well as regular 12oz.

>Mike Lindner

Joel Garrett


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 08:28:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul dArmond <>
Subject: RE: headaches (clarification)

In my earlier post, when I mentioned ketones, I was saying that ketones
are ONE of the substances that gives me a headache from very light
exposure (specifically lacquer and some paint fumes.) I don't know what
it is in some beers, both commercial and homebrew, that gives me a
headache. By analogy, higher alcohols (aka fusel oils) are similar and
may be at the root of the problem. The beers that give me headaches
sometimes have a sharper/harsher edge to the flavor. I think the
mechanism is an allergy, rather than toxicity. Anybody in the medical
community care to comment?

Paul ---- "But I'm feeling *MUCH* better now." :-)


Date: 28 Sep 92 16:55:15 GMT
From: "Jim N. Deakin" <>
Subject: Invert sugar

According to the books I've seen, the 'inverting' of sucrose normally has
to be done by an enzyme in the yeast (invertose or -ase, not sure which), so
by pre-inverting the sugar you get the yeast off to a good start. It
gives less lag time, and presumably the invert sugar would be used first,
leaving those with more effect on flavour till later.

From: Jim Deakin, |
33 Honeywell Street, | Magicien was noon That koude expounde
Barnsley, | what this lettre mente. -Chaucer.
S. Yorks. |
S71 1PU |
England. |
Email on:


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 11:56:35 -0400
From: djt2@po.CWRU.Edu (Dennis J. Templeton)
Subject: HB headaches

I've been following the line on headaches recently, and here's my 2 pennies.

I think the line on "ketones" is off track... there are probably some
ketones in beer, but at least the simpler ketones should be metabolized
prety well. Diabetics who have a crisis have lots of ketones in their
system and I don't recall headaches as being a common complaint. On the
other hand there are sometimes higher (more complex) organic compounds
(e.g. fusel alcohols) that may have biological compications that vary
depending on the individual.

On the third hand, there is a very well established phenomenon of headaches
due to a compound called Tyramine. This is very often found in wine
(particularly red) and affects only some individuals. It seems to be
related to the process involved in migraine headaches. If your HB gives
you a headache you might ask youself.. does red wine too?

Actually, I can't recall if tyramine is commonly in beer. Anyone out there

By the way, I really believe that whatever may be in HB is likely to be in
commercial full-bodied beers too. People are quick to suspect home-made
stuff, but I'm equally suspicious of what's made in a factory. (How many
roach parts are allowed per spoonful of Welches grape jelly?) The obvious
exception is an infected HB. If it tastes bad, don't drink it.

disclaimer... while I am a physician, this is not my area of expertise..
I'm dredging memories from med school.



Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 12:04:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: McAndrews Scotch Ale

From: NAME: Bill Ridgely

To: Homebrew Digest
Subj: McAndrew's Scotch Ale

This is in response to Joseph Nathan Hall's request for a recipe
for McAndrew's Scotch Ale. Actually, I had hoped someone else would
respond to it. McAndrew's is an aberration among Scotch Wee Heavy
Ales, and I'd be interested in a recipe as well. There don't appear
to be too many people among the readership with expertise in the
style, however, so I thought I'd help out as best I could.

BTW, McAndrew's is reviewed in the "Bottle 17, 1991" issue of World
Beer Review and receives one of the highest ratings ever (5-
stars). I'll condense & paraphrase some of that review here.

First, some brief background - McAndrew's (called Caledonian Strong
Ale in Scotland) is brewed at the old Lorimer & Clark Brewery in
Edinburgh using direct-fired, open coppers. The brewery is actually
an operating museum. One of the coppers has been in continuous use
since 1869, when the brewery first opened. Caledonian (as it has
been called since 1987) is now one of the few independents operated
in Scotland. It also brews a 70/- Heavy, a 80/- Export, an XXX
Bitter, and a 1.042 OG Porter.

McAndrew's is brewed from highland pale malt (a strain called
Golden Promise), crystal, amber, and small amounts of chocolate,
black, and wheat malts. The hops are whole, compressed Fuggles and
Kent Goldings. I have no details on the yeast used, and the beer
is filtered & pasteurized so there's no chance of culturing it.

A brief profile is: OG 1.078 (7.6% alcohol vol); color bronze (much
lighter than the typical 90/- Wee Heavy); aroma of fresh hops (also
untypical of the style) but balanced by malt sweetness & some
roastiness; body very full; palate sweet at the start but
developing into a very rich balance of malt sweetness, roastiness,
and intense, spicy (from the Goldings) hopiness. Finish is long and

If I were to attempt to brew this beer using a partial mash (my
normal style of brewing), I would use about 2 lbs of English pale
ale malt, about 1/2 lb of fairly light crystal malt (maybe 20 Lov)
plus 1/2 lb of Victory malt or Belgian Biscuit malt (the closest
things available to English Amber malt), 1/2 lb of wheat malt (for
body & head retention. Carapils would accomplish the same result),
and a small amount of Chocolate malt (maybe 1/4 lb or less) for the
roastiness. I wouldn't use any black malt or roasted barley because
of the darker color it would impart.

The remainder of the OG would be provided by about 6 lbs of pale
dry extract (DME) and 1 lb of light brown sugar (for that treacle-
like sweetness typical of Scotch Ales).

I would use about 1 1/2 to 2 ounces (depending on the alpha acid
content) of a fairly high-alpha hop for bitterness (Northern Brewer
is one of my favorites), then dry hop with about 1 1/2 ounces of
Kent Goldings.

I'd use the Wyeast #1028 London Ale yeast on this one. For Scotch
Ales, the Wyeast #1098 (Whitbread) is slightly less attenuative,
but this beer is a bit drier than others typical of the style.

Remember, the above is purely conjectural. I haven't actually tried
brewing this. If anyone attempts it, please post the results.




Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 12:21:43 EDT
From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <>
Subject: Altbier availability?

Our club runs an annual "Brewola" -- "everybody" brews a beer from the
same recipe, then we taste and rate all of them. This year we chose
Papazian's Osmosis Amoeba Alt as the recipe. Of course, club members
are now wondering what an Alt "should" taste like. I am unable to
find any commercial examples in the Ann Arbor (MI) area. There is a
possibility I could get a friend to bring some from Chicago, if he
knew where to get it. Or, I would be willing to reimburse expenses
for someone to mail me a few bottles, for "analytical purposes" (check
with me by e-mail before doing this, of course!) It is also possible
that I could make a run to Toledo (Ohio) or Windsor (Canada).

According to Eckhart (sp?), Pinkus, Weihenstephan, and Widmer make

=Spencer W. Thomas | Info Tech and Networking, B1911 CFOB, 0704
"Genome Informatician" | Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 | 313-747-2778, FAX 313-764-4133


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 11:47:59 -0500
From: (Craig Vandeventer)
Subject: Sparging Questions

In #977 George Fix writes:

> Clearly the malt types used is a matter of the utmost practical import.
> However, I have found that to get a very high malt flavor the sparge
> must be omitted as well. This is an expensive way to brew since the amount
> of grains needed must be increased by a factor ~4/3. Nevertheless, some of
> the world's great ales and lagers have been brewed this way, and I have
> found it works in homebrewing as well for special beers. Clearly this is
> not the way to brew our standard beers.

As I am about to venture into all-grain brewing, I have been wondering about
the absolute necessity of sparging. Since the purpose of sparging is to
rinse the sweet wort from the grains why couldn't you just increase the
amount of grains to get the same extraction rate without the sparge. Even
assuming $1.00/lb. of grain for a five gallon batch you would only spend
2 to 3 dollars more to save an hour or two of time. For me, I would rather
spend the extra money and eliminate the biggest pain-in-the-butt of going

With George's comments above, I now must question whether sparging is just
an economic issue. If eliminating the sparge creates a maltier brew, what
is it about sparging that reduces maltiness? He states: "Clearly this is
not the way to brew our standard beers." Why not? Does sparging inherently
cast certain properties on the beer that unsparged beers won't have?

Craig Vandeventer - Beer Addict


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 10:15:47 PDT
Subject: oops...,

I guess that I made on big mistake on the maple ale recipe that I had submitted
on Friday. The recipe calls for 2 tsps. Irish moss. That should read one half
(0.5) tsp. Irish moss. I also forgot to put something in the topic field, oh
well I guess that I screwed up again!



Date: Monday, 28 Sep 1992 14:24:20 EDT
From: (John DeCarlo)
Subject: All About Beer Magazine

IMHO, it has some interesting articles, but seems to be primarily write-ups
about places with lots of beers, written by the owners/managers of those
establishments. Not enough of my cup of tea to subscribe.

Internet: (or
Fidonet: 1:109/131

Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 13:13:00 -0500
From: (John Fix)

I'm making my first attempt at a true lager brew, and racked to the
secondary after two weeks of primary fermentation at 40 degrees F (a
little long, I agree). After transferring to the secondary, I put the
carboy in the fridge, and noticed that the fermentation lock was working
in reverse for a short time, due to the temporary fact that the air
trapped in the fermenter was warmer than the air in the fridge, and was
contracting as it cooled. Is there a way to prevent the water from
dribbling back in, other than temporarily using a blow-off tube for a
few hours while the air cools?

-= John =-


Date: Monday, 28 Sep 1992 14:37:02 EDT
From: (John DeCarlo)
Subject: Homebrew Headaches

Here is a story for which I have no explanation:

I brewed at a friend's house (casual friend) and fermented and bottled there.
We each kept a case and I more-or-less forgot about it. I hadn't seen him
for awhile when he came over and said he was moving out of the area and
wanted to return a sixpack he never drank. It was covered with dust and
who knows how it had been stored.

I was a little leery, but washend one off and put it in the fridge, then
tasted it about a week later. It gave me a blinding headache. I went down
and tasted one from my case stored in my basement and it tasted great--no
unusual side effects. I tried another bottle, just half, from his six pack
and had another bad headache.

Considering they were all brewed and bottled together, I have no idea why
they ended up so different, or what would be wrong with these other bottles
to taste about the same but give a very painful headache.

Internet: (or
Fidonet: 1:109/131


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 15:14:06 -0400
Subject: homebrew

I am writing to request that my name be added to your Homebrew forum
mailing list. My full name is Gene Hayworth. Thanks in advance!
Gene Hayworth


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 15:25:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: John Christophe Alden <>
Subject: cider question

just a question about the hard apple cider. will brewing yeast suffice
for the champagne or ale yeast?
just wondering.


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 14:03:26 MDT
From: Brian.Smithey@Central.Sun.COM (Brian Smithey)
Subject: HBD FAQ available

A FAQ and answers list for the Homebrew Digest has been archived
on as /pub/homebrew/hbd.faq, see the HBD header
for instructions on accessing the archive. Thanks to all who
contributed and edited. Special thanks to Steve and Tony.

It's too big to post, the table of contents follows:

- ----------------------------------------------------------------


1. How is beer made?
2. How do I start homebrewing?
3. What equipment do I need?
4. What is a hydrometer?
5. What is a wort chiller?
6. What are hot/cold break?
7. Recommended books.
8. Slow starting fermentation.
9. Grain/Extract conversion.
10. Hops and bitterness.
11. Dry hopping.
12. What is Lovibond?
13. What is Wyeast (liquid yeast)?
14. Yeast starters.
15. Mail order.
16. Homebrew clubs.
17. AHA/Zymurgy.


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 13:26 PDT
From: BOB JONES <>
Subject: SAAZ competition details from Micah Millspaw

Results from the SAAZ\ St.STANS Fest beer competition. 9/27/92

light lager
1st place George Fix
2nd place Tom Estudillo
3rd place Jim Lopes

1st place Jim Lopes
2nd place Douglas Demers
3rd place Randy Boyd

1st place Micah Millspaw
2nd place Tom Altenbach
3rd place Jim Lopes

alt beer
1st place Tom Estudillo
2nd place Tom Altenbach

open fest
1st place Jim Lopes
2nd place Jim Hunter
3rd place Bob Jones

Best of Show Jim Lopes - american wheat
runner up BOS Jim Lopes - open fest


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 16:01 CST
Subject: Beer Drinkers of America


I found in my mail todat (snail mail that is) a letter and questionaire
from a group called the Beer Drinkers of America. Does anyone in
Digestland have any good information on this group? Is it worth it
and do they do anything positive?

Thanks in advance,

Thomas Vodacek (


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 15:25:05 -0600
From: David Suda <suda@barley.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: heather honey

Anybody know of a source for heather honey? Thanks,

Dave Suda


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 17:28:31 edt
From: "Balling, John D." <BALLING@DICKINSON.EDU>
Subject: Belgian candi sugar

Do any of you homebrewers out there know of a source for Belgian
candi sugar? It appears in a number of recipes in Pierre Rajotte's
book entitled "Belgian Ale". The recipes say that other sugars can
be substituted, but that the flavor profile will not be the same.
(Does anyone know whether this is true or not?)

I tried the homebrew supply shops in the Washington, DC area and
several mail-order supply houses with no luck.

Any help would be appreciated.

- -- John Balling
Carlisle, PA


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 16:35:19 PDT
From: Peter Maxwell <>
Subject: invert sugar

I came across the term while researching "golden syrup", a common item in
England, New Zealand and Australia. Here is part of the text, which might
help to work out what invert sugar is ....

I've seen reference to it (golden syrup) in an American book as "golden invert
syrup", as one form of liquid sugar. At any rate, the sugars make up 74.4%
by weight of the stuff. If this was in the form of sucrose alone, it would
crystallize out, likewise if it were reducing sugars, glucose would
crystallize. The proportion (1.75 reducing sugars to 1 of sucrose) produces
a stable liquid. In the refining process, none of the syrups in process
have a high enough reducing sugar content, so special batches of "invert
syrup" are made (sucrose solution heated in acid environment -> equal
quantities of glucose + fructose). This is added to other syrups to obtain
the right proportions.

>From this invert sugar might be a fancy name for glucose.



Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 19:56:54 -0600
From: Gordon Olson <>

Subject: AHA mead competition
Reply-To: (Gordon L. Olson)

Unfortunately, it is now impossible to "correct" the results of the
mead BOS as suggested by Donald Oconnor (

I have not read the "fine print" in the judging rules. What I do know
is that best-of-show is not awarded to the highest scoring mead or beer.
When comparing across styles, the point scales are quite useless. You
must compare the meads or beers head-to-head. Which one is the best of
its particular style? That does not resolve itself in points. The final
round, BOS, judges do not fill out score sheets.

If an error was made, and I am not sure that an error was made,
we can not now reconstruct the judging and compare mead A of one style
to mead B of another style.

Gordon L. Olson


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 23:01:48 cdt
From: "Knight,Jonathan G" <KNIGHTJ@AC.GRIN.EDU>
Subject: Beer news

The following article (slightly abridged) appeared in the Des Moines Register,
Thursday, Sept. 24, 1992:

>>>Belly up to the bar, folks. Central Iowa has a brewery.
After a few months of perfecting its brew, the Dallas County Brewing Co. in
Adel started shipping "Old Depot" beer to local stores and restaurants last
Kevin Rice, the brewery's president, says Old Depot is the first beer brewed
in central Iowa since Des Moines' last brewery closed in 1917.
The name comes from the nearby old Milwaulkee Railroad Depot, which will soon
open as the Old Depot Restaurant and Pub. The brewery, once a glove factory,
is located just south of the restaurant...on highway 6.
.....Overseeing the yeasty operation is brew master Al Bush, who was
previously with Buffalo Brewing Co. in Buffalo, N.Y.
.....Rice, formerly a senior vice president at Heritage Communications,
Inc., decided to open the brew pub and restaurant simply because "I like
It was while he was travelling in California for Heritage Cablevision that
Rice discovered the microbrewery trend....
Iowa's first microbrewery, Millstream Brewing Co. of Amana, opened seven
years ago. Since then a few other breweries or brew pubs...have opened.
One brew pub, Fitzpatrick's Brewing Co., opened in September, 1990, in
Iowa City.
The other part of the Old Depot endeavor, the restaurant, is expected to
open Oct. 5. Rice plans an ambitious menu that includes bison, venison,
pheasant, rabbit, steaks, lamb flown in from New Zealand and an array of
pasta and vegetarian dishes.
......Old Depot wil be available in four styles. [lager, ale, porter, and
light.] <<<

An accompanying article highlights some information on Iowa breweries from
a book called "The Breweries of Iowa," written by Randy Carlson (no
publisher or ISBN given).

I've lived in Iowa for three years and have always thought it was a rather
civilized place. Now with micros popping up hither and yon, I'm sure of


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 23:08:28 cdt
From: "Knight,Jonathan G" <KNIGHTJ@AC.GRIN.EDU>
Subject: sugary question

I've been following the discussion on invert sugar with interest although a
lot of the chemistry is lost on me. I ask the following in hopes of getting
a less complicated answer: Anybody know anything about, or better yet used
"demarara" (sp?) sugar? Is it really different from your garden variety
"brown" sugar? Where does one get it? In what sorts of recipes does one use
it? Thanks in advance for your wisdom.

Thanks in arrears, by the way, to all those who responded to my queries a
couple of weeks ago. Lots of people suggested using marbles (easy to
sanitize) as the means to sink a bag of hops for dry-hopping in the
secondary, but lots of people also think pellet hops are as good or better,
since they can actually provide a sort of fining action. The Listerman
mash/sparge system gets mixed reviews.



End of HOMEBREW Digest #979, 09/29/92

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