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HOMEBREW Digest #0918

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HOMEBREW Digest #918 Tue 07 July 1992

Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

SPECIAL OFFER on the giveaway hotline! Call today! (John Gorman)
re: rolled oats (cole)
how thick is thick? (Russ Gelinas)
HBD archives... (Dave Beedle)
Hot peppers, Root beer (Russell Owen)
Peach Weizen (Sam Israelit)
Silicon (Thomas D. Feller)
Scum on old mead (Conn Copas)
Kegs (Brian_Carroll)
who? ("David D. Hightower")
Re: MALTMILL GIVEAWAY (David Van Iderstine)
Silicone-General Consensus ("CMD 2NDLT ALBERT W. TAYLOR ")
Belgian Impressions - Part 1 (C.R. Saikley)
Re: Dave Miller's New Book (CCASTELL)

Send articles for publication to
Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc.,
Archives _were_ available from
(Stay tuned for info on a new archive site)
**Please do not send me requests for back issues!**
**For Cat's Meow information, send mail to**


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1992 11:03:21 +0100

Mark asks about:

>floating obnoxiously on the surface of my unfortunate mead is a layer of
>(for lack of a more poetic term) SCUM. A quick nasal scan shows that nothing
>smells afoul however.

If it started as a white film that gradually got thicker but still
white, it is probably Candida mycoderma. If so it has a nasty habit of
converting alcohol to CO2 and water. If caught early, little harm will be
done. Carefully remove as much scum as possible from the surface, siphon
(filtering is helpful) and treat at 50ppm with SO2 (If problems persist try
100ppm SO2). If you find sulphite undersirable, you need to find some other
way of knocking out the Candida, or bottle and drink it.

The problem if often associated with neglect, so, again, it is often
accompanied by oxidation and other related niceties. Good luck.



Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 08:31:43 EDT
From: (John Gorman)
Subject: SPECIAL OFFER on the giveaway hotline! Call today!

To: Homebrew Digest
Fm: John Gorman


Jack's latest note seemed toooo fun to pass up...I've noticed that the
last several HBD's have been smaller than usual. Perhaps Jack's "contest"
will serve to improve participation during these summer months! (NOT!)

``You're listening to the latest and greatest on the NET from WHBD---
THE Homebrewer's paradise!

Hey, for those of you out there in La-La land the GIVE-AWAY HOTLINE
has something very SPECIAL for you!

Be the 100th caller and you'll receive your very own:
NEW(andmaybeimprooved) (mightevenbe)PATENTED

(Offer subject to state laws; void where prohibited; see below.)''

John Gorman

From: (Jack Schmidling)
>The initial success of the MALTMILL was due, in no small part to the free
>publicity received on the Home Brew Digest and the flattering reviews
>published therein by several intrepid, early buyers.
>To help overcome the hostility toward my alleged commercialization of the
>Digest by product announcements and progress reports, I would like to show my
>appreciation by giving a MALTMILL to one randomly selected participant of the
>Home Brew Digest.
>To avoid more criticizm for collecting names and building mailing lists, I am
>simply going to give a MALTMILL to the author of the 100th article following
>this announcement. The next article is Number 1 and you can all help me
>count to 100.



Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 05:44:11 PDT
From: cole%nevis.hepnet@Lbl.Gov
Subject: re: rolled oats

>In issue 910 Larry Barrello was replying to Chris Estes re. Pearled Barley.
>Larry mentioned the use of rolled oats and barley. I tried mailing to Larry
>directly but could not get anything through.
>My question is this. Are these regular, grocery store, rolled oats? How much
>and when would you add these? Do they add to head retention? Are
>Beta-glucans harmful?

I do not have anywhere near as much brewing experience as Larrry. However,
I personally would not recommend using rolled oats (at least in extract
recipes). I used them in an oatmeal stout several months ago when I could
not find steel-cut oats. I included them in an extract-based recipe in the
standard manner of adding them to the boil water as it was being heated.
I was quite nervous (but not worried !) that they would turn into oatmeal
so I made sure not to let them boil and even removed them earlier than I
normally would have removed specialty grains. I cooled the wort before
transferring to the primary and after cooling I could see in the wort very
vicsous thick whitish trub that took many days to settle out. When it did
it left a 3-4" layer on the bottom of the carboy. When I racked to secondary
I was not too surprised to find what was basically oatmeal sans oats, the
same glutinous whitish paste that's in cooked oatmeal. Unfortunately while
in the primary this "oatmeal" swelled and sucked up about 1/2 gallon of my beer.
In addition, the head retention of my stout is pretty poor, it only lasts
for 0.5-1.0 minutes. This may simply be due to the oils in the oatmeal and
may have nothing to do with using rolled oats. I, however, will not use
rolled oats again. I have since found steel-cut oats in local health-food

Brian Cole


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1992 10:01:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: R_GELINAS@UNHH.UNH.EDU (Russ Gelinas)
Subject: how thick is thick?

Well, that's what you get with *scientists* on a mailing list ;-)
Density(SG) and viscosity(thickness) *are* different things. But, most
people think of dense syrup as "thick", and most people have experienced
cold syrup as being "thicker" than hot syrup. It may be tecnically
incorrect, but the mental picture of the "thickness" of syrup with
respect to its temperature is clear.


Hey js, is this #100, or should I post another 99 one-liners to make sure?


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 10:11:50 CDT
From: (Dave Beedle)
Subject: HBD archives...

Hi all! Are the archives at mthvax still the ones to use? I understand
that they we're moving. In particular I am looking for up-to-date version of
the recipe formulation software (Hypercard stack?). Is there a new archive
site and where can I get the above mentions software? Thanks!

- --
Dave Beedle Office of Academic Computing
Illinois State University
Internet: 136A Julian Hall
"Relax! Don't worry! Have Homebrew!" Normal, IL 61761


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1992 11:42 EST
From: Russell Owen <OWEN@VAXE.NIEHS.NIH.GOV>
Subject: Hot peppers, Root beer

Another note on Hot Peppers: I have used hot peppers ginger ale
for years with nothing but satisfaction. I usually use homegrown
jalapenos for this, blending them first to homogeneity using a
blender at the highest speed setting.

... And about root beer ...
Beware that "naturally" flavored root beer from home recipes
may contain carcinogens. This is why the commercially available
root beers are generally artificially flavored.



Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 10:29:12 PDT
From: (Sam Israelit)
Subject: Peach Weizen

I was up until 1:30 this morning putting my attempt at a Peach Weizen
comfortably to bed. I used a modified version of the TCJOHB recipe for
weizen and 11 lbs of California white peaches (pitted and crushed with
skins). Ended up with an OG of 1.061 and the yeasts were frolicking wildly
by 7:30 this morning.

I plan to rack this hopeful brew after the primary and leave in the
secondary for roughly 2 weeks. I have two questions:

1). Is there any consensus as to whether there is a benefit to adding more
in the secondary?

2). I can get a jar of Widmer hefeweizen which has a large amount of yeast
in it. I have been told that they add their yeast as a second strain later
in the process. It is a more flocculent (Why does that word always bring
images of gaunt monks in cold-floored stone cells in the mountains?) strain
from what I have heard. I was wondering if I should try to form a starter
of this yeast from the dregs of a jar and pitch this with my brew. When do
I pitch the second strain? What are the advantages to this? Are there any
disadvantages? Is this a dumb idea all together?

Any and all coments will be summarized to the net. Thanks in advance for
any remotely constructive advice.

Sam Israelit
Engineer, Businessman, . . . Brewer
Portland, OR


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 09:57:03 PDT
From: (Thomas D. Feller)
Subject: Silicon

There have been a number of post about using Silicon as a sealer for homebrew
projects. Some folks have suggested using automotive silicon sealer because of
temperature requirements, as a former auto mechanic I think this would be
unwise. All of the automotive grade silicon sealers I have used have a high
level of solvents in them. Granted, once they are dry they will hold up to
almost anything, I would still be quite worried about contact with things I
that I might eat or drink. Perhaps someone out there knows of a food grade
silicon sealer which would have the same kind of properties but we would know it
was safe for contract with food.

Happy Brewing
Tom Feller

PS I will be working and drinking at this years Oregon Brew Festival and would
love to see some other HBDer's. Send me mail and we well try to set something


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 20:18:52 BST
From: Conn Copas <>
Subject: Scum on old mead

An aerobic scum on a high alcohol brew suggests you could have something like
a sherry flor. It typically oxidises the alcohols to aldehydes, although
apparently with far more refined results than is achieved by over-aeration.
>From memory, it also metabolises certain acids in the brew. Even amongst the
professionals, production of a flor is something of a random affair. Those
brews which fail to develop one are sweetened and sold young. Those brews which
develop one are allowed to ferment as long as possible until the flor drops
by its own volition. Provided it is not some nasty which is souring the brew,
it could result in some interesting accelerated ageing effects.

- --
Loughborough University of Technology tel : (0509)263171 ext 4164
Computer-Human Interaction Research Centre fax : (0509)610815
Leicestershire LE11 3TU e-mail - (Janet)
G Britain (Internet)


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 12:40 PDT
Subject: Kegs

I've picked up two ball lock soda kegs at the scrap yard for $3.00 ea.
and have some questions about cleaning, and the carbination in brew use.
1)When you place new gaskets in them do you need to take the ball lock
studs off and replace their gaskets?
2)Is soaking them in a TSP chloride solution sufficiant for cleaning, and
will that get out the soda taste?
3)How long (if #2 is correct) do I need to soak them to get rid of the
soda taste?
4)I've know that you need not to prime with corn sugar, hence the
carbonation is added thru the co2 tank. But would it not help get rid of
unwanted oxygen while aging?
5)After tapping how long will the beer stay good? Can you fill the keg
with co2 to make it last longer?(Oh, I forgot to mention I don't have the
facilitys to keep it cold after tapping.)
6)Sense the soda kegs take the beer from the bottom how much of the beer
will have the yeast in it?
7)Should I use some type of filter while racking into the keg? If so what
type of filter is easily used in home brewing, and how can you make sure of
sterilization? (I've thought of cheese cloth but have no clue on how tho
sterilize it.)
8)(this is'nt really a question I'd just like to get some feedback and
maybe some better Idias for cooling the beer to drink)
Ok, here is how I plan to cool it. I bought a 20 qt. cooler and 25 ft
of stainless steel tubing in a coil that sits inside the cooler.
The beer comes from the keg thru a plastic tube to the cooler into a
coupler shank into the stainless steel tubing into a faucet and shank set.
Wala! beer!
I figure 5 min after I place Ice on the coil I should have cold brew in
the mug. I'll use silcon to prevent leakage were I drill out the cooler.
I have ordered most of the equipment for this project for under $100.00
>From SuperiorProducts out of St.Paul Minn.(no affiliation)

Brian Carroll
3Com corp
Santa Clara, Ca


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 12:57:56 PDT
From: "David D. Hightower" <>
Subject: who?

Who is Jack Schmidling and why is he giving away MaltoMeal?
- --


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 16:34:32 EDT
From: localhost!davevi@uunet.UU.NET (David Van Iderstine)

It's a nice offer, Jack, but don't you think it might clog the HBD for a
while with nuisance articles just out to be the 100th, like this one?

Dave V.I.


Date: 6 Jul 92 18:51:00 EST
Subject: Silicone-General Consensus

Just a semi-amusing aside to the discussion on the "inertness" of silicone:
About 20-25 years ago, the general consensus in the scientific community,
allegedly in the know, that silicone was inert in breast implants and the
like. Well, that turned out to be not quite true. However, as long as
you don't use the beer exposed to silicone gel for cosmetic augmentation,
you should be alright. :-)
Al Taylor
Uniformed Services University
School of Medicine
Bethesda, Maryland


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 14:50:22 PDT
From: grumpy!cr@uunet.UU.NET (C.R. Saikley)
Subject: Belgian Impressions - Part 1

Greetings Brewers,

I've just returned from the WORLD'S GREATEST BEER SAFARI, a one week
tour of Belgium. In my six days there, I visited nine breweries (but
was unable to tour two of them), and three times that many cafes.
I tasted lots o' beers, met many friendly people, and learned a wealth
about the brewing scene in Belgium.

The good news is that Belgium has by far the greatest variety in its beers
of any country in the world. They take their beer seriously and it is served
with respect. Each beer is served in the appropriate glass, often with its
own coaster. Beer is considered the ideal accompaniment with a meal, and
many dishes are prepared with beer. If you are looking for unique and
interesting beers, nowhere will you find more than in Belgium.

On the down side, the oft repeated theme of the Big Guys swallowing up the
little guys is running rampant in Belgium today. This past year has seen the
closure or takeover of 15 small breweries, including two brewers of Lambic
in Pajottenland. The two major brewers of industrial Pils, Jupiler and
Stella, have merged to form a large brewing consortium called Interbrew.
Maes, another large brewer is part of a larger French company. Furthermore,
Heineken appears to be flexing its muscles as well. Each year, more of the
small traditional breweries are forced out of business by the consortia.

The three largest lambic brewers have already succumbed to this. The largest
is Belle Vue, with an annual production of about 250,000 hectoliters. They
are now a part of Interbrew. Next is Mort Subite (100,000 HL), which is owned
by Maes. Third on the list is St. Louis (50,000 HL), which some industry
sources claim is backed by Heineken. Against these odds, the smaller, more
traditional brewers of lambic are fighting for their very existence.

The remaining little guys are producing some wonderful products. My standard
of comparison between lambic brewers is their gueuze. Gueuze is a blend of
one, two, and sometimes three year old lambics. It is traditionally refermented
in the bottle, though the larger brewers no longer do this. The examples I
sampled are listed below in order of my personal preference.

1. Frank Boon (pronounced Bone)
2. Cantillon
3. Vander Velden
4. Girardin
5. Timmereman's
6. Mort Subite
7. De Neve
8. Lindeman's
9. St. Louis
10. Belle Vue

Being a lover of the traditional stuff, I did not expect anyone to produce
a gueuze that I'd prefer to Cantillon, but Mr. Boon has done just that.
His product is extremely complex.

It has the cutting sharpness of lactic acid, but is rounded by the richness
produced by Brettanomyces and other wild yeasts. Mr. Boon revealed that his
beer's complexity was due not only to the Brett. and Pediococcus, but to a
host of other micro organisms as well. I had made it clear to him that I
intended to publish an article based on our interview, and he declined to
discuss just what these other critters were. I described to him the "Guinard
Method" for making lambics outside of Pajottenland. While he was fascinated
that people were doing this at home, he contended (as does Michael Matucheski)
that a fully developed gueze could not be produced using Sacharromyces,
Brettanomyces and Pediococcus alone.

Furthermore, he confirmed what Mike Sharp's and Martin Lodahl's experiments
suggest, that aging in wood is crucial to the development of Brettanomyces

By comparison, the gueuze made at Cantillon seemed rather one dimensional.
It was extremely acidic, but lacked the fuller flavor of FB gueuze. If other
lovers of lambic out there get the opportunity to sample both, I'd like to
compare tasting notes.

When I discussed the sourness of Cantillon's beers with JP Van Roy, the head
brewer there, his attitude was that it was a traditional process subject to
the whims of mother nature. You basically got what you got. Mr. Boon disagreed.
He maintained that within the constraints of the traditional process, one could
vary the product greatly. For example, he felt that thru proper treatment of
the barrels, one could favor some microbes over others, thereby effecting
changes in the final product. He has worked hard to fine tune a complex process,
and it shows.

Another bit of good news, sometime later this year we can expect to see
limited quantities of Frank Boon Gueuze and Kriek available in the US on
the East Coast. His Kriek is the best lambic beer I've had.



Date: Mon, 06 Jul 92 14:57
From: sherpa2!CCASTELL.ELDEC%mailsrv2@sunup.West.Sun.COM (CCASTELL)
Subject: Re: Dave Miller's New Book

Norm Hardy asks about Miller's new book, "Brewing the
World's Great Beers". I've had my copy for almost a
week, but haven't had time to do any serious reading.
I've been too busy brewing to have time for reading.:-)

The book seems very approachable, in contrast to his
earlier book. He makes it very easy for the novice to
get started. The recipes start as all-extract using
dry yeast. They become extract with specialty grains
and liquid yeast, partial mash/extract/liquid yeast,
and finally all-grain/liquid yeast. Most of the recipes
are shown in all forms.

The book also covers such topics as wort chillers,
kegging, filters, and counter-pressure bottle fillers.

On the down side, the recipes call for specific yeasts,
but there is no discussion (that I've encountered yet)
on what to expect from various strains. That shouldn't
be too much of a problem, since that information is
available from Zymurgy (and was also covered in HBD #742
by Daniel L. Krus), but its always nice when somebody
includes everything you ever really need in a single

An advanced brewer may find some of the discussions
superficial, since Miller doesn't go into the chemistry
that you'll find in his early book (or many of the
technical books available). I would recommend the
book to novice and intermediate brewers because
of the breadth of information, put together in a
readable format.

Happy reading.

Charles Castellow


End of HOMEBREW Digest #918, 07/07/92

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