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HOMEBREW Digest #0861

This file received at Mthvax.CS.Miami.EDU 92/04/10 03:10:16
HOMEBREW Digest #861 Fri 10 April 1992
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: Scottish Ales (Chris Barrett (x37253))
Mashers vs Extractors (Norm Hardy)
More on ("Spencer W. Thomas")
Wall Street Journal article on Budweiser ("Spencer W. Thomas")
Makkoli/South Korea (mccamljv)
RE: Homebrew Digest #859 (April 08, 1992) (M CAMEL.T)
BRFWARE.EXE in the archives at (Douglas DeMers)
Is the HBD reflected into rec.crafts.brewing experiment over? (Douglas DeMers)
reuse yeast (Russ Gelinas)
Los Angeles Beer (Carl Hensler)
mailing list (Jerome Potts)
Wow! A Lot on Mead! (Jeff Frane)
Burners and Mild Ale Recipe request (SHERRILL_PAUL)
Homebrew does not cause beer bellies. (adietz)
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**Please do not send me requests for back issues!**
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 07:54:59 EDT
From: barrett@Kodak.COM (Chris Barrett (x37253))
Subject: Re: Scottish Ales
IMHO McAndrew's Scottish Ale is the best of the Scottish Ales that I've
have that is available in the states, It's a very dark golden color with
a strong scotch malt taste to it. It has a good body and a fine aroma.
It goes by the name of Old Caladonian I beleive in Scotland.
I to would like to see some recipies for any successful scottish ale brews...
Anybody try the Brewferm extract?
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 06:57:37 PDT
From: polstra!norm@uunet.UU.NET (Norm Hardy)
Subject: Mashers vs Extractors
What a great subject to heat up the net!
When I started brewing in 1985 I joined the Brews Brothers club in Seattle, and
eager to meet the members I introduced myself to one saying I was making beers
using extracts. This member (now in AA I hear) said: "SH*T, when are you
going to make REAL beer!". Later, another member said "Making extract beer
is like making Swiss Miss chocolate to drink."
So, when an all extract (powder I think) ale won the top score at a club
tasting in the summer of 85 I was vindicated and some oldsters were educated.
Having said all that, I have to say that I spent a year making extracts and
then extract/small mashes until I got comfortable with all grain. Through
the club the malt is 50 cents or less per pound. There is a big difference
in the quality of taste, mainly in the BODY or mouth feel of the beer. There
is also more control available to me.
Finally, having stated that, remember that Wyeast (the company) was not
around in 1985-86 and the liquid cultures REALLY picked up the quality of the
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 10:45:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <>
Subject: More on
On my printer, the brewsheet is printed too far to the right, so the
right-hand edge is clipped off (the "Record" box is open on the right).
This, too, is easy to fix.
Find the first occurrence of "@letter" in the file. The third line down
from this says
310 -3005 translate ...
Change this to
230 -3005 translate ...
=Spencer W. Thomas HSITN, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 313-747-2778
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 10:48:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <>
Subject: Wall Street Journal article on Budweiser
I have scanned and OCRed an article from last Friday's Wall Street Journal
about the two Budweisers. (Front page, no less!) Nicely written. It's
about 150 lines, so I felt it was perhaps too long for the digest. I can
mail it upon request. It is also (and preferably) available by anonymous
FTP from
=Spencer W. Thomas HSITN, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 313-747-2778
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 11:22:52 -0400
Subject: Makkoli/South Korea
Fellow Brewers,
'Makkoli', boy does that word take me back. I had the pleasure of
being stationed in the Republic of South Korea for a year while I
was in the Army (85').
I tried Makkoli -ONCE- and my recollections are as follows. It was
VERY milky in apearance and texture, I remember thinking it was a
rice based beverage because I seem to recall grains of rice
floating around in the stuff (I saw lots of rice patties, no
barley fields). It had a very high alcohol content and the men
folk used to drink it like water (read: Makkoli is to Koreans what
beer is to Americans -- personal observation). I am sure like
many things in the ROK, this drink is very regional i.e. it may
be made different in various parts of the country. I did not
like the stuff very much, but of course that is my opinion
(I remember thinking it was like curdled milk with a kick).
Yes, my one taste left me with this much of an impression.
The ROK does have its own brands of beer O.B (Oriental Brewery)
and CROWN. Both lagers, BudMichMiller taste alikes (more hops
maybe). They also (O.B.) brew(ed) Heineken under contract/license.
I have seen O.B. beer on the left coast but not here on the
right, although, I bet there is a specialty store in NYC
that carries it.
The really good indigenous drink is called SOJU, but this is a
distilled liquer, a really potent knock you on your as* beverage.
I remember the true native made type you had to blow the
formaldehyde off the top before you could drink it.
Well this turned into quite a lengthy post, so enough for now.
Su ga sayo (phonetic spelling of see you later in Hongul(Korean))
-Joel McCamley "Constantly Relaxing, Not Worrying and
Having a Homebrew!"
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 92 12:42 CDT
From: (Jack Schmidling)
To: Homebrew Digest
Fm: Jack Schmidling
>From: gkushmer@Jade.Tufts.EDU
Subject: Extract Brewing
<Warning: This is a bit long.>
You're right. He is a short response.
Definition: from Webster's
Brewing: To prepare from malt and hops by steeping, boiling and fermentation
as in ale and beer.
If you don't steep you ain't brewing.
>But you cannot justifiably belittle my efforts.
I belittled no one. I congratulated someone on making the extra effort and I
will continue to hold people who put forth more effort in high esteem no
matter what they venture into.
>From: JS
In the interests of insulting no one in particular, I have eliminated citing
the source of this particular insanity. HOWEVER, the idea of dumping 10
pounds of spent grain into a garbage disposal is an act of personal
irresponsibility that staggers me. I find it hard to put my outrage into
words. Instead of just being outraged, let me suggest a few alternatives.
Put it in your garbage can.
Find a friend with a garden.
Find an empty lot.
Make lots of beer bread.
Go back to extract brewing.
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 11:02:06 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Homebrew Digest #859 (April 08, 1992)
signoff beer-l
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 10:19 PDT
From: (Douglas DeMers)
Subject: BRFWARE.EXE in the archives at
Just a note to let you all know that Chris Campanelli's shareware
program entitled Beer Recipe Formulator (BRF), which runs on
DOS-compatible PCs, is now available in the archives in Miami. For
those who missed it, the availability of this shareware program was
announced about a month ago. Please send e-mail regarding BRF directly
to the author:
Anonymous ftp access is to:
It's in the homebrew directory:
-rw-r--r-- 1 288 system 76912 Apr 1 13:53 brfware.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 288 system 106000 Apr 1 13:54 brfware.exe.UUE
brfware.exe is a self-extracting zip file (make sure you set BINARY
mode in your ftp transfer!); brfware.exe.UUE is a uuencoded version of
brfware.exe. Sorry, I didn't shar it for e-mailing - I haven't figured
out how to do that yet...
Thanks to Chris for providing this program, and many, many thanks(!!!)
to the archives administrator for providing
this useful service to the homebrewing community!
Douglas DeMers, | (408-746-8546) |
Amdahl Corporation | | {sun,uunet}!amdahl!dougd
[It should be obvious that the opinions above are mine, not Amdahl's.]
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 10:32 PDT
From: (Douglas DeMers)
Subject: Is the HBD reflected into rec.crafts.brewing experiment over?
For a while, HBD was automatically being posted into rec.crafts.brewing.
At my site, I've missed the last week or more of HBD in r.c.b. I far
prefer to read HBD in r.c.b and would gladly unsubscribe to HBD if the
HBD always made it into r.c.b in a timely manner. I think it was A.E.
Mossberg ( who was doing the cross-connect as an
Is the experiment over? Is the cross-posting going to continue? If so,
who is going to do it?
Once again, many, many thanks to - the archives
administrator - for providing the archives for the homebrewing
Douglas DeMers, | (408-746-8546) |
Amdahl Corporation | | {sun,uunet}!amdahl!dougd
[It should be obvious that the opinions above are mine, not Amdahl's.]
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1992 13:44:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: R_GELINAS@UNHH.UNH.EDU (Russ Gelinas)
Subject: reuse yeast
I couldn't get this through directly to the person who wanted it, so
here it is, shortened.
I get 2 batches out of each package of Wyeast. For the first one,
I make a starter and use that. When the first batch is ready for transfer
to the secondary carboy (usually the next weekend), I brew another batch.
When the 2nd batch is cool and ready to be yeasted, I rack the first
batch into the seconday, and rack the second batch directly onto the slurry
from the first batch. It usually starts fermenting in 2 hours! and finishes
in a couple of days.
You can do this for many batches, but since I do all-grain, I don't mind
spending the $4 for 2 batches worth of yeast I can count on to treat my
wort nicely. 10 gallons of beer also lasts me a while ;-)
You can also pitch onto the slurry from the secondary. This can be a
better approach if the primary is longer than a week, as the trub and
dead yeast in the primary slurry can start to impart off flavors after
that time. There is less slurry in the secondary, however, so you may
not get the 2 hour starting time. Also, as racking to secondary is
another place for bacteria, etc. to get introduced into the beer, the
secondary slurry may not be as "clean" as the primary.
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 10:32:39 -0700
From: Carl.Hensler@West.Sun.COM (Carl Hensler)
Subject: Los Angeles Beer
If there is enough interest, I would like to set up a e-mail
distribution list for Los Angeles area consumers of REAL beer.
It would NOT be a homebrewers' list, though it could carry
notices of local homebrewing events.
The subjects could include:
What's on tap where.
Where to buy beer.
Where good buys and interesting beer can be found
at the moment.
As an example of the information we could trade, some Trader
Joe's stores currently have Pilsener Urquell and Mackeson Triple
Stout at about $0.90 a bottle. They also have a classic Biere de
Garde, Septante 5, at $1.75 for a 750 ml (wine) bottle - great
If you are interested, send e-mail to "carlh@West.Sun.COM".
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 14:49:34 -0400
From: (Jerome Potts)
Subject: mailing list
I would like to be put on the Homebrew mailing list.
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 11:04:32 PDT
From: (Jeff Frane)
Subject: Wow! A Lot on Mead!
The most recent Homebrew Digest had a LOT about mead. If there's this
much interest perhaps someone could take the effort to put together a
mead digest (isn't there already a cider digest?). Generally speaking,
I think this digest ought to be reserved for discussion of brewing --
you know, making beer?
As far as definitions (and someone asked about tea), Webster's offers an
explanation: 1: to prepare (as beer or ale) by steeping, boiling, and
fermentation or by infusion and fermentation 2 a: to bring about :
FOMENT b: CONTRIVE, PLOT 3: to prepare by infusion in hot water
I thought the recent comments about "real" brewing were quite cogent. As
a judge, for example, I've tasted some extraordinarily good beers that
were brewed from extracts/grains and some piss-poor ones brewed from
all-grain. I remain, frankly, more impressed by people who are able to
brew exceptional beers from an extract base than those doing good or
mediocre beers from whole grains. What you get out of beer is what you
put in _of yourself_, the gift of the craftsman. Science without art is
sterile (and not in the sense of clean, but barren).
- --Jeff Frane
Date: 9 Apr 92 12:31:00 -0700
Subject: Burners and Mild Ale Recipe request
Hi All,
I think it's time to get an outdoor burner. I'm interested in
what brands are available and what other brewers use.
Also, during my trip to England I vetnured up to Wales and discovered
the Brains brewery. Aside from a great bitter, I discovered a
mild ale that they brew. It was excellent on tap (this coming from
a hophead). I brought a can home and after playing up how great this
beer tasted I poured a glass for me and me wife. Disappointment
insued. So I want to brew a mild...any recipes out there other than
the one in Cat's Meow. I prefer extract but might be able to con a
mashing friend into an all grain.
Date: 9 Apr 1992 18:08 EDT
From: (adietz)
Subject: Homebrew does not cause beer bellies.
Read on. Appeared in the 4/9/92 NJ Star Ledger.
-A Dietz
Bellcore, Morristown
- ----------------------------------
Boston (AP) - At last, science has found an explanation for one of the obvious
effects of drinking too much - the beer belly.
Swiss Researchers report that when people drink alcohol, their bodies
burn up fat much more slowly than usual. And any fat that isn't burned is
stored in the paunch, the thighs or other places where people tend to put on
The study suggests it isn't just the calories in alcohol that make
it fattening. It's the way alcohol throws off the body's normal disposal of
fat in the diet.
"This is one good explanation of why people get fat drinking alcohol,"
commented Dr. Clifton Bogardus of the National Institutes of Health.
The study was based on an experiment in which people were put on a
diet that included about 3 ounces of pure alcohol a day. This much alcohol -
about six shots of whiskey or six beers [or 1 cup of mead ;-) ] - reduced
their bodies' burning of fat by about one-third.
The study, directed by Dr. Paolo M. Suter of the U of Zurich, was
published in today's New England Journal of Medicine.
The research is one more piece of a larger idea to emerge from recent
investigation of how people get fat or stay thin. It seems that fat is what
makes people fat.
When people eat extra carbohydrates - sugar or starch - they tend to
burn most of it, adding little to their girth. But the body burns extra fat
sparingly and instead saves it away.
Of course, not everyone who drinks gets a spare tire. It depends on
what they eat. Beer guzzlers and whiskey drinkers who subsist on hamburgers
and potato chips will almost certainly put on pounds, while vegetarian wine
sippers do not.
The Swiss study found that alcohol suppresses the body's
already-stingy disposal of fat. Just why this happens is unclear. The body
may simply prefer to burn alcohol first, or alcohol may have some other effect
on metabolic processes in the liver.
The finding "points to the fact that energy balance over the long term
has a lot more to do with fat balance than anything else we eat," said
Bogardus. "The main way to stay thin is not to eat fat."
The study was conducted on 8 healthy men during two sessions. In one,
alcohol made up 25 percent of their calories, but their total daily calories
did not change. In the other, they drank enough alcohol to increase their
daily calories by 25 percent.
On both diets, the men's bodies burned about one-third fewer fat
calories when they drank alcohol.
The study reached one modestly positive conclusion: People who
substituted alcohol for other food but did not increase their daily calories
burned up more calories over all than when not drinking. The reason appears
to be that alcohol boosts the metabolism.
This finding provides a strategy for drinking without putting on flab.
"If somebody wants to drink socially and avoid gaining weight, he
should have a substitute strategy - substitute fat calories for alcohol." said
However, this is hard to to. And Bogardus noted that people doing this
might still put on extra fat, even if they actually weigh less.
"You'd end up with a slightly different body composition," he said.
The sutdy found that while on the alcohol substitution diet, people
burned up 875 fat calories, instead of their normal 1,291 fat calories. They
also burned slightly less carbohydrate, a bit more protien and
all of the 680 alcohol calories they consumed each day.
End of HOMEBREW Digest #861, 04/10/92