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HOMEBREW Digest #0820

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This file received at Mthvax.CS.Miami.EDU  92/02/10 03:11:01 

HOMEBREW Digest #820 Mon 10 February 1992

Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

re: Pre-crushed Grain (John Hartman)
Stout Recipe from Micah Millspaw (Bob Jones)
Re: BABO, modesty and infamy (Richard Stueven)
UPS Shipping of Alcohol (Bob_Konigsberg)
Beer distillation: the real story (Chuck Coronella)
Re: Homebrew Digest #819 (February 07, 1992) (Richard Childers)
BABO results (Bob Jones)
Steam beer recipe (Frank Tutzauer)
Beamish Stout (b11!mspe5!guy)
mail failed, returning to sender (!cchtor!!cchtor!!MAILER-DAEMON)
Homebrew Digest #811 (January 28, 1992)
mail failed, returning to sender (!cchtor!!cchtor!!MAILER-DAEMON)
Homebrew Digest #808 (January 23, 1992)
mail failed, returning to sender (!cchtor!!cchtor!!MAILER-DAEMON)
Homebrew Digest #810 (January 27, 1992)
mail failed, returning to sender (!cchtor!!cchtor!!MAILER-DAEMON)
Homebrew Digest #809 (January 24, 1992)
NA Beer (Jack Schmidling)
Liberty Ale (caitrin lynch)
Wyeast starter? (caitrin lynch)
Wyeast Belgian Ale Yeast (Jon Binkley)
More Wyeast Woes (Jon Binkley)
A Guide to Micro's (Mr. Tom Denny)" <dennyt@prism.CS.ORST.EDU>

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Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 08:42:13 -0500
From: (John Hartman)
Subject: re: Pre-crushed Grain

In HBD #819 Walter Gude asks for feedback on long term storage of
crushed grain. I asked the same question around Christmas time and got
no response--not even private e-mail. My conclusion is that no one has
experienced any problems with crushed grain going bad. My supplier,
Brewmaster in San Leandro, CA, told me it would be fine for six months.
I suspect that if kept clean, cool and dry it will last closer to a year.

John Hartman

ps: re: Brew Club E-mail Database, This IS my Homebrew Club!! Cheers!!


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1992 09:52 PDT
From: Bob Jones <>
Subject: Stout Recipe from Micah Millspaw

There has been a lot of discussion about making a coffee
flavoured beer. Last year myself and Bill Coffee (appropriate name)
who is head brewer at St. Stans came up with Kahlua stout. There are
several versions a stout,a cream stout and a imperial stout. So here
is a 5 gallon recipe for the standard version. This is one of St.
Stans special at the pub only beers.

5# 2-row barley
2# 120L caramel malt
2# 20L caramel malt
2# british crystal
1# wheat malt
1# dextrin
1# roast barley

2oz Northern brewer hops 75min.
1\2oz styrian goldings 75min.
1 bottle kahlua liquor extract

whitbread ale yeast

mash @ 160F
and the kahlua extract to the primary before pitching the

Micah Millspaw 2/6/92


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 09:53:50 PST
From: Richard.Stueven@Corp.Sun.COM (Richard Stueven)
Subject: Re: BABO, modesty and infamy

In HBD #819, C.R. Saikley calls my attention to a book written by one
Mr.Webster, which I've never bothered to read. Too many words, and
besides, I think the section on infusion mashing leaves out too many

>All seriousness aside, this year's BABO was a smashing success. HBDer's
>Bob Jones, Russ Wigglesworth, Tom Altenbach, Micah Millspaw and myself
>were in attendance. This is a really fun event, and I'd recommend it
>to anyone near the Bay Area.

There were a few low-profile HBDer's there as well (myself, Laura
Lawson, Greg Schmitz). Maybe next time there's a Bay Area event, we
can get coordinated. (And then go get *un*coordinated!)

>The event took place at Lyon's Brewery of Dublin, which is a pub - not
>a brewery. Not only was lunch provided, but Judy, publican at Lyon's,
>supplied two rounds of beers for all of the judges (and stewards??).

...and some of the customers!

>The Brewer's Brass, an all brass band of very talented musicians and
>homebrewers, performed during lunch and during the truly infamous Brew
>Dude Fashion Show. Then the Rolling Boil Blues Band (sometimes known as
>the Flocculating TRUBadours) dazzled the audience with their musical
>ineptitude ;-) All in all it was a good time.

I missed the TRUBadours...had to go to the Sharks game and drink
Meister Brau. Which by the way doesn't taste very good on top of a few
pints of Lind's IPA.

>I have a good reason for being modest about the awards I garnered that day.
>I didn't get any! In fact, I had no entries.

My mistake! I remember hearing your name and Micah's being called from
the judges' stand while the awards were being handed out, and I
(erroneously) assumed you were among the winners.

Great fun all around!

>Yours in Infamy,

Yours in Illiteracy,


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 10:02 PST
Subject: UPS Shipping of Alcohol

I called up the San Francisco office of UPS, and asked them. The
official answer is that for UPS to ship alcohol (knowingly), the sender
must have a shipping permit from the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
office of the U.S. Government. This would explain why commercial
businesses that deal in alcoholic beverages don't have a problem with
UPS. UPS themselves do not issue permits, they just look at them. So
everyone will probably have to continue to be evasive or lie.



Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 10:59 MTS
Subject: Beer distillation: the real story

I took offense to two messages that sarcastically criticized my post
regarding distillation of alcohol from beer, 1 posted in Digest #816 by
<> (Steve Stroud)
and another in Digest # 817 by CONNOLLY%RISVAX@CCNMR.MIT.EDU

Both correctly pointed out the existense of an azeotrope in the Ethyl
Alcohol-water system:

>In the case of ethanol/water, it is not an ideal system and all of the
>calculations you performed are meaningless. Due to molecular interactions,
>ethanol and water form a minimum boiling mixture called an azeotrope which, at
>atmospheric pressure, boils at 78.2 degrees Centigrade (lower than either EtOH
>or water) with a composition of 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water. (At lower
>pressures the percent of alcohol in this azeotrope actually increases).

And then incorrectly interpreted the significance of an azeotrope:

>In practice this means that if you boil a water/ethanol mixture, what will boil
>off initially is this azeotrope (4.4 : 95.6) until one of the two components is
>totally distilled, then the remaining component will distill.

The existence of an azeotrope in this system means that if you boiled a
liquid AT THE AZEOTROPIC COMPOSITION (89.43 mole% EtOH) the vapor would
have an identical molar composition, 89.43%. At all other compositions,
the vapor coming off a boiling liquid will be different than the liquid
compostion, and DIFFERENT from the AZEOTROPIC composition. The equilibrium
vapor composition coming off a boiling liquid is described by an
equilibrium curve. An x-y graph of the EtOH-H2O system is available in
several references, I used "Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering" by
S.M. Walas, Butterworth, 1985, p264, and data in Perry's Chemical
Engineering Handbook, Section 13. Beer is roughly 4% alcohol (1.6 mole %);
the azeotrope is at the other end of the equilibrium curve. Therefore, the
azeotrope is not a consideration in this situation. Q.E.D.

Assume beer is composed of, for arguement's sake, only 4% w/w EtOH and 96%
w/w H2O. Then, in mole fractions, x(EtOH)= 1.6%. Examine an x-y graph of
the EtOH-H2O system. At x=1.6%, I find y(EtOH)=14.3%. So, initially, the
vapor is 29.9% w/w EtOH. Not bad. But the thing to remember is that this
is a BATCH distillation, so that the vapor is 30% EtOH for the 1st moment
only. After then, the beer is < 4% w/w EtOH, and so the vapor is less than
30%. (This wouldn't necessarily be true if the azeotrope was near this
concentration range.) The equilibrium curve is rather steep in this range,
indicating that y(EtOH) will drop quickly with liquid-phase concentration.
So the vapor becomes closer to pure water with time, and very quickly. One
could solve a differential equation to find the exact solution.

Conclusion: Boiling (or heating) is effective in removing most of the
alcohol only if the amount of "beer vapor" removed is a pretty large
multiple of the volume of EtOH initially present, maybe 20 times.

Of course, I'm assuming that the other components in beer don't
significantly affect the calculations, not an insignificant assumption. I
discussed this briefly with Chip Hitchcock, and his chemistry is better
than mine, so I defer to him: (don't hold him to it; these were initial

From: IN%"cjh@vallance.HQ.Ileaf.COM"

>I suspect that the low concentrations of sugars, hop oils, etc. wouldn't
>have a strong effect. The hop oils aren't polar enough to entangle much
>with the liquids (\\guess//). The molal concentration of sugars is around
>.166 ( start with 1#/gallon = (454/180) moles / 3.8 liters = .664, figure
>(average) 3/4 of sugar converted); my recollection is that the molal
>boiling point elevation of polar liquids runs around a small number (~2?) 'C.
>Guesses, but indicative.

So to those who claim to have great knowledge about azeotropes, I say, go
back and read your textbook. It's easy to identify the azeotrope; not so
easy to understand it.

Sorry for the technical discussion. I know this is Greek to many (most)
who aren't chem e's or chemists. But I was p.o.d by those who tell me I
don't know what I'm talking about when they don't know what they're talking
about. At the outset of this discussion, I certainly didn't intend to get
into this so deeply; I prefer my beer WITH alcohol.



Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 10:09:08 PST
From: Richard Childers <>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #819 (February 07, 1992)

"Date: Thu, 6 Feb 92 14:51:57 CST
From: (Walter H. Gude)
Subject: Pre-crushed Grain M**ily?

"There's that work again :-)."

Would someone please explain what a "momily" is ?

"1) How long can one keep crushed grains?"

I haven't seen a definitive answer yet, either, but I plan to experiment,
anyway. Ten minutes of experimentation showed me how to peel labels off
my labels, I don't think it will take any longer to keep grains fresh, or
at least prevent them from going stale quickly.

Some sort of plastic container, such as one might use to keep grains safe
from rodents and condensation, seems appropriate. Some sort of absorption
material for loose H2O would be useful, provided it was isolated so that
it didn't flavor the grains with a plastic taste. I'd guess that kitty
litter might work very nicely, as a hydroscopic material. Then, once the
moisture has been concentrated into the absorbent material, put the whole
container in the freezer. ( I suggest _clean_ kitty litter, if you don't
want your beer to have a strange taste ... :-)

Think of them as coffee beans and you'll have no problem, I'd guess. The
nature of the problem is not as different as it might seem.

"Everyone says ..."

Since when has the majority ever been right about _anything_ ? (R. Heinlein)

- -- richard


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1992 10:30 PDT
From: Bob Jones <>
Subject: BABO results

OK here are the cataroies and the winners for the Bay Area Brewoff held
Jan 25, 1992 at Lyon's Brewery Depot. Dublin, Ca.

Pale Ale - 45 entries total
1st - Hans & Inga Sundet, Gold Country Brewers
2nd - Wayne Greenwaye, San Andreas Malts
3rd - Bob & Zach & Warren, U.B.A.

Porter - 23 entries total
1st - John Arends, Sonoma County Beerocrats
2nd - Bruce Brazil, Draught Board
3rd - Rick Gutherie, Draught Board

Dry Stout - 26 entries total
1st - John Arends, Sonoma County Beerocrats
2nd - Kelly Dunham, Brew Birds of Hoppiness
3rd - Eric Henchal, BURP

Barley Wine - 10 entries total
1st - Bob Hufford, Santa Clara Valley Brewers
2nd - Micah Millspaw,SAAZ
3rd - Kirk Ware, no club affiliation

Amber Lager(steam style) - 11 entries total
1st - Kevin Johnson, San Andreas Malts
2nd - Brad Brumit, F.O.B.
3rd - Bill Kirk, Santa Clara Valley Brewers

Holiday Beer- 32 entries total
1st - Peter Gotts, No club affiliation
2nd - Bob Jones, Draught Board
3rd - Bill Jamaca, Tandem Malty Processors

Mead - 9 entries total
1st - Rod Houck, SAAZ
2nd - Gerald Burke, Draught Board
3rd - Tom Altenbach, Draught Board

Total enties = 155.
1st place awards - $20, ribbon, Lyon's Brewery Connoisseur beer mug
2nd place awards - $10, ribbon, 8oz hops
3rd place awards - $5, ribbon

Bob Jones, Competition coordinator.


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1992 16:41 EST
From: Frank Tutzauer <>
Subject: Steam beer recipe

A while back, someone (sorry, forgot who) was complaining because it
seemed like the only recipes that were posted were those in which the
author said something like, "Haven't tasted it yet, but I'll let you
know." Anyway, this person, whoever he or she was, implored HBDers
to post their best (tried) recipe, under the condition that the poster
had at least 10 batches worth of experience. I've finally reached
that plateau (thunderous applause). Batch 11 and 12 are fermenting, but
Batch 10 has been bottled and tasted. Of my first 10, only Batch #1 was
a disaster. The rest ranged from drinkable to damn good. Batch #8 was the
best. Here is the recipe:

Frahnkenschteam (Steam Beer)

(My wife, Carol, a fan of the movie Young Frankenstein, insists on the name.)

1 c English 2-row pale malt
1 c Crystal Malt, 60L
1 c Crystal Malt, 120L
6 lb light M&F dried malt extract
1 and 1/2 oz. Northern Brewer hop pellets (alpha = 6.5; 50 min.)
1/2 t Irish Moss (15 min.)
1 oz. Northern Brewer hop pellets (1 min.)
Wyeast 2035 American Lager yeast (cultured from a previous batch)
3/4 c corn sugar for priming

Brewer's specifics: Toasted pale malt in a 375 degree oven for 20 minutes.
Cracked it along with the crystal and steeped in 2 quarts of 150-175 degree
water for 20 minutes. Sparged with approx. 1 gallon of water. Dissolved DME
in sparge water plus cold water to make 3 and 1/2 gallons. Boiled for 60
min., adding hops and Irish Moss for indicated times. Chilled with a 2-gallon
ice block and 20 degree outdoor temps. Racked off hot/cold break, topped up
to 5 gallons, pitching a 2-3 cup starter at about 90 degrees. Visible
fermentation in 12 hours, active in 18. Fermentation temps 68 to 71 degrees.
O.G. = 1.049, IBUs approximately 37. Single-stage fermentation for 14 days;
bottled with 3/4 cup priming sugar. F.G. = 1.022, a little high, but
fermentation was definitely done.

Comments: I did a side-by-side comparison of this brew to a bottle of Anchor
Steam, and here are the similarities/differences: This beer is exactly the
same color as Anchor Steam, but it's a bit cloudier due to a little chill
haze. The head is neither as big nor as long lasting as Anchor Steam's, but
it clings to the side of the glass better. This beer has more body than
Anchor Steam, and it is a bit maltier and sweeter; Anchor Steam is crisper
with more hop bitterness. It is not as carbonated as Anchor Steam, although
it would not be considered undercarbonated. All in all a very good beer.


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 9:35:38 CST
From: ingr!b11!mspe5!guy@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Beamish Stout

As a Stout lover, I was encouraged to read the following in this week's
"Irish Emigrant":

"Beamish and Crawford has won a court battle to sell Beamish Stout in the
US. The company which sells Jim Beam whiskey had objected."

Of course, there is little chance that we will be able to buy it here in

- --
Guy McConnell
"Drinking homebrew from a wooden cup"


Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1992 12:59:00 -0500
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Subject: Homebrew Digest #809 (January 24, 1992)

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Date: Fri, 7 Feb 92 21:25 CST
From: (Jack Schmidling)
Subject: NA Beer

To: Homebrew Digest
Fm: Jack Schmidling

Subject: Re: Jack's NA beer

>At 170f, jack is not only driving off alcohol, but pasturizing
his beer. One issue that has not been discussed is the flavor
changes that might occur. It is a Homebrew/beer aficianado's
assertion (momily?) that pasturized beer has a cooked flavor to
it. The "fresh flavor" of draft beer being the prefered commodity.

I would also like to point out that to alcoholics, the preferred commodity is
alcohol. Having been there, my current preference is a compromise on the
flavor to avoid the problems created by alcohol

>So, Jack, what is (IYHO) the effects on the flavor of your
beers? None?

I think your word "cooked" best describes the alteration. However, it seems
to mellow with time. After a week or so, I can only notice it when I make a
direct comparison.

> Not objectionable?

Only to the extent that it would be better without it. However, in the sense
that it ruins the beer, definitely not.

The procedures that call for boiling the beer obviously would have the
problem to a greater extent and that is why I am working at the lowest
temperature that seems to accomplish the task.

>Have you gotten feedback from your beer judge buddies in Chicago?

I havn't taken any in since the inititial time with the clovey stuff. I will
take some in... OOPS... missed last nights meeting... to the next.

> Is the beer a light beer or a robust IPA?

It is Schmidling Generic Ale

8 lbs Klages
1.5 oz hops
EDME yeast

> The latter might mask minor oxidation type defects. Naturally if the
defects can't be detected, then they are not a problem!

One might look for a combination to intentionally mask the defect.
I would suggest roasted barley. This also happens to be what I put in my
most recent batch but it is already in a keg, alcohol and all. I do note a
similar sort of taste and it could serve the same purpose as calling my clovy
batch "Spiced Holiday Ale".

>I look forward to giving this a try with a future spring wheaten

Why don't you try it NOW. Why wait till Spring?

I have the current batch in a keg and it is a real pleasure to be able to go
over there and take a nip without feeling guilty about violating my
glass-a-day vow.

Maybe it's all in the head but I can not pour a partial glass of real beer.
It has to be full or I feel cheated and I usually am sad when it is empty.
With the NA, an inch on the bottom, usually satisfies the urge.

From: (Walter H. Gude)
Subject: Pre-crushed Grain M**ily?

>1) How long can one keep crushed grains?

As the manufacturer of an up-scale malt mill, it would give me pleasure to
tell you the time is measured in nanoseconds. However, the truth is probably

It depends as always, on how you store it. My guess is that if you freeze
it, it would be good for a year or more. If you store it at room temperature
in sealed plastic bags, it would problably be good for 3 months or more.
Moisture is the killer. If left out in a humid environment, it would
deteriorate rapidly (days).

>2) What are the effects?

>Decreased effectiveness? Stale taste? Mold?

Unless it is very damp, malt will still be malt and the "effectiveness" is
not likely to change in dry storage. It can of course get moldy, taste stale
and the effect would be to impart that taste to your beer.

>3) Can you quantitatively tell the grain has gone bad? How?

Taste it. As long as it tastes good, it will make good beer.

>While I don't like to keep crushed grain around myself, I'm beginning
to wonder how much folk lore is involved here.

I am afraid you are on the right track.

>Somebody (anybody) have comments?

I would have remained silent till I saw that "anybody".

But it is FUN to do it yourself. And BTW, lots of people who sell milled
grain, do it in the back room with a Corona. I would be more concerned with
the kind of mill used than how long you store it. If they use a roller mill,
it will not only make better beer but it will keep longer. The more flour
produced, the faster it will deteriorate.

If I could have found a source for the malt I wanted, at .55 lb, that would
crush it properly, I never would have built my own mill.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

From: (Jeff Frane)
Subject: WYeast Book

> Dave has been too busy, apparently, to write much on it or to
bug me for my share. When we had our last conference on the book he had
arrived at a much more ambitious outline than we'd originally developed.
When completed, the book will have a great deal of useful information on
general usage and specifically on the strains WYeast is carrying.

>The truth is, I've been ducking Dave -- or anyway, not calling him --
because I've got to get cracking on my pages.

>Ooog, what a diatribe!

I would call it more of an insight into why you lead the pack in bashing my
critique on liquid yeast in the foggy past.

Before I get reamed again for peddling grain mills, I just wanted to point
out that lots of us take advantage of this forum to serve our own interests
while at the same time passing along useful information.



Date: Sat, 8 Feb 92 16:01:09 CST
From: caitrin lynch <>
Subject: Liberty Ale

I drank some Anchor Steam Liberty Ale for the first time about three weeks
ago, and immediately fell in love. How is the fantastic aroma and flavour
produced? Dry Hopping? If so, with what kind of hops? I am curious as to how
the brewery does this, and how I can duplicate it.



Date: Sat, 8 Feb 92 18:05:43 CST
From: caitrin lynch <>
Subject: Wyeast starter?

Just bought my first packages of liquid yeast this morning and am anxious to
try them out (london ale, and american ale). The package mentions making a
starter only if the yeast is old, or if brewing more than five gallons of
beer. I remember reading several times on the digest that a starter is
necessary. However, I also remember reading that others say it is not. Should
I make starter, and if I should, what is the best way to make one? Thanks.



Date: Sun, 9 Feb 92 19:36:36 -0700
From: Jon Binkley <binkley@beagle.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: Wyeast Belgian Ale Yeast

I tried the Wyeast Belgian Ale strain for the first time last week.
Today I racked to secondary. It seems to have fermented very
quickly- 1.055 to 1.010 already. The fermentables I used were
(partial 2 step mash, 5 gallons):

3 lb. 6-row pale malt
1 lb. flaked wheat
1/2 lb. rolled oats
3 lb. 65% wheat dry malt extract
1 lb. clover honey

The most comment worthy feature was a pronounced banana smell.
It reminded me a lot of the smell of wheat beers I've made using
Wyeast's Bavarian Wheat strain. This leads me to wonder if some
of the character I'd been attributing solely to the S. delbrukei
was really coming from the wheat malt. Any comments?

I've read (here?) that to avoid the overproduction of esters by cultured
Chimay yeast (allegedly the forebears of Wyeast's strain) one
should ferment relatively cold. For my batch, we kept it
around 70 deg. the first night to get things rolling, then
moved it to a room that stays pretty consistantly 55-60 deg.
Today, after racking, we moved it to the "lager room," which
stays at 45-50 deg. Could this temperature profile be responsible
for the banana esters?

I'm not worried, mind you- the taste of the sample I took for
the gravity measurement was pleasant, in spite of and to some
degree because of the esters. They're not overbearing, and
the taste was dry and tart. The orange and corriander I
threw in for finishing didn't come through as much as I'd
hoped, and I'm planning to throw more in at priming time.
I was trying for the taste of Hoegaarden White. I know,
I know: too much malted wheat, not enough unmalted wheat.
That's what I get for brewing by the seat of my pants,
reading just enough to get into trouble and not enough
to duplicate a style. Oh well, it's fun and the beer is
tasty, even if it doesn't fit perfectly into a classic

Jon Binkley


Date: Sun, 9 Feb 92 19:59:19 -0700
From: Jon Binkley <binkley@beagle.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: More Wyeast Woes

Add two more data points to the chart of burst Wyeast packages.
The victims this time were a package of the #1056 Chico ale yeast,
and an emergency backup package of the new "Steam" lager yeast.
These were the first duds in about 30 packages we've bought in
the past year. Luckily my friend is on good terms with the guys
at the brew supply shop, so he'll probably get his money back.
Unluckily, we were both itching to brew today, and instead spent
the day racking and tinkering with equipment.

Grrr... When are they going to fix these damned things?!?

Jon Binkley


Date: Sun, 09 Feb 92 20:47:01 PST
From: "(Mr. Tom Denny)" <dennyt@prism.CS.ORST.EDU>
Subject: A Guide to Micro's

I am interested in starting a guide of Micro's and BrewPubs around the world.
I'd appreciate it if you would send me information on the breweries in your
area - including such information as Name (of course) :), Address, and comments
(what are they good at - how do you like it - etc). If anything else - please
send me a list of good pubs in the SF (Treasure Isl.) area. The Navy is
sending me on vacation to that area in April for a couple of days and I'd
really like to sample the good breweries in that area.

Thanks Much!

BTW - If there is interest, I'll post the information I gather to the archive
site or to HBD.

Tom Denny dennyt@prism.CS.ORST.EDU #( )#
U - ack, thptt


End of HOMEBREW Digest #820, 02/10/92

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