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HOMEBREW Digest #0410

This file received at Mthvax.CS.Miami.EDU 90/05/02 03:09:44
HOMEBREW Digest #410 Wed 02 May 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
liquid yeast & krausen (RUSSG)
coffee beer, cambridge brewing co., and hot weather fermenting (GIBSON)
help (Mark Montgomery)
Subscription Wanted: (Ed Leonhardt)
Imitation of "Commercial" Brews ("Andy Wilcox")
Quiet batches (pyt)
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Date: Tue, 1 May 90 10:19 EST
Subject: liquid yeast & krausen
I pitched my first batch of liquid yeast Sunday night about 10:00 pm. The
yeast "inflated" in about 5-6 hours at 75 deg. I saw the first signs of
ferment Monday night at about 6:00 pm. This morning I checked my brew and
it had the most beautiful whipped cream krausen I've ever seen! VERY thick,
and swirled, and without any of the sour aroma I've had with dry yeast. I
can't wait to try it! Is this krausen really the result of the yeast, or am
I just getting better at putting ingredients together?
Date: Tue, 1 May 90 09:54 MST
Subject: coffee beer, cambridge brewing co., and hot weather fermenting
Regarding coffee beer... A small commercial brewer in Bisbee,AZ produces
a brew called Electric Dark that does in fact have some coffee in it.
(It's called electric because the brewer is or was an electrician as well.
I can't say how much he uses, but GO EASY at first. The first batch of it
I tried had just enough that you wondered, is that a hint of coffee maybe?
A later batch clearly had too much. I'm as much of a "shaker and mover" as
anyone, but there is a limit in my beer!
I also visited Cambridge Brewing Co. a couple weeks ago. Good thing it wasn
wasn't there when I was an undergrad at MIT! I second the endorsement of
their brews. I hope I can get back when they do their summer wheat beer.
Here in Tucson,AZ summer brewing gets REAL interesting as you might imagine.
It's just not as good (I don't own a spare fridge), but can be done. I've
used my original plastic fermenter to hold a glass carboy, water, and
sometimes some ice. The spigot helps to lower the water level when adding
that extra ice on day 4. My advice is to stick with recipes which ferment
and clear quickly, and drink them heartily as soon as they're ready. T
Brewing temps in the low 70's are doable. Keep it clean and good luck.
Ken Cornett
Date: Tue, 1 May 90 09:32:54 PDT
From: ncpmont@pepsi.AMD.COM (Mark Montgomery)
Subject: help
Date: Tue, 1 May 90 10:22:15 pdt
From: mbf!edl@trwind.TRW.COM (Ed Leonhardt)
Subject: Subscription Wanted:
Could you add me (edl@trwind.ind.TRW.COM) to you mailing list? If not,
could you please direct me to the proper place to do so?
But if I did hit the right place with this mail message, thanks in
advance for the subscription.
Thanks again,
/ / /
mbf!edl /** ** /**** /** Basic Four, Inc.
edl@trwind.ind.TRW.COM /*** *** /** ** /** 14101 Myford Rd.
"Insert favorite /** *** **/******/** Tustin, CA 92680
disclaimer here" /** ** */** */** Building 2 MD247
/ / /
Date: Tue, 01 May 90 19:36:59 EDT
From: "Andy Wilcox" <>
Subject: Imitation of "Commercial" Brews
Just for the sake of curiosity (isn't that what
homebrewing is all about!) I'd like to try and
make either a "Dos Equis" or "Fosters" type beer.
I suspect that both of these beers are lagers.
Any recipies appreciated!
By-the-by, I've seen oblique references to a book titled
"brewing the beers you love", or something like that.
My local brewstore has never heard of it. If you know
who/how to get it (from), would you drop me a note?
Date: Tue, 01 May 90 18:53:24 PDT
Subject: Quiet batches
Full-Name: Pierre-Yves Thoulon
> I racked the quiet stuff into a carboy anyway, on the theory that it
> couldn't hurt. My plan is to give it another day or two to wake up. If
> it doesn't, I'll add about 1/2 cup of sugar, boiled into syrup, just to
> see if there's anything happening. I figure that small amount won't
> affect the taste much. If it still doesn't show bubbles, I'll try
> repitching with fresh yeast, I guess.
I wouldn't worry. Just add the priming sugar to the thing and bottle
it. My first batch ever (an English bitter) fermented for only 20 hours
and then stopped. I just assumed it was OK, bottled it with corn sugar,
and got the carbonation without any problem. The whole thing turned out
pretty good...
End of HOMEBREW Digest #410, 05/02/90