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HOMEBREW Digest #0359

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This file received at Mthvax.CS.Miami.EDU  90/02/16 03:08:54 

HOMEBREW Digest #359 Fri 16 February 1990

Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

Re: Foxx Address (techentin)
extract based wheat beer (Jason Goldman)
Foxx update -- phone numbers (Chris Shenton)
Boiling with the lid on (Chris Shenton)
Converting a freezer to a fridge? (Michael Berry)
Re: Boiling with the lid on (Patrick Stirling)
Re: Wheat Beer Extras? (dw)
dishwasher cleaning (Max Newman x6689)
help & recipe for a novice (Max Newman x6689)
A Covered Boil (Martin A. Lodahl)

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Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 08:00:09 CST
Subject: Re: Foxx Address

Ted Manahan <hplabs!hpldola!tedm> asks about Foxx's address:

I don't have the address handy, but you can call 800-821-2254 (Kansas
City) or 800-525-2484 (Denver) and they will send you a catalog. They
appear to be in the "dispensing industry", and their catalog lists all
sorts of stuff from soda keg systems and spare parts to display cases.

If you tell them you are a homebrewer, they will include a one page
flyer on their kegging system which consists of one 5 gallon soda keg, a
5 pound C02 cylinder, fittings and tubes for about $150. I haven't
ordered one (yet), but I have plans . . .

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bob Techentin Internet:
Mayo Foundation, Rochester MN, 55905 USA (507) 284-2702
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 07:52:35 mst
From: Jason Goldman <!hplsdar!jdg@hp-lsd>
Subject: extract based wheat beer
Full-Name: Jason Goldman

Mike Zentner asks about extract-based wheat beers. I recently made a wheat
beer that was very good (it well nigh evaporated ;-). I used the wheat
extract from Williams (14310 Wicks Blvd/PO Box 2195/San Leandro CA 94577/
415-895-2739) and I have not used the Ireks. Here's my recipe:

Wiezen? Why not?
6# Williams Wheat extract
1# crystal malt
1/2# toasted barley
1# honey
2oz Cascade hops (bittering)
1/2oz Cascade hops (finishing)
1pkg Wyeast Wheat yeast
SG = 1.050
FG = 1.012

I always make a 2 quart starter culture before brew time. I steeped
the crystal and toasted barley in 4 gallons of water for about 40 minutes,
then removed the grains (I used grain bags to make this easier). I
added the extract, the honey, and the bittering hops and boiled the wert
for an hour. After removing the pot from the heat, I added the finishing
hops and let it sit for a couple of minutes. I used an immersion chiller
to bring the temperature to a pitchable temperature. After 3 days in a
plastic primary, I racked to a glass carboy. Eight days later, I bottled.

This beer was a bit cloudy, I forgot to use Irish moss. But heck, put it in
a dark glass if that bothers you ;-). I'm not really sure what the honey
added to this beer (more experimentation is in order). However, it turned
out so well that I won't omit it in the future.

Jason Goldman


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 09:50:47 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Foxx update -- phone numbers

In response to

Foxx Equipment Company (Soda/Beer kegging distributor)
Kansas City, MO: 800-821-2254
Denver, CO: 800-525-2484

Request a catalog and the flier on the $152 Homebrew soda-keg system.
Internet: ( NASA/GSFC: Code 735
UUCP: ...!uunet!!chris Greenbelt, MD 20771
SPAN: PITCH::CHRIS 301-286-6093


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 10:03:16 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Boiling with the lid on writes:
> Does anybody boil their wort with the lid on the kettle?

Yes, my gas stove can't bring 6 gallons of wort to a boil in a finite time
unless I leave the cover on. I watch it carefully as it gets close; I
occasionally have boil-overs if I'm not paying attention.

> Anybody know if there would be any adverse effects? How about the hot
> break or hop utilization?

I understand that the wort must be boiled uncovered to boil off some of the
junk you don't want (chlorine and other things...). I leave my lid
partially open -- about a 1 - 2 inch gap so my wimpy stove can keep it

Anyone know how to fiddle the regulator in a stove to allow more gas? or
test the pressure coming out of the supply pipes?
Internet: ( NASA/GSFC: Code 735
UUCP: ...!uunet!!chris Greenbelt, MD 20771
SPAN: PITCH::CHRIS 301-286-6093


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 08:46:15 mst
From: Michael Berry <>
Subject: Converting a freezer to a fridge?
Full-Name: Michael Berry

I have a freezer that I don't use and was wondering if it can be converted
to a refrigerator with a new thermostat mechanism.

I seem to recall a discussion about this in this mailing list but didn't
save any of that.

BTW It would be nice to get a periodic mailing that describes where the
archive servers are and how to access past issues and an index.


Michael Berry ARPA:mcb%hpgrla@hplabs.HP.COM UUCP:hplabs!hpgrla!mcb


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 08:30:51 PST
From: pms@Corp.Sun.COM (Patrick Stirling)
Subject: Re: Boiling with the lid on

I always do this, mainly for the heat (ie energy) savings. It boils faster
and you can turn the heat way down and still maintain the famous rolling
boil. The only problem I've had is the occasional boil-over. While messy
this has not affected the beer. Actually, for my very fist brew, I did
leave the lid off, and my wort boiled away to the point of becoming a
thick sludge. The result was a rather thin beer! But still quite drinkable.
I can't think of a reason not to boil with the lid on.

On another topic, does anyone know if Lines's book on how to duplicate
British beers is available over here? And if so, how to get it?



Date: 15 Feb 90 12:09:38 EST (Thursday)
From: dw <Wegeng.Henr@Xerox.COM>
Subject: Re: Wheat Beer Extras?

I've had good luck with the Ireks wheat extract. I basically follow the
advanced recipe on the can to make 5 gallons of beer, adding some
hallertauer hops (and no other grains). I haven't tried the Wyeast wheat
beer yeast, so I can't comment on that.



Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 10:17:46 PST
From: (Max Newman x6689)
Subject: dishwasher cleaning

I have read that a dishwasher machine is very good for cleaning equipment
especialy bottles, no soap or dispersing agent is to be used, also all
food bits need to be cleaned out (look in the nooks and crannies).
The high heat produced in the washer is great especialy if it has a sterilize


Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 10:55:26 PST
From: (Max Newman x6689)
Subject: help & recipe for a novice

I am nearly ready to bottle my very first batch of homebrew. I used
a brew kit Geordi Yorkshire Bitter, has anyone used this before, if
so do you have any comments?
For my second batch I'd like to try an unhopped extract brew with
possibly some finishing grain (crystal or whatever). Does anyone
have a recipe for a good dark ale or a good light ale (ala henry wineheards
sp? ale). Any and all recipes for any type of beer would be greatly
Am anxiosly awaiting the moment when I can relax and have a homebrew


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 9:51:31 PST
From: Martin A. Lodahl <hplabs!pbmoss!mal>
Subject: A Covered Boil

In HOMEBREW Digest #358, Bob Techentin asked:

"Does anybody boil their wort with the lid on the kettle?"

Well, sort of. I leave the lid on the kettle during most of the
time it's heating toward boiling, removing it to stir occasionally.
Once it's boiling, I leave the burners on full blast, with the lid
ajar (about a 1" opening). If it looks like the wort volume is not
being reduced enough, I'll increase the gap.

Like many others, I use the last 15 minutes of the boil to scald my
immersion chiller, and usually leave the kettle uncovered then.
Noonan (in "Brewing Lager Beer") advocated, if I recall, leaving the
kettle uncovered to drive off I-forget-what, but I've never tested
it rigorously. I have tried turning down the heat, but got poor
hops utilization and a miserable hot break.

= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= pacbell!pbmoss!mal -or- mal@pbmoss.Pacbell.COM 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
= Drinkin' strange fermented fluids, it's good enough for me! 8-) =


End of HOMEBREW Digest #359, 02/16/90

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