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HOMEBREW Digest #0360

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HOMEBREW Digest #360 Mon 19 February 1990

Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

Source of keg parts (Foxx address) (homer)
Re: Converting a freezer to a fridge? (Jeff Jennings)
Haven't received Homebrew Digest since Feb 8 (John S. Link)
re: Stainless Steel pressure cooker... (Dick Dunn)
Re: How Many Calories in Homebrew? ("Andy Wilcox")
Converting a freezer to a fridge? (Chris Shenton)
Homebrew suppliers: Part 1 of 4 -- Introduction (Chris Shenton)
Re: Line's book -- availability (Chris Shenton)
Homebrew suppliers: part 2 of 4 -- Comparison Chart (Chris Shenton)
Re: Homebrew Digest #359 (February 16, 1990) ("Christian A. Ramsburg")
Homebrew suppliers: part 3 of 4 -- Addresses and Comments (Chris Shenton)
Homebrew suppliers: part 4 of 4 -- Other Suppliers (Chris Shenton)
temperature controller for freezer ("1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES")
help & recipe for a novice (Chris Shenton)
Cleaning Beer Bottles in the Dishwasher (Dr. T. Andrews)

Send submissions to
Send requests to
Archives available from


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 08:13 MST
Subject: Source of keg parts (Foxx address)

Foxx Equipment Co in Denver and Kansas City sell parts for soda pop
type kegs. They have washers, valves, quick-connects and all other
parts need for kegs. They have advertised in Zymurgy, and sell a
homebrew keg kit and a bottle filler kit. I have bought various parts
from them and have been satisfied.

955 Decatur St Unit B
Denver CO 80204
(800) 525-2484
(303) 573-1766

421 Southwest Blvd
KC, MO 64108
(800) 821-2254
(816) 421-3600

Ask for their catalog and homebrew keg supplement.

Jim Homer


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 08:45:44 MST
From: caeco! (Jeff Jennings)
Subject: Re: Converting a freezer to a fridge?

William's Brewing sells a temperature controller that allows
you to maintain the temperature of a fridge or freezer from
20 to 80 degrees F plus or minus 2 degrees. The address and
phone number for William's Brewing was posted in Homebrew
digest #359.
- ---------
Jeffrey C. Jennings Silicon Compiler Systems
uunet!iconsys!caeco!jj 7090 South Union Park Ave., Suite 200
caeco! Midvale, Utah 84047 USA


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 7:53:50 EST
From: John S. Link <prcrs!link@uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: Haven't received Homebrew Digest since Feb 8


The last Digest I received was # 354 on February 8, 1989.
Are you receiving errors from my side again? (If I've missed
any could you send or tell me where I could obtain them?)

uunet!prcrs!link is my address.


John S. Link


Date: 16 Feb 90 09:39:24 MST (Fri)
From: hplabs!hplms2!gatech!raven!rcd (Dick Dunn)
Subject: re: Stainless Steel pressure cooker... (Spencer W. Thomas) wrote:
> I got a "pressure canner" from Sears many years ago. It's got about a
> 20 quart capacity (it's at home, so I can't be sure), and is stainless
> steel. (Got to be if you're doing acidic stuff like tomatoes.) Cost
> about $80 at the time.

I'd double-check that one. First, $80 is pretty cheap for a stainless
pressure canner. Second, it's quite unusual (tho not unheard of) to use
stainless for a canner. It isn't really necessary, because a "canner" is
just the pot you use to heat jars full of stuff in home canning. The food
is already in glass containers when you put it in the canner; the acid
doesn't matter. (Tomatoes are normally canned in an "open" [unpressurized]
canner anyway, since they're acidic, but that's irrelevant here.) The
weight of a pressure vessel could fool you into thinking it's steel--an
aluminum pressure cooker is heavy because it's got very thick walls
compared to other pots.

So, while I'm not saying you're wrong, I'd check it carefully. A magnet
will give you a half test: If the magnet sticks to the pot, you know it's
steel rather than aluminum. (If it doesn't stick, you don't know for sure
since good stainless is also non-magnetic.)
Dick Dunn {ncar;ico;stcvax}!raven!rcd (303)494-0965
or rcd@raven.uucp


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 14:42:52 EST
From: "Andy Wilcox" <>
Subject: Re: How Many Calories in Homebrew?

>Has anybody seen or concocted a formula for estimating the number of calories in
>a homebrew? I would expect that some sort of calculation involving the O.G. and
>F.G. could be used to determine the percentage of unfermeted sugars and alcohol,
>which in turn contribute calories.

About a year ago, I was wondering the same thing, but decided to take
a more direct approach. I asked a friend of mine in the chemistry
department about it. "Hey, if I brought over a bottle, could you run it
through a calorimeter for me?"
He replied "I doubt it, but if you bring
over six bottles, maybe we can talk"
. (-:

I still haven't gotten around to it, though. I'll post when the experiment
is done.



Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 14:41:36 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Converting a freezer to a fridge?

Michael Berry writes:
> I have a freezer that I don't use and was wondering if it can be converted
> to a refrigerator with a new thermostat mechanism.

I believe Williams has a thermostat control to do just that. It should work
fine for freezer or fridge. It's non-intrusive (doesn't require cutting
holes or wires). I think the price was about $60, which seems kind of high
to me; I haven't ever ordered from them, so I don't know, but their catalog
is very informative.

> BTW It would be nice to get a periodic mailing that describes where the
> archive servers are and how to access past issues and an index.

How 'bout a line in the header of the digest saying where the archive


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 15:09:30 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Homebrew suppliers: Part 1 of 4 -- Introduction

Comparison of Homebrew Suppliers: Representative Prices and Products
1990 Feb 16 Fri 15:09 Chris Shenton (chris@asylum.GSFC.NASA.GOV)


The following lists unit prices for a sample of supplies from a number of
vendors. These are only representative data points on some of the more
common items and should help in deciding where to shop. Some vendors sell
in small quantities, and some only in large quantities, but give bulk
prices. Consult the notes following the table for addresses and
information about quantities. Please send me any other vendors you have
information about so I can keep this list current. Thanks for your support.


I didn't include most specialty grains (or specialty items) because they
are ordered in small quantities. Prices selected are for lowest-cost
variety available; for example, if US and German Munich malt is available,
I quote the cheaper US variety.

When price or amount depends on quantity ordered, I've tried to select an
amount suitable for a couple of batches, because that's the way I would
order by mail. For example, if there are 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 Lb bags of grain,
I used the 20 Lb price because that seems like a realistic purchase
quantity -- enough for about two batches. Likewise, if there's a 6-can
discount on a case of extract, I quote that price, rather than the higher
per-can price. With hops, same deal: if there were 1, 2, 5, 10 oz packs,
I'd quote the 5 oz pack price.


There are a couple suppliers which do not fit in the chart because they
specialize in only one item, or sell somewhat unusual items. They are
included separately from the chart and its addresses. (Freshops is
force-fit into the chart below, however).


My guinea pig said he found the raw data too overwhelming and would prefer
a more iconic style. Therefore, I've taken my numbers (price per quantity),
and broken things into intervals, then marked them using the familiar $,
$$, $$$, $$$$ notation.

Then, for each supplier, I averaged the interval-measure of each available
ingredient to get an average value for all that supplier's merchandise.
Presented in an iconic form at the extreme right, this shows at a glance
which dealers are expensive (e.g.: Wine & Brew By You) and which are cheap
(e.g.: Green Acres and Brew For Less [I would hope so with a name like
that! :-]). Note that this ignores unavailable ingredients, and therefore
variety/selection; companies with only a couple inexpensive items (e.g.:
Freshops) come out looking good, too.

After the body of the chart, I list the minimum, average, and maximum
prices for the items, in dollars per the quantity-measure specified in the
column heading.

If you want more detailed info, send me a note and I'll send you the raw


I would be willing to maintain a list of user reports for each vendor. Send
me any comments on ones you have dealt with: price, knowledge, quality,
freshness, turn-around time, etc. I'll compile and send out updates every
now and then.

If you have other vendors I didn't include, send me a line or two with the
prices calculated for the ingredients in this table. (I can't afford to
keep current on all the dealers!)


Some suppliers will have inevitably been omitted. These include places with
no catalog (eg: Col. John's), places which charge for catalogs (eg: Brass
Corkscrew / Brewer's Warehouse), and places I am not aware of. I apologize
for any omissions.

(The obligatory null-statement indicating my opinions are no one else's.)


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 14:25:38 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Re: Line's book -- availability

Patrick Stirling writes:
> On another topic, does anyone know if Lines's book on how to duplicate
> British beers is available over here? And if so, how to get it?

If you mean the one ``Brewing Beers Like Those You Buy'', I just bought it
today. It was reprinted by ... uh ... Angus or something in England, 1988
(at least). I paid five bucks. Looks amusing, tho I haven't had time to
scrutinize it.


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 15:10:50 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Homebrew suppliers: part 2 of 4 -- Comparison Chart


Comp Extract $/Lb Malt $/Lb Hops $/oz Yeast $/pk
any St ------------------- ------------------- --------- --------- Soda
Abbr at Edme M&F Dry Klag Pale Crys Muni Casc Saaz Liqu Whit Caps
ev. e Bulk DMS Plai Ligh es tal ch Flwr Pell Cult Dry $/gr
==== == ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
AmBr NC $$$ ____ ____ ____ $ $ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ____ ____ | $$
AmWo PA ____ $ $$ $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ ____ ____ $$$ ____ ____ $$$$ | $$$
BAWH MA ____ $ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ | $$
BBM WI $$ ____ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $ ____ $ | $$
BFL IL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ____ $$ $ $ ____ $$ | $
BM&V MA ____ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$ | $$
BrHa TN $$$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ ____ $ | $$
CW PA $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ ____ $$$ $$$ | $$
Cell WA $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ____ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ ____ $$$$ | $$
Cros CT ____ $$ $$ $$ ____ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $$ $$$$ $$$ $$$ | $$$
ECK MO ____ ____ $$ $$ ____ $$$ $$$ ____ $ $$ ____ ____ $$$$ | $$
FH OR ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ $ ____ $ ____ ____ | $
FHSC OR $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $$$ $ ____ ____ | $
GFM CA $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$ $$$ | $$
GFSR CA $$$ $$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$$$ $$$ | $$
GrAc MN $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ____ $$ | $
HBII FL $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$ $$$ ____ ____ $ | $$
HHS PA ____ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ____ ____ $$ | $$
HSH PA ____ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ ____ ____ $$$ | $$
Henn NY $$$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$ | $$
JHBS NH ____ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $ ____ $ $$ | $$
Joe OH ____ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ____ ____ $$ | $$
KMB IL ____ ____ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$$ $$ ____ ____ $ | $$
LOWS IL ____ $ $ $ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ $ ____ ____ $ | $
MMHS OK ____ ____ ____ $$ $$ ____ $$ $$ $$ $$ ____ ____ $ | $$
Mark OH ____ ____ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ ____ $ ____ ____ $ | $
Maye NY ____ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ ____ $$$ | $$
OBW CA $$ ____ ____ $ ____ $ $ $$$ ____ $ ____ ____ $$$ | $$
PF WI ____ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ ____ ____ $$$ | $$
S&R NY ____ $ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ ____ ____ $$$ | $$
SBS FL ____ ____ $$ $$ ____ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ ____ $$ | $$
THB CA ____ $$ $$ $ $ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $$ $ ____ $$$ | $$
TMBC MA ____ $$ $$ $$ ____ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$$ $$$ | $$
WBBY FL ____ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ ____ ____ $$$ | $$$$
WM MO ____ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $ $ ____ ____ $ | $$
WiBr CA $$$$ ____ ____ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $ $ $$ ____ $$$ | $$

Min == 1.11 1.82 1.50 1.81 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.48 0.83 3.25 1.40 0.85
Avg == 1.58 2.47 2.32 2.60 1.01 1.15 1.17 1.11 0.81 1.37 3.81 1.87 1.37
Max == 2.08 4.28 4.54 5.00 1.75 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.85 2.49 5.45 2.10 1.99


Date: Fri Feb 16 15:11:56 1990
From: "Christian A. Ramsburg" <>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #359 (February 16, 1990)


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 15:11:32 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Homebrew suppliers: part 3 of 4 -- Addresses and Comments


`$' indicates quantity used for the quoted price below,
`_' indicates not available or information not given

AmBr -- American Brewmaster: 2940-6 Trawick Road; Raleigh, NC 27604; 919-850-0095
Extract: American Classic malt in 1.65# and 3.3# $ boilable pouches
Malt: Klages/Pale 1#, 3#, 25# $, 50#; Crystal and Munich 1# $
Hop Flower: 2oz $, 1#, 2#, 4#
Hop Pellets: 1oz $, 1#, 2#, 4#
Discounts: %5 @ 13.2# $, 10% @ 26.4# extract & applies to other ing's too!
Comments: Yeast culturing supplies; good discounts; quality malt
P & H: extra
Use Note: Fast service, knowledgable staff.

AmWo -- Ambler Woodstove: Bethelehem and Butler Pikes; Ambler, PA 19002; 215-643-3565
Extract: Dry is M&F 1# $
Malt: 1# $ amounts
Hop Flower: _
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: Malt -- 10% 10-25#, 25% for 55#; Hops discounted for 8oz
Comments: Brewing is not their main business; limited selection.
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

BAWH -- Beer and Wine Hobby: PO Box 3104; Wakefield, MA 01880; 617-933-8818
Extract: Dry 1#, 3# $, 55#; 1 can, 6 can case $
Malt: 1#, 5#, 10#, 55#
Hop Flower: 4oz $, 8oz, 1#
Hop Pellets: 1oz
Discounts: _
Comments: Good selection beer and wine; yeast propagation kit, keg system
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

BBM -- Basement Brewmaster: 4280 N. 160th St; Brookfield, WI 53005; 414-781-BREW
Extract: Bulk is 3# $ heat-sealed bags of Wisconsin extract
Malt: 1# $
Hop Flower: 4oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: New company, not a large selection yet
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

BFL -- Brew for Less: P.O. Box 32 195; Chicago, IL 60632-0195; 312-581-BEER
Extract: Bulk is M&F 55# $; Edme 2# $; M&F 3.3# $; M&F dry 3# $
Malt: M&F 2-row in 5#, 20# $, 55#
Hop Flower: 0.5# $ and 1.0# bags
Hop Pellets: 0.25# $ and 1.0# bags
Discounts: _
Comments: Decent selection
P & H: UPS extra, Handling $1
Use Note: ??

BM&V -- Barleymalt & Vine; 4 Corey St; W. Roxbury, MA 02132; 617-327-0089
Extract: Dry is M&F 3# $
Malt: 1#, 10# $, 55#
Hop Flower: 4oz $, 1#
Hop Pellets: 1oz, 4oz $, 1#
Discounts: _
Comments: Cornelius system for $179!, kegs for $25!; fairly complete
P & H: Free for orders more than $30
Use Note: ??

BrHa -- Brewhaus: 4955 Ball Camp Pike; Knoxville, TN 37921; 615-523-4615
Extract: Bulk is M&F 55# $; Dry is Laaglander 3# $, 55#, M&F 3, 55#
Malt: Klages 1# $, 55#; others in 50# bags
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $, 1#
Discounts: 10% case extract
Comments: Solid catalog; wide selection; Klages 55# bag for $0.55/#!
P & H: extra
Use Note: Knowledgable staff, reasonably fast turnaround. Good prices.

CW -- Country Wines: 3333 Babcock Blvd; Pitsburgh, PA 15237; 412-366-0151
Extract: Bulk is EDME 55# $ DMS or SFX; dry: M&F 1#, 3# $, 55#
Malt: _
Hop Flower: 2oz, 4oz $
Hop Pellets: 10 g, 1oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Good wine selection
P & H: UPS extra; handling $1 on orders < $8
Use Note: ??

Cell -- The Cellar: P.O. Box 33525; 14411 Greenwood Ave, N; Seattle, WA 98133; 206-365-7660
Extract: 1 can, 6 can case $; Bulk is 58# $ Alexanders
Malt: 3# $, 55#
Hop Flower: 2oz $, 1#
Hop Pellets: 2oz $, 1#
Discounts: Extract cans 10% case discount
Comments: Good selection, lots of equipment and other toys
P & H: UPS extra
Use Note: ??

Cros -- Crossfire: PO Box 530; Somersville, CT 06072; 203-623-6537
Extract: 1 can, 6 can case $; 1#, 3# $, 55#
Malt: 1# $, 55#
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: extract can case above
Comments: Good selection of wine and beer
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

ECK -- E.C. Kraus; 9001 East 24 Highway; P.O. Box 7850; Independence, MO 64053; 816-254-7448
Extract: 4 3.3# cans $
Malt: 10 1# bags $
Hop Flower: 4oz $
Hop Pellets: 3oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Mostly wine (though not extensive), not much beer
P & H: $0.75 handling, most items postpaid
Use Note: ??

FH -- Freshops: 36180 Kings Valley Hwy; Philomath, OR 97370; 503-929-2736
Extract: _
Malt: _
Hop Flower: 4oz, 8oz $, 12oz, 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 5-10#, 11+#
Hop Pellets: _
Discounts: based on quantity
Comments: Rhizomes! N. Brewer, Chinook, Willamette, Perle, CFJ90, Hallertauer, Tettnanger
P & H: included
Use Note: ??

FHSC -- F.H. Steinbart Co; 602 SE Salmon; Portland, OR 97214; 503-232-8793
Extract: Bulk 7# $; Dry is domestic 5# $, 55#
Malt: 1#, 10#, 25# $, 50#, 80# at various discounts
Hop Flower: 2oz $, 1#
Hop Pellets: 1oz $, 1#
Discounts: Extract case discount
Comments: Good wine selection too; lots of variety.
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

GFM -- Great Fermentations of Marin; 87 Larkspur St; San Rafael, CA94901; 415-459-2420
Extract: Bulk 1# $; Dry 5# $, 55#
Malt: 1#, 5# $
Hop Flower: 4oz $
Hop Pellets: 2oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Complete: hop rhizomes! 7gal carboys, kegging, lots of books
P & H: handling $1 ($3 for orders < $20); postage extra
Use Note: ??

GFSR -- Great Fermentations of Santa Rosa: PO Box 428; Fulton, CA; 800-544-1867
Extract: Bulk generic, and the usual cans
Malt: 1# $; Munich is US -- German available
Hop Flower: 4oz $; Cascade and Northern Brewer
Hop Pellets: 2oz $; domestic @ $1.95, imported @ $2.95
Discounts: order > $100 10%, > $250 25%
Comments: Very well produced catalog, descriptive

GrAc -- Green Acres: 216 Vork Rd; Esko, MN 55733; (218)879-2465
Extract: Bulk is Breiss unhopped (5 gal, 58# pail) for $72
Malt: 1#, 4#, 20# $, 50#, 55#
Hop Flowers: 1oz, 2oz, 4oz $, 8oz, 1#
Hop Pellets: 1oz, 2oz, 4oz $, 8oz, 1#
Discounts: per ingredient, varies
Comments: Selection not extensive but they have all the essentials
P & H: UPS extra; Handling -- order <$25 $3, <$50 $1, >$50 $none
Use Note: ??

HBII -- Home Brew Intl, Inc: 1126 S. Federal Hwy; Suite 182; Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316; 305-764-1527
Extract: Bulk is M&F 55# $; Dry is M&F 1#, 3# $, 55#
Malt: Klages and Pale 1#, 55# $; others 1# $, 55#
Hop Flower: 4oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $, 1#
Discounts: _
Comments: Good selection beer/wine; kegging; cheese, sourdough, et al
P & H: extra
Use Note: Slow service (still waiting -- about 3 weeks)

HHS -- Hayes Homebrew Supply: Suite 117; 311 S. Allen St; State College, PA 16801
Extract: Dry is Laaglander 3.0# $
Malt: Klages 1#, 5# $, 50#; others 1#, 5# $; pale is English
Hop Flower: 1oz, 2oz, 4oz $, 1#
Hop Pellets: 1oz, 2oz, 4oz $, 1#
Discounts: _
Comments: Decent selection of the basics
P & H: Handling $1.50 for orders < $20; postage extra
Use Note: ??

HSW -- Home Sweet Homebrew: 2008 Sansom St; Philadelphia, PA 19103; 215-569-9469
Extract: Dry is M&F 3# $
Malt: Klages and Pale 1#, 5# $, 50#; others 1#, 5#
Hop Flower: 2oz $, 1#
Hop Pellets: 2oz $, 1#
Discounts: _
Comments: Reasonable selection
P & H: Handling $2 for orders <$15; postage extra
Use Note: ??

Henn -- Hennessy Homebrew: 470 North Greenbush Road; Rensselaer, NY 12144; 518-283-7094
Extract: Bulk is 55# $ dry M&F; Diastatic is by M&F, not Edme
Malt: 1#, 5# $, 50#
Hop Flower: 4oz $
Hop Pellets: 2oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Fairly good selection of beer and wine
P & H: Handling $1.50; postage included for states northeast US
Use Note: ??

JHBS -- Jaspers Home Brew Supply; 116 Page Road; Litchfield, NH 03051; 603-881-3052
Extract: Dry is M&F, 1#, 3# $, 6#, 12#
Malt: 1# $
Hop Flower: 1oz $, 1#
Hop Pellets: 1oz $, 1#
Discounts: _
Comments: Limited selection
P & H: $7.50 (unless paying by VISA), excess refunded; >$50 UPS
Use Note: ??

Joe -- Joe and Sons; P.O. Box 11276; Cincinnati, OH 45211; 513-662-2326
Extract: Dry is M&F 3# $
Malt: 1# $
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Mostly wine, reasonably extensive
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

KMB -- Koeppl's Master Brewing: 2311 George St; Rolling Meadows, IL 60008; 312-255-4478
Extract: _
Malt: 1#, 5# $
Hop Flower: 2oz $ (price doesn't seem right)
Hop Pellets: 2oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Large selection, very good draft component/system selection
P & H: handling $1.50 for orders < $10; postage extra
Use Note: ??

LOWS -- Lil' Olde Winemaking Shoppe; 4S245 Wiltshire Ln; Sugar Grove, IL 60554; 708-557-2523
Extract: Dry is M&F 3# $
Malt: _
Hop Flower: _
Hop Pellets: 2oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Large extract selection, but limited otherwise
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

MMHS -- Marbull's Malt & Hop Shop; 709 Highland; Lawton, OK 73501; 405-355-6690
Extract: Dry 3# $
Malt: 1# $
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Did not give quantity for caps; small selection
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

Mark -- Mark's Malts: 14 Tonkin Ct; Kent, OH 44240;
Extract: 1 can, 6 can case $; dry is M&F 3# $
Malt: 1#, 15# $, 35#, 50#
Hop Flower: _
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: Hops 10% @ 8oz
Comments: Not a large selection
P & H: postage extra; $1.50 extra for orders under $20
Use Note: ??

Maye -- Mayer's: 699 Five Mile Line Rd; Webster, NY 14580; 800-543-0043
Extract: Dry is Telfords 1#, 3# $, 56#
Malt: 1#, 5# $, 55#, 110#
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Reasonable beer/wine selection
P & H: $2 when weight >25#; postage extra
Use Note: ??

OBW -- Oak Barrel Winecraft; 1443 San Pablo Ave; Berkeley, CA 94702; 415-849-0400
Extract: Bulk syrup 0-5, 6-10 11-20# $, 21-40, 41-60; dry 3, 6# $, 44
Malt: 3#, 7# $, 50#
Hop Flower: Flower/Pellet not specified -- only pellets assumed
Hop Pellets: 2oz, 4oz $, 1#, 5#
Discounts: _
Comments: Somewhat chaotic catalog, not very complete
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

PF -- Purple Foot: 3167 S. 92nd St; Milwaukee, WI 53227; 414-327-2130
Extract: Dry is M&F 3# $
Malt: 1# $
Hop Flower: 1.5oz $
Hop Pellets: 2oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Decent selection
P & H: postage/UPS extra
Use Note: ??

S&R -- S & R Homebrewing & Winemaking Supplies: P.O. Box 544; Union Station; Endicott, NY 13760; 607-748-1877
Extract: Dry 3# $ bags
Malt: 1--10#, 11--20# $, 21+# bags
Hop Flower: 2oz $
Hop Pellets: 4oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Decent though not mind-blowing selection of beer, wine
P & H: postage extra; $1 handling for orders < $10
Use Note: ??

SBS -- Sebastian Brewers Supply; 1762 Sunrise Lane; Sebastian, FL 32958
Extract: 1 can, 6 can case $;
Malt: 1#, 5+# $
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: 10% for 5 hops, and extract/malt given above
Comments: Good selection; keg system for $200
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

THB -- The Home Brewery: 16490 Jurupa Ave; Fontana, CA 92335; 714-822-3010
Extract: Dry is Brewmaster 3# $; also Telfords, Laaglander
Malt: Klages 1#, 10# $, 50#; others 1#, 5# $
Hop Flower: 2oz $
Hop Pellets: 2oz $
Discounts: 10% on 6 or more cans extract
Comments: Good selection
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

TMBC -- The Modern Brewer Company; P.O. Box 511; Cambridge, MA 02140; 800-SEND-ALE
Extract: Dry is M&F 1#, 3# $
Malt: 1#, 10# $, 55#
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Beer selection is fairly complete.
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

WBBY -- Wine & Brew By You: 5760 Bird Rd; Miami, FL 33155; 305-666-5757
Extract: Dry is M&F 3# $
Malt: Klages is `Brewer's Pale' 10# $; others 1#, 5# $
Hop Flower: 1oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Used kegs $23, float conversions $3
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

WM -- Winemaker's Market: 4249 N. Essex Ave; Springfield, MO 65803; 417-833-4145
Extract: Dry is 3# $ M&F
Malt: 1#, 10# $
Hop Flower: 1oz, 8oz $
Hop Pellets: 1oz, 8oz $
Discounts: _
Comments: Good beer/wine selection (except yeasts)
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??

WiBr -- William's Brewing: 14310 Wicks Blvd; P.O. Box 2195; San Leandro, CA 94577; 415-895-2739
Extract: Bulk in variety of styles in 6# $ boilable bags; Dry 5# $, 55#
Malt: Klages and English Pale, 1#, 50# $; others 1# $9
Hop Flower: 6oz $
Hop Pellets: 2oz, 6oz $
Discounts: Available on extract
Comments: Very informative catalog, good selection
P & H: extra
Use Note: ??


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 15:12:06 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Homebrew suppliers: part 4 of 4 -- Other Suppliers


Hauge Enterprises: P.O. Box 17170; Portland, OR 97217. Brewing equipment
and gadgets. Gas burner, wort chiller, stainless brewpot (5 gal), copper
siphon tube, sparge water sprayer.

Brew Co: P.O. Box 1063; Boon, NC 28607. Brewing gadgets. Bru Heat, BrewCap,
improved sparge bag, brew chiller (modified counterflow).

Braukunst: 55 Lakeview Drive; Carlton, MN 55718. Kegging and tapping using
systems using soda kegs. Complete system: $250; includes 5 gallon Cornelius
keg, 5# CO2 tank, two-gauge regulator, fridge-mounted faucet, drip pan,
hoses and connectors.

Foxx: 421 Southwest Blvd; Kansas City, MO; 800-821-2254. Kegging system:
$152; includes 5 gallon Cornelius keg, 1 gauge regulator, CO2 tank, hoses,
connectors, picnic tap. Two gauge regulator: add $6. All they sell is beer
and soda kegging stuff, and they know what they sell. Extensive catalog.

Rapids Inc: 1011 2nd Ave SW; P.O. Box 396; Cedar Rapids, IA 52406;
800-553-7906. Restaurant wholesale equipment. Most interesting: 10 gal 20
gauge stainless pot: $80; matching lid: $20. The pot is quality, and it's
a good company with which to do business.

Stew's Brew: R.R. 4; Box 243; River Falls, WI 54022; 715-425-2525. Sells
only malt (``various strains blended to brewmaster specs''). His prices are
very good, and one user (John Freeman, aka said it was
of high quality. Stew has an informative (lots of low-cost technique and
speed-up tips) and somewhat odd `catalog'. Prices are 32# @ $0.55/Lb;
discounts are 5% on 2-3 68 Lb parcels, 10% on 4+ 68 Lb parcels. Postage


Date: 16 Feb 90 16:34:00 EST
From: "1107-CD&I/VIRUS DISEASES" <>
Subject: temperature controller for freezer

TO: Michael Berry

Hunter (the ceiling fan people) make a temperature
controller for air conditioners. This unit plugs into the wall,
and you can plug your refrigerator or freezer into it. The unit
has a temperature probe which can be placed in the
refrigerator/freezer. The controller settings can be set to any
temperature within 1 degree (digital) accurracy in the range 32-
ambient, and adjusts the temperature of the appliance by
interrupting the main power. The Hunter unit costs about $45
retail; sometimes you can find them on sale for $39. There are
similar units on the market which are cheaper. I have had mine
for one year and it has performed great. If you need more
information, don't hesitate to give me a shout.

Erik A. Henchal

phone: (202) 576-3012 0730-1630


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 14:45:46 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: help & recipe for a novice

Max Newman x6689 writes:
> I am nearly ready to bottle my very first batch of homebrew. I used
> a brew kit Geordi Yorkshire Bitter, has anyone used this before, if
> so do you have any comments?

My first batch was a Geordie Scotch Ale, or something like that. It turned
out to have little carbonation, and no head. Also, a mild off-taste that
faded if the beer was cold. I blame myself, not the kit; I figure I didn't
clean things well enough, and didn't rinse the bleach from the bottles
sufficiently. Recommendation: get a Ken's Jet bottle rinser and a
Vin-something sterilizer. $25 for both, and a real time/labor saver. (this
has not been a paid advertisement).

> For my second batch I'd like to try an unhopped extract brew with
> possibly some finishing grain (crystal or whatever). Does anyone
> have a recipe for a good dark ale or a good light ale (ala henry wineheards
> sp? ale). Any and all recipes for any type of beer would be greatly
> appreciated.

My second and all subsequent batches were done like this with good to
outstanding results. Never had the Henry stuff so I don't know. Get a hold
of Papazians book for a good source of recipies. Also, if I can figure how
to get the digest feature working for my mail reader, I'll send you the
ones I've been collecting from HBD -- some extract, some grain. Should give
you a start, anyway.


Date: Fri, 16 Feb 90 21:01:40 EST
From: Dr. T. Andrews <ki4pv!tanner@uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: Cleaning Beer Bottles in the Dishwasher

Let me say that the suggestion offered by (use the dish
washer to clean out the bottles) is probably the best labor-saving
brewing hint that I've seen on the net to date.

Being a bachelor, I don't generate a lot of dirty dishes. There are
generally just a few things after each meal: whatever I used to cook
(no prepared foods bought here, sorry Nat'l Frozen Food Council) and
of course the plate and serving dishes. I clean them daily, in the
sink; the dishwasher had languished unused since I bought the house.

Almost immediately upon reading the suggestion, I loaded some empties
into the dishwasher. Funny, isn't it, how there always seems to be a
good supply of bottles awaiting cleaning. Well, I filled that
dishwasher (holds perhaps two cases) before long, ran it, and
resolved to never hand-wash another bottle.

I urge other readers to do the same. It's easier to wash the dishes
by hand and dedicate the dishwasher to beer bottles, if that is your
choice. I recently removed the upper rack so that champagne bottles
would fit.
- --
...!{ allegra attctc bpa uunet!cdin-1}!ki4pv!tanner


End of HOMEBREW Digest #360, 02/19/90

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