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HOMEBREW Digest #0356

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HOMEBREW Digest #356 Tue 13 February 1990

Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

Re: Beer Hunter (Chris Shenton)
Sanitizing in the dishwasher? (Jeff Close)
Zymurgy (Doug Roberts @ Los Alamos National Laboratory)
List of brewpubs, etc. [revised] (Walt Thode)

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Date: Mon, 12 Feb 90 10:19:18 est
From: Chris Shenton <>
Subject: Re: Beer Hunter writes:
> Has anyone finally found out when
> and on what Michael Jackson's "The Beer Hunter" is going to show?

Sorry, I have not been able to find out yet. I will post when I do.
Internet: ( NASA/GSFC: Code 735
UUCP: ...!uunet!!chris Greenbelt, MD 20771
SPAN: PITCH::CHRIS 301-286-6093


Date: Mon, 12 Feb 90 10:49:08 EST
From: Jeff Close <>
Subject: Sanitizing in the dishwasher?

Greetings. I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried sanitizing in.. their
dishwasher!? I've contemplated running it empty a round or two on rinse to
clean it out, then running my equipment through using sanitizing agent instead
of dishwasher detergent. Does this seem sound? I can hardly fit my fermenters
in my sink, and the dishwasher would run a lot hotter than I can clean by hand.
Comments? Thanks in advance..

Na Zdorovia,


Date: Mon, 12 Feb 90 09:06:55 MST
From: roberts%studguppy@LANL.GOV (Doug Roberts @ Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Subject: Zymurgy

Does anyone know what the latest issue of Zymyrgy is?
The most recent one that I have received is the special
yeast issue.

Thanks, Doug.

Douglas Roberts |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |I can resist anything
Box 1663, MS F-609 | except temptation.
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 | ...
(505)667-4569 |Oscar Wilde |


Date: 12 February 1990 0917-PST (Monday)
From: (Walt Thode)
Subject: List of brewpubs, etc. [revised]

A couple of months back, I compiled a list of "brewpubs" which was
included in this digest (#312). Since then I have received some
additions and corrections, so I think it's time to resubmit the list.

As I said before, I cannot personally vouch for the accuracy of very much
of the information contained herein; there are some microbreweries and
non-brewpub bars listed as well as straight brewpubs, but I presume it's
better to err on the side of including non-brewpubs than to leave some
brewpubs out. Also, one of my sources appeared to have been scanned in,
with numerous instances of dropped or altered characters. Use the list
with caution.

If you have additions, corrections, etc., please send them directly to
me (, since I currently don't have access to
the digest.

The following individuals provided information that appears in the list.
The commentaries sprinkled throughout the list are theirs:
Steve Cook <>
Jackie Brown (bitnet: brown@msukbs)
Jim Boughton (
pms@Sun.COM (Patrick Stirling) (Rick Noah Zucker)
Paul W. Placeway <pplaceway@BBN.COM>
John R. Mellby (
John DeCarlo (
Spencer (
Roy Mengot (
Mark Stroup (
Tim Weil (Tim.Weil@f419.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG)
Mark Stevens <>
motcid!ecru!chambers@uunet.UU.NET (Jeff Chambers)
dw <Wegeng.Henr@Xerox.COM>
Doug Allison (!gaetch!hisata!doug)
Andy Wilcox <>
Chris Shenton <>
Rick Kimball <>

Here's the list...


Alaska -- Douglas:
Chinook Alaskan Brewing and Bottling Co. - 1407 5th St.

Arizona -- Tempe:
Christopher Joseph Brewing Co./Bandersnatch Brewpub.

California -- Arcata:
Humboldt - 856 10th Street, Arcata.

California -- Berkeley (the North Bay):
Triple Rock - Shattuck near University, Berkeley. "This is one of the
best around. Several excellent beers; they also usually have a
specialty brew available. The selection varies, but they always have
at least an amber and a dark. Recommended!"
Golden Gate Brewery - Near the waterfront. "Very big place with
progressively designed interior. Beer is good, but not very hearty.
Pub Atmosphere."
Bison - 2598 Telegraph.

California -- Boonville:
Buckhorn Saloon/Anderson Valley Brewing Co. - on Highway 126 between
Hopland and Ft. Bragg, not far from Hopland). "I've only had their
beer bottled (26 oz. bottles). The pub looked nice but I didn't have
time for a beer. The beer is very good; they make a Porter, an Amber,
a light beer, and a wheat beer which I haven't tried. The others are
all excellent, especially the porter - dark and smooth, almost creamy,
yum yum! Their beer is available all over the Bay Area in bottles.
I highly recommend it."

California -- Calistoga:
Calistoga Inn - 1250 Lincoln Avenue, Calistoga.

California -- Chatsworth:
Angeles Brewing Co. - 10009 Canoga Ave.

California -- Chico:
Sherwood - 319 Main Street, Chico.
The Saxton Brewery - 11088 Midway. Capacity: 100 barrels. DuBru Ale,
Ivanhoe Ale, Lion Hearted Ale (Seasonal) Excalibur Stout.
Sierra Nevada - Well-known microbrewery in Calif., brewpub open late '89.

California -- Davis:
Back Alley - 139 G Street, Davis.

California -- Emeryville:
The Emeryville Brew Co. - The Bay Area's newest brewpub.
Emery Pub - 5800 Shellmound (is this the same place as the prior reference?)

California -- Emile:
Golden Pacific Brewing - 5515 Doyle St.

California -- Eureka:
Lost Coast - 617 4th Street, opening late '89.

California -- Fort Bragg:
North Coast - 444 North Main Street.

California -- Fremont:
Brewpub on the Green - 3350 Stevenson Blvd.

California -- Fresno:
Butterfield - 777 East Olive.

California -- Hayward:
Buffalo Bill's - B Street & 2nd street. Own beer plus Sierra Nevada
and others on tap; Darts, pub food.

California -- Hollister:
San Andreas Brewing - at 737 San Benito St in Hollister, about 45 minutes
east of Monterey. "Their Earthquake Pale Ale had no head to speak of
but combined some nice malt and very hoppy bouquet. The Seismic ale
was very fruity and harked back to some of the Lambics. It was made
using some wild NY yeasts. The earthquake porter had its taste
softened a touch by the coffee and chocolate complexities brought to
the roasted malts. The Kit Fox Amber had a fruity aroma, medium body,
no head but was a nice hop and malt blend. Now, the Cherry Ale was a
definite throwback to the Belgian styles with serious cherry in the
bouquet and the taste but was an interesting addition to the four
other offerings." (Not hurt seriously by quake damage, despite being
near its epicenter.)

California -- Hollywood:
Gorky's II - 1716 North Cahuenga Blvd.

California -- Hopland:
Mendocino Brewery - "A very nice pub with good home brewed beer. Their
beer is superb, especially draft Red Tail Ale. The original California
Brew Pub. Peregrine Ale and Eye of the Hawk (seasonal) are excellent.
Live music, indoor and outdoor (in a hops garden) seating and good food."

California - Larkspur:
The Marin Brew Co. - Larkspur Landing. "Very good! One of the best
around. Large place, good pub food. The amber and porter are both
excellent, the wheat beer was good but too light for my taste.

California - Lebec:
Grapevine - 658 Lebec Road.

California -- Los Angeles:
John Bull Pub - 958 South Fair Oaks Ave.
(Fair Oaks south from 210, or turn left off the end of the Pasadena
fwy 2 blocks to Fair Oaks right).
Gerky's Russian - 536 East 8.
Los Angeles - 1845 South Bundy in West LA (opening '89).

California -- Mammoth Lakes:
Mammoth Lakes - 170 Mountain Blvd.

California -- Modesto:
Stanislaus Brewing Co., Inc. - 3454 Shoemaker Ave. Capacity: 5,200 barrels.
St. Stan's Altbier (Amber and Dark).

California -- Monterey:
Monterey Brewing - at 638 Wave St in the Cannery Row district of Monterey.
"It is a small stand-alone building and a night time rock and roll bar.
It featured a pale ale that was very hoppy. Their Amber was a
wonderful brew of roasted and had a hint of caramel flavor. Their
porter was nearly opaque and the malt flavor practically separated in
your mouth for easy evaluation. Wonderful!" (Not damaged by recent

California -- Mountain View:
Tied House - Villa St. "Yuppie to the core, too much so for my taste.
First time I went the beer was mediocre, since then it's been much
better. They have a light, amber and dark all the time, and one or 2
specialty brews that vary. The light's too light for me, and the amber
is pretty light too. The dark is what I would call an amber; both the
amber and dark are OK, but unmemorable."

California -- Napa:
Willett's - 902 Main Street.

California -- Nevada City:
Nevada City Brewing Co. - 75 Bost St.

California -- Oakland:
Pacific Coast - 906 Washington Street.

California -- Palo Alto:
Gordon Biersch brew pub - California St (south of University a few blocks).
"It's a restaurant rather than a pub. They have a Maerzen and an
Oktoberfest (not really, it's too light to be called that) both of
which I liked. Pretty good food. Overall nothing special. 3 to 5
varieties of homebrew, depends on day & season."
Lancashire Tavern.

California -- Pasadena:
Crown City - 300 Sourth Raymond.

California -- Sacramento:
Hogshead Brewing Co. - 114 J Street.
Rubicon Brewing Co. - 2004 Capitol Avenue.

California -- San Diego:
Old Columbia - in downtown San Diego. "The first brewpub in San Diego.
It has taken the path to long-term success (I suppose) by catering
to the yuppie crowd, and their market research must have worked,
because the place is always crowded. The beer isn't bad, but it's
a little lacking in character. A glass wall separates the dining
area and brewery, where the tanks and other equipment are visible."
Mission Brewery - scheduled to open April '90. "The brewmaster went
through a previous incarnation in a back-alley place in Fallbrook
(50 mi. north). I liked his beer there better than Old Columbia's;
it had a better flavor and a bit more hops bitterness. He's
currently making beer to sell in 3-4 restaurants around town. The
on-site place is part of a renovation of an old (70 years ago)
brewery building near Pacific Highway and Washington St. into
a brewery/office/shop complex."

California -- San Francisco:
San Francisco Brewing Co. - Columbus Ave (near Broadway).
"Not bad. Nicely decorated and a good atmosphere. Not too Yuppie!
The beer's pretty good but not as good as Triple Rock. They've
only once had an amber, usually it's 2 lager's and a porter. The
porter's pretty good.'
Sea Cliff Cafe - 1801 Clement.

California -- San Jose:
Winchester Brewing Company - "They have three brews, a pale ale,
an amber ale, and a stout. For $2.50, you can get a "sampler", a
small glass of each ale. Operated by a Chinese family so food is
Chinese influenced. Their beers are not hearty--rather thin, but their
Pale Ale is the hoppiest beer around. Their "Porter" is so thin that
light can shine through it."

California -- San Luis Obispo:
SLO Brewing - 1119 Garden Street.

California -- Santa Cruz:
Front Street Pub (Santa Cruz Brewing) - at 516 Front Street in Santa Cruz.
"It a nice western pub atmosphere, good bar food and Lighthouse Lager.
Although it was slightly cloudy and the slightest yeast and dyacitil
in the taste, I rated it a 40. The Lighthouse Amber had a perfect
copper color and loses a point on body but has terrific drinkability.
Their Pacific Porter was a sterling application of roasted malt.
They had bottles to go." (Out of action temporarily after recent
Sea Bright Brewing Company - at 519 Sea Bright. "This was a more modern
type of a well lit bar and seemed to cater to a young crowd. I tried
their sampler which included Pelican Ale, a hoppy ale with a rocky
head and wonderful aftertaste. The Sea Bright Amber was unfiltered
and therefore a touch cloudy and yeasty but while the hops dominated
the aroma, the taste was more balanced. Their Batman's Best Bitter
was crystal clear, a bit weak on body but the final rating was
identical to the Amber. They also had Kangaroo Pale Ale which
contains only 1.5% alcohol. It was maltier, sweet, had a slight
green apple smell and taste and wasn't a great beer." (Survived
recent earthquake without major damage.)

California -- Santa Monica:
City of Angels Pub/Brewery - opened in Jan. Brewing and serving Heavenly
Gold, Angel Amber, City Light, and one seasonal beer.

California -- Santa Rosa:
Kelmer's Brew House - Ale, lager, stout, and sometimes porter, all good.
"This is very new place, refectory tables and darts are the atmosphere."

California -- Truckee:
Pizza Junction - 11401 Donner Pass Road.

California -- Walnut Creek:
Devil's Mountain Brewery - on N Main St. "The Devil Mountain is a
'classier' place without being snobbish and brews 6 beers at the
moment. I recommend their Hexenbock Lager as perhaps one of the
best lagers I have tasted, I'm not a real lager fan though. I suspect
it is one of those love/hate brews as it does have an unusual taste."

California -- Woodland:
Dead Cat Alley - 666 Dead Cat Alley.

Colorado -- Boulder:
Boulder Brewing Co. - 1880 Wilderness Place?

Colorado -- Denver:
The Wynkoop Brewery - The first brew-pub in the Denver area.

Colorado -- Durango:
Carver Brewing Co.

Colorado -- Vail:

District of Columbia --
Old Heurick Brewing Company - "Headquarters in DC, but currently contract
brewed somewhere in PA I think. Gary Heurick is a 3rd generation
brewer. His grandfather had a brewery in DC at the site of the
current Kennedy Center megalith (what a waste!). Not surprisingly,
the operation went under some time after Prohibition. Gary's
trying to bring it back, and pushing the DC's-own-beer concept.
Not bad beer, either, `Old Heurick'. Based on his grandfather's
recipe, the taste and color are somewhat akin to Bass -- full-bodied,
though not heavy, and a decent malt/hop aroma. Well carbonated. A
good brew, but not stunning."

Florida -- Gainesville:
Mill Bakery, Eatery & Brewery - 6791 Newberry Rd. (Oak Mall Plaza).
"Homebrew for Bud drinkers. Mostly light beers, all are very light
on hops. Their Weitzen is pretty good though. This is a chain, ...
the beer is the same at each store. Their `Brewmaster' is a 19 year
old kid "who helped somebody make beer once or twice. All he does
is follow directions. Not impressive."
The Market Street Pub, Downtown, Gainesville. "Built by hand by my
friends Rob Benn and Ed Cooper. A really tremendous bar in the style
of an english pub. Just opened though, so their first batch won't be
served until Dec 89. Ed is a fine brewer, so I doubt I'll be

Florida -- Miami:
Zum Alten Fritz - 1840 N.E. 4th Ave.

Florida -- Pensacola:
McGuire's Irish Pub.

Florida -- Tampa:
Lee Nicholson's Tampa Brewpub - 10330 N.Dale Mabry Hwy.

Florida -- Winter Park:
Winter Park Brewing - 330 Fairbanks Ave.
"They make an Ales and Lagers. The brewmeister's name is Hans.
He told me that he uses Stroh's Yeast that he gets from Tampa.
I asked him about the Ales and he uses the same yeast but just
ferments it at a higher temperature."

Hawaii -- Wailuku:
Pacific Brewing Co. - P.O. Box 1137.

Idaho -- Caldwell:
Snake River Brewing Co. - Route 5, Box 30A.

Idaho -- Coeur d'Alene:
T.W. Fischer's.

Illinois -- Chicago:
Berghoff (restaurant and bar), 17 W. Adams - "has their own beer (brewed
for them, but they are building their own brewery); good Oktoberfests.
River North Brewery/Sieben Brewing Co. - the first brewpub in Chicago.
Goose Island Brewery - 1800 N Clyborn (just n. of North Ave. at the corner
of Willow, Sheffield, and Clyborn). "Monday nights are Lager Nights and
Tuesdays are Ale Nights. The special prices are $1.50 a pint. Usually
everything is $3.00. In addition to their regular Ale and Lager, they
also have a regular Pils and two or three specialty brews that change
with the seasons."
Tap and Growler - 901 W. Jackson. "This place has some good beer,
but wasn't very consistent. The food was the best of the three. They
also sell other brands of bottled beer."
Weinkeller - corner of Roosevelt Rd. and Ridgland Ave. in Berwyn.
"Over 500 different beers; recently they started brewing their own."

Iowa -- Amana:
Millstream Brewing Co. - P.O. Box 283.

Kansas -- Lawrence:
The Free State Brewery - In the 600 block of Massachusetts St. "The
owner has been interested in beer and brewing for some time, and spent
the last couple of years putting this together. Before he could do
anything, he had to get Kansas laws changed! Kansas passed prohibition
in the 1880s, and the breweries then in existence closed. This is
the first one to open since. They make three beers: a Kolsch (a light
beer for American tastes), an Ale (which is really *wonderful*), and
a bock. They'll change seasonally. They also have great food and a
pleasant atmosphere."

Kentucky -- Ft. Mitchell (Northern Kentucky)
Oldenberg Microbrewery - Buttermilk Pike. "Take I-75 south (from
Cincinnati) to Buttermilk Pike. The Brewery is visible from the
expressway. Features a full-bodied premium and a very drinkable
blonde. The beer is a bit pricey from the tap at $2.00 a mug,
$7.00 a pitcher. The premium has a robust taste and finishes
smooth. This beer is among the countries 5 finest beers, a
definite must try. The brewery also has a fine collection of
beer paraphernalia and a German style beer hall with live

Louisiana -- Abita Springs:
Abita Brewing Co - P.O. Box 762.

Maine -- Portland:
Gritty McDuff's.

Maryland -- Baltimore:
Sisson's Restaurant - "on East Cross Street, a few blocks from the Inner
Harbor, has become the first brewpub in Maryland. Sisson's is serving
golden and amberales, along with its existing list of about 60 specialty
beers and a menu that features Cajun and Creole dishes and fresh seafood."
Another point of view on Sisson's - "I visited there Nov 89 after
reading this posting. I was *not* impressed by the beer -- certainly not
enough to drive the 40 minutes it took to get there. The beer was
`wimpy', lacking in any substantial body, and not real tasty. Their
porter was the best of the three they had, the others being a pilsner
(I think), and an amber ale. At least it had some taste, but again, a
Bud had more body. Almost no hop or malt aromas either (per style). I
hope they eventually get their act together and do a reasonable beer
with guts and spirit."
Baltimore Brewing Company - scheduled to open on Albemarle Street. "This
establishment, to be owned and operated by members of Europe's Grolsch
brewing family, will be a German-style restaurant and serve a lager beer."

Maryland -- Glen Burnie:
The British Brewing Co. - 6759 Baymeadow Dr. "Until ~Nov. 89 only
sold to a chain of bars, now available in bottles, at least in
Annapolis, MD; name is Oxford Class. English style ale, low
carbonation, nice amber color. Precious little malt/hop aroma. I
didn't find it had a lot of taste, and not much body. While drinking
it, I kept thinking of tap water. I describe it as `wimpy', but a
friend of mine enjoys it quite a bit (he says there's lots-o-hops).
The brewer is from England, and he keeps increasing the amount of
carbonation from what it typical in England to what can keep
Americans pacified. He also seems to be tweaking the recipe in each
batch, as subsequent tastings have been different. I'd recommend
drinking this beer at cellar temperature, although the label
suggests drinking it cold (Americanism?)."

Massachusetts -- Boston/Cambridge:
Commonwealth Brewing Company - 85 Merrimac Street; five house brewed
beers (not bottled?) "I had some of their Boston Best Burton Bitter,
which was drinkable, but not much more. A fair sense of the hops,
moderately bitter, but no real finish, no nose. Very cloudy, too.
After that I ordered a pint of the amber ale, which had been very good the
last time I had been there. This was a real disaster - almost as dark as a
porter, but completely bland in taste. Bud in a can has more taste than
this stuff. Overall, a major disappointment. I'll be in no rush to
Cambridge Brewing Company - on Hampshire St just outside of Kendal Square
(Note - this was written by a part-time bartender there) "The beer is
much better than it was when we first opened. Tending bar I now hear
much more of 'this is really good' than 'this is interesting'."
Jacob Wirth's - 31 Stuart and Eliot?
Wursthaus - at Harvard Square

Massachusetts -- Northampton:
Northampton Brewery/Brewester Court. - "I can vouch for the quality of
their beer and sandwiches, although the atmosphere is a little too
much on the fake-marble/brandspankingnew/yuppie side."

Michigan -- Kalamazoo:
Kalamazoo Brewing Co. - "You can usually get something from there on tap
at the Del Rio (on Washington and Ashley), and various other bars may
have it in bottles. Some names you may see: Bell's Beer, Great Lakes
Amber Ale, Third Coast Beer. He makes a couple of stouts (one is
called Expedition Stout, and there is a cherry stout), a Porter, some
more Ales (one is called Brown Ale or something like that) ... I know
that Partners in Wine at Kerrytown (between north 4th and 5th at
Kingsley) has them, probably the Village Corner (South University at
Forest) does too."

Minnesota -- Minneapolis:
Tap's Waterfront Brewpub.

Minnesota -- Minnetonka:
Sherlock's Home Brewery - 1000 Red Circle Drive. "Opened early summer,
'89. Stag's Head Stout, Piper's Pride (Scottish Ale), Bishop's Bitter,
Palace Porter, Star of India (IPA), Gold Crown Lager, Queen Anne Light."

Minnesota -- St. Paul:
Summit Brewing Co. 1,514 barrels. "After installing a bottling line and
doubling production, Summit has not been able to keep up with demand.
The packaging for Great Northern Porter, a gold medal winner at GABF,
is completed, the company reports."

Montana -- Helena:
Montana Beverage Ltd. - 1439 Harris Street.

Montana -- Missoula:
Bayern Brewing/Northern Pacific.

Nevada -- Virginia City:
Union Brewery.

New Jersey -- Vernon:
Vernon Valley Brewery - 1,500 barrels. "Vernon Valley introduced two
brands in 1987, Old World Classic Dark and Old World Classic Winter
Bock, packaged in liter bottles. The brewery is also experimenting
with formulations for a light beer and a double bock."

New Mexico -- Embudo:
Preston Brewery - P.O. Box 154.

New York -- Buffalo:
Buffalo Brewpub - "This is a local pub in Williamsville (a Buffalo suburb)
selling a lot of imported beer and producing their own beer and ale to sell
on the premises. They produce a dark Amber Ale, and a young Hardy Lager.
Supposedly they also offer good pub food."

New York -- Ithaca:
The Chapterhouse - "located on Stewart Avenue at the foot of Cornell
University opened in the spring of 1989 and has been brewing 3-4 beers
regularly, as well as making the extracts for very good root beers and
ginger ales. On any given night, there are usually three or four beers
very generally described as going from light to dark. The light is
usually a superior reproduction of American Industrial "Lite", while
the darker and richer beers, usually a bitter and a stout, seem well
rounded and flavorful. A drawback seems to be the small size of the
operation. There is little capacity to let the beer age and mellow,
and we have noticed that the stout in particular is often poured
'ahead of its time', leading to a very harsh pint."

New York -- New York City:
Manhattan Brewery - "Try their Porter."
New Amsterdam Brewery -
The Peculier Pub - "is alive and well, and in new and much larger quarters
on Bleecker near LaGuardia Place (between 6th and Bway). If you find
yourself in NYC and are looking for a fine beer selection, try it out."
Old New York Brewing Co., Inc. - 610 W. 26th St.

New York -- Rochester:
Rochester Brewpub. - "located at the Marketplace Inn, on Jefferson Road.
This place is owned by the same people as the Buffalo Brewpub. They
serve several of their own brews, and all are mediocre. The food
is poor, and the service is worse. There are better places to drink
in Rochester."

North Carolina -- Charlotte:
Dilworth Brewing - 1301 East Blvd.

North Carolina -- Durham:
Weeping Radish Restaurant & Brewery.

North Carolina -- Manteo:
Bavaria South, Inc. (Weeping Radish Brewpub) - P. O. Box 1471

North Carolina -- Raleigh:
Greenshield's Pub & Brewery - 214 E Martin St. Opened in early July '89.
Pale ale and Munich Amber.

Ohio -- Cincinnati:
Wallaby Bob's - Australian Brewpub. "Wallaby Bob's is in a mall, and
might technically be a microbrewery, since they do (apparently)
bottle and sell their beer at least for takeout. I have not yet
sampled their wares."

Ohio -- Cleveland:
Great Lakes Brewing Co.

Ohio -- Dayton:
Growlers Brewpub - "No taste information. In addition, Growlers is
opening a brewpub in Columbus in the fall and plans on opening four
more by the end of 1990 in south Dayton, Cleveland, Cincinnati and
Middletown, Ohio."

Ohio -- Strongsville:
Strongsville Brewing Co.

Oklahoma -- Tulsa:
Duke of Kensington.

Oregon -- Ashland:
Rogue River Brewing Co.

Oregon -- Bend:
Deschutes Brewery & Public House.

Oregon -- Corvallis:
Squirrel's Tavern - "Unquestionably one of the best taverns on the
West Coast. A jewel of taverns in the San Francisco style. Features
Northwest microbrews, Canadian Lagers, Henry's on tap. Features
good food, good music, and real live Oregon hill people."
Old World Deli & Oregon Trail Brewing Co. - 431 SW Second. Capacity:
3,600 barrels. Oregon Trail Brown Ale, English Bitter, Porter, Stout.

Oregon -- Eugene:
High Street Pub.

Oregon -- Gresham:
Highland Pub & Brewery.

Oregon -- Hillsboro:
Cornelius Pass Roadhouse - Cornelius Pass Rd., just south of Highway 26.
Capacity: 728 barrels. Terminator, Liquidator, Hammerhead, Crystal Ale,
Cascade Head, Ruby Tuesday, Cascade Ale, and seasonal brews.

Oregon -- Hood River:
White Cap Pub (Hood River Brewing Co.) - 506 Columbia St. Capacity:
2,500 barrels. Hood River Full Sale Golden Ale and Chestnut Brown Ale,
Porter,Stout and seasonal brews. (Bottled and draft.)

Oregon -- Lincoln City:
Lighhouse Brewpub - 4157 N. Highway 101. Capacity: 728 barrels.
Terminator, Liquidator, Hammerhead, Crystal Ale, Cascade Head, Ruby
Tuesday, Cascade Ale and seasonal brews.

Oregon -- Portland:
Bridgeport Brewpub - 1313 NW Marshal. Capacity: 5,000 barrels. Bridgeport
Ale, Golden Ale, Stout, Emra Stout, Harvest Bitter, Spring Draft,
Winter Brew, Ski Draft, Old Knucklehead Barleywine, Caledonia Ale,
Rose City Ale.
Fulton Pub & Brewery.
Hillsdale Brewery & Public House - 1505 SW Sunset Blvd. Capacity: 728
barrels. Terminator, Liquidator, Hammerhead, Crystal, Cascade Head,
Ruby Tuesday, Cascade Ale and seasonal brews.
The Brewery Public House (Portland Brewing Co.) - 1339 NW Flanders.
Capacity: 2,500 barrels. Grant's Ale, Imperial Stout, Winter Ale,
Portland Ale, Tmberline Ale.
Widmer Brewing Co. - 1405 NW Lovejoy. Capacity: 2,000 barrels. Widmer
Ale, Weizen, Festbier, Bock, Maerzen, Oktoberfest.

Oregon -- (no city given):
McMinneman Brothers Taverns - (The Greenway Pub, McMinneman's, Cornelius
Pass Roadhouse). "These feature many of the Northwest brews and
international brews. Good food. Watch out for their own brews,
however -- just not up to the NW quality of microbrews."

Pennsylvania -- Adamstown:
Stoudt's Brewery - in Adamstown, near Lancaster, Pa. "Has been open for
about two years. Stoudt's is located in a large beer hall/flea market
complex. They serve a range of six or so beers, all on the good to
wonderful side."

Pennsylvania -- Pittsburgh:
Pennsylvania Brewing Co. - "Just opened its brewpub on the North Side
of Pittsburgh. The beer, Penn Pilsener, which has been brewed in
Smithton, Pa., is good and has a dark roast barley taste for a pilsener.
The Jones brewery in Smithton still will make the bottled stuff. But
the Northside Brewery will make the draft stuff. They make about 5
different kinds now: A wheat beer, a dark beer, the regular stuff, a
light lager, and a type called Kaiser Pils. They will be serving a
full menu of light German fare (whatever that is)."

Texas -- Austin:
Maggie Mae's - Line St. Station

Texas -- Plano:
Reinheitsgebot Brewing Co. - "Reinheitsgebot has just completed plans for
a 3,500-barrel upgrade. County Collin Emerald Beer was recently
introduced by the company."

Vermont -- Burlington:
Vermont Pub & Brewery - "We observe that they are currently offering
four varieties of brewed-on-the-premises malted beverage: Irish Burly Ale,
Pub Porter, Kellerbier Lager and Rock Dunder Brown Ale."

Virgin Islands -- St. Thomas:
Island Brewing and Malting, Ltd. - P.O. Box 5310.

Virginia -- Charlottesville:
Blue Ridge Brewery - 709 West Main Street; "owned by William Faulkner's
grandsons. They brew four types of beer: their Hawksbill Lager is
their best-selling brand, but has the weakest body--it is similar to
most U.S. industrial beers in character. Piney River Lager is
another pilsner-style lager, but has significantly more body and
flavor--it is reminiscent of the lagers of Southern Germany. Afton
Ale is a hopheads dream; it is an amber bitter ale made with 5 types
of hops and has a sharp lingering hops flavor but a somewhat thin
body. Humpback Stout is a rich creamy stout with the flavor of roast
malt and is neither overly bitter nor too sweet. Occasionally
seasonal beers are offered; the first of these was a wheat beer
offered in mid-summer 1989--a bock is planned for spring 1990."

Virginia -- Virginia Beach:
Virginia Brewing Co. (Formerly Chesapeake Bay Brewing Co.)
"Its brewmeister, Wolfgang Roth, was educated in German beer
institutes and produces a *fantastic* pair of brews -- Gold Cup
Pilsner and Virginia Native Dopplebock. The pilsner is about as from
from Urquell as you can imagine -- nice sharp hop bite, lots of body;
a well balanced but but by no means delicate brew. Virginia Native is
a heavy thirst-quenching brew with (again) lots of body, and a
screaming hop bite and aroma. One of the `wettest' beers I have ever
tasted. Both -- until ~August 89 -- were only available at a certain
chain of DC area bars; Gold Cup is now available in bottles (around
DC at least). I also got a keg of Gold Cup (wonderful, but pricey),
and I hear I can get Virginia Native in kegs too. I've also heard
that a modified Native will be available in bottles as a
Christmastime beer -- name unknown. This stuff has guts and spirit
like the Grants beers I had in Seattle, but is much better balanced,
and has higher consistency, batch-to-batch."

Washington -- Colville:
Hales Ales Ltd. - 701 N. Main St.

Washington -- Kalama:
Hart Brewing Co. - 176 First St. Capacity: 5,000 barrels. Pyramid Pale Ale,
Wheaten Ale, Pacific Crest Ale, Snowcap Ale (Bottled and Draft).

Washington -- Kirkland:
Kirkland Roaster - "A very good restaurant with an outstanding bar--a
gleaming copper bartop with what seemed to be over 20 handles serving
microbrewed beer! Wow! And you can look through the glass
windows into the Hale's Ales brewery next door. (Love their
slogan--'Give 'em Hale's!')"

Washington -- Monroe:
Kufnerbrau - 112 N. Lewis St. Capacity. 3,000 barrels. Kufnerbrau Old
Bavarian Style Beer (Bottled and draft).

Washington -- Moort(?):
Kueiner Brewing Co. - l770 Bronghton Drive.

Washington -- Poulsbo:
The Brewery Tap Room (Kemper Brewing Co.) - 22381 Foss Rd. NE.
Capacity: 4,000 barrels. Thomas Kemper Munchener Helles, Munchener
Dunkel, Bock (Bottled and draft).

Washington -- Rolling Bay:
Kemper Brewing Co. - P.O. Box 4689.

Washington -- Seattle:
The Big Time Brewery Alehouse - "On University Way (also known as the Ave),
one block from campus. Very good place. Turns out that it's owned
by the same guy who owns the Triple Rock Brewery in Berkeley, CA.
Exact same formula. Same three beers. Same decor. Same everything.
Only the name is stupider up here, and the pale ale is a little
weak (probably needs to brew longer). I did not try the pale ale.
The porter was a little thin tasting (although it was plenty dark).
It also seemed a bit on the dry side. It was leaning towards being a
stout. The amber ale was very fruity tasting and a bit sweet. Someone
in our group thought it was too sweet."
Murphy's Pub - In the U district in Seattle, out west on 45th. "Great
pub! They usually have all the micro brewery beers on tap and lots
of english/irish beers too."
Blue Moon - "Has half a dozen ales on tap -- Hale's Celebration Porter,
Hale's Special Bitter, Ballard Bitter, Red Hook ESB, Grant's IPA,
Grant's Scottish, Grant's Russian Imperial Stout, and Grant's
Cider... whoops! that's NINE!"
Noggins - "This is owned by the same people who run the Spinnaker in
Victoria, B.C. They serve six or seven of their own brews on tap.
They serve each beer at the right temperature. I have spoken to
their brewmaster and he knows what he is doing. I have not tried
their wheat beer, but the general consensus is that it is bad
(with the exception of a female friend of mine who loves it). They
have two locations (and the dark ale is slightly different at each.
One is in the University District, at the SE corner of Brooklyn
Ave. NE and NE 42nd Street. The other is in Westlake Center."
The Redhook Brewery - "Does have a bar on site. However, it is not a
true brewpub since their beer is available on draft and in bottles
elsewhere. Their address is 3400 Phinney Ave N (I believe)."

Washington -- Yakima:
The Brewery Pub (Vakima Brewing & Malting Co.) - on N. Front St.
Capacity: 7,000 barrels. Grant's Scottish Ale, Imperial Stout, Weiss
Bier, India Pale Ale, Spiced Ale, Yakima Hard Cider (Bottled and draft).

Wisconsin -- Appleton:
Appleton Brewing Co.

Wisconsin -- Kenosha:
The Brewmaster's Pub.

Wisconsin -- Milwaukee:
Olivers Station/Cherryland Brewing.
Water Street Brewery.

Wyoming -- Jackson:
Otto Brothers - P.O. Box 4177.


Alberta -- Calgary:
Big Rock Brewers - 6403 35th St. S.E.

Alberta -- Edmonton:
Boccalino Pasta Bistro - 10525 Jasper Ave.

British Columbia -- Comox:
Leeward Brewpub - 649 Anderton Road.

British Columbia -- Richmond:
Steveston Brewing Co. - 3131 Chatham.

British Columbia -- Vancouver:
Granville Island Brewing - 1441 Cartwright Street.
Horseshoe Brewery and Troller Pub - 6695 Nelson Ave. (W. Vancouver).

British Columbia -- Vernon:
Okanagan Spring Brewery Ltd. - P.O. Box 1660.

British Columbia -- Victoria:
The Spinnaker - "The only pub in Vince Cottone's book on Pacific
Northwest microbrews to rate four stars (the maximum). (See entry
for Noggins in Seattle.)"

Nova Scotia -- Halifax:
Ginger's Tavern - also called Oranite Brewery; 1268 Holla St.

Ontario -- Guelph:
Wellington County Brewery, Ltd. - 950 Woodlawn Rd. W.

Ontario -- Heidelberg:
Heidelberg Hotel (Brewpub) - P.O. Box 116.

Ontario -- Kingston:
Kingston Brewing Co. - 34 Clarence Street.

Ontario -- Lindsay:
York Tavern - 24 Kent St. W.

Ontario -- Mississauga:
Conners Brewing Co. Ltd. - 6 Owen St. W.

Ontario -- Nepeau:
Ottawa Valley Brewing Co. - 20-C Enterprise Ave.

Ontario -- Toronto:
Amsterdam Brasserie & Brewpub - 133 John St.
Upper Canada Brewing Co. - 2 Atlantic Avenue.

Ontario -- Welland:
Atlas Hotel - 35 Southworth Street North.

Prince Edward Island -- Charlottetown:
Island Brewery, Ltd. - P. O. Box 1177.

Quebec -- Lennoxville:
Golden Lion - #6 College St.


End of HOMEBREW Digest #356, 02/13/90

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