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HOMEBREW Digest #0252

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HOMEBREW Digest #252 Wed 13 September 1989

Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

What the numbers mean (crystal 40, etc) (Steve Conklin)
Brewpub list revisited (Walt Thode)

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Date: Mon, 11 Sep 89 8:32:39 CDT
From: Steve Conklin <hpfcla!hplabs!amdahl!uunet!tesla!steve>
Subject: What the numbers mean (crystal 40, etc)

roberts%studguppy@LANL.GOV (Doug Roberts @ Los Alamos National Laboratory)

> Mike Fertsch asks:
> > Is 'rich crystal' just a darker version of 'ordinary crystal'? I've
> > noticed a WIDE variation in color in crystal malts.
> So far as I can tell, it's just crystal that has been roasted at a
> slightly higher temperature. Great Fermentations sells three kinds of
> crystal malted barley: light, medium, and extra rich. Also, the
> crystal has a number associated with it: 20 for light, 40 for medium,
> and 90 for extra rich. I don't know what the number stands for,
> however.

The number refers to "degrees Lovibond", which is a measure of the amount of
color which the malt contributes to the wort. This is useful for formulating
recipes. More information can be found in Noonan's book, and in the All-grain
issue of Zymurgy. There was an article in a recent Zymurgy which described
how to measure the color of a finished beer, to see how close you are to the

BTW, I did see the request for more kegging information, and for the Rapids
number (again). The Rapids number is 800-553-7906, but things are a little too
wild for me to sit down and write much about kegging. This is my last week at
Intergraph, and next Monday I return to the life of a full-time student. I'll
still get the brewsletter, and in a few weeks, I hope I'll have time to
participate again. Meanwhile, I ran out and bought the Hunter controller for
my lagering frig, and it's perfect for the application!

Steve Conklin uunet!ingr!tesla!steve
Intergraph Corp. tesla!
Huntsville, AL 35807 (205) 772-4013

As of 9-12-89, my address will be: uunet!ingr!b11!conk!steve.


Date: 12 September 1989 0836-PDT (Tuesday)
From: (Walt Thode)
Subject: Brewpub list revisited

Awhile back I put out a call for submissions to a brewpub list I wanted
to compile, and said I'd send the list to this group if I received
anything. The offer still holds. I've seen several requests recently
for information about brewpubs in areas about to be visited by members of
this group. The list I'd like to compile would be useful to those
individuals and to others if we could get it complete enough.

The only responses I got to my earlier request were a private message
about Cincinnati area brewpubs, a public one about Chicago brewpubs and
another public one with an address of a source for a list of brewpubs,
which I have not yet received.

I'm still interested compiling a list, along with short reviews of the
beers offered. Anyone who wants to contribute should send relevant
materials to me.

--Walt Thode ARPA:
UUCP: {everywhere_else}!ucsd!nprdc!thode


End of HOMEBREW Digest #252, 09/13/89

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