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Lambic Digest #1061

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Lambic Digest
 · 11 Apr 2024

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Subject: Lambic Digest #1061 (April 11, 1997)

Lambic Digest #1061 Fri 11 April 1997

Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator

star anise (Ron Phillips)
Re: Star Anise (David Reynolds)

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Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 09:58:17 -0400
From: Ron Phillips <rmphilli at>
Subject: star anise

Frank Leers <FJL at> writes:

> Can somebody here give me guidelines on using star anise? I searched the HBD archives,
> no real practical advice...just other folks asking about it. So I turn here even though this may
> be inappropriate.
> I am thinking 1-2 'stars' at end of boil for about 5 minutes max...maybe in secondary for a day
> or ??? I want to preserve the delicate aspect, not end up with a 'Ouzo Wit"!!
> Oh yes, I do a 13 gal boil reduced to 11.5 or so...


FWIW, I made a Belgian strong ale last year (O.G.~1.097) that included
corriander, sweet gale, and star anise. I used five of the "stars" of
anise and boiled for 15 min (this was a 5 gallon batch). I figured some
boiling time would be required to extract the flavor and aroma from the

The result was a very faint aroma and no distinctly noticeable flavor,
although I feel that the anise did add to the perceived complexity of
flavors. Maybe grinding the pods would help extract more flavor and

Of course, you'll be dealing with a much lower gravity beer, so take my
results with a grain of salt.

Hope this helps and good luck.



Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 00:10:02 -0400
From: David Reynolds <dreynolds at>
Subject: Re: Star Anise

Frank says:
> I would like to use star anise in a Wit beer that I am about to brew,
> I am thinking 1-2 'stars' at end of boil for about 5 minutes max...maybe in secondary for a day
> Oh yes, I do a 13 gal boil reduced to 11.5 or so...

I used star anise in a 1.044 Belgian ale that I made without any one
particular style in mind. It was lightly hopped and had 8g bitter
orange peel, 0.4g vanilla bean and 10g star anise boiled for 25 min; 10g
coriander boiled for 10min (for 5 gal.) The coriander showed up in the
nose while the star anise was the most easily recognizable flavor
component of the spices added. If you want the anise flavor below
threshold level then you could use 10g for your 11 gal batch and
dry-spice it in secondary if you want more anise character.

Enjoy your adventures in spiceland...



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