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Lambic Digest #0965

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Subject: Lambic Digest #965 (October 17, 1996)
Lambic Digest #965 Thu 17 October 1996
Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator
Cantillon returns to the US market (Mike Sharp)
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Date: Wed, 16 Oct 96 11:25:58 PDT
From: msharp at (Mike Sharp)
Subject: Cantillon returns to the US market
The attached annoucement came across my desk & I thought it would
be of general interest to the digest readership.
I should also mention that a few months back B-United made a similar,
but incorrect, annoucement in a number of magazines.
While I don't have any direct interest (i.e. profit) in the
importation of these beers, I have been involved in getting the
various parties talking to each other, so I can say with some
authority that this annoucement is the real thing.
Any flames should be directed at me.
Shelton Broers Importers can be reached at 800-809-7725 or
SheltonW at
To Lambic Digest Subscribers:
Cantillon is back! I am pleased to report that my company, Shelton Broers,
has begun importing Cantillon lambic into the U.S. Our first order was
shipped from Belgium on 3 October 1996 and will arrive in New York on
18 October. Initially, Cantillon beers will be marketed in MA, NY, NJ,
PA, MD, DC, VA, NC, OH, IL, CO, OR, and CA and will be sold mostly in
traditional 750 ml bottles in order to give lambic lovers more beer for
their money. With luck, Cantillon will be available in stores and bars
in November.
In addition to the Cantillon Gueuze, Rosi de Gambrinus and Kriek that have
been available previously in a few areas, we will import small quantities
of Gueuze Vigneronne, brewed with Italian muscat grapes, and Bruocsella 1900
Grand Cru, an unblended old lambic. As those of you who have had a chance
to visit the brewery and sample these beers at the source well know, they
are both rare treats. We will also be offering T-shirts and glassware
showing the original, saucy Gueuze and Framboise labels, which BATF
regulations won't allow on bottles sold in this country.
My brothers and I (Broers is Flemish for brothers, by the way) are, like
all of you, fanatics about real lambic. We hope that the re-introduction
of Cantillon products will finally draw the line between soda pop "lambic"
and the genuine article. We would love to hear from anyone interested
in Cantillon, especially if you have any suggestions or comments regarding
the beer or its U.S. marketing. We are now arranging distribution of
Cantillon in the above-mentioned states and would like your opinion
regarding the best distributors for this job in your area. Or, if you
know a particular retailer that we should contact, let us know and we
will try to pursue distribution from that angle as well.
Please call or fax us at 800-809-7725, or send e-mail to
SheltonW at I hope to hear from you!
Best regards,
Will Shelton
End of Lambic Digest