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Lambic Digest #1025

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Published in 
Lambic Digest
 · 8 months ago

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Subject: Lambic Digest #1025 (February 06, 1997)

Lambic Digest #1025 Thu 06 February 1997

Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator

Call for judges and entries (Paul Krebs)

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Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 19:27:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Paul Krebs <pkrebs at>
Subject: Call for judges and entries

Please consider judging at and/or entering our contest:

The Saratoga Thoroughbrews present
the 2nd annual
Knickerbocker Battle of the Brews
Homebrew Competition

Holmes & Watson Ltd.
Troy, NY
Saturday, March 1, 1997

Grand Prize: $250 Gift Certificate
from North Country Brewery
good at Eddy's Beverage/The Hoppy Troll

The Saratoga Thoroughbrews Homebrew Club will be holding the second annual
Knickerbocker Battle of the Brews at Holmes & Watson in Troy, NY on March 1,
1997. The competition is sanctioned by the American Homebrewers
Association. We will try to have two or more BJCP judges per panel. Winners
will be announced and awards will be presented at 5:00 PM. For more
information contact one of the organizers below or visit our web site:

Knickerbocker Web Site: (all forms are
available here)

Organizer: Keith Looney looney at 518-458-9354
FAX: 518-482-1942
Assistant Organizer: Jim Raimo raimoja at 518-884-8689
Head Judge: Paul Krebs pkrebs at 518-885-2581

Eligibility: Anyone may enter. Beer, mead, or cider entered must have been
made at home. Beverages made at a commercial enterprise, including
brew-on-premise establishments, are not eligible.

Categories: This competition uses the 1997 AHA style guidelines. Each entry
must be classified as one of these styles for judging purposes. Please choose
styles carefully. Entries will be judged as an example of the chosen style.
Judges will not reclassify entries. Similar styles will be grouped together for
the purpose of awarding prizes.

Entry Fee: The fee for the first entry is $6, and additional entries are $4
each. Please make checks payable to Keith Looney. Only checks will be accepted
for shipped entries. Please do not send cash.

Entries: For each entry, the brewer must submit:

* Two (2) bottles or one pressurized PET container (plastic soda bottle) with
"carbonator". Bottles may be of any style, but must contain at least 7 ounces
and be free of labels and have any other identifying marks blacked out. PET
containers must be filled with at least 22 ounces. Carbonators will be returned
to entrants.
* Bottle identification forms attached to each bottle with a rubber band.
* A completed competition entry form.
* The appropriate entry fee based on the total number of entries.

Entries may be dropped off from February 15 to 21, 1997 at any of the locations
listed in the entry form or they may be carefully packed and shipped
(preferably via UPS)
between the same dates to the following address:

Holmes and Watson Ltd.
450 Broadway
Troy, NY 12180

This contest will count toward the New York Brewer of the Year Contest.

Paul Krebs pkrebs at


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