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Lambic Digest #1027

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Published in 
Lambic Digest
 · 5 months ago

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Subject: Lambic Digest #1027 (February 08, 1997)

Lambic Digest #1027 Sat 08 February 1997

Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator

Repitching Lambic and Septic tanks (2 distinct topics...) (Francois Espourteille)
Repitching of non-Lambic brews (Francois Espourteille)
Enter the 7th Annul March Mashfest (Brewing Chemist) <walter at lamar.ColoState.EDU>
SF Bay only: Its here!! (larrylf)

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Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:14:55 -0500
From: fespourteille at (Francois Espourteille)
Subject: Repitching Lambic and Septic tanks (2 distinct topics...)

The following is a question from Bill Coleman:

I have a pGueuze that's been sitting in an oak cask for over a year in my
cellar (no cobwebs, unfortunately!). I cultured stuff from several different
bottles of lambic, as well as used Brewer's Resource lambic cultures to make
it. I'm thinking about bottling it shortly--either that, or racking it into a
carboy with some fruit.

My question is, would it make sense to rack it out of the cask, and rack a
new batch right in on top of the dregs, without even cleaning it, in order to
use as much of the microflora as possible? And if I do, would it make sense
to do it with unfermented wort, or use a regular ale yeast first? Anyone out
there who's made a pLambic that way?

Bill, that's pretty much how I do it, with decent results. I would
suggest however, to rince the cask after you have finished racking the
first batch. You end up with a rather nasty layer at the bottom that
you want to get raid of (think of it as the microflora's septic tank
for one year- no link with the second part of the post). You will
still have plenty of bugs left in the walls of the cask. I even rince
it with hot water (tap hot) three or four times without problems. The
microflora will rebound quickly. As far a putting unfermented wort in
the cask that's another story. I don't. I usually do a primary (5
days) with a Wit yeast and them put the beer in the cask and let it do
it's thing for a year. If you want to be really traditional, I guess
you can put wort in the cask. But you need to expect a couple of
things: 1- put the cask in the tub because you will get a lot of
foaming 2- have some extra unfermented wort to replenish what was lost
due to foaming 3- the brew might end up a lot more sour and "horsey"
than you would like it; I think the brett and bacterias will rebound
faster than the sacch and have a lot of food at their disposal (but
that't just my belief) 4- the outside of the cask will now be
seriously infected with Lambic flora and could cause some problems
with other non-lambic batches. These reasons are why I don't put
unfermented wort in casks; but otherwise, I brew a batch every year
and replace the batch in the cask by a new batch and it works quite
well. you could even do some blending between the year old batch and
the new batch if you so desired. Good luck!

Bob T. wrote:

Jeff Pinhey asks about septic tank overload.
This used to be my breadand butter ,so to speak, when I worked for the county
health dep't here in upstateNew York.

I thought some of your beers had an unusual note, but couldn't quite
identify the source (just kidding). I do have question for you. I moved
last year, as you know, and now have a well (great water) and a septic
tank. Should I (can I) pour things like B-brite and Iodophor into my
septic or will I kill the entire population? Any safe amounts,
concentrations? It's a bit of a paint to have to pour out carboys in the
back yard, but probably less than having the septic lifeless. Any
suggestions? Thanks.




Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 10:41:47 -0500
From: fespourteille at (Francois Espourteille)
Subject: Repitching of non-Lambic brews

I have a question for the yeas gurus on the digest. I usually
repitch three or four times successively the same yeast (brew,
ferment, rack to secondary, then brew again and rack wort on dregs of
first batch at one week interval) when making non-Lambic beers (a
heretical thought, I know). My question is how long can I keep this
large quantity of yeast, provided I place it in a pint or gallon
container in the fridge and still have a lively population? I have
been building up a large quantity of a very good yeast to make a very
heavy barley wine, but the malt I want won't be in for a couple of
weeks. Suggestions?




Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 11:13:24 -0700 (MST)
From: Brian J Walter (Brewing Chemist) <walter at lamar.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: Enter the 7th Annul March Mashfest

Seventh Annual March MashFest
March 22, 1997

The Mash Tongues of Fort Collins, Colorado invite you to enter our Seventh
Annual March Mashfest. We will accept all homebrewed beer and mead. This
competition is sanctioned by the AHA. The number of Categories will be
determined after all of the entries are received. Historically we have had
around a dozen Categories. Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place
entries in each Category, as well as for Best of Show in Beer and Mead.
Cool prizes will also be obtained from local microbreweries, brew stores,
and micro-oriented taverns to accompany the medals. One first place winner
will be selected to work with the Brewers at Dimmer's Brewpub in Fort
Collins to scale up their recipe and brew it at Dimmers!

You can get complete information about the MashFest and download an entry
packet from the Mash Tongues club Web Page at;

Or, if you prefer you can contact us via US Mail, E-Mail, or Phone and we
will mail you a packet.

Hurry!! The deadline for entries is March 8, 1997.

For more information check the Web Page or contact;

Scott Mills
7512 Leslie Drive
Loveland, CO 80537
smills at

Good Day,
- --bjw
Brian J Walter | walter at
Chem Graduate Student | Homebrewer | RUSH Rocks Best!
Colorado State Univ | BJCP Certified Beer Judge| Green Bay Packers #1


Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 13:27:50 -0800
From: larrylf <larrylf at Eng.Sun.COM>
Subject: SF Bay only: Its here!!

I just bought several bottles of Cantillon at Beltramo's in Menlo Park.
Rose, Kriek, Gueuze, and Gueuze Vigneronne


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