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Lambic Digest #0942

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Published in 
Lambic Digest
 · 8 months ago

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Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 00:30:16 -0600
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Subject: Lambic Digest #942 (September 18, 1996)

Lambic Digest #942 Wed 18 September 1996

Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator

Re:subscription proposals (christopher tweedy)
Syracuse, NY Competition, Nov 23 (fwd) (Scott Bickham)
Rose de Gambrinus/opinions (korz)
Re: a call for proposals (Norman Dickenson)
Re: a call for proposals (to reduce improper reply postings) (Steve Dempsey)
Proposals, My Funny Lambic (Russell Mast)
Etiquette (Richard Ransom)

Send article submissions only to: lambic at
Send all other administrative requests (subscribe/unsubscribe/change) to:
lambic-request at
Note that the request address is not an automated server. It forwards
to a real person who may not be able to process the request immediately.
Subscription changes often take 2-5 days, sometimes more.

Back issues are available by mail; send empty message with subject 'HELP' to:
netlib at
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Start with the help message above then request the index.
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Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 08:36:47 -0400
From: tweedy at (christopher tweedy)
Subject: Re:subscription proposals

My vote would be for option #4, mail them the complete works of Tolstoy.


Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 10:09:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Scott Bickham <bickham at>
Subject: Syracuse, NY Competition, Nov 23 (fwd)

Kieran O'Connor asked me to post this:

> Hi all
> I'd like to announce the Salt City Brew Club's 11th annual competition.
> The deadline for entries is Nov 8, competition is Nov 23.
> We are accepting all styles of beer, mead and cider. Also please note the
> following additional styles (or modifications)
> 1) Oatmeal stout is a style
> 2) Classic American Pilsner is a style
> 2) Robust and Brown porter and two separate styles
> Further, we will accept any color, type or size of bottle. We will also
> accept carbonators (they will be returned). **Only two bottles per entry**
> Jugding sheets are available the day of the competition if you pick them
> up, or you will receive them in one week.
> Note: Best of show prize is a $200 gift certificate for a homebrew shop
> (who will mail order).
> Last year we had 270 entries, we should top 300 this year. We hope you'll
> enter. If you'd like a packet, email me with the subject line "Packet
> Request" and I'll send one your way. If you entered last year, one is
> already on the way.
> FInally, we are looking for judges: Syracuse is in the heart of NY State.
> 260 miles from NYC, 150 miles from Buffalo or Albany. Please contact me if
> you are interested in judging. Beds for judges available.
> Questions: email me, or call (315) 449-2844, eves.
> Kieran
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Kieran O'Connor
> koconnor at
> Syracuse, N.Y. USA
> In vino veritas; in cervesio felicitas.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- --
Naval Research Laboratory, Code 6691 E-mail: bickham at
Complex Systems Theory Branch Home or BJCP: 7507 Swan Point Way
Washington, D.C 20375 Columbia, MD 21045
(202) 404-8632 FAX: (202) 404-7546 (410) 290-7721


Date: Tue, 17 Sep 96 10:02:01 CDT
From: korz at
Subject: Rose de Gambrinus/opinions

Last night, my wife and I shared a 75cl bottle of Cantillon's
Rose De Gambrinus (1995 bottling). It had virtually no raspberry
aroma or flavour. Hmmm... I recall this nectar having a faint
raspberry aroma, but none? It basically smelled and tasted like
Gueuze. I loved it, but was expecting at least a little raspberry.
Note that this beer is mostly raspberries with some cherries. J-P
told me that one year the raspberry crop was so bad that he had to
add blackberries to get a little rosy colour in the beer. Comments?

In response to Mike's query:

1. the "respond to" address is always set to lambic-request

I'd go for this.

2. restricted membership (i.e. anyone who can convince me
they have a clue and will play nice and/or referals from
people I know who will guarantee a new subscriber has a clue)

This sounds like too much work for Mike and sort of "unfriendly."
I'm against the other three suggestions ;^).



Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 08:33:02 -0700
From: Norman Dickenson <norman.dickenson at>
Subject: Re: a call for proposals

Subject: Time: 8:07 AM
OFFICE MEMO Re> a call for proposals Date: 9/17/96

In LD #941, Mike Sharp referred to the annoying "unsubscribe"
requests which are fouling our streams and rivers. I personally
view these illiterate people like litterers: They're breaking the
law (socially annoying behavior) but there aren't enough police
in the world to really deal with them.

Mike's suggested responses to this situation range from
old west vigilanteism, to making this forum a members-only
club, to manually editing the daily issues, to disbanding the
digest. I, for one, think this is one of the better venues around
on the subject of beer and do not wish to see it abandoned.
I fear that selective entry sets us apart as an elite group
and limits the opportunities of potentially legitimate
participants who are not well connected. The John Wayne
in me sez everyone on the digest ought to copy the entire
offending digest issue and mail it to the miscreant as his
just rewards. However satisfying this solution may be, it
really is nothing but revenge and does nothing to solve the
problem in the future (so what, let's do it anyway!). The
most realistic action which might do something is, as MIke
stated: "respond to" address is always set to lambic-request"
However, I am ignorant as to how this will affect the legitimate

and on another topic, Dave Sapsis, while singing his "gimmie
sour" song laments the fact that his 9 month old plambic isn't
sour. I experienced the same situation in a 60 gal. oak barrel
a group of us did in July 1995. Up until June of 1996 this
beer was only vaguely and mildly sour and I was very disappointed.
Being more artistic than scientific, I thought, "what the hell"
and re-pitched it with Pediococcus. Now it has turned a very
pleasing moderately aggressive sour. Was it just the additional
time, or was it repitching the Pediococcus?



Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 11:18:42 -0700
From: Steve Dempsey <steved at>
Subject: Re: a call for proposals (to reduce improper reply postings)

>From: msharp at (Mike Sharp)
>Subject: a call for proposals
>I'm sure quite a number of you are as annoyed as I am with the
>unsubscribe requests that have composed the majority of the
>digests in the past few months....
>I will offer the following to get the
>discussion going.
> 1. the "respond to" address is always set to lambic-request

I would also suggest the reply-to address not be set
automatically (set to a bogus address). All replies
would require manual entry to help ensure they go to
the right place. This puts the burden on everyone
to keep things clean.

<steved at>
<steved at>


Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 17:03:46 -0500
From: Russell Mast <rmast at>
Subject: Proposals, My Funny Lambic

> From: msharp at (Mike Sharp)
> Subject: a call for proposals

> 1. the "respond to" address is always set to lambic-request

Sounds good to me.

> 2. restricted membership

Sounds bad to me.

> 3. full moderation (volunteers?)

Full? I'd be willing to "moderate" some if I had help, but all I'd do is reject
stuff that is flat-out accidental, like bombing the list with the entire text of
last issue and appending "please stop sending me this". I think if we do go the
moderated route, no serious posts should ever be blocked, ever, and anything
that's ambiguous should be let through, even if the moderator doesn't like the
tone, though perhaps they could make a note of that or request a cancellation from
the postee.

> 4. mailing the full works of Tolstoy to anyone who sends
> an "unsubscribe" message to the mailing list... 8-)

Wouldn't help. They'd forward the whole damned thing to the list and append
"why did you send me this" to the end.

> From: Jim Liddil <JLIDDIL at AZCC.Arizona.EDU>

> Get a bottle of American Wheat beer. Add Acetic acid to one bottle to a
> concentration of 1000 ppm. Do the same with lactic acid to a level of 2500
> ppm. Taste the difference.

Haven't gotten around to trying this yet. What is the difference? I've been
told there's none, except for the smell. The odd thing is, also, I don't smell
any acetic smells, and I know the scent of acetic acid. (I've worked with
vinegar, of course, but also 90% pure glacial stuff. Yowza.) A couple other
people I've had smell it also smell no acetic, but one guy said it smelled like
silicone caulk, which I guess uses acetic acid. (He's in construction, so he's
more likely to say "caulk" than "vinegar".) Well, I still don't smell it.

Anyway, I'll try to do some taste comparisons.

> Use a racking cane to siphon off some dregs into some fresh unhopped wort.
> Then add some amphotericin B to nuke the yeast. :-) You will have a nice
> bacterial culture.

So, uh, where do I get amphotericin B from?

> Subject: Gimme' Sour
> Russell writes of his young (~5 month old) plambic being "painfully
> sour". He did indeed obtain some cultures from me, that in turn were
> from our esteemed Janitor, Mike Sharp. The wierd thing is, my own
> plambics, made with these very cultures (ranging in age from 7-9
> months) are basically void of any appreciable acid, but have
> pronounced Brett.

I think that the sourness came either from one of the three or four bottle-dregs
that I tossed in there, or from, well, my basement. I had a few meads pop
their corks (side storage + wrong size cork = DUH), and those spilled out on
the floor and I never really mopped up, so maybe that provided a culture for,
well, SOMETHING. I had the plambic in a plastic primary on which the lid doesn't
seal and I didn't put any liquid in the airlock. (I used one to keep out the
macrobiological critters.)

> However, Russell -- get me some cultures back just in case! ;->

I'll do that. I'll siphon some off either this weekend or two weekends later.
(I'm moving in between.)

Oh, another thing, as far as damaging the pellicle. I mentioned that this thing
had a scary pellicle that I was considering making a lampshade with? Well, it
got totally wrecked when I brought it upstairs 2 or 3 weeks ago. It's back, and
it's mad as hell. Little balls of powedery looking stuff on there, too.

My main worry now is that I'm basically just making fancy malt vinegar. Maybe
I'll bottle a bit and bring it to the next Chicago Brewing Society meeting and
see if someone there can tell me what I've got. Are those still held at
Goose Island on the First Thursday of the month? Anyone, anyone, Beuller?

Dave, I think I still have that bottle you sent me the culture in originally,
maybe I'll remember tonight and siphon a bit off the bottom, and maybe some
pellicle from the top, and send it off to you soon. I'm really busy these
days. Not too busy to do it, but too busy to remember to.



Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 16:43:15 -0600
From: rransom at (Richard Ransom)
Subject: Etiquette


Could whoever is using the Reply button and failing to lop off the entirety
of the previous Lambic digest PLEASE QUIT IT! I have received at least four
recent Lambic digests which contained nothing but the previous Lambic
digest, and a couple of memorable digests which contained a previous digest
nested within another previous digest. I do not recall reading _any_
content in these digests, i.e. not only are you automatically replying but
you're not even including a reply. Please cut-and-paste the specific part
of the digest that you wish to reply to and dump the rest.

Thank you.

Father Barleywine

[Richard Ransom (rransom at]


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