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Lambic Digest #0658

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Lambic Digest
 · 8 months ago

From postmaster at Sat Jul 29 04:15:14 1995 
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Subject: Lambic Digest #658 (July 29, 1995)

Lambic Digest #658 Sat 29 July 1995

Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator

New Barrels (Evan Kraus)
Smokin' Scotch (Russell Mast)
Cherries in beer unsafe? (Richard Webb)

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Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 06:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: ejk at (Evan Kraus)
Subject: New Barrels

If this is any help !
When I visited the Belle Vue brewery in the coopers shop and in the
storage area they had sheets of sulphur that was burned inside
the new and repaired barrels to sanatize them
We weer told this by the employes of the brewery.


Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 09:36:40 -0500
From: Russell Mast <rmast at>
Subject: Smokin' Scotch

> From: mbovee at (Mike Bovee)
> Subject: Brettanomyces in Scotch Ale?

> I am considering pitching a Brett culture from my library to achieve this
> effect. Although this batch wasn't easy to make (ALL grain), I won't
> consider it a success without this wonderful character.
> Suggestions?

Split the batch and pitch a Brett into half of it. Brett. can do some scary
stuff to a beer and having half of it not-completely-successful is better
than risking the whole batch. But, hey, it's your beer.

> (sorry about the non-Belgian/lambic bandwidth)

I'm no moderator, but it seems appropriate enough for me. It's about
Brettanomyces, after all.

It was my understanding that the smoky flavor in a lot of scotch ales came
(at least traditionally) from the same place as the smoky character in scotch
whiskey, by smoking some of the malt over a peat fire. This is starting to
exit the realm of this list, but that's what I recall. I had the rare
pleasure of drinking some of The Borve' Ale, a marvellous creation, and that
had the peaty-smoky character of a scotch whiskey. Maybe it's only this one.



Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 07:39:58 -0700
From: Richard Webb <rbw1271 at>
Subject: Cherries in beer unsafe?

I was asked to give a lecture at my brew club concerning fruits in
fermenting. Not just beer, but wine and mead as well. I mentioned
that I had made a mead, and then added a ton 'o cherries to the
secondary fermenter, and that I was planning on leaving them in
the mead until hell at least got cold. The intent was that in
kriek/lambic style beers, the fruit is left in the mix until the
beasties that live in the mix will eventually break down the skins
and consume the meat, eventually leading to complete dissolution
of the 'cherryness' throughout the mead. Then came the stumper.
I was asked if I was worried about the arsneic (sp?) or cyanide
or whatever leaching from the cherry pits into my ferment? I
mentioned that I wasn't worried about it because I'd never heard
of it before! So NOW I'm worried. My question to this group is,
should I be? Do I need to rack off the cherries after a certain
time period on the mix in order to keep my mead from becomming
life threatening, or is the amount of leachables in a ton 'o
cherries insignificant in the overall scheme of things?

Anyone care to guess? Does anyone really know? Inquiring
minds (and future generations) wish to know...

Rich Webb


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