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Lambic Digest #0275

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Lambic Digest
 · 8 months ago

Lambic Digest #275                             Wed 09 February 1994 

Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator

Belgian brewing ingredients ("Phillip Seitz")
1st time Lambic ("Stephen C. Anthony")
oranges (eurquhar)

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Date: Tue, 08 Feb 94 10:09:14 -0400
From: "Phillip Seitz" <p00644 at>
Subject: Belgian brewing ingredients

Jeff (Where's my beer?) Frane writes:

>I discovered today that F H Steinbart, here in Portland (Beer Heaven)
>Oregon, has gotten a stock of dark Belgian candi sugar (I believe the
>color is somewhere around 250). Price is something like $2.95/lb. Be

While I can't speak for the coloring capacities of dark candi, I can
say that the price here seems reasonable. In Belgian supermarkets I
pay about $1.50 (50 Belgian francs) for a pound. Add some shipping and...

Mark Stickler asks where to get unmalted wheat:

Your local health food store or food coop will definitely have it. Ask
for wheat berries.

David Klein asks:

>when I went to a new grocery store (new for me that is) I made an interesting
>discovery, fresh seville oranges imported from spain.
>these oranges were advertised as sour oranges, and had a hard bumpy orange
>peel. I was wondering if anyone knew their relation to belgian bittering
>oranges (which are also from spain I beleive) (caricao (dont recall exact
>spelling)) and if these wound act as a good substitute.
>I've been preparing for a white, and have just not been able to find bitter
>orange peel anywhere, and would like to know if anyone has had sucess with

Curacao orange is greenish gray; this doesn't sound like the same
thing. Keep in mind that curacao orange peel has little or no orange
flavor--it's all bitterness. You can order curacao orange peel from
the Frozen Wort in Massachusetts. They've had some ads in recent
issues of zymurgy. If you can't find their phone number, send me a
direct E-mail.



Date: Tue, 8 Feb 94 12:00:52 EST
From: "Stephen C. Anthony" <steveo at Think.COM>
Subject: 1st time Lambic

After a recent trip to Belgium, and visiting Cantillon and Ould Beersel, I
got the urge to try to make a lambic. So, I infused 2# wheat with 4# of
light malt and boiled with a couple of ounces of hops.

I had purchased a vial of the peddiococcus (sp?) yeast and to proof it, I
boiled up a pint of water with a cup of malt for 10 minutes. I cooled it
down by imersing the pot in some cold water and when it was cool enough,
added the contents of the vial of yeast. I let that sit covered for 3 days,
and when I added it to the beer, it had no appreciable signs of
fermentation. No foam of any kind. It did, however, have a slightly
butterscotch smell.

So, into the beer it went. It's been over a week now, and I still don't see
any appreciable signs of fermentation. I should ammend that to say that
perhaps a bubble or two from the air lock per day. But other than that,
nothing obvious.

So, is it time to worry? Anyone else have any experience with this? I've
been brewing for 10 years but this is my first Lambic.

Thanks for any thoughts/encouragement.



Date: Tue, 8 Feb 94 09:16:14 -0800
From: eurquhar at
Subject: oranges

Seville or marmalade or sour oranges are extremely close to the real
curacao oranges which was planted a few hundred years ago by the spanairds
on the island of Curacao near the northern end of south America. By them
now as they have a short season. They will freeze nicely. We get alot of
these oranges in B.C.which are grown in Arizona.

Eric Urquhart (eurquhar at
Centre for Pest Management, Dept. of Biological Sciences
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby , B.C. Canada V5A 1S6


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