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Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Social Sciences
Smetanovo nabr. 6
110 01 Prague 1
Czech Republic
e-mail: ISSN 121-5040
tel: (+4202) 22112252, fax: (+4202) 22112219


C A R O L I N A No 416, Friday, April 27, 2001.


ODS Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) celebrated its 10th anniversary
April 21. For the occasion the party hosted its third program conference
on Prague's Zofin Island, where it announced its main goals for next
year's elections.
Membership in the European Union, but not under any condition;
equal taxes for all; the party's main rival will continue to be the
ruling Social Democrats (CSSD); to be in the next government; to be
prepared to win in any electoral system: these are the main points
announced during the conference and will be part of the party's campaign
platform. The party wants foremost to persuade voters that ODS alone
will protect Czech interests during accession to the European Union.
Among important items at the conference were the party's plans for
a "tax revolution" and the Manifest of Eurorealism, presented by Jan
Zahradil, shadow foreign minister. According to ODS Chairman Vaclav
Klaus, the party is determined to present itself in the elections as the
main protector of Czech national interests in EU membership talks
despite the possibility that the party will be described as
isolationist. Zahradil, who in his study calls for a freer EU, also
considers the possibility of the Czech Republic not joining the EU.
Referring to the proposed flat tax for individuals and corporations, ODS
deputy Vlastimil Tlusty said to the daily Lidove noviny, "The concept of
the flat tax is so valuable for us, that its launch would be worth even
a short-term budget deficit."
Martin Roubal/Sofia Karakeva

TV NOVA Boss Zelezny Strikes Back

TV NOVA General Director Vladimir Zelezny publicly denied at
a press conference April 24 any wrongdoing in connection with the two
police charges filed against him April 12. He said the Czech-American
owner of Prague's Longa art gallery, George Novotny, is fully
responsible for the deal in question - customs duties for valuable
paintings purchased by Zelezny and imported from Great Britain were not
paid (see Carolina 415). Zelezny also attacked the CME company, to whom
he was ordered to pay about 27 million USD by the International Court of
Arbitration: he claimed CME falsified documents and manipulated them in
Czech court files.
In the meantime, Zelezny's lawyers paid the customs fees of nearly
7 million crowns, in what Zelezny described at the press conference as
a mix-up, because the amount should be paid by Novotny. Zelezny called
Novotny a fraud and blackmailer, who sold fakes and tried to blackmail
Zelezny in June. Zelezny informed police and Novotny, who faces several
charges of fraud for purchasing paintings and not paying, was later
Martina Oplatkova/Milan Smid

* Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan arrived on a three-day visit
to the Czech Republic April 21. This visit, the first by a Chinese
politician in five years, should bring Prague and Beijing closer.
Relations have cooled since Forum 2000, when the Czech Republic invited
former Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui and the Tibetan Dalai Lama. Tang
Jiaxuan said to the Czech daily Pravo that state representatives are
a key for cooperation. China opposes invitations to or visits by
Taiwanese politicians to the Czech Republic. Beijing considers Taiwan
its territory and refuses to accept its independence.
Marketa Bartosova/Sofia Karakeva
* Jan Kasal and Cyril Svoboda will run for chairman of the Christian
Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People's Party (KDU-CSL) at the party
conference in May. The two faced each other two years ago at the
conference in Ceske Budejovice. Svoboda, briefly the leader of the
Four-Party Coalition, was nominated by the party's Prague organization.
He also received support from party organizations in the Karlovy Vary
(Carlsbad) and Pilsen (Plzen) regions. The Liberec region has given its
support to Kasal.
Marketa Bartosova/Sofia Karakeva
* A train carrying nuclear fuel for the Temelin nuclear power station
in Southern Bohemia passed the Polish-Czech border without
complications. The government kept the transport secret, as the law
allows. Local politicians, in communities the transport passed through,
expressed criticism.
Zuzana Boleslavova/Sofia Karakeva

Austrian Government Take Tougher Position on Temelin

Despite initial positive reception of the report on the Temelin
Nuclear Power Station's (JETE) impact on the environment (see Carolina
415), Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel's Cabinet toughened its stance and
asked for additional work on the report. According to Schuessel's
statement April 24, the report is not complete and the conditions for
launching Temelin have not yet been met.
Although the schedule of the Czech-Austrian treaty on Temelin from
Melk (see Carolina 398) is still upheld by both sides, it can be
expected that strong pressure on the Austrian government from Temelin
opponents and environmental groups will continue.
Pavla Krizkova/Milan Smid

Resolution against Cuba Passed

The UN Commission for Human Rights in Geneva passed April 18 the
Czech resolution which criticizes the state of human rights in Cuba.
Twenty-two states voted for the resolution, 20 were against, 10
abstained from voting and one state was absent.
The Czech Republic had to retract from its original version of the
resolution a passage criticizing the US economic embargo against the
Castro regime. Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kavan said he believes the
sanctions cannot force Castro to respect human rights. US diplomacy took
umbrage against the passage and US Secretary of State Colin Powell last
month called President Vaclav Havel on a Saturday to express his
displeasure. The Czech side deleted the controversial paragraphs.
The final version of the text calls on the international community
to take acts which will lead to respect for human rights and the
improvement of economic conditions in Cuba. Czech diplomacy said the
resolution is a Czech victory, but Cuba was also satisfied with the
number of states that voted against the resolution.
Marie Valaskova/Simon Dominik

Anton Malloth Finally on Trial

The trial of Anton Malloth began in Munich April 23 after years of
waiting. The former SS soldier and guard in the Gestapo prison at
Terezin (Theresienstadt) faces three murder charges and one count of
attempted murder. The crimes allegedly happened in 1943-45.
Malloth was sentenced in 1948 by a Czechoslovak court but this
verdict was later cancelled due to a trial in Germany. The German Police
repeatedly investigated Malloth but never gathered enough evidence. The
key testimony was obtained not long ago from a Czech witness who said he
saw Malloth shoot dead a Jewish prisoner who tried to hide a cauliflower
under his shirt when working in the fields.
The trial will last for 12 weeks due to Malloth's health condition.
He is confined to a wheelchair and has poor eyesight and cancer but
doctors ruled he is fit to stand trial and understands the charges.
Marie Valaskova/Simon Dominik

Dzurinda Says Hungarian Law Could Cause Riots in Slovakia

Slovak Premier Mikulas Dzurinda told his Hungarian counterpart
Viktor Orban his fears about the proposed Foreign Hungarians' Status Act
during a one-day official visit to Hungary April 23. Dzurinda said the
law could cause tension in Southern Slovakia. However, Orban assured
Dzurinda that Budapest was ready to consult some aspects with
The Hungarian Parliament has been discussing the act since last
week and, according to Orban, the purpose is to encourage Hungarian
minorities abroad to participate in preserving their language and
culture. The bill provides Hungarian citizens living abroad certain
rights and social advantages. The law would affect the large Hungarian
communities in Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and elsewhere.
The politicians also discussed the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Dam and
cooperation concerning Romany emigration. They signed two international
agreements about giving access to historic monuments and natural
reservations and about cooperation at border posts.

* Belgium and Denmark have registered more than 100 Slovak Romanies'
applications for asylum in the few days since the EU cancelled visa
requirements for Slovaks. Premier Mikulas Dzurinda reacted by calling
his Belgian colleague Guy Verhofstadt to talk about the steps Bratislava
would take this week.
* Pavol Rusko, one of the owners of the Slovak commercial television
station TV Markiza, helped April 22 found a new political party, the New
Citizen Alliance (ANO). The new party, according to Rusko to the right
of the mainstream with a stress on liberal values, plans to change the
present situation in Slovakia. The party's program emphasizes
employment, education and healthcare. Among the members are, along with
TV Markiza celebrities, soccer player Dusan Tittel and basketball player
Stanislav Kropilak.
From Slovakia by Veronika Pavlu/Adam Fendrych

Philips, Matsushita and Parker Named Investors of 2000

The Investor of the Year competition, which was held under the
auspices of the Trade and Industry Ministry, revealed its winners for
2000 in three categories. Philips Display Components was awarded the
Biggest Green-Field Investment; the company intends to invest as much as
7.4 billion crowns in a factory producing TV screens in Hranice na
Morave. The Biggest Expansion award went to Japan's Matsushita, which
invested 2.738 billion crowns in producing TV sets in Pilsen. The
Investment with the Biggest Social Contribution category was won by the
American company Parker Hannifin, which invested 370 million crowns in
automobile-parts production in Chomutov, a town long suffering a high
unemployment rate.
The results were announced April 24 by Martin Jahn, general
director of Czechinvest, the company which organized the contest
together with the Association for Foreign Investments. The daily Pravo
quoted the Deputy Trade Minister Vaclav Petricek: "We want to show
foreign investors that we appreciate the value their projects have for
Czech economy, foremost for creating new jobs, bringing modern
technology and know-how and using the potential of Czech
Katerina Kunovska/Stepan Vorlicek

* Data about the trade balance of the Czech Republic in March showed
a decline - the deficit was 13.9 billion crowns, which is 8 million
crowns more than March 2000. The 2001 first-quarter deficit has reached
30.1 billion crowns. Apart from the traditionally high imports of fuel,
last month saw increased imports of machinery and vehicles. For example,
Czech Airlines bought a Boeing aircraft worth 1 billion crowns.
Computers were also imported more. Imports were up by 24.6 per cent
compared to March 2000, while exports rose by 17.9 per cent.
* The biggest Czech producer of condoms and latex goods, Vulkan
Hradek nad Nisou, has a new owner - the American company Telnet, which
now holds 54.15 per cent of the company's shares. The company says it
does not want to keep the shares long, though, as they are about to be
passed on to the J&T Securities group. Vulkan is the leading condom
producer in the Czech Republic, controlling as much as 65 per cent of
the market; more than a half of the production is exported to some 40
* A new Skoda model, the Fabia Sedan, was introduced at the 5th
Prague Motorist Spring exhibition April 19-22.
Radim Hladik, Martina Parizkova/Stepan Vorlicek

Rates at the Czech National Bank (valid April 27)
1 EUR = 34.650

country currency CZK
Australia 1 AUD 19.478
Great Britain 1 GBP 55.641
Denmark 1 DKK 4.643
Japan 100 JPY 31.513
Canada 1 CAD 24.981
IMF 1 XDR 49.128
Hungary 100 HUF 12.970
Norway 1 NOK 4.246
New Zealand 1 NZD 15.801
Poland 1 PLN 9.636
Slovakia 100 SKK 79.756
Slovenia 100 SIT 15.993
Sweden 1 SEK 3.787
Switzerland 1 CHF 22.605
USA 1 USD 38.665

Exchange Rates of countries participating in the euro
(converted from the euro rate)
country currency CZK
Germany 1 DEM 17.716
Belgium 100 BEF 85.895
Finland 1 FIM 5.828
France 1 FRF 5.282
Ireland 1 IEP 43.996
Italy 1000 ITL 17.895
Luxemburg 100 LUF 84.895
Netherlands 1 NLG 15.723
Portugal 100 PTE 17.283
Austria 1 ATS 2.518
Greece 100 GRD 10.169
Spain 100 ESP 20.825

Best Stage Performance for 2000 - Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

The 2000 Alfred Radok Awards, organized by the magazine World and
Theater since 1992, were presented April 20 in Prague's National
Theater. The winner for best stage performance was Dmitri
Shostakovich's opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, directed for the National
Theater by David Radok.
David Radok, son of the thespian and film director for whom the
award is named, lives in Goteborg, Sweden, where the family emigrated
after 1968. In the Czech Republic he directs the works of Mozart,
Shostakovich and others.
Other winners included: the Bronze Egg for best female performance
was given to Slovak actress Klaudia Dernerova for her part in Lady
Macbeth. The award for best male performance was given to Jan Potmesil
for his performance as Shakespeare's Richard III. The play was produced
by Jakub Spalek in Prague Kaspar Theater Group. The best theater play to
have its Czech premiere last year was Mark Ravenhill's play Faust (Faust
is dead), produced by Jiri Pokorny's HaTheater (HaDivadlo) in Brno. Ales
Votava received the award for best scenery, Vladimir Franz for music and
talent of the year was actor Richard Krajco from Ostrava.
Zuzana Boleslavova/Sofia Karakeva

Soccer League: Sparta Wins League after 1-0 Win over Bohemians

With a poor 1-0 win over Bohemians in the 25th round, Sparta Praha
closed its quest to recapture the Czech soccer league regular-season
championship. It is 16 points ahead of Olomouc in the standings and is
guaranteed of the title. "I am calm before games, but I have to admit
I was a little nervous today," said coach Ivan Hasek. "Everybody
expected we would celebrate the title, if we didn't succeed, it would
have been embarrassing for the fans, who were looking forward to the
Immediately after the referee's final whistle, fireworks went off
above the Sparta's Letna Stadium, champagne corks popped and the players
put on T-shirts saying "Champions Again."
The win was not an easy one. Bohemians' players kept Sparta far
from their goal thanks to careful combinations, but they were unable to
score, Matuszny's shot to goalkeeper Postulka was the biggest Bohemians'
chance. In the 50th minute, 18-year-old Tomas Jun scored the 500th goal
for Sparta in the soccer league since the division of Czechoslovakia.
Results of the 25th round: Sparta Praha - Bohemians Praha 1-0,
Pribram - Drnovice 1-1, Brno - Slavia Praha 0-2, Zizkov - Ceske
Budejovice 2-0, Jablonec - Blsany 0-2, Olomouc - Stare Mesto 3-2,
Teplice - Plzen 5-1, Ostrava - Liberec 0-1.
Standings: 1. Sparta Praha 60 points, 2. Olomouc 44, 3. Pribram
41, 4. Zizkov 41, 5. Slavia Praha 40, 6. Teplice 39, 7. Liberec 38, 8.
Drnovice 34, 9. Stare Mesto 30, 10. Bohemians Praha 30, 11. Blsany 29,
12. Jablonec 29, 13. Brno 26, 14. Ostrava 26, 15. Ceske Budejovice 22,
16. Plzen 15.
Petr Adam/Mirek Langer

Liberec Wins Volleyball Title after 18 Years

The fourth game of the finals in Ceske Budejovice determined the
winner of the volleyball extraleague. Dukla Liberec defeated Jihostroj
Ceske Budejovice 3-2 and won the series 3-1. Liberec followed its Czech
Cup win, where it beat Ceske Budejovice, too.
Zdenek Pommer, coach of Ceske Budejovice, said he believed his
players would ensure the right to play the fifth game in Liberec.
However, he had to admit that Liberec's players "were tougher and
survived the tense atmosphere".
Martina Parizkova/Mirek Langer

* The Czech Republic met Russia in two friendly matches before the
ice hockey World Championships in Germany. The first game finished in
a 2-2 tie in Brno April 21. In the second game in Zlin, the Czechs
allowed two goals within 77 seconds in the third period and lost 2-4.
The Czech Republic played six games against Russia this year and has not
won any.
Pavla Reznickova/Mirek Langer

Sunshine, sunshine reggae!
Good news - the sun grasped the point and finally woke up. The
swallows are here to swallow early worms and the temperatures are
getting into the teens Celsius/50's and 60's Fahrenheit. Okay, they keep
on telling us a cold front will strike again, mornings and nights are
a little chilly and avid skiers can even take out their bikinis and hit
the late snow, but who cares! Shed your winter layers, breathe in the
fresh air and bloom: Spring has come!!! Tourists are flooding into town
and the bouquet of the evening air tickles your senses - slow down, look
around and recharge your batteries - Love is in the air!
Jana Niklova/Stepan Vorlicek
English version edited by Michael Bluhm.

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