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Faculty of Social Science of Charles University
Smetanovo nabr. 6
110 01 Prague 1
Czech Republic
tel: (+4202) 24810804, ext. 252, fax: (+4202) 24810987


C A R O L I N A No.391, Friday, October 27, 2000

FROM THE EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK (October 18 - October 25)

Parliament Passes Proposed 2001 State Budget in First Reading

Parliament October 19 passed the first reading of the proposed
2001 state budget, which calls for income of 636.2 billion crowns and
expenditures of 685.2 billion crowns. The planned deficit is 49 billion
crowns. The government says education is its top priority for next year.
Of the 182 present deputies, 127 voted for the proposal, all of
them members of the Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD) and the Civic
Democratic Party (ODS). The minority government's proposal passed only
thanks to the support of the ODS, the Social Democrats' partner in the
Opposition Contract. Deputies of the Freedom Union (US) and the
Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) voted against the budget proposal and
Communist deputies abstained.
Before the vote, representatives of ODS and the Social Democrats
met to discuss the terms according to which ODS would be willing to
support the budget. The Social Democrats agreed to the ODS request to
use 20 billion crowns from privatization proceeds to eliminate the
state's debt. The Social Democrats also agreed that the country will
auction off four UMTS telecommunication licenses, which should create
greater income than the estimated 20 billion crowns from the previously
planned direct sale. Extra income would be invested in transportation
and housing and to reduce the debt further.
The reason the deficit exceeds 30 billion crowns - the sum to which
the Social Democrats had committed in the Opposition Contract - is that
the budget was prepared according to new rules, so it must now contain
the 20-billion-crown loss of the state-owned Consolidation Bank.
While the totals for income and expenditures cannot be changed,
individual budget items are expected to be discussed heatedly during the
next two months.
Jana Niklova/Sofia Karakeva

Belgian Royal Couple Start Visit to Czech Republic in Prague

Belgian King Albert II and his wife Paola arrived in Prague October
24 for a three-day visit. This is the first official visit of the
Belgian monarch to the Czech Republic.
Having received the military honors in the Prague Castle courtyard,
the king was welcomed by the President Vaclav Havel and his wife and the
couples had lunch together. King Albert II received from Prague Mayor
Jan Kasal a key to the city. The king walked through the Old Town across
the Charles Bridge to the Lichtenstein Palace, where he met Senate
Chairwoman Libuse Benesova and Parliament Chairman Vaclav Klaus.
The official reason for the visit is to cement relations between
the countries. Questions of the economic interests of Belgium in the
Czech Republic are being discussed as well. Belgium is the
fifth-largest foreign investor in this country (the Belgian KBC Bank
controls a majority of the deposits in the Czech Republic). Another
topic of discussion was the expansion of the EU (Belgium will chair the
EU in the second half of next year).
Pavla Krizkova/Pavla Krizkova

Ex-Justice Minister Motejl Chosen As Senate Candidate for Ombudsman

Former Justice Minister Otakar Motejl, whose resignation was
accepted by President Vaclav Havel October 16, was chosen three days
after his resignation by the Senate as the first of their two candidates
for the post of ombudsman. Motejl received 46 of 67 votes in the Senate.
Marie Hoskova of the Supreme Audit Office was chosen as the second
candidate in the second round of voting (she received 35 from 63 votes).
President Vaclav Havel can also name candidates for the post and is
expected to do so within a week.
Jakub Vavruska/Pavla Krizkova

* In an extraordinary Cabinet meeting October 23 the government
passed a bill on protection from health damage caused by tobacco
products, alcohol and other addictive drugs. The bill would be stricter
primarily in the fight against smoking. The legal drinking age will
remain 18. Health Minister Bohumil Fiser said there would be stricter
punishments for the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors. He also
managed to include a provision banning the sale of candies having the
shape of tobacco products.
* Former pro tennis player Martin Srejbr, one of the central figures
in the financing scandal of the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), returned
from the USA to the Czech Republic. Srejbr October 20 went to the City
Court to pick up an indictment against him. He is charged with abusing
inside information, the trial should take place at the beginning of
November. Srejbr would face up to 12 years in prison if convicted.
* Czech President Vaclav Havel October 24 granted amnesty to an
Austrian demonstrator who took part in the violence during the annual
meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank held in
Prague in September. According to police, the 16-year-old demonstrator
broke the back windshield wiper of two cars and the window of one of
them. The damage of some 7,000 was paid by his parents to the car owners
and the youth apologized to them. Havel's representatives say the owners
do not want the youth to be prosecuted further.
Veronika Pavlu, Tereza Polachova, Martina Parizkova/Sofia Karakeva

Zeman Meets Pope in Rome

Before starting his official visit to Italy, Prime Minister Milos
Zeman met Pope John Paul II October 22 during the Millenium concert of
the Brno State Philharmonic in the Vatican. Zeman was received also by
the Vatican Secretary of State Angelo Sodan, with whom he discussed the
future treaty between the Czech Republic and the Vatican. The Czech
Republic is the only Central and Eastern European country that has not
settled its affairs with the Vatican, because of the unresolved issue of
the restitution of former church property.
During his official visit to Italy October 23-25, Zeman met Italian
Prime Minister Giuliano Amato, President Carolo Ciampi and
representatives of Italian industry. They discussed Czech membership in
the EU, Italian investments to the Czech Republic and the Czech nuclear
power plant Temelin.

Kavan Visits Yugoslavia and Austria

Foreign Minister Jan Kavan gave assurances to newly elected
Yugoslav President Voyislav Kostunica that Czech foreign policy will
support re-incorporating Yugoslavia into various international
institutions and will respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty
of the Yugoslav Republic.
Kavan met Kostunica October 23 in Belgrade and said the Czech
Republic is ready to help repair objects destroyed by the NATO bombing
campaign, such as the Kolubara power station.
On October 24 Kavan arrived in Vienna, where he met Austrian
Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel. They agreed on the date of a meeting
between Schuessel and Czech Prime Minister Milos Zeman October 31. Kavan
in Vienna signed the treaty on Austrian compensation for the victims of
forced labor in World War II. Besides the Czech Republic, the treaty was
signed by the representatives of the US and four Central and Eastern
European countries. Russia will sign the treaty later.

Schroeder Strengthens Slovak Hopes for Joining EU

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder made his first official visit
to Slovakia October 23. During a meeting with Slovak Premier Mikulas
Dzurinda, Schroeder expressed his pleasure with the evolution of
democracy in Slovakia and expressed support for Slovakia's efforts to
joining the European Union.
The main topic of the 50-minute dialogue was Slovak-German
relations. Schroeder said if the Slovak government coalition continues
its preparations for joining the EU, Slovakia will be ready for
membership in 2003, the earliest expected date for the expansion of the
union. "This development is the work of the present Slovak government
and any other policy would send Slovakia backwards," Schroeder said,
evidently referring to the efforts of the opposition to call early
elections (a referendum on the subject will be held November 11).
Schroeder talked to students and representatives of non-government
organizations in Bratislava and visited the historical center of the
Eva Hejzlarova/Ondrej Maly

New Leadership for Christian Democratic Movement

Pavol Hrusovsky was elected the new chairman of the Christian
Democratic Movement (KDH) during the October 21-22 party congress in
Trencin. He received 249 of 440 votes. His opponent Jan Figel, an
official at the Foreign Ministry, received 70 fewer votes. After 10
years, former KDH Chairman Jan Carnogursky stepped down. He said he "did
not feel unified support and the possibility to proclaim his opinions
Hrusovsky said the movement will never join any other political
subject and will continue in its conservative policies, supporting
family values. Hrusovsky said Slovakia's main objectives are still
joining EU and NATO.
Eva Hejzlarova/Veronika Hankusova

* Slovak, Czech, Austrian, Hungarian and Polish interior ministers
met in Bratislava to discuss cooperation in fighting organized crime.
They discussed illegal migration and the smuggling of drugs, arms and
nuclear material.
* The unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level of the past
14 months. The rate was 20.54 per cent in January and 17.5 per cent in
September. There are 472,540 people registered as unemployed. Experts
say the cause of the decrease is community-service work and that the
rate should rise again after the projects are complete. The unemployment
rate in Slovakia is the fourth-highest in Europe after Russia, Ukraine
and Croatia.
Veronika Pavlu/Stepan Vorlicek

* Let Kunovice, the biggest Czech producer of civil aircrafts, was
placed in bankruptcy October 24. The American owner, Ayres Corporation,
is keeping the factory running, but says it will close the factory if an
investor is not found.
* Zetor Brno restarted the production of tractors October 23 after
18 months of idleness. All tractors will be made to order, none will be
for retail sale. The Consolidation Bank has given a loan of 700 million
crowns to renew production.
* The Czech trade-balance deficit has fallen from 15 billion crowns
in August to 4 billion crowns in September. The improvement seems to be
a seasonal matter brought about by the increased export of vehicles and
* The Dutch company Saluka Investments, which belongs to the Nomura
family, announced October 18 it would sue the Finance Ministry for at
least 30.5 billion crowns. The money would represent damage compensation
for the loss incurred in the Investment and Postal Bank (Investicni
a postovni banka, IPB). The ministry placed the bank under forced
administration in June and sold the bank to the Czechoslovak Trade Bank
(Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, CSOB). Nomura is also threatening to
take the case to international arbitration in Stockholm.
Katerina Kunovska, Tereza Polachova/Stepan Vorlicek

Rates at the Czech National Bank (valid October 27)
1 EUR = 34.820

country currency CZK
Australia 1 AUD 21.782
Great Britain 1 GBP 59.968
Denmark 1 DKK 4.678
Japan 100 JPY 39.012
Canada 1 CAD 27.805
IMF 1 XDR 53.810
Hungary 100 HUF 13.247
Norway 1 NOK 4.388
New Zealand 1 NZD 16.773
Poland 1 PLN 8.997
Greece 100 GRD 10.255
Slovakia 100 SKK 79.962
Slovenia 100 SIT 16.550
Sweden 1 SEK 4.107
Switzerland 1 CHF 23.954
USA 1 USD 42.127

Exchange Rates of countries participating in the euro
(converted from the euro rate)
country currency CZK
Germany 1 DEM 17.803
Belgium 100 BEF 86.317
Finland 1 FIM 5.856
France 1 FRF 5.308
Ireland 1 IEP 44.212
Italy 1000 ITL 17.983
Luxemburg 100 LUF 86.317
Netherlands 1 NLG 15.801
Portugal 100 PTE 17.368
Austria 1 ATS 2.530
Spain 100 ESP 20.927

Karel Siktanc and Anna Valentova Receive State Literature Awards

Culture Minister Pavel Dostal October 19 presented at Prague Castle
the 2000 State Literature Awards. The award for an original work went to
poet, writer and translator Karel Siktanc. Anna Valentova won the award
for a translated work for her version of Peter Nadas' novel The Book of
Memory and for previous translations from Hungarian. The awards were
initiated in 1995 by former Culture Minister Pavel Tigrid.
Siktanc, together with Jiri Sotola, Miroslav Holub and Miroslav
Florian, came together in the the magazine Kveten and were known for
their poetry of the everyday. Siktanc, born in 1928, was a reporter for
Czechoslovak Radio, between 1961 and 1971 he was editor-in-chief of the
Mlada fronta publishers. From then he was a victim of political
persecution. He says he writes about seven poems a year, he also writes
children's books.
Marketa Bartosova/Adam Fendrych

* Jan Hrebejk's film We Must Help Each Other (Musime si pomahat) was
chosen October 24 as the Czech Republic's nominee for the Oscar for best
foreign-language film. The unkind comedy set during the Nazi occupation
is the director's third film. His last film, Cozy Nests (Pelisky), was
the most successful Czech film of 1999.
* The new Czech film Victims and Murderers (Obeti a vrazi) had its
premiere October 19. It is the debut for director Andrea Sedlackova, who
shuttles between Prague and Paris. She described the film, about the
lifelong self-destructive co-dependence between a brother and sister, as
a "love horror story." The main characters are played by Karel Roden,
Ivana Chylkova and Monika Hilmerova.
* The international festival Theater (Divadlo), for professionals and
the public at large, ended in Pilsen (Plzen) October 22. The final
performance was an experimental multi-media adaptation of Shakespeare's
MacBeth by a Latvian theater troupe. Audiences enjoyed the performance
by Moscow's Taganka Theater that presented the world as a psychiatric
clinic, another hit was the Czech classic Marysa by the Mrstik Brothers,
performed by the Klicpera Theater from Hradec Kralove.
* Noted literary critic, historian and political figure Eduard
Goldstucker died in Prague October 23 at the age of 87. His main
interest was Prague's German-language literature. Goldstucker wrote
about Franz Werfel, Egon Erwin Kisch and extensively about Franz Kafka,
as Goldstucker helped end the embarrassing Czech silence on Kafka.
During World War II and from 1969 to 1991 he lived in exile in Great
Britain, teaching at various British universities.
Martina Oplatkova, Marketa Bartosova/Zdenek Sloboda

Sparta Still Leads Standings of Soccer Gambrinus League

The attraction of the 11th round of the Czech soccer league was the
match between Sparta and Liberec to decide first place in the league
chart. Sparta defeated Liberec 4-1.
Results of the 11th round:: Zizkov - Slavia 1:2, Sparta - Liberec
4:1, Pribram - Synot 4:1, Jablonec - Budejovice 1:1, Ostrava - Blsany
1:1, Olomouc - Plzen 4:0, Brno - Drnovice 0:0, Teplice - Bohemians 3:0
The chart is still incomplete due to several postponed matches;
Sparta with 24 points is on top, followed by Liberec (23) and Teplice
(18); Brno (5) is at the bottom of the chart.

Hockey Telecom Extraleague

Results of the the 15th round: Vsetin - Kladno 4:3, Trinec - Znojmo
4:1, Ceske Budejovice - Zlin 3:3, Havirov - Plzen 1:2 (in overtime),
Sparta - Vitkovice 2:2, Pardubice - Litvinov 6:4, Karlovy Vary - Slavia
Results of the the 16th round: Zlin - Pardubice 0:2, Karlovy Vary
- Vitkovice 2:1, Slavia - Havirov 9:2, Trinec - Ceske Budejovice 4:2,
Znojmo - Vsetin 3:5, Kladno - Litvinov 4:2, Plzen - Sparta 7:4
Standings after 16 rounds: 1. Pardubice 32 bodu, 2. Vsetin
32, 3. Plzen 30, 4. Sparta 29, 5. Vitkovice 29, 6. Litvinov 29, 7.
Trinec 25, 8. Zlin 21, 9. Slavia 19, 10. Karlovy Vary 17, 11. Havirov
17, 12. Znojmo 15, 13. Ceske Budejovice 15, 14. Kladno 14.

* Pele arrived in Prague in cognito October 23 to celebrate his 60th
birthday. Pele also said the trip was a belated honeymoon for him and
his second wife, whom he married four years ago.
Zuzana Boleslavova

After above-average temperatures last week, the weather began to
return to its usual October levels before last weekend. Daytime
temperatures were between 12 degrees and 16 degrees Celsius/55 degrees
and 61 degrees Fahrenheit, while at night the mercury fell below 10
degrees Celsius/50 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. There was
occasional fog in the morning and evening, and some rain. Many people
are suffering from their first cold of the season, but no flu bug
resulting from the cold weather has yet appeared.
Radim Hladik/Adam Fendrych
English version edited by Michael Bluhm.

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