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Carolina (English) No 018

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School of Social Science of Charles University
Smetanovo nabr. 6
110 01 Prague 1


C A R O L I N A No 18, Friday, March 13, 1992.


Vaclav Havel in BBC

Last issue of Carolina brought up a telephone number to put the question
to President Havel who was a guest of BBC abroad broadcasting on
March,8. The questions of listeners from Japan, USA and also from
Moravia and the President's answers broadcasted radio station
Ceskoslovensko too. Its broadcasting lasted one hour. We chose one

Could be the materials from former Secret police accessed by public?

The Federal Assembly ask the Government of CSFR to take meaures to
enable each Czechoslovakian citizen to look at the materials of former
secret police dealing with him.
This conclusion was accepted by the members of the Parliament on March
4. The report from the Commission for 17 November events' investigations
was presented at the same day.

Parents' benefit increased for 1200 KCS per month

The members of the Parliament passed the increase of the parents'
benefit for 1200 Kcs per month. The benefit will get mother or father
taking care whole day of child untill 3 years of age or untill 7 if the
child is handicapped. The person accepting parents' benefit can also
work but his wage can't be more than 1000 Kcs per month.
The Government's proposal of the amendement on parents' benefit law was
accepted unanimously.

Dubcek on the list of candidates of Slovak social democrats

Our massmedia published information that the Chairman of the Parliament
Alexandr Dubcek accepted an offer to candidate for Social-Democratic
Party in Slovakia in the nearest elections.
Dubcek, the top representative of reform communists on 1968, has still
a big popularity in Slovakia. He represented firstly government party
the Public against violence in this election's period. Recently he acts
as the independent MP.

Elections to the national Parliaments will be on June, 5-6

The elections to the Czech and Slovak National Coucils will take place
at the same day as the elections to the Parliament, Federal Assembly.
The date of both elections is June, 5-6.

Will be an amendement on lustrace law?

International Labour Organization- ILO- warned Czechoslovakia that
screening law should be cancelled or amended. Lustrace law- according to
ILO- breaks the rights of trade unions and dicriminates people according
to their political convince.
99 MPs ask the Constitution Court to cancel the lustrace law. 15 pages
of law analysis include the facts proving that lustrace law breaks
Documents of basic rights and freedem as well as other laws and
international obligations joined by Czechoslovakia.
The group of MPs- from Civic Movement/OH/, social democratic
oreintation, the Party of Democratic Left Wing, Communistic Party of
Bohemia and Moravia, Movement for Democrtatic Slovakia, Hungarian
Christian-democratic Movement - will be represented by Petr Uhl in
court. Petr Uhl is member of Civic Movement and contemporary director of
Czechoslovakian press agency.

Vaclav Havel as a Witness in Court

Vaclav Havel acted as an afflicted witness in the trial with the F.
Kincl, former federal Minister of Interior Affairs. Mlada fronta Dnes
newspaper wrote that the President was as a witness in court firstly in
Czechoslovakian history.

Breaking up of the Government Coalition

Two movements that won last elections- Civic Forum and Public against
violence - were broken up in spring last year. Christian-democratic
Movement/KDH/, other coalition party was suffered by break-up this year
on March 7 .The coexistence of two contraversial streams endangered the
stability of Slovakian Parliament. It was clearly seen in its last
session where was not accepted the future concept of our state.
The pragmatic wing is represented by Jan Carnogursky-the chairman of KDH
and Slovakian prime minister.Seperated minority group that was named
Slovakian Christian-democratic Movement/SKDH/ agreed on the coalition
untill elections. SKDH will present its own list of the candidates.


When we started issuing Carolina, we promised to publish not only news
reporting but also commentaries and statmens about political situation
in Czechoslovakia.
We want to decorate strictly informating pages . We want also to make
information more understable in this way. We believe that the expression
of the subjective attitude will explain some background. The background
is known for home reader but for the reader abroad it could be help for
better orientation in our difficult and unlucid political situation.

Munchen Agreement Again

Most of the time is spent by our politics to solve Czech-Slovakian
relationship. The original problem was to find the way of two nation's
common living that guarantees their equality. The original problems
turned into Hamlet's guestion about common state 's being and non-being.
On both sides are more and more defenders of state's divison who prove
that the Czech and Slovak approach towards state's concept and
economical reform are different. They remind the unsucces of two year's
negotiating of the National Parliaments. The core of common agreement
that was created il last negotiation in Milovy was refused by the
Slovakian Parliament. The Federal Parliament is not able to pass any
neccessary constitution law because of the blocade from nationalistic
Slovakian parties. The important role plays as well the result of the
nearest elections. In Czech republic is right-wing party - Civic
Democratic Party/ODS/ enforcin common state and economic reform
- expected to win. In Slovakia will probablu win the block of the
parties famous with the separatism and left-wing demagogy. The parties
insisting on federation get minimal support howewer the majority of
Slovaks doesn't wish a divided state. That's why will be more diffucult
for the future national representatives to find common languagge.
However there are many reasons for the steps towards state's division
I'm not follower of a such solution. One thing is accoridng to my
opinion more important than all objective political and economical
conditions. This thing is the character of both nations. The Czech
character is typical of Munchen-behaviour. Hitler made the England and
France ,under threat of a war, to agree that Czechoslovakian border
areas will became a part of Great German Empiror in Munchen conference
in September 1938. Czechoslovakia accepted the Munchen agreement after
short hesitating because the result of the war with Germany could be the
death of a half of nation. Giving of the border area to Germany was
followed by supression and loss of selfconfidence and national
proudness. The German army occupied the rest of Czech territory in March
Since that time the munchen syndrom is implemented in Czech history. The
surrenders' spirit starts lead the society in most important moments in
our history. People are not able to bear personal responsibility for
common interest and they became very easily a aprt of organized violence
because of their internal uncertainty and self-doubting feelings. It was
shown after succesfull communistic coup in February 1948 and after
Soviet invasion in August 1968.
I'm afraid that occasional break-up of commont state will be
interpteted as other Munchen. Munchen-behaviour will not allow to us to
find the balance in a new situation. I'm not sure if our unstabil
democrasy will survive so strong shock. I'm afraide to presay what will
be founded from the social frustration. Probably a lot of personalities
who created a new leadership after November revolution and who still are
guarenteers of the democratic development , would step down.
I don't want to draw catastrophical visions but I think we can keep the
democrasy only under condition of maintaining the common state. Vaclav
Havel has the same opinion.
In my opinion the possibility of common agreement stil exists because
the nationalism can't be long-lasting. The matter is to come over the
period of unstability that is characteristic for all post-communistic
Jakub Camrda


Remember the future

Documentary film-Literal Profile of Prague- was presented in Prague's
Goethe Institut in March 3. President Havel took part in the
presentation as well.
One-hour lasting montage made by students of the Faculty of Arts in
1969 shows Czech writers in a year zero. From spring 1969 the human and
artist fates of writers and poets started being different. Hrabal,
Otcenasek, Drda, Jungmann, Kainar, Hirsal, Holan, Kolar,
Vyskocil,Prochazka, Havel.
Socialistic realism, absurd drama, experimental poetry. Official writers
in Dobris castle, unofficial in pub at Gold Tiger and poetic wine pub
Viola. Discussions in faculties at the time of first students' strike
and desire after defeat of USSR in ice hokkey world cup.
The movie had a strange fate. Originally it had to be a part of cycle
"Literal Profiles of European Big Cities" planned by German literal
coloquiem. But it was srceened at the time of full normalization. The
material was smugglled via Finland to Germany where was broadcasted by
television in autumn 1969.
Commentary was written by Walter Hollerer, the proffessor of literla
comparistic form Berlin. He presented the movie in Prague. It was the
first and maybe last presentation in Czechoslovakia if our television
will not be interested. The involved in 1969 personalities meet
themselves in the movie. And they know the end of their story.

Club Delta
We introduce the clubs for people young not only according to their age

Club Delta was founded in 1987 by Eva Merickova . It is a part of local
house on Prague 6 now. The director of the club Zuzana Jachymova said
that not only known groups but also starting ones are playing here.
Besides perfomances the exhibition are held. Mostly young painters show
their works in month's cycles. There is cinema too and from October
1991 started very attractive cinema club. Theatre-North American Theatre
playing in English- is also part of Club Delta.
Morning's perfomances are devoted to secondary-school students that can
practise their English there without any fear. The English is said to be
understable here.
The Delta Club includes the centre of courses-languagge, musical and
body moving . The fairs "Teplice in Prague" and "Gathering of the poets"
are very interesting too.
Only for some of the club's programmes
are the tickets sold out. The visitors' problem know other clubs out of
the Prague's center as well.

Comedian in Vinohrady theatre

Two worlds of Archie Ric- the world of a leaving music-hall and the
world of Archie family's breaking up. These two worlds met each other in
play written by English play writer John Osborn. The play is named
"Comedian" , the main role and title face of comedian Archie plays
Jaromir Hanzlik. The perfomance is directed by Jaroslav Dudek. Jaromir
Hanzlik follows the tradition of sir Laurenc Olivier-he firstly played
Archie- and Ladislav Pesek-first Czech actor playing Archie.

We Ask for Help

Bohumil/Bob/ Krcil is known especially abroad as photographer and editor
of exil literature. He was born in Prostejov and left our country in
1969. Today he lives in Manhattan. He completed the book "Czech
photography in exile" in New York that was issued now in the occasion of
his exhibition in Czechoslovakia. Since last year is Bob ill with
cancer. He is depended on his mother living in Czechoslovakia. Respekt
magazin challenged everybody to send him financial support or letter.
The addresse is: Bohumil Krcil, 162 Allen Street, Apt. 17, New York, MY
10002, USA.
This news may be published only with "CAROLINA" designation.

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