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Mead Lovers Digest #1229

Subject: Mead Lover's Digest #1229, 18 November 2005
Mead Lover's Digest #1229 18 November 2005
Forum for Discussion of Mead Making and Consuming
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor
carbonation and attitude? (Dick Dunn)
Re: Raspberry honey (Phil)
RE: Raspberry Honey (Dick Adams)
Re:Raspberry Honey (Dick Adams) (Robert Keith Moore)
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Subject: carbonation and attitude?
From: (Dick Dunn)
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 22:16:08 -0700 (MST)
In Mead Lover's Digest #1228, Chuck Wettergreen <>
...[discussion elided]...
> ...Therefore I ask that the judging forms
> for mead and cider have an additional "petulant"
> category added in addition to "still" and
> "carbonated".
I would much prefer that the additional characterization of carbonation be
called "petillant"! I know that spelling flames are declasse, but I'm
feeling petulant at the moment.
- ---
Dick Dunn Hygiene, Colorado USA
Subject: Re: Raspberry honey
From: Phil <>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 22:21:03 -0800 (PST) (Dick Adams) wrote:
> I've not used Raspberry honey, but do not expect it to
> smell or taste like raspberries just as Wildflower, Clover,
> Alfalfa, and Orange Blossom don't smell or taste like
> their name.
I've used raspberry honey and it does have a slight
raspberry flavor and aroma to it. Orange blossom,
IMHO, has slight citrusy notes to it, too.
Subject: RE: Raspberry Honey
From: (Dick Adams)
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 02:08:00 -0500 (EST)
"Jones, Steve (IT) - Eastman" <> wrote:
> chris herrington said:
>> I hear that Raspberry honey is a good tasting honey so I ordered
>> 40 Lbs out of Oregon. Anyone experienced with this variety? Is
>> it better dry, semisweet or sweet?
> I made a batch with 18 lbs Raspberry honey and Ec-1118 yeast. The
> flavor was quite nice, but I think it would have been better
> semi-sweet instead of dry. I have some blueberry honey that I'm
> going to try soon.
EC-1118 (my yeast of choice) will ferment up to 18% ABV plus.
Next time use Lalvin 71B-1122. It has a predictable alcohol
tolerance at 14% ABV.
Per the GotMead Calculator, 18 lbs of honey in a
Estimated Potential
--------- ---------
5 gallon batch 1.132 17.93
6 gallon batch 1.110 14.85
Subject: Re:Raspberry Honey (Dick Adams)
From: Robert Keith Moore <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 22:14:12 -0800
I've not used Raspberry honey, but do not expect it to
smell or taste like raspberries just as Wildflower, Clover,
Alfalfa, and Orange Blossom don't smell or taste like
their name.
Dry, semisweet, or sweet is up to you. It's your mead
make it the way you want. I'm a sweet guy myself, but
dry is ok with me too.
I am sorry to hear that the honey you are getting does not taste or
smell like what it is. When I get raspberry honey or blueberry, or even
wildflower honey it smells and tastes like what it is. I have made
friends with some be keepers and the honey they sell me is excellent. My
children can identify each honey for what it is. The meads I make from
those honeys is also recognizable as such. I would say you need a better
source for honey.
Bob the BeeZerker
End of Mead Lover's Digest #1229