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Mead Lovers Digest #1027

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Mead Lovers Digest
 · 6 months ago

Subject: Mead Lover's Digest #1027, 14 July 2003

Mead Lover's Digest #1027 14 July 2003

Forum for Discussion of Mead Making and Consuming
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor

Elderflower Mead ("Lane O. Locke")
Re: Maple syrup question (Digest #1026) (Devon Miller)
RE: Mead Lover's Digest #1026, 11 July 2003 (David Chubb)
Re: A word for the day ("Dan McFeeley")
Can You Keg Mead? ("Chuck Mongiovi")
spontaneous fermentation, almost ("Raj B. Apte")
My First Attempt ("Jim Meeker")
Party Metheglin? ("Avraham haRofeh of Sudentur")
unsubscribe ("Gann")
asthma ("BAILEY.O")
how rapid id rapid? ("Ben Rodman")
Re: Mead harbor is no more ("Norm Allen")

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Subject: Elderflower Mead
From: "Lane O. Locke" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 11:01:00 -0500

I made Elderflower mead for the first time, and surprise! It tastes
Ginger/Peppery! I was expecting a mild floral similar to the flower
fragrance, not a wild and crazy jolt like ginger. Elderberry has none
of this enthusiastic zest, and I haven't read anything about it in
references to elderflower wine, either. Anyone else heard of this? Is
it usual?



Subject: Re: Maple syrup question (Digest #1026)
From: Devon Miller <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 12:44:48 -0400

In MLD #1026, Nathan asked:

>My question: Does anyone know of a word for fermented
>maple syrup (honey--->mead, sugarcane--->rum,
Maple syrup is made from the sap of one or more of these trees:
Sugar maple /(Acer saccharum)
/ Black maple (/Acer nigrum/)
Red maple (/Acer rubrum/)
Silver Maple (/Acer saccharinum/)

So, maybe Acerglyn?



Subject: RE: Mead Lover's Digest #1026, 11 July 2003
From: David Chubb <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 13:34:22 -0400

> From: Nathan Wallace-Gusakov <>
> I'm a relative beginner to meadmaking from NE
> Vermont(and quite grateful for this list). My
> question: Does anyone know of a word for fermented
> maple syrup (honey--->mead, sugarcane--->rum,
> syrup---->????)? I just bottled a gallon fermented
> from syrup I boiled this spring. Ingredients were
> maple syrup, yeast, and water. Alcohol is about 8%,
> color is wonderful tawny gold, and taste is a bit
> young, but very distinctively a product of syrup. With
> some aging, I'm confident that it's going to be a
> treat. I just don't know what to call it.
> -Nate Wallace-Gusakov

I have used Maple Sugar to raise the sugar content in a Mead I made a while
back. It came out wonderfully with nice rich complex flavors. I still have a
bottle or three from that batch in my basement aging.....they are about 3
years old at this point...Maybe I'll pop a bottle and see how they have
aged. I think I may try a batch using Maple Sugar flavored with some
Sassafras in secondary later this fall.

- --David Chubb


Subject: Re: A word for the day
From: "Dan McFeeley" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 12:34:14 -0500

On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, in MLD 1025, Mark Taratoot wrote:

>I subscribe to a service that sends a "word a day" during week
>days. Funny it should be that a couple weeks ago an interesting
>homonym/homophone showed up that I wanted to share. The word is
>meed. Pronounced the same as our beverage of choice, this noun
>comes from the same root (middle English; mede). How interesting
>that the definition is "Reward; recompense; wage."
>So, you really should consider your mead the fruit of your labor;
>the payment of your patience, and your just reward.

You know, I think Mark is a charter member of the Mead Lovers
Digest -- posting during the early 1990's when John Gorman was
the first digest janitor. Nice to hear from you!

Just to add a little more to the meaning of "meed," as reward
and recompense, the Anglo-Saxon poem, "The Fortunes of
Men" talks about the man of virtue who, having lived well by
the strength of God, enters his elder years enjoying days of
gladness, receiving "wealth, treasures, and the mead-goblet
(of honor) among his kinsmen."

Dan McFeeley


Subject: Can You Keg Mead?
From: "Chuck Mongiovi" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 13:49:26 -0400

> the only mead I've kegged to date is my party metheglyn (VERY popular

Any chance you'd be convinced to share the recipie? .. I've been looking
for a good metheglin recipie ;)

Also, does anyone out there know whether you can make a mead using bell
peppers? .. I can't imagine what it would taste like, but a friend of
mine wants me to try some ..


Subject: spontaneous fermentation, almost
From: "Raj B. Apte" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 11:52:27 -0700 (PDT)


I'd like to hear from people who have played with wild
yeasts for mead fermentation. My experiment is as
follows: I bought 25# of fresh honey from a local
keeper. I dissolved enough in filtered water to make a
quart at 1.100 OG. To this I added 5gm of bee pollen
from the same source. Agitation alone was use for
dissolution. I put an airlock on, and three days later
had something bubbling away. I then prepared two 5
gallon batches at 1.120 and 1.080 by stirring, added
20gms of pollen to each, and pitched the starter. In a
day I had a nice fermentation going that has continued
steadily for three weeks at 75F. It smells really
good, but I'm not sure if I should rack it now or let
it remain sur lie for longer. Any comments or
suggestions are welcome.


Matadero Creek Meadery


Subject: My First Attempt
From: "Jim Meeker" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 16:08:17 -0400

Hello everyone. I'm fairly new to the list and just recently started my
first batch of mead. I have a few question that maybe you can help me with.

My first attempt is an Orange-Peach Melomel that I did with fresh peaches
and frozen orange juice. I was very careful about the peaches but I'm
wondering if there is enough pectin in the frozen orange juice to worry
about. Also if it IS a problem can I add pectinase at a later racking?
Everything I've read so far says to add it to the primary prior to pitching
the yeast.

Second, how do you figure the final alcohol percentage? For example if my
OG was 1.120 and I bottled at .990 (or whatever it ends up being), is there
a chart or formula to figure that out?

Third, Does anyone know of a good source of honey in the Southeastern
Virginia / Northeastern North Carolina area? Right now I'm using Sam's Club
but I'd like to get it from the source. Of course.

Finally, this is a great source of information. The ability to search the
archives is fantastic and has sparked a lot of ideas in my head. I can see
I'm going to have to get a few more carboys.

Thanks and Wassail!


Subject: Party Metheglin?
From: "Avraham haRofeh of Sudentur" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 18:57:01 -0400

> and the only mead
> I've kegged to date is my party metheglyn (VERY popular, so I know it'll be
> consumed quickly).

On the Cooks List, we call that a "spoon tease" - GIVE US THE RECIPE!!! :-)


Reb Avraham haRofeh of Sudentur
(mka Randy Goldberg MD)
RandomTag: 98% of all statistics disprove the other 98%.


Subject: unsubscribe
From: "Gann" <allinalldone@LVCM.COM>
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 16:49:07 -0700


Subject: asthma
From: "BAILEY.O" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 15:04:49 +1200

Hi there

While we're on hangovers and suchlike ...

A mate of mine was here this weekend and I cracked open a bottle of 2002
Cyser (lightly spiced with cinnamon and cloves). He said afterwards
that he felt short of breath and needed his asthma inhaler but the
shortness of breath cleared up immediately after his puff. He also said
he gets that occasionally with wine, mainly with reds. Interestingly,
the cyser was the last of my meads where I added tannin and as reds are
well known for their tannins, could this be the cause of his

I've always told friends my meads were breathtaking, now I have proof!


Doug Bailey
348 Heretaunga Street West
Hastings, New Zealand.
Ph: 0064-6-876 8787


Subject: how rapid id rapid?
From: "Ben Rodman" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 16:54:51 -0600

Hello folks,
I'm using Avize wine ( a "champagne isolate")from white labs for the first
time, and have a question about primary fermentation vigor. It's been a few
years since I've made mead and my notes didn't include many details. This
mead is a five-gallon, 1.101 OG critter with a starting pH of 4.38. I
pitched two vials into the must and aerated for an hour with an aquarium
pump and stone. The must included a rounded half-tablespoon each of
nutrient and energizer. All seems well, no off-odors from the airlock or
anything, but it's bubbling at a leisurely bubble every 20 seconds or so.
It's four days old now (started the second day), but my admittedly inexact
memory seems to think it should be bubbling merrily (more offgassing by
now) especially with the large pitch. The vials were fresh. The must was
unheated; it's been in a temp-controlled freezer to 68, where it's been
held subsequently.
Are my expectations off? I'm considering: 1) re-aerating and/or 2)
preparing a live starter to pitch. Anyone have experience with this strain
or any feedback? Also, any thoughts on using straight diammonium phosphate
as opposed to "nutrient" and "energizer" preparations?



Subject: Re: Mead harbor is no more
From: "Norm Allen" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 09:51:08 -0400

>After a breif stint into the commercial mead world, and a 2nd Place award
>at Planet Buzz I am sorry to say Mead Harbor is no longer around.
>Expendatures couldn't meet income. If anyone wants to try their hand at
>commercial wine production (or a heckova lotta personal supply) and is
>interested in 125Gallon (500L) Stainless Steel fermenters, please let me
>know - I will make a heck of a deal to anyone on this list. Thanks for the
>great run guys. Sincerely, Drew of T&A Vintners LLC.

Sorry to see you go Drew, you made a nice product, one I was hoping to share
again with my (usually) non-mead drinking family this upcoming
Thanksgiving.. Any possibilities of just scaling the operation down?

With the shipping/distribution laws as they are, it's sad to see any meadery
shut down, most of all a good one in-state!


End of Mead Lover's Digest #1027

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