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Mead Lovers Digest #0024

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Mead Lovers Digest
 · 8 months ago


Mead Lover's Digest #24 Thu 22 October 1992

Forum for Discussion of Mead Brewing and Consuming
John Dilley, Digest Coordinator

Racking Agents (John Gorman)
Whew...fermentation at last! (Scott James.)

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Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 9:57:29 EDT
From: (John Gorman)
Subject: Racking Agents

Subject: Racking Agents

Recently, someone mentioned that sparkeloid added during bottling
clarified the mead nicely - leaving the sediment in the bottles.
Does anyone have any experience in using clarifying agents during
racking, so that the mead clarifies in the second carboy?

Which products did you try? What are they made of?
When did you rack and add them? Just after fermentation ceased?
How did they work? How long did it take? Any aftertaste?
Ever try chilling the mead as a clarifying method?
If not, how about experiences clarifying homebrew beer?

Thanks, John

John Gorman
Relational Semantics, Inc. 617-926-0979
17 Mount Auburn Street Watertown MA 02172 USA

Nothing happens.


Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 16:50:02 MDT
From: scojam@scojam.Auto-trol.COM (Scott James.)
Subject: Whew...fermentation at last!

Well, last night I peeked at the carboy--lo and behold...small bubbles!
It took a solid 48 hours before anything happened. I guess I should have
used a larger starter (mine was about 300 ml).

I guess Wyeast 1214 Belgium is a slow one, eh? I've never used Wyeast
before and don't know what to expect.

At least I'm moving forward again, and Sunday night wasn't a wasted effort.

- --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--
Scott James scojam@Auto-Trol.COM
Ham (N0LHX) -:- Guitarist Auto-Trol Technology
HomeBrewer - Student Pilot Denver, Colorado USA
- --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--


End of Mead Lover's Digest

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