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Cider Digest #2032

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Cider Digest
 · 8 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #2032, 15 July 2016 

Cider Digest #2032 15 July 2016

Cider and Perry Discussion Forum

Re: pH Testers (Wes Cherry)
Re: ph---TA testers (Claude Jolicoeur)
Re: Cider Digest #2031, 8 July 2016 (William Grote)

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Subject: Re: pH Testers
From: Wes Cherry <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 12:07:35 -0700

Hannah is the standard brand for pH meters. I have had nothing but
problems with the three I have owned.

I really like my Extech PH100 meter. It lasts for years with no
problems as long as you store it using electrode storage solution. (I
did have to do a hard reset by pulling the batteries once when it
refused to calibrate).

You will also need some pH 4.0 standard solution to calibrate your
meter. pH 7.0 standard is good as well and will allow your meter to
yield more accurate results.

for TA, you can do a simple titration using syringes or burets. No
need for a automated titration unless you run many many tests.

Here's a nice kit using burets, but syringes are just fine

- -Wes


Subject: Re: ph---TA testers
From: Claude Jolicoeur <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 23:09:54 +0200

In Cider Digest #2031:

> Subject: ph---TA testers
> From: Ron Beitelspacher <>
> I am looking at upgrading from the ph strips to a ph and or TA analyzer...
> Claude Jolicouer asked the question in 2015 on the Google group
> forum...about a particular brand...but that did not seem to
> fit into the rules on that forum.

Ron, pH and TA are 2 different measurements.
TA is best measured by titration. Kit for this are easily found at low
cost (around 10$) in any wine making supply store.
For pH, I agree strips aren't very precise. A pH meter is much better,
but also much more expensive. There are many models on the market, some
being quite low cost. However, I would recommend that you look for a
model that has 2 decimal points because low cost models with only one
decimal point are not really more precise than strips.
Consider also that for a pH meter, you will additionally need
calibration solutions (2 are normally needed) and a third solution in
which you will leave the electrode while not in use.
Claude Jolicoeur
Author, /*The New Cider Maker's Handbook


Subject: Re: Cider Digest #2031, 8 July 2016
From: William Grote <>
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2016 11:23:13 -0400

Re. pH testers

Ron, believe it or not, this is where the Homebrew community has some
excellent information as ph plays a critical role in both mash process
and the actual brewing. The thread I have linked to will get you all
the info you need to make a decision,

Here is the gist of it!

+/- 0.02 pH accuracy
ATC (Auto Temperature Control)
Two-point calibration
Sealed or refillable electrode with a resolution of +/- 0.02 pH or
Double junction electrode
Flushable junctions, which allows for easier cleaning and longer life
There are many models in the $80-$100 range that fit these criteria and
pros and cons are discussed in the thread

The MOST important thing, no matter which probe you decide to get, you
will need to get a calibration buffer solution kit and calibrate the
meter before each and every use.

Happy hunting!

William Grote


End of Cider Digest #2032

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