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Cider Digest #1941

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Cider Digest
 · 8 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #1941, 10 February 2015 

Cider Digest #1941 10 February 2015

Cider and Perry Discussion Forum

filling a CO@ tank (Paul Edwards)

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Digest Janitor: Dick Dunn

Subject: filling a CO@ tank
From: Paul Edwards <>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2015 18:27:13 -0500

DR Beer wrote:

> Does anyone know which equipment will enable you to safely charge a 5lb
> CO2 tank from a 20lb CO2 tank? In this area it is proportionately much
> more expensive to fill the 5lb tank than the 20lb tank.

Pretty sure you can't do this. The tanks are pressurized. When you
open them and the CO2 flows out the pressure drops as it exits.
So you'd still need a compressor to do the transfer and working with
compressed gas is dangerous and isn't something that someone not
trained in handling materials under pressure should be doing.

- - - Jay H aka Dr. Beer (TM)

Actually what one would need is a siphon tank as a source to move liquid
CO2 from the source tank to one that you want to fill. A filled tank has
both liquid CO2 and gaseous CO2 in it.

Not something easily accomplished at home, especially if you're not sure
about what you're doing. Leave it to the professionals.

- --Paul Edwards
Foam Blowers of Indiana (FBI)
Central indiana Alliance of Beer Judges (CIA)
"We tap kegs, not phones"


End of Cider Digest #1941

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