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Cider Digest #1714

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Cider Digest
 · 6 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #1714, 28 May 2012 

Cider Digest #1714 28 May 2012

Cider and Perry Discussion Forum

Cider Conference info (Corrie Wolosin)
Good Source of Info on Pollenizers (Rob & Mike Miller)
scion (cv) affecting tree anchoring?? (Dick Dunn)

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Digest Janitor: Dick Dunn

Subject: Cider Conference info
From: Corrie Wolosin <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:56:14 -0400

Hello Cider Digesters -- here are two messages about some efforts to
form a National Association. We hope you have all seen it now but if
not, here you are.

First, information from the email sent out in mid-March to the list of
people who were at the February Chicago event:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks so much for your participation in the Cider Conference in Chicago
last month.

We left with the understanding that there were two groups working on
specific issues: the seven-member legislative group -- Vermont Hard
Cider, Crispin, C&C (representing 100,000 plus gallon producers) plus
four regional representatives for the smaller producers - Mike Beck
(Midwest), James Kohn (West), Charlotte Shelton (South) and Steve Wood
(East) -- and the three-member seed group (Brad Page, Dan Rowell, and
Corrie Wolosin).

The seed group is beginning to think about how we might all work
together to structure the US Cider Makers Association (USCMA). At this
time, the most important task is to set up open methods of communication
among the members and between the members and committees.

Over the next few months, we'll be researching other trade associations
and thinking about a membership structure, by-laws, committees, and a
mission statement. We will be asking many of you for help, but need a
bit of time to get some housekeeping work done.

And second, here are the notes from the Friday April 27, 3 - 4 pm Seed
Group conference call with Brad Page, Dan Rowell, Corrie Wolosin

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Review of time between Chicago conference and now -- what
has happened?

We reviewed the email communication from the Chicago meeting, and agreed
to continue to communicate to the group in two ways: via direct email to
the members and via the cider digest. (Thanks, Dick!)

2. Communication between and among group members (Google, new
website, something else entirely?)

We discussed building a website dedicated to the new association, and
Dan Rowell offered to see if Woodchuck could host a site in the interim

· Goal is to have organization-managed central communication

We discussed having international members and agreed to restrict focus
to the US Cider industry at this time.

? There may be problems of having cross border events with
liquor law issues, especially between Canada and the U.S. ? would make
the scope of the organization unduly complex at this juncture.

Brad Page met with representatives from the American Cheese Society at
the end of March. They had some very specific recommendations,

? Rigorous work to define the Association's mission clearly
and in as much detail as possible

? Careful consideration of the Association's name. The
American Cheese Society has a similar acronym to other organizations.

? Revenue sources are about equally split between sponsorships,
membership dues and conference revenues (their structure)

3. Defining our scope (This might include mission, structure,
by-laws, committees?)

The next portion of time was used to talk about possible Association
structure. There have been no decisions made yet, but the group agreed
to consider a tiered dues structure to accommodate both smaller and
larger organizations. We also discussed having "one organization, one
vote" as a high-level priority.

4. Timelines for our own work and for reporting out to the
group (including bringing others in/asking for volunteers, etc)

Each of the committee members will develop a draft mission statement to
share with each other before June 1; then those will be combined and
revised into one mission to share with the group for feedback.

The Brewers' Association was cited as having a clear mission:

The association will build a list to include producers and brands who
were not at the original conference to be as inclusive as possible. We
are still discussing how best to share contact information; for now, the
list is on an unprotected Google document, so please check your data and
update it if you haven't done so already.


? Use existing Google list for people to self-list and make

5. Outreach to current list and planned expansion of the list

· If you know of any producers who are not on our current
list, please forward this to them, and ask that they be in touch with
Corrie ( to be included in future

As noted, communication will continue to be via direct email and through
posting to the Cider Digest. To sign up for the Cider Digest: Send
e-mail with the subject "Subscribe", with your full name and your e-mail
address in the message, to:

Note that the digest only appears when material is submitted; this means
it may take a few days before you get your first issue.


Subject: Good Source of Info on Pollenizers
From: Rob & Mike Miller <>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 18:01:02 -0400

After reading Jim Cummins' recent post on pollenizing KB and
other cider apples, I did some exploring on the web and found
a great pollination chart that includes many cider varieties: Note that if you
have triploid trees, they are sterile (they will not self-pollinate nor
serve as a pollenizer for other varieties) and they require two other
non-sterile varieties so they can pollenize each other as well as the
triploid. Rob Miller/Ciderworks


Subject: scion (cv) affecting tree anchoring??
From: Dick Dunn <>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 22:09:30 -0600

Basically, "Is this a real phenomenon or just coincidence?"

I have a bit of challenge with tree anchoring. Even with EMLA-7, which
anchors well, and even with a moderately heavy clay-loam, our winds and
occasional capricious early snow can pull trees loose and tip them.

Several Sweet Alford got tipped severely in a freakish storm last October.
They were all in the same small section of a little block of orchard that
is particularly exposed.

But today I noticed a younger tree in a block that's quite different in
several ways, and it was wobbly unlike the ones around it, and it's a Sweet

So this provokes several questions: Could the scion significantly affect
the anchoring ability of the rootstock? Has anybody noticed a particular
problem with Sweet Alford anchoring poorly? And if I am, so to speak,
barking up the wrong tree, could someone suggest another possibility of
what might be going on?

(and yes, as far as I can tell now, it is true Sweet Alford and not Le
- --
Dick Dunn Hygiene, Colorado USA


End of Cider Digest #1714

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