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Cider Digest #0620

Subject: Cider Digest #620, 24 October 1996
Cider Digest #620 24 October 1996
Forum for Discussion of Cider Issues
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor
SO2 questions (Ann Marie Reh and Danielle Bomball)
Cranberry Cider ("Pamela J. Day")
Off Flavors in Cider (Michael Kril)
re: SS hardware (Kurt Schilling)
Re: Stevia & sweet cider (Pickleman)
Re: Pastuerizing cider (SC3216@AOL.COM)
viable wild yeast in frozen juice? (Michael Mendenhall)
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Subject: SO2 questions
From: Ann Marie Reh and Danielle Bomball <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 19:20:59 -0500
I'm interested in the use of SO2 as a stabilizing agent; however, I'm
allergic to sulfites and have a severe reaction to them. Is SO2 a
sulfite, and if so is there an alternative? I'd _really_ like to be
able to drink what I make without a trip to the hospital!
Thanks in advance,
Subject: Cranberry Cider
From: "Pamela J. Day" <DAY@A1.TCH.HARVARD.EDU>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 07:10:48 EST
I have used cranberry & cranraspberry concentrate in several batches
of cider. It turns out terrific, and the final product has a beautiful
rosy-orange color to it. Technically it's more a cyser than a cider, I
use honey, brown sugar & raisins to boost the fermentables and to leave
some residual sweetness. Anyone who wants details can feel free to e-mail
me. I kegged & force carbonated last year's batch & served it at a
cookout on Memorial Day, needless to say my homebrew was ignored and the
the cider keg was dry by the end of the day.
Pam Oakman
Subject: Off Flavors in Cider
From: Michael Kril <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 10:17:47 -0500 (EST)
To All -
Recently I made a cider and during the first racking I sampled a bit
to examine the flavor. I made the cider with 3 gallons of fresh
pressed cider, 2 cans of apple juice concentrate and 1 cup of brown
sugar (initial gravity about 1.070). I also added pectic enzyme and
yeast nutrient. I fermented with the natural yeast found in the
cider. The fermentation took off rather quickly (after about 3 days)
and went for about 10 days. The gravity after fermentation was about
1.015 (which doesn't really bother me). The taste of the cider is
terrible, though. There is a residual taste similar to burned
cardboard. Is this common when using wild yeast. Should I just let
it sit and see what happens. After about two weeks in secondary, the
cider has cleared rather well, but I haven't tasted it since my
initial taste.
Subject: re: SS hardware
From: Kurt Schilling <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 96 10:29 EST
In CD619, Dick Dunn asked about a source of Stainless Steel hardware.
I thnk that your best bet would be McMaster Carr, P.O. Box 4355, Chicago IL
60600, tel 708-834-9600. They carry a buch of stuff that yo may find
useful. No affiliation, etc...
Kurt Schilling e-mail
Subject: Re: Stevia & sweet cider
From: Pickleman <>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 15:02 -0700 (PDT)
To whom it may concern,
=09Contact these people if you want to try stevia as a nonfermentable=20
sweetener. They sent me a baggie for=20
nothing just to try it. I found that it has some grassy note to it as=20
well as sweetness. It may work in making a sweet stout, where the hops=20
have their own grassy notes that would overpower that of the stevia, but=20
as far a cider is concerned, I'm still searching for a acceptable sweetener=
Subject: Re: Pastuerizing cider
From: SC3216@AOL.COM
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 02:02:50 -0400
I have used the method of pastuerizing live sweet cider in the bottle after a
few days of carbonating, as discussed (618, 619). This was years ago when I
first started making cider, and I can tell you it is a thrilling procedure.
The first time I did it, I lowered the bottles in a rack into fairly hot
water and proceded to heat over stupidly high heat until they began to
explode. I lost 4 or 5 of the 12 I heated, and decided not to do the rest. I
opted rather for refrigeration and quick comsumption.
Some weeks later after regaining my nerve I tried again, this time with fewer
bottles and gentler heat. I lowered the bottles into warm water and heated
over low heat until the first one exploded then turned the heat off. A
couple more popped soon after. The water temp was 133 F, quite a bit lower
than the 68-75 C suggested by Mr. Lea in the last Digest. I don't know for
sure whether the yeast was all killed off or not, since I refrigerated these
as well.
My conclusion at the time was that it might be possible to succeed at 128-130
F, and hold for a longish time. I never tried it though; I bought some soda
kegs instead and now force carbonate everthing. If you try this, WEAR EYE
Good luck,
Scott Christensen, Mpls, MN
Subject: viable wild yeast in frozen juice?
From: Michael Mendenhall <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 15:59:34 -0600
I've got access to frozen apple juice (recently-pressed, no preservatives
added) and would like to try a natural fermentation, i.e. I won't pitch any
yeast. Will there be viable "wild" yeast in the frozen juice, or does
freezing the juice wipe them out? Any advice?
Michael Mendenhall
End of Cider Digest #620