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Cider Digest #0527

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Published in 
Cider Digest
 · 9 Apr 2024

Subject: Cider Digest #527, 22 March 1995 

Cider Digest #527 22 March 1995

Forum for Discussion of Cider Issues
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor

"Newbie" Information request (The Wookie)
Re: Malic acid / Acid Blend (Steven Rezsutek)

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Subject: "Newbie" Information request
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 22:51:51 -0400 (EDT)

Greetings to all! As one who has become tired of emptying his wallet for
cider, I have decided to try to create my own. I have no homebrew beer
equipment and just want to get started, not grow trees, and all that, but I am
looking for information in the form of books, anecdotal sources, whatever,
with the information of rudimentary equipment, average costs, and startup
info, so that after my soon-to-occur birthday, I can use whatever proceeds
thereof to purchase the equipment and begin to make that wonderful bevarage
which we all enjoy. I thank you in advance for helping a new person out and
look forward to enjoying cider soon... Thanks, Peace, Will

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Subject: Re: Malic acid / Acid Blend
From: Steven Rezsutek <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 10:31:12 -0500 (ENRIQUEZ Luke) had asked:

>> If Acid Blend is 40% Malic, what else is it made up of? We
>> can't get "Acid Blend" here in Australia. Only the seperate acids,
>> and I've been asking for a few months for someone to tell me how
>> I can blend acids to make the same as "Acid Blend".

to which Tom Keith replied:

> I use acid blend (which I believe contains citric and one other
> acid, which I don't remember offhand), but I believe using straight malic
> acid would enhance my apple flavors.

The bulk of "Acid Blend" is tartaric acid, and while there may also
also be a small (5%?) amount of citric in there as well, I'm not sure
on that, either.

It [acid blend] is supposed to mimic, more or less, the ratio of acids
in grape juice, although that is pretty arbitrary to begin with, and
depends on ripeness, variety, etc. In fact, a distant memory tells me
that there are (or at least were) more than one "acid blend"; `A' and `B',
which had different ratios of the component acids. I have no idea what
those ratios might be.

I don't know whether apples have tartaric acid in them or not, (I'm still
a cider newbie), but I'd use that as my criteria on whether to use acid
blend or a custom mix.



End of Cider Digest #527

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