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Cider Digest #0569

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Published in 
Cider Digest
 · 8 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #569, 4 December 1995 

Cider Digest #569 4 December 1995

Forum for Discussion of Cider Issues
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor

When to bottle a Cyser (Greg Krehbiel)
floor sweepings (Cider Digest)

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Subject: When to bottle a Cyser
From: (Greg Krehbiel)
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 11:58:34 -0800

I have a cyser (2 gallons cider, one gallon honeyed water, basically
following Papzian's recipe in _Making Mead_) that has clarified nicely
after a prolonged fermentation. I want to bottle it as a sparkling
beverage, but I'm not sure when I should bottle. Right now it is quite
astringent and needs to age for a while. Should I age it in the carboy, or
let it age in the bottles?



Subject: floor sweepings
From: (Cider Digest)
Date: 4 Dec 95 20:59:48 MST (Mon)

a note from the digest janitor...

Awfully quiet around here! I've given up expecting to be able to predict
how much traffic the digest will get based on seasons or whatever. I guess
you're all busy tending to the fermenting cider from this year's crop...
but need I say that if you've been meaning to ask something of the Digest,
now's a nice quiet time to write something.
- ---
Cider Digest
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor Boulder, Colorado USA


End of Cider Digest #569

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