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Cider Digest #0526

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Cider Digest
 · 9 Apr 2024

Subject: Cider Digest #526, 19 March 1995 

Cider Digest #526 19 March 1995

Forum for Discussion of Cider Issues
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor

digest format changes (Cider Digest)
Re: How to Stop Fermentation (Michael L. Hall)
Re: Al Piggott (John Ross)
Re: Cider Digest #525, 14 March 1995 (XKCHRISTIAN@CCVAX.FULLERTON.EDU)
Malic acid (Tom Keith)

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Subject: digest format changes
From: (Cider Digest)
Date: 19 Mar 95 20:31:53 MST (Sun)

I finally got around to making some long-needed changes in the formatting
of the digest--stuff that has to do with the table of contents, initial
separator, trailer, etc. I hope that:
a) this will fix the digest for those of you using auto un-digestifiers
b) this won't break it for any un-digestifiers that now work
Let me know (at if the new format causes new
- ---
Cider Digest
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor Boulder, Colorado USA


Subject: Re: How to Stop Fermentation
From: (Michael L. Hall)
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 95 13:45:14 MST

> said:
> >
> > I would like to stop fermentation before all the sugars are
> > gone, leaving a sweeter taste in the cider.
> >
> > I was just wondering what the best way of doing that would be. I have
> > heard that Campden tablets would do it. Well I tried that but nothing
> > much happened.
> >
> Campden won't do it. In fact, I don't know of any additive that will.
> (You might prevent renewed fermentation, but you can't stop one in
> progress.) The best--and surest--method is pasteurization.

I've had good results using sodium benzoate (often sold as yeast
stabilizer). The best way to use it is to ferment completely out,
add the sodium benzoate to kill the remaining yeast, then sweeten
to taste. I've done this often with meads (which also tend towards
dryness) and have never had any problems with renewed fermentation.

- -Mike Hall


Subject: Re: Al Piggott
From: (John Ross)
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 13:46:06 -0800

>I recently traveled up Vancouver Island and 'discovered' a small
>cidery - Merridale. The owners' name is Al Piggott and he makes
>his cider with European apples. It's excellent stuff and even his
>dry sparkling isn't bone-searingly dry like mine. He uses
>champagne yeast (Pris de Mousse), but I believe the difference
>is the apples. He's quite outspoken, but knows whereof he

Al Piggott probably makes the best commercial cider of anybody in the
Pacific Northwest (and I don't mean to be damning him with faint
praise--it's good stuff).

But he's one of those "experts" who says, "my way is the only correct way,"
which is more than a little extreme. He certainly knows his stuff,and he's
brought more good cider apples to this part of the world than anybody else I
know about, but I think he may be overstating things to say that zero table
fruit is the only acceptable approach.


Subject: Re: Cider Digest #525, 14 March 1995
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 18:03:48 -0800 (PST)

Hello all

I am a homebrewer looking to expand my horizons. Recently I purchased a 1 gal
jug of apple cider hoping to make a small batch of cider to see if I like it.
Can you hear the questions coming? I'm interested in knowing if there is a
cider.faq available or how_to_make_your_first_cider files out there?

I like sweeter drinks so I thought I'd use an ale yeast, but I don't
know what else to put in. Cinomin, spices,...

I recieved my first cider digest the other day and someone mentioned (sorry
deleted the name) that they wanted to know about how to stop the yeast from
fermenting all the surgars out of the cider. Would something like Polyclear
take the yeast out of suspention?



Subject: Malic acid
From: (Tom Keith)
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 04:48:17 -0600

>Subject: Re: Acid Blend
>From: (ENRIQUEZ Luke)
>Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 13:13:14 +1000 (EST)
>> The text also says that the acid found in apples is Malic Acid. If so,
>> then why do many recipies for hard ciders recommend using acid blend, which
>> is only 40% Malic Acid? Hmmm.
> If Acid Blend is 40% Malic, what else is it made up of? We
>can't get "Acid Blend" here in Australia. Only the seperate acids,
>and I've been asking for a few months for someone to tell me how
>I can blend acids to make the same as "Acid Blend".

I'd love to be able to get my hands on some straight malic acid for making
ciders. I use acid blend (which I believe contains citric and one other
acid, which I don't remember offhand), but I believe using straight malic
acid would enhance my apple flavors.

Use malic acid and be happy - that's my recommendation.


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End of Cider Digest #526

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