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Cider Digest #0366
Subject: Cider Digest #366 Fri Nov 5 18:00:02 EST 1993
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 18:00:02 -0500
From: (Are you SURE you want to send it HERE?)
Cider Digest #366 Fri Nov 5 18:00:02 EST 1993
Forum for Discussion of Cider Issues
Jay Hersh, Digest Coordinator
questions from a cider virgin (Steve Souza)
apple juice (andrewwf)
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Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 10:59:22 EST
From: Steve.Souza@East.Sun.COM (Steve Souza)
Subject: questions from a cider virgin
Well seeing as I bottled a batch of beer last night, and I now have my
carboy's empty. I was toying with the idea of trying to make some cider.
I've been brewing beer for about two years, and I fairly familar with
the basic concepts, but I had a couple of questions that I wanted to
bounce off of you experience cider brewers.
1) Is it nesseccary to find un-pasturized cider, or will pasturized
cider work with yeast.
2) What initial Gravity reading should I be shooting for.
3) will ale or larger yeasts work, or should I try to get champagne yeast.
4) I would like to make a sparkling cider. If anyone has a recipe, or
any other tips for a first timmer, I would appreciate them.
Steve Souza, SunService Inc. Phone: 508-794-5262 Email: Steve.Souza@Sun.COM
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 93 13:12:36 EST
Subject: apple juice
Is it possible to make hard cider from apples that have passed through a
juicer? I have a few gallons of cider, but but my juicer sitting on the
counter seems to call to me -- would this work? Could I augment my cider with
this juice? Has anyone tried it, and if so what were your results.
Thanks for the information.
Andrew Fee
End of Cider Digest