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Silent Hill: Origins

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 8 months ago
Silent Hill: Origins (PSP) Front cover
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Silent Hill: Origins (PSP) Front cover

The Beginning

After the well-crafted opening scene, which sees Travis driving his trusty truck in the downpour, we find ourselves, after a mysterious accident, on the road in our truck driver's shoes.

Follow the only possible path, and if you wish, lend an ear to listen to the beautiful first song of the soundtrack.

As you may notice, Travis is already equipped with both a radio and a Flashlight (yes, you can already rejoice just for the fact that these are included in this chapter). Continue walking along the path, or running if you prefer, until you pass the sign indicating the entrance to the town of Silent Hill.

Gillespie House

Shortly after, we find ourselves in front of a burning house, a house we know well.

A cutscene will start where we will also catch a glimpse of a very familiar figure, that of Dahlia Gillespie.

Travis, however, will hear a scream coming from inside, and naturally, he'll dash in.

The path inside the house is simple and linear, so you certainly won't have any problems. Be careful of the flames that could slow you down. Quickly climb the stairs (I recommend taking a look at a couple of paintings in particular that you can spot), open the door and proceed calmly until you reach a strange, unsettling station, clearly related to something religious (you know what I'm talking about). As you approach the figure, another short cutscene will start, after which, with Alessa in his arms, you must exit the house. Return the way you came, and suddenly the floor will collapse. You will find yourself surrounded by flames, blocking the passage, but don't worry. As soon as you approach, you will see a symbol appear, and the flames will magically disappear thanks to Alessa's influence. Soon you will be outside.

Another brief cutscene and you'll hear a sound all too familiar, which I bet will please many, if not all. Our trucker will collapse to the ground and wake up in the foggy reality, in an awakening that strongly resembles that of the protagonist of the first game in the series.

Travis automatically picks up the town map, displayed not far from his position. The destination will be clear from the start, but first, if you want to recover a health drink, head near the Post Office, beyond a blocked staircase, to find it. Now, straight to Alchemilla Hospital...

Alchemilla Hospital

Upon entering the familiar building, pick up the document (you can access any document whenever you want, as usual, through the inventory) and the hospital map. Near the counter, you can admire your first save-point, similar to the save point in Silent Hill 3. You'll notice that all doors are locked, so proceed through the only possible path towards where the elevator is located. Before you reach it, a new sequence will start, and you'll abruptly meet another familiar figure to the series' fans: Doctor Michael Kauffmann, who will quickly brush you off and head to the second floor. Obviously, follow him.

Now you'll face the first creature of the game, the inevitable nurse, after a brief sequence that welcomes you to the next room. Grab the hammer right next to you, equip it if you want, and take down the lady.

Be cautious of the nurses, as they often try to grab Travis, and to shake them off, you only need to press the X button repeatedly. Oh, and remember to give them, as with other creatures, the coup de grâce when they're on the ground, because if you don't, our dear friends will get back up.

Well, now head to room 205, take a look at the document and the large mirror at the end of the room.

Now try to exit and after the sequence, touch the mirror.

You'll find yourself in the Otherworld. Yes, in Origins, you can trigger the dimensional switch yourself simply by touching mirrors you find. While on one hand, this aspect removes the unsettling element of surprise to reality changes, on the other, it adds a different, quite interesting tone to the gameplay.

In the room should now be, a melee weapon and plastic lungs as well as an indispensable health drink. Take everything, obviously, because it will be useful in the near or distant future. Exit. In the corridor should be a nurse. I recommend avoiding, when you can, the creatures, so as not to waste weapons which, I remind you, will break after you've used them. For the nurses, it should suffice to turn off the torch and walk. Or, as I usually do, run like mad. Now head to room 202 to recover the note and the golden egg you'll need later (did anyone remember the scarlet and rusted eggs from the second game?).

Now go to room 204 and be cautious of the nurse outside. You'll find a nice IV stand and a sealed box with a pleasant blood-stained note:

“This heart disturbs me with its throbbing. To stop it, I must put it under ice and hide it. Remember, the three beauties that make it beat so are the key, age before beauty.”

Keeping this memo in mind will, obviously, help you solve the puzzle and find the combination to open the box. Right in front of the room, once outside, you can take a nice portable TV, a disposable melee weapon. Now it's your turn to go down the stairs.

At the top, there's a nice health drink and next to the second-floor door, a useful hammer.

Once on the first floor, a nice nurse will welcome you, but you know your stuff, eliminate her. Now, there's a bottle of alcohol you can take and two locked doors. On one of these doors, you'll notice an oval-shaped space, and your ingenious brain will immediately understand that you need to use something we have in inventory.

Use the Golden Egg, a Phoenix egg, to access the women's restroom.

Inside, you should find a memo, a mnemonic scheme for students, which I report:

"Having trouble with anatomy lessons? Think removing organs is easier than putting them back in their place? Try learning this mnemonic scheme: Carelessly we'll strangle the fierce Polish curator."

Examine the open toilet to find a plastic liver in the cistern.

Now, touch the mirror in the room to find yourself again in the foggy dimension.

Silent Hill: Origins
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Take the energy drink and take note of the inscription “Amy, 31” (the first of the girls who make that heart beat). Don't forget to take the Staff Lounge key before leaving the room.

Your next destination is precisely the Staff Lounge. Head straight there, and inside the room, you'll find a health drink, a toaster, the Exam Room key, a staff notice, and an inscription on the wall right next to the door: “Lucy, 23” (and that makes two). Return to the hall and rush into the Exam Room. Take the bottle of alcohol and, for now, ignore the plastic doll lying on the bed.

However, take the intestine and the plastic stomach from the two sinks nearby. Now, approach the x-ray board and turn on the lights. Examine it to discover the third name and number: “Sarah,19”. On the desk, there's a typewriter you can use as a weapon, and another staff note, read it.

You’ve surely understood that you need to use the beautiful organs you found around Alchemilla and you also know how, given the presence of the plastic mannequin. But something is missing, and you know what it is and also how to get it.

Excellent. Return to the women's restroom to touch the mirror and transport yourself to the otherworld. Now make a quick run to reach room 204 (which is also marked on your map).

Approach the box, examine it to access the utility knife, and enter the code.

The numbers are to be inserted in the same sequential order you found them. The code is thus: 312319, from the largest number to the smallest (“age before beauty” said the bloodstained note).

Perfect. You now also have the plastic heart. Be careful now because when you leave the room, an unpleasant nurse will attack you by surprise. Take her down.

Being cautious of her colleagues, return to the ladies' restroom to touch the mirror once again to finally head to the Exam Room, to your little doll waiting for organs. Are you there? Remember the memo?

"Carelessly we'll strangle the fierce Polish curator."

This phrase, with the first two letters of each word highlighted in red, is the key, as it indicates the order in which you must insert the organs. Namely:

“Intestine, Stomach, Liver, Heart, Lungs”

The plastic doll will be very happy with your work at this point, and it will give you a nice pair of wide-open eyes, which you will soon use as a key.

However, you must return to the Otherworld. Do so, passing through the women's bathroom, and go to the first floor, where an enigmatic door awaits you. A note will inform you of the need for eyes to look to the future. Guess what you should use? Right. Use the newly received eyes to open the door.

Be careful because there will be a couple of nurses in this corridor. In the sort of lobby, you will instead find an energy drink, a health drink, and a portable TV.

Your destination is the director's office and to reach it, you must pass through the Exam Room, this time in a different version. I advise you to take a look at what was the mannequin with which we had fun before and which is now a corpse from which the eyes have been gouged out…

Equip yourself with a melee weapon of your choice before proceeding to the next room where you'll meet a new creature, new so to speak.

In a sequence, you will be introduced to the Straight-Jacket, a figure, a mass of flesh that seems wrapped, indeed, in a straitjacket, a bit (more than a bit) a revised version of the Lying Figure from Silent Hill 2.

Revised because, first, the buddy is faster, and second, because every time you give him a chance, he will cling to you. In these cases, don't do as I did the first time, continuing to press X like for the nurses. Wait instead for the buttons to appear at the bottom, and press them promptly to free yourself from the creature and attack it with your weapons. Destroy your first Straight Jacket (for convenience from now on, I'll call it S.J.). After the fight, observe the seal that appears on the floor and grab the items that rest on it, the Futuristic Piece, which will remind many of the famous Flauros from the first game of the series. After that, good Travis will faint again, and upon waking, another acquaintance of ours will greet him, Lisa Garland, the nurse mourned by players who love the first chapter, protagonist of one of the most tragic scenes. Lisa, however, will inform us of Alessa's death (yet Lisa knows well that Alessa is alive and scorched). Travis himself will not be convinced and will want answers. Lisa, however, will leave, and we must follow her.

The next destination, marked on the map, will be Cedar Grove Sanitarium (the theme of hospitalization is recurring also in this chapter). Exit the Hospital, from the secondary door, beyond the women's restroom to find yourself outside.

Silent Hill

Examine the area to find a health drink, and immerse yourself, breathing Silent Hill air, in the streets of the town, like old times (no use denying it, I know you missed all this).

Honestly, my advice is to avoid practically all encounters that could present themselves on the city streets, and there could be many, thanks to all the S.J.s present. Just run, and you shouldn't have problems even when, tired, Travis runs more slowly.

If you want, towards the south on Canyon Street, there are a health drink and an energy drink for you. Always good to have supplies on hand, you'll see.

Now, reach Cielo Avenue, and from there, go towards Low Street, since you'll need to pass the butcher shop. No use trying the other streets. I've tried them all, and it's impossible to otherwise reach the psychiatric hospital, as the streets will suddenly end, à la Silent Hill 1 (and also 2).

Silent Hill: Origins
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The Butcher Shop

Once inside, relax. Use the Save Point if you want, and I think you will, and grab the health drink. Pass through the door and witness the scene. A creature, The Butcher, will literally slice up a poor nurse.

Observe The Butcher to note the similarities with a creature we all remember from our Silent Hill memories. There are some substantial differences, but the similarities are undeniable.
Anyway, the friendly Butcher will not care about us at all and will leave the room.

You take the Medical Kit, the energy drink nearby, the butcher's hook, and a cleaver (quite effective as a melee weapon but it will break like the others).

Now you can leave The Butcher Shop and find yourself outside on the streets again.

Silent Hill

As you continue through the city streets, between Toluca Avenue and Arcadia Road, you might encounter a new creature, the Carrion, a seemingly senseless mass of flesh that appears heavy and slow but might surprise you with its long-distance, swift, and quite harmful attacks to our trusted truck driver's health.

Disposable weapons, such as the portable TV, are quite effective against Carrions, but they require you to get close to the creature, which will certainly attack you.

Continue straight and quickly towards the Sanitarium, sprinting past Carrions and S.J.s.

Cedar Grove Sanitarium

Once inside, take a look around.

Head north towards the doctor's office to read a note. Now head to the West Solarium and take possession of the sniper rifle on the wheelchair in the center of the room. There are also two boxes of ammunition for the same weapon, and I heartily recommend you jealously conserve them.

On a desk, you'll find a useful energy drink. Exit the room and head to the opposite side, towards the East Solarium. Inside, you'll finally get your hands on the building's map. Also in this room, there's an energy drink and a medical report from December 3, '60. When you go through the other door, you'll come face to face with a familiar face, Alessa's mother, Dahlia Gillespie, who will approach whispering unintelligible words. After the sequence, head to the first Storage Room you see to find a couple of boxes of ammunition and an energy drink.

Outside, near the laundry (Laundry), there's an IV stand you can take. Now head to the stairs to find a Save Point. Use it.

Now go up to the second floor, and beyond the door, you will face a new strange creature, a Halo, a weird floating being that I strongly advise against confronting bare-handed. In fact, I would suggest you simply run past it every time you meet it, but if you insist on taking it down, go ahead. Now enter the Storage Room, destroy the nurse and take possession of the rifle ammunition, a bottle of alcohol, and a First Aid Kit.

Your destination, marked on the map, is the TB ward. Go past the Staff Lounge being cautious of nurses, to reach your goal. Inside the TB ward, examine the machinery. Behind a glass, you'll notice a key, and I bet you'll want it.

Read the warning, take the energy drink, and then focus on the next puzzle, which you'll access once you've examined the machinery.

You'll face five buttons, and your goal is to make all the dial indicators reach their maximum. With some attempts, you'll quickly understand what to do, but if you don't feel like trying, I'll tell you what to do.

You need to press the first button twice, the third twice, and finally the fifth twice. Very simple.

Actually, I proceeded differently. I pressed the third, then the fifth, and the first and repeated the operation, but you understand it's the same.

Once done, you'll find the key at the bottom of the machinery, on the far right of it.

Now return to the stairs. Outside the basement door, you'll find a wrench and sniper rifle ammunition. Use the basement key you just found to open the door and access the floor.

I advise, being cautious of the annoying Carrions, to take a look at the East Pipe Room, as it will be very useful later on. Outside the room, the Pipe Room, continue along the diagonal corridor to reach the other staircase. If you want, there's also a butcher's hook near the wall. On the floor, you'll find a razor.

Go up to the second floor. Two Nurses will welcome you. Ignore them, or eliminate them if you prefer, and go to the Hydrotherapy Room. Activate the drainage control to suck away the water and the key we need with it, but we won't find it yet in the East Pipe Room, so don't go there.

Instead, go to the Treatment Room to find a mirror. Obviously, use it to go straight to the alternate reality.

Observe the doll and take the ammunition nearby. Exit to find Halos in the hall. Don't confront them to avoid losing energy and time and head to the stairs and from there to the first floor. Save using the now usual triangular symbol and open the door to find yourself on the first floor.

Examine the Female Seclusion door and try to open both dormitory doors right next to the Seclusion. You'll be surprised by a dialogue. Listen carefully, watching the screen change color. Gradually, you'll get an idea of the overall picture, and soon some things will already be quite clear.

Take the ammunition in Dormitory 3.

When you exit the dormitory, there will be S.J.s along the corridor. Slide through the creatures to reach the women's restroom. Grab the knife in the showers and examine the mirror to find yourself in the otherworld again. Examine the only open toilet and flush it. You'll hear a metallic noise, the key. But you won't find it yet below, so it's useless to go (obviously, I went both times, unnecessarily XD). Don't fail to take a look at the showers, and the inscription on the floor: “Bring me my son,” rigorously written in blood…

Now head to Dormitory 5, being cautious of the floating Halos. Take everything you find there, especially the Patient Belongings key, the Female Seclusion document, sniper rifle ammunition, and a desk lamp, if you want.

The destination is clear once again, and we must go to the Patient Belongings room.

Make your way through the various nurses and annoying Halos to reach your destination.

Inside the room, take the rifle ammunition, a typewriter, and a medical report from July 2, '61. Continue to the right to reach the back and a mirror you must examine.

Change dimensions, approach the door to remove the shotgun blocking it, as well as the ammunition on the ground.

Outside, there should be two Carrions, so be wary of their long-range attacks.

Go to the Day Room to recover some ammunition and a medical kit. Now, exit and reach the corridor to the east on the map. Avoid the Halo in the East Solarium to take more ammunition. In the laundry room, you'll find a health drink, more ammunition, and a police report. Now head to the staircase, go down and take the ammunition outside the basement entrance door.

Finally, head to the East Pipe Room to grab the much-coveted key, the Interview Archive key. Along the diagonal corridor, you'll find a nice health drink and a butcher's hook. Take them and return to the previous corridor where there should be a Halo. Enter the nearby Storage to find a mirror, a vial, and a hammer. Change dimensions and in the same room, you'll find a butcher's hook.

Now you have to reach the second floor to go to the Archive Room for which you finally have the key.

Use the staircase not far from you and go up. Reach your destination being very cautious of the creatures.

Inside the new room, the screen will turn gray again, and you'll hear a new, interesting dialogue.

Take the ammunition and the portable TV, then touch the mirror to change dimensions.

Now, a beautiful katana will be waiting for you on the shelf.

Exit and slalom between the Straight Jackets to reach the westernmost corridor. Take the stairs and go down to the basement. In the Storage Room, touch the mirror to read a document in the foggy dimension. Return to the Otherworld, traverse the diagonal corridor to reach the other stairs.

You must head to the male wing on the first floor. Take the hammer between the first and second floor and proceed to enter the Male Seclusion. Examine all five inner rooms. In the first, you'll find a razor. The second won't open. The third has a mannequin and an assortment of perfumes. The fourth is completely locked, while in the fifth, you'll find a bag of food.

Examine the whiteboard:

"Medicine (not to be confused)
Room 1: trizanthium
Room 2: natium
Room 3: oporium
Room 4: salorium
Room 5: natium
(remember, pills are only for patients)"

Clearly, you'll note this in your inventory notes.

Now, rush to the infirmary. Save the game, if you want, and then pay attention to the curious set of dolls inside the room.

There are five dolls as you can see, and each corresponds to a patient from the Seclusion.

We must assign the right pill to the right doll, and we can do so with some simple consideration.

  1. In the first room, we found a razor. The room corresponds to the red pill, so the red pill must be given to the doll with the razor, the fourth.
  2. The second room didn't open, and the door was charred. The blue pill from the second room then goes to the second doll, burned.
  3. In room number three, there was the mannequin and perfumes, as well as a hat stand. The yellow pill, therefore, goes to the doll in the dress, number five.
  4. Room number four was barred like a prison. The green pill goes to the assassin doll with kitchen knives.
  5. Finally, room number five was full of food. The last pill then, the blue, goes to the doll with obvious eating problems XD.

After all this reasoning, you'll receive the Dr. Harris key as a reward.

Return nicely to the stairs straight to the basement, to the room with the mirror. Return to the foggy dimension and reach the first floor. Your destination is the doctor's office. Reach it and enter. Once inside, take the IV stand, the Jocasta artifact, and the document with the patient's note that will leave Travis and you astonished (or maybe not). Exit outside and examine the childlike drawing on the ground.

There are no more creatures around now, and melancholic music will accompany your steps, so you can relax and do everything calmly.

You must head towards the eastern corridors. Remember the Female Seclusion door, with the strange symbol on it? Look at the Jocasta Symbol you just took, and you'll notice they are identical. That's your target.

But the goal is in the otherworld, so go to the women's restroom to touch the mirror and return to the alternate reality. If you want, you can stock up on ammunition by going down to the basement through the stairs near the Female Seclusion. Along the diagonal path, you'll find some ammunition.

Now, head back up and face your primary objective.

Use the Jocasta key on the Female Seclusion door and open it to access the room.

Inside, you'll find Lisa, sitting in darkness, mumbling words that Travis seems not to understand initially.

When she runs away, you'll understand that your new destination is room number five.

Don't enter yet. Examine all the drawings surrounding the room; you'll also notice how, moving away and then back towards room five, a sharp, unsettling sound can be heard.

Very well. Equip yourself with your sniper rifle, save the game, and prepare to enter room 5. A brief sequence will introduce the battle. We'll see young Travis (the same child glimpsed in the game's opening cutscene during a flashback) and the creature we're about to face. After a brief dialogue, we'll regain control and can start the fight.

Boss: The Memory of Helen Grady

We're facing the first boss of Silent Hill Origins, namely the protagonist's mother.

The woman, who doesn't seem much like a woman anymore, will be wrapped in a sort of cage and can attack in various ways. She can attack from long distances with something similar to sharp wires with which she'll pull and skewer you, or she'll secrete a sort of poisoned gas. Don't worry because you can easily avoid her attacks. However, it's important that you never get too close to avoid being hit.

Here's how I managed it, and I didn't get hit at all in this way.

I quickly headed towards the first corner with the sniper rifle equipped. I fired three shots and then ran towards the other corner, firing another three. I reloaded from the inventory and continued like this until I ran out of pistol ammunition (if you save them all, you won't finish them, but I had wasted some earlier).

I finished her off by getting close and firing two shotgun shots.
Goodbye, Mommy.

Cedar Grove Sanitarium

After defeating mother Helen, we'll find a new symbol on the floor and a new piece to collect: The Piece from the Past, which we'll put in the inventory. Alessa will appear but won't say anything. Then, after a familiar siren sound, Travis will faint for the third time and find himself at the entrance of the Sanitarium.

The doors are all locked. Proceed to the lobby and take the theater ticket from the table in front of the reception.

Exit the building.

Silent Hill

Just outside, take the key from the hood of the running car and continue.

Once again, through the city streets. All you need to do is retrace your steps, including passing through the butcher shop. Head there then, avoiding creatures, and enter.

The Butcher Shop

Something has changed here, and bloodstains will cover much of the floor, indicating someone has been dragged away bleeding. Save the game and observe the bloodied bracelet on the ground, near the door. A plea for help.

Silent Hill: Origins
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Pass through the half-open door to find yourself outside next to the gutted corpse of a nurse.

Silent Hill

Skipping and running to avoid creatures scattered on the road, reach the Lumber Yard to the north.

Lumber Yard

Follow the obligatory path. There won't be creatures around the corner, so relax. Proceed until you find a newspaper and a hammer. Continue along the path until you're back on the road.

Silent Hill

Near the Tavern, you'll find ammunition if you need it. Continue north on Industry street, and on the left, you should find more ammunition. Now, to reach the theater, you must first cross the apartments. So, cautiously head to the Greenfield Apartments, watching out for creatures.

Greenfield Apartments

Inside, you'll find two energy drinks and a hammer. Upstairs, you can take a nice toaster, a desk lamp, and some ammunition on the sofa. In the bedroom, you can pick up a blood-soaked razor on the floor, next to the bed where a gutted creature lies. Go to the bathroom to take a first aid kit, then dive into the void in front of you. There's nothing for you down here, but examine mailbox number 213. Now you can leave.

Silent Hill

There won't be creatures around, but you still can't wander off because Travis clearly wants to visit the theater first. Look around a bit. In an alley, you'll find a health drink and a butcher's hook.

Behind a railing, there are some boxes of ammunition for the service pistol and the hunting rifle (yes, I know, you don't own these weapons yet).

Now, approach the theater box office and use your nice ticket found at the exit of the Sanitarium. The door nearby will open. Your next destination.

Artaud Theatre

As soon as you enter, grab the theater map on a bench. Further to the west, you'll find a weapon and a health drink. Try to go upstairs and open the door. All other doors will be locked, but you can take some ammunition.

Go back down and read the notice next to the Auditorium entrance.

Now enter, take a few steps to meet Lisa for the third time. It will be a brief but rather special encounter. After the sequence, go left to access the Storage where you can pick up a nice typewriter. Continue right to cross the stage. The screen will gray, and you'll hear an auditory message that you won't be able to identify well. After that, proceed to the right and enter the curtain control room. Read the notice next to the button. In the same room, you'll find a save point, a kitchen knife, ammunition, and a weight to use as a weapon. Proceed to find a hammer along the next corridor.

Pass through the northward door and proceed cautiously as you're about to encounter a new creature that resembles a puppet. Well, eliminate the puppet with an effective melee weapon, such as a katana.

Be cautious of these creatures, especially when you encounter them in groups, as they are difficult to avoid (alas) and can be quite dangerous if there are more than one. They will also attack you, both suspended from the ceiling and on the ground, walking on their hands. Just like the nurses, they may try to attack you, and you'll have to press X quickly. Continue now, and take the health drink on the shelf. Nearby, you'll also find a portable TV.

Now dash into the director's office to find the Sun Totem, the service pistol, ammunition, and a diary page to read. Also take the health drink on the shelf and exit.

Head to the Men’s Dressing Room to take a Katana and read some production notes. Look at the mirror, examine it, and you'll find yourself in the Otherworld.

Exit and be very careful of the Marionettes you'll find outside. Your destination is again the Director's Office. Once inside, take the key you find, along with the ammunition.

Retrace your steps, returning to the Dressing Room and crossing through the mirror a second time. Okay, go back again, retrace through the curtain control room, the stage, and storage (where you should encounter a Marionette). Exit the Auditorium and climb the stairs opening the door in front of you. Be cautious of the Marionette that will now be on the ground. Now go to the Lighting Box to find a first aid kit and four bulbs that we will soon need to solve a puzzle. Read the note and take the ammunition.

Exit the room and then the other door (not the one you entered). Head south, and you'll find a health drink on the ground floor. Continuing, you'll encounter an S.J. (yes, they are here too, unfortunately, along with the Carrions). Eliminate it and take the Moon Totem. Unlock the northward door and return to the Men’s Dressing Room to touch the mirror once again. In the Otherworld, head south until you reach the stairs. Climb them until you find yourself in a new room. Here, there will be three Marionettes. I advise you to eliminate them with a powerful melee weapon, still the Katana, and, if you're in difficulty, with the sniper rifle and the remaining ammunition for this weapon (which, once finished, will ensure that the weapon is completely replaced by the service pistol).

Once the three pests are dealt with, approach the northward door. You'll notice two indentations in the wall, to the right and left of the door. Insert the Moon Totem on the left and the Sun Totem on the right to unlock it and proceed.

Done? Good. Go ahead, eliminate or avoid the Carrion (the corridor is not very wide, so it will be easy for the creature to land its attack when you try to pass by it), continue along the path eliminating also the two Marionettes. All to be able to take the hunting shotgun (finally) at the end of the corridor, and ammunition along the corridor itself.

Great. Now go to the Costume Storage and use the mirror to exit the Otherworld.

Take the katana on the shelf and approach the desk. Take the health drink and examine the document. You'll hear a disturbing noise after examining it. Pay no attention and stay calm.

Exit and go to the Orchestra Storage Room to save the game.

Attempting to avoid the two S.J.s, enter the only accessible Catwalk (the second to your right) and you will face the puzzle of the bulbs.

Well, let's try to understand something. First, examine the document found previously. We know that:

"B has half the voltage of D.
A+B must not exceed the voltage of C.
D must not exceed the voltage of A."

B could be either the 250-watt bulb or the 125-watt bulb since 250 is half of 500 while 125 is half of 250. If B were the 250-w bulb, D would consequently be the 500-w bulb, and consequently, A would be 750-w, which is impossible because then the sum of the voltages of bulbs A and B would exceed that of C.

So, B is the 125-w bulb, thus D is the 250-w bulb. A will then definitely be the 500-w bulb so that the sum with B does not exceed the value of C, which can be set at 750-w.

You've solved the puzzle. It wasn't complicated. If you don't want to think about it, know that: A corresponds to the 500-w bulb, B to the 125-w bulb, C to the 750-w bulb, and D to the 250-w bulb.

Now go to the end of the catwalk and activate the mechanism by moving the lever. The lights will turn on, and background music will start.

Perfect, you just have to go down to the first floor. Do so by going down the stairs to the south. Head to the curtain control room, being cautious of the creatures.

Are you there? Great. Now press the button next to the door that leads to the stage, and you'll hear a noise.

The curtain will have opened. Go then to the stage, and you'll notice a huge mirror in the center. Do not approach it, but go instead to the right at the end where you'll find a control panel.

Examine it to access the controls. Modify the scene by pushing the first lever on the left, while among the Prop levers, choose the second.

Silent Hill: Origins
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On stage now, there will be the setting of a forest and a tree emerging from the floor, all strictly fake. But since you are not interested in fake things, approach the mirror to enter the otherworld, into a forest that is not so fake anymore, bordering on eerie. Once here, follow the path lit in red to reach a gloomy little tree. Examine it to take the Stage Office Key. Perfect. Move away from the little tree by retracing your steps, and the screen will turn gray. You will hear a new background dialogue, certainly from one of the acts of The Tempest. Pay attention to what is said, as it might, and most likely will, have something to do with Travis, in some way. Well, cross through the mirror again to return to the stage. Go once more to the control panel and this time for the scenery push the third lever and for the Prop the first one. On stage for you will appear a library with a nice table in the center. You are interested in the other side, as always. So, examine the mirror to find yourself in a much more unsettling library. Please, read carefully the three texts you find on the long table near you, but do not return to the stage right away. Go to the back of the room, towards the right, to find another document whose title, to me, has said much more than something, then I don't know about you. Also, recover the ammunition and the vial right where this last text was found. Okay, now you can really go back to the stage. Since you are shrewd, I guess you understood that the next destination of our trucker is the Stage Office, of which we just found the key. Prepare, because on the way there you will encounter more than one creature. Watch out for the Marionettes (Ariel) because if you chose to avoid them, you should have the physical chance to pass quite far from them, or at least they will cling to you. Do your best, finish them all if you want, and also be wary of the Carrion. Once in the Office, all you have to do is recover the lever. If you remember, the third lever of the Prop was missing, and it is the same lever that you found. Yes, you must retrace your steps. As before, pay particular attention to the creatures. Run wildly (but the Carrion might still hit you with its swift attack) and return to the stage. Use the lever on the control panel to put it in its place. Access the controls and set the second scenario and this last, third, prop. I recommend you return to the curtain control room to save the game (just in case) and arm yourself with your trusty hunting rifle. Once done, cross through the mirror to find yourself in Caliban's cave (remember the document you found at the beginning next to the entrance of the auditorium? Remember the highlighted words?)

Boss: Caliban

Okay, it's enormous, but don't be afraid. This monstrosity, rather unsettling, is slow, but really very, very slow, so it's almost certain that like me, you'll manage to get out without even a scratch. I didn't risk it, and used the same strategy adopted with Memory Of Helen Grady, just trying to stay a bit closer to be sure. With the hunting rifle, you'll soon have the upper hand, but, if you want, you can also use the other rifle, which, however, will force you to get even closer to Caliban. Even in this case, however, you shouldn't have problems, as it will be enough to move away when you understand (and it is understandable) that the boss is about to attack, and then shoot again. If you really feel daring, you can also prevail with melee weapons. Clearly, I recommend choosing the most effective ones you have in your inventory. Anyway, you should have no problems defeating Caliban.

Artaud Theatre

After the boss is defeated, the usual animated scene will start, and you can pick up the Piece of Falsehood from the ground. Immediately after, you will faint once again (you've gotten used to it by now, huh?) and you'll wake up on a bench, still at the entrance of the theater. In the lobby, approach the poor disemboweled corpse of an Ariel (our beloved Marionettes) to take the key to the Motel, which, as you will have understood, will be your next destination. Exit the Theater to return to the streets of Silent Hill, where you will hardly be alone.

Silent Hill

If you want to stock up on supplies, walk down Knoontz Street and then take the first turn north to find some ammunition and an energy drink.

Public Records

Now head to the Public Records Office to find, on the back, ammunition and an interesting document. On the other side of the room is a typewriter, two boxes of ammunition, and a document about a closed case. Exit.

Silent Hill

On Wein Street, you will find an energy drink near the police car. In front of the pharmacy, if you wish, there are more ammunition while going down Simmons Street you can find a health drink on a car and a shovel behind the car itself. On a table outside the Café, there's another drink, and in the corner right there, some ammunition. At the end of Wilson Street, you will find more ammunition and yet another drink. Once you've collected everything, head to the Bookstore.


Once inside, near the silhouette, take the machine gun and the ammunition for it. Then read the note near the cash register and examine it. The number to enter is 213, the one from the apartment room whose mailbox was overflowing, remember? After this, you can take the key to the Bookstore. Now exit through the other door by opening it with the key you just found.

Silent Hill

Along the way near the Post Office, at the end, you'll find some drinks, while on one of the many benches in the nearby square, there are some ammunition and another drink. Head to the General Store.

General Store

Take the vial on the ground and the ammunition on the shelves. Continuing on, you will find a health drink near the save point. There's also a broken pole that you can take, nearby. Exit outside, again.

Silent Hill

Continue along Midway then head south on Cielo. In a trash can, you will also find a health drink. Another drink and some ammunition are behind the Allen Storage. In front of the same building, there will be more ammunition. Now head to the Motel, being careful of the creatures, among which you will have certainly noticed the giant Carrions and the Calibans.

Boss: Caliban

Okay, it's enormous, but don't be afraid. This monstrosity, rather unsettling, is slow, but really very, very slow, so it's almost certain that like me, you'll manage to get out without even a scratch. I didn't risk it, and used the same strategy adopted with Memory Of Helen Grady, just trying to stay a bit closer to be sure. With the hunting rifle, you'll soon have the upper hand, but, if you want, you can also use the other rifle, which, however, will force you to get even closer to Caliban. Even in this case, however, you shouldn't have problems, as it will be enough to move away when you understand (and it is understandable) that the boss is about to attack, and then shoot again. If you really feel daring, you can also prevail with melee weapons. Clearly, I recommend choosing the most effective ones you have in your inventory. Anyway, you should have no problems defeating Caliban.

Artaud Theatre

After the boss is defeated, the usual animated scene will start, and you can pick up the Piece of Falsehood from the ground. Immediately after, you will faint once again (you've gotten used to it by now, huh?) and you'll wake up on a bench, still at the entrance of the theater. In the lobby, approach the poor disemboweled corpse of an Ariel (our beloved Marionettes) to take the key to the Motel, which, as you will have understood, will be your next destination. Exit the Theater to return to the streets of Silent Hill, where you will hardly be alone.

Silent Hill

If you want to stock up on supplies, walk down Knoontz Street and then take the first turn north to find some ammunition and an energy drink.

Public Records

Now head to the Public Records Office to find, on the back, ammunition and an interesting document. On the other side of the room is a typewriter, two boxes of ammunition, and a document about a closed case. Exit.

Silent Hill

On Wein Street, you will find an energy drink near the police car. In front of the pharmacy, if you wish, there are more ammunition while going down Simmons Street you can find a health drink on a car and a shovel behind the car itself.

Silent Hill: Origins
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On a table outside the Café, there's another drink, and in the corner right there, some ammunition. At the end of Wilson Street, you will find more ammunition and yet another drink. Once you've collected everything, head to the Bookstore.


Once inside, near the silhouette, take the machine gun and the ammunition for it. Then read the note near the cash register and examine it. The number to enter is 213, the one from the apartment room whose mailbox was overflowing, remember? After this, you can take the key to the Bookstore. Now exit through the other door by opening it with the key you just found.

Silent Hill

Along the way near the Post Office, at the end, you'll find some drinks, while on one of the many benches in the nearby square, there are some ammunition and another drink. Head to the General Store.

General Store

Take the vial on the ground and the ammunition on the shelves. Continuing on, you will find a health drink near the save point. There's also a broken pole that you can take, nearby. Exit outside, again.

Silent Hill

Continue along Midway then head south on Cielo. In a trash can, you will also find a health drink. Another drink and some ammunition are behind the Allen Storage. In front of the same building, there will be more ammunition. Now head to the Motel, being careful of the creatures, among which you will have certainly noticed the giant Carrions and the Calibans.

Riverside Motel

After crossing the gate, explore the area to find a save point. Then, go through the door to enter the building. After the cutscene, grab the map right behind you, and read the guest register to discover that almost all the pages are torn out except for one. Go behind the desk to take the key to room 306. Examine the calendar behind the desk to find out that you can't do anything about it, at least not yet. Exit through the other door and cross the gate next to the stairs. In room 209, there are some ammunition, but you'll have to kill a Straight Jacket. Room 302 contains nothing but a bunch of shoes.

Cross the gate again and this time, go up the stairs. In room 316, you'll find a rather unusual scene, and a pole. Now, go down the stairs at the end of the hallway, continuing to the left, and once down, ignore the Carrion you see at the end, but go into room 308 to get some ammunition and meet a new creature. The Twobacks have a quite explicit and unsettling form, and are quite dangerous too. They can hit you by charging, spraying acid, or initiating a button mini-game like the Straight Jackets. Be very careful.

Exit room 308 and run to room 306, unlock the door and enter. There's nothing there, just a mirror in the bathroom. Use it to cross into the otherworld. On the wall near the door, there is now a note. Read it because it is very interesting and closely related to Travis. Exit and now be very careful because the Carrions, especially, can give you a hard time with their incredible speed. Even running might be futile. If you deem it necessary, kill them. In room 309, there is a new weapon, a spear, and a health drink in the bathroom, which you can reach after passing a Straight Jacket.

Exit room 309 and head to room 305 to find some ammunition. Now, you can only proceed in one direction. So, open the door that leads to the corridors of the two rows of rooms 200\300. Here, be very careful of the Carrions prowling along the narrow corridors. In room 209, there will be another spear, while in room 301, a first aid kit in the bathroom, but to get it, you'll need to take out another Straight Jacket.

Now head towards the 500 series rooms and watch out for the TwoBack before entering room 503. Here, there will be just a mirror. Use it to return to the foggy reality. The room will now have changed and become quite eerie. The walls are plastered with images, photos, drawings, and engravings representing The Butcher, the creature we have already encountered some time ago. Take the note on the desk and exit.

Don't worry about the Caliban outside and head towards the Maintenance Room. Take the shovel next to the door and then enter. Inside, there's a Straight Jacket, kill it, and a toolbox not far from you. Go to the end of the room to take a health drink and some ammunition. Now go to the left of the room to see a large hole, enter it to access a corridor. As you proceed, observe through all the peepholes on both sides. You'll witness a brief scene by looking through one of these.

Silent Hill: Origins
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Look through the peephole that overlooks the Pink Moon Suite to notice a familiar jacket, a murmur, and some syringes. Finally, look through the peephole of room 503 to see the figure of The Butcher, from the back. If you try to look through the peephole again, The Butcher will no longer be there. Now proceed to the end of the corridor to take the photo and the key to the Manager's Office. Your next direction is exactly there. The road is quite long and full of creatures, so I recommend you arm yourself, perhaps with the assault rifle. Access the corridor right behind the Staff Accommodation Room and go through it, killing the two TwoBacks from a distance. Once outside, proceed to the Manager's Office, passing through the Reception. Enter, kill the TwoBack, and take the file cabinet near the door. Take the ammunition and the document. Exit from the opposite side from where you came.

If you are looking for resources, in room 108, after killing a TwoBack, you will find some ammunition and a health drink. Also in this room, you will find a new weapon, the Redeemer, with some ammunition. In room 106, also occupied by a TwoBack, you will find two more boxes of ammunition. At this point, head towards the kitchen, ignoring the Straight Jacket nearby. Observe the creature butchered near the door, and, before crossing it, arm yourself well and prepare for the confrontation that will occur immediately after a brief sequence.

Boss: The Butcher

This Boss is not, in truth, a great threat. If he were to hit you, the damage would be significant, it's true, but you should come out without a scratch without problems. The Butcher is very, very slow, and his only attack consists of a blow from his huge cleaver. Moreover, his weapon is not even very long, so to hit you, The Butcher must be very close. Do this: arm yourself with the assault rifle and shoot from a distance, reloading from the menu to not waste precious time. When The Butcher is close enough to hit you, move away following the rotary path around the table. Keep shooting while moving away when he gets too close, and soon you will see him collapse to the ground. I strongly advise against trying to eliminate The Butcher with a melee weapon, as your efforts would be futile. He will have all the time to hit you, and with two or three blows, you will be out of combat.

Riverside Motel

Take the cleaver and the butcher hook and exit this room through the other door. Next to the JukeBox, you'll find an interesting note, and between the two tables, there's a save point you should use. Now head to the Pool area and access the Game Room. Once inside, if you wish, you can take five pool cues. Approach the pinball machines to examine the first one on the left, which is turned on, and take the token. As you're about to leave, a new flashback will start. Exit the Game Room and go to room 102 if you want to take some ammunition, but be wary of the Twoback. Exit. Notice the shiny object at the bottom of the pool, although it seems you can't do anything about it. Go into the Laundy Mat, take the energy drink, the manual, and approach the washing machine. Insert the token and examine the machine. Remember the note you found in the Maintenance Room? It had the instructions. The manual will help you understand which symbol corresponds to a certain step. It shouldn't be complicated, but I'll try to make everything very simple. Look at the knob with symbols around it. Well, consider it as if it were a clock and the symbols corresponded to the hours. In sequence, set the knob to Eight (slow spin), then to Four (60-degree wash), then to Ten (sacrifice), and finally to One (prewash). The door will open and you'll get your key to the Cleopatra room. Exit the Laundry Mat and go up the stairs. Head straight to the Cleopatra room. Once inside, take the ammunition, the portable TV, and the photo on the bed. Go into the bathroom, you'll hear giggles. Look at the hole in the tub and jump in. You'll witness a brief and, I would say, unsettling scene, after which Kaufmann will lock you inside the room. To get out, go to the bathroom and examine the mirror to find yourself in the otherworld. Now in the room, there will be a Twoback, kill it and take the butcher hook but especially the photo of the overdose death. Now exit and dive into the pool which is now empty. Once down, take the jewel. Well, if you want, in room 104 you'll find some ammunition, but go to the Diner to find an ornamental dagger. Now go up the stairs, out of the Diner, and approach the Nero room. Notice the opening and access the inventory to use the dagger. Inside, recover the other photo and then jump into the hole you'll find. Before entering the other hole, go to the opposite side to take a first aid kit then cross the passage. You've been here before, remember? Look through all the peepholes, then take the photo and the spear. Go to the door to access the Maintenance Room and find a new letter written by Travis's father. Now plunge into room 503 where, you'll remember, there's a mirror. Examine it. Once in the otherworld, examine the heart-shaped jewel in the inventory to understand that there's something inside. Return to the Maintenance Room to use the device at the end of the room to open the object to find the wedding ring. Examine this too to discover the date of June. Well, now you have a month and a day (the 12th, marked on the calendar seen previously) Remember the rotating calendar in the Reception? Well, go back there and, once inside, examine the mechanism. As you see, you also need the year to solve the puzzle. No problem. Always in the inventory, examine Travis's quarter to discover the year '61. Enter 6/12/1961 to unlock the mechanism and reveal a hole, where you'll insert the wedding ring. After all this, you'll be able to take the key to room 500. Running and jumping back to room 503 as you will have access to 500 only in the otherworld. In the alternate reality, exit from 503, to start a sequence. You'll be in front of 500. Open the door, save, and prepare to descend a long staircase. Before opening the door, arm yourself well.

Boss: Memory Of Richard Grady

This time the battle area is very limited, and the fight might be tougher than it would have been in a wider area. In particular, you might really struggle to avoid the attack in which Richard spits some kind of acid in your direction. Plus, he can throw tentacles at you, but you can avoid those. When he launches them, the central part of the creature will be inactive, and won't spray acid, so get to work and douse him in lead, to resolve everything in a few minutes. I recommend the Redeemer or the assault rifle.

Riverside Motel

Take the piece of truth from the ground to start a scene. As usual, Travis will faint, waking up in an area that seems less familiar but...

Alchemilla Hospital

You'll wake up without knowing you're in the hospital, you are indeed in the basement. Take the first aid kit and the ammunition, and proceed. Examine the stretcher that Travis will observe because it's the one Alessa was transported on. Continue taking the vial and the ammunition you find along the mandatory path until you find the piece of the present on the floor. You'll be in front of a puzzle that unfortunately I can't guide you in solving, but rest assured because, even just by proceeding through trial and error, you'll manage on your own. I can only tell you that each of the bases of the final Flaurus must be made up of similar symbols among them. It's not at all difficult, so try until you succeed.

Silent Hill: Origins
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Once you've completed the puzzle, continue, climb the stairs, and only then Travis will realize he's in the Hospital. Head towards the exit, but before you do, save your game. Outside, an incredibly beautiful sequence awaits you, enjoy it thoroughly.

Silent Hill

Yes, this is indeed Silent Hill, in its alternate version. Take the vial and the shovel next to you and continue until you find a map hanging on the wall. It will be drawn by Alessa, who will indicate the path to follow. You can head directly there, or make some detours to pick up ammunition. Be wary of the creatures, though some might not even see you due to the darkness. To the left of Koontz, you'll find Redeemer ammunition and a medical kit, but be cautious of the Twoback, which will likely not leave you alone.

Silent Hill: Origins
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Continuing to the left from Sagan Street, you'll find more ammunition, while to the right of the same street, ammunition and an energy drink. Now you can go to your destination, which you'll discover to be Dahlia's antique shop.

Antique Shop

Read the document on the table carefully, and at the back of the room, enter the hole in the ground. Guide Travis to the left, observing the suggestive way the environment around you, crouched, will change as you proceed. Once on the other side, you'll find an altar in front of you while to your left, no less than 6 save points (who said Silent Hill 2?). Obviously, SAVE! Then follow the red tape until it disappears at the end. You will witness a wonderful scene before...

Boss: God? Demon? Samael?

The friendly little demon is a sight to behold. Fortunately, you have a large space to move around. The boss's attack, in which it sprays some kind of fire breath, is easily avoidable. A bit less so when it starts throwing actual fireballs at you that will fall randomly in different areas. So, keep moving. Stay at a distance to avoid the breath, and I recommend the assault rifle, take it down. You may use more ammunition in this fight compared to the previous ones, but it will be worth it.

After defeating the game's last boss, you will witness a beautiful scene, followed by others that will lead us towards the beginning of the first Silent Hill. Enjoy the view, and congratulations!

You have finished Silent Hill: Origins!

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Just ordered it on ebay! Can't wait for playing it!

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