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Fascination Issue 026

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 · 10 months ago

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T h e U n o f f i c i a l
C i r q u e d u S o l e i l N e w s l e t t e r

Issue #26 "I am One, I am Many, I am Legion" October 2003

We're off and running again! First, let me appologize for the late
issue this month. We've been hard at work, both here and in our real
lives, and with all the things to report and comment on we've been
hard-pressed to stop writing! So many goodies came out on the 7th that
we felt delaying the issue a bit to cover these items wouldn't hurt.
But, I promise that we'll get back on track soon.

This past month has been yet another great one for Cirque du Soleil
fans. So many new products have been released that many of us (no
doubt) are now in serious debt! What has gotten us into a frenzy?
There's Solarium, the new Tapis Rouge CD that features lounge remixes
of some of the more popular songs in Cirque's repertoire, the Varekai
2-CD set that features a special second CD with Live and remixed
tracks, the Varekai DVD and VHS, which has been greatly anticipated by
fans, not to mention the 2004 wall calendar. Inside we have reviews of
many of these items, and more!

Beyond the tangible goods, Cirque du Soleil has fulfilled a dream of
some by filming La Nouba, the resident show in Orlando, Florida.
Filming commenced the weekend of September 13th for a special
television broadcast for the BBC in England. Don't fret, our sources
suggest the show is scheduled to be released onto DVD in the future,
but details about its release (or whether it will premiere on BRAVO in
the United States first) are not yet available. However, the filming
of La Nouba has sparked a heated debate amongst fan groups because
some (including myself) feel that Mystère should receive the dubious
honor of being encapsulated forever. While I understand that the MGM
Mirage group controls the marketing of this show, and hence holds the
decision of whether or not the show is filmed (as of now, the decision
is a firm no), I feel it may be in everyone's best interests to do so.
Just think of the revenue from the DVD/VHS sales! I also ask, with all
the shows that have been filmed to date, has any one of them hurt the
ticket sales of that show? Something to think about in anycase.

On September 27th and 28th Cirque du Soleil treated the general public
to a very special event -- the annual "open house" at 8400 2nd Ave in
Montreal, Quebec. Cirque opened up their Headquarters building to fans
and non-fans alike who were able to see where performers train,
costumes are made and even see the office of the President! A very
special engagement that we will talk about further in an upcomming

Also, I want to draw your attention to a date that may at this moment
seem a little too far in the future to worry about -- May 22, 2004.
This date is special for two very important reasons: 1) Quidam is
returning to Vancouver for a run starting May 6, and 2) This is the
date several fans from the Cirque du Soleil Yahoo group (group:
cirquedusoleil) have selected to partake in the show. For further
information about this very special trip visit, please go to:
<>. Hope to see you there!

Last, but not least, may I say we have yet another wonderful issue
instore for you. With reviews of the products I mentioned above,
further coverage of Zumanity by Wayne Leung, we're bursting at the
seams! Thank you once again for reading Fascination! and I look
forward to hearing comments about our newsletter or answering any
questions you may have.

- Ricky


* Cirque Buzz -- News, Rumours & Sightings
* CRQ-TV -- Cirque on Television
* CRQ.NET -- Cirque du Soleil Online
* Itinéraire -- Tour/Show Information
* Didyaknow? -- Facts About Cirque

* Le Spectacle:
"The Secret World: Intimate and Interactive with Zumanity"
By: Wayne Leung, Staff Writer
* Le Spectateur:
"Another Side of"
By: Ricky Russo, Chief Editor
* Cirque Musique:
"Tapis Rouge's Solarium"
By: Paul Roberts, Senior Writer
* From the Boutique:
"Varekai. Varekai! VARKEAI!!"
By: Keith Johnson, Senior Writer

* Parting Quote
* Subscription Information
* Copyright & Disclaimer



Cirque for Life!
Cirque du Soleil, in collaboration with New Avenues for Youth,
will present the film "Cirque for Life" at Cinema 21 on Monday,
October 20th at 7:00pm in Portland, Oregon.

Cirque for Life, produced by Adobe Productions
(, is an amazing documentary that tells
the inspiring story of four young adults from around the globe
who come together in Quebec City to train and stage a circus
production. Sibongile, from Ashtown, South Africa; Marco, from
Santiago, Chile; Jasper from Amsterdam, Netherlands; and Karine
from Montreal, Quebec must set aside their national differences,
tear down the language barrier and pull together to accomplish
their daunting task in only three weeks time.

Cirque for Life is a 50-minute production in English/French,
which had it's Canadian premiere on Radio-Canada, Sunday, May
18, 2003 at 7:30pm. Do not miss this special American premiere
in Portland! Space is limited; Visit the New Avenues for Youth
website at < >
to reserve your seat. Cinema 21 ( is
located 616 NW 21st Avenue, Portland, OR. 97209.

For further information on "Cirque for Life" including a
synopsis, pictures and participant profiles, visit the website:
>. [Source: Cirque du Soleil, Adobe Productions, Gary & Jill
Chapman; Ricky Russo]

Cirque Explodes onto Canadian TV!
This month Cirque du Soleil will explode onto Canadian
television with Varekai, the latest touring sensation from our
favorite circus. The Canadian premiere of Varekai occurs on
Wednesday, October 22nd at 8:00pm on CBC, the Canadian
Broadcasting Company. [Source: Canadian Broadcasting Company,
Wayne Leung; Ricky Russo]

Get Ready for SOLSTROM
In November, the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) will
premiere the long talked about Cirque du Soleil variety series -
- tentatively entitled SOLSTROM. SOLSTROM, a combination of
"solar wind" (sol, which is inspired by the sun) and "strom"
(from German meaning "current"), is a 13-episode series of 1-
hour episodes. The variety series will premiere on Radio-Canada
and the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) on Sunday, November
30, 2003. A time has not yet been set, however, the CBC offers a
description of the series as:

A sandbox transforms into a construction site. A high wire
shimmers across a hotel lobby. Icarian aliens go slumming
at a cosmic discotheque.

Get ready to play games of fear, games of romance, games
of chance - even extraterrestrial games - with some truly
unforgettable characters as the legendary Montreal-based
Cirque du Soleil comes to CBC Television, taking viewers
into a world of dreaming and game-playing where they will
encounter everything from romance to childhood and from
the cosmic to escapism. It's all done through the magic
that has made Cirque du Soleil an international sensation.

Among the vast selection of acts in this series will be a
troupe from the Russian Circus known as Khayalahov, who
perform from the highest perch ever used in a circus act;
the Navas family, performing a high-wire act 10 metres
above the ground without the support of any safety
features; a human torch who stays lit longer than any
other performer of his kind; Joseph Dominick, who performs
on the 50-foot wheel of death; and the Fan Yang Family who
will amaze with their bubble act - they hold the Guinness
record with a 156-foot bubble. Juggler Michael Moschen
will display his head-spinning talent, and wild inventor
Michel Lauziere performs a water-fun symphony and drum
concerto with his head. That's just the beginning of the
extraordinary and very special circus talent showcased in
this series.

With the addition of beautiful lighting, music and
striking costumes enhancing the performances, audiences
can truly expect the unexpected in this dazzling new 13-
week series from Cirque de Soleil, with resounding echoes
of Alegria, Varekai, Mystere, 0, and more of their
international hits.

SOLSTROM is set to air on Bravo USA in 2004. [Source: Canadian
Broadcasting Company, Wayne Leung; Ricky Russo]

Special New Years Performances
Champagne, noise makers, balloons, and celebrating with friends
and family all mark a wonderful New Years Eve celebration. Why
not add a few Cirque du Soleil performers to your guest list?
You can -- Come celebrate New Years Eve with Cirque du Soleil!

A special New Year's Eve edition of La Nouba will be performed
on December 31, 2003 at 6:00pm and 9:00pm at the Cirque du
Soleil theater in Downtown Disney's West Side. Complimentary
champagne will be served and a special limited edition show
program (including a signed insert) will be provided. The show
will begin with an introduction by Richard Dennison, La Nouba's
General Manager and end with a countdown and balloon drop!
Tickets are now on sale and prices are as follows: Category 1
Ages 10+: $100.00 (+ tax), Ages 3-9: $67.00 (+ tax). Category 2
Ages 10+: $90.00 (+ tax), Cat 2 Ages 3-9: $62.00 (+ tax). All
prices are in US Dollars.

Also, join "O" for New Years Eve on Wednesday, December 31st at
4:30pm and 7:30pm! Tickets prices are the same for this showing
as they are for any other performance of "O": Orhcestra (Section
103): $150.00 (w/tax), Orcestra: $125.00 (w/tax), Balcony:
$99.00 (w/tax) and Limited View seating: $93.50 (w/tax). All
prices are in US Dollars and include Nevada state sales tax.

And, celebrate the excitement of New Year's Eve with Mystère!
Enjoy a complimentary champagne toast, party favors, souvinir
program and a special gift! Performances are at 6:30pm and
9:30pm and are $125.00 (w/tax) per person. Tickets are now on
sale! Price is in US Dollars.

Finally, want a little something different for New Years Eve?
Join the creatures of the human zoo for a special night on the
town! Performances of Zumanity begin at 7:00pm and 10:00pm with
tiered pricing, depending on the type of seat you choose. Duo
Sofas: $150.00, Love Seats: $125.00, Orcestra: $125.00, Balcony:
$125.00 and Cabaret Stools: $100.00. All prices are in US
Dollars and include Nevada state sales tax. [Source:,,, Cirque du
Soleil; Ricky Russo]

Cirque takes another Emmy!
Cirque du Soleil: Fire Within was awarded the Emmy for
"Outstanding Nonfiction Program (Alternative)" at the Emmy
Creative Arts Awards that took place at the Shrine Auditorium in
L.A. Competition was fierce; other nominees included The
Osbournes and Trading Spaces. Frankly, we thought Cirque had no
chance given the high profile of the other nominees, but as it
so often does, Cirque suprised us again! This was Bravo's (and
Cirque's) only Emmy nomination this year. You can read a full
Cirque press release on the win at <
CirqueDuSoleil/en/pressroom/prinfo/news/news70.htm >.

Mo' money, mo' money, mo' money!
It's that time of year again, time for the ticket price
increase. With prices for Category 1 tickets for the touring
shows going from $65.00 USD to $70.00, and other categories
likewise being raised, fans are having to shell out more bucks
for their favorite obsession. (All ticket prices discussed here
are before taxes.)

Now we hear about two permanent shows raising their prices. As
of December 19th, Mystere's tickets will go up from $88.00 to
$95.00. So far as we know, "O" and Zumanity prices are staying
the same.

But in another change, La Nouba has updated their pricing
scheme. In a move similar to Cirque's touring shows, they now
have three categories of tickets:

* Category 1 - Seats in all of Section 103 (front and center),
and the front portions of Sections 203, 204, and 205. These now
sell for $82.00 for adults and $49.00 for children (children
defined throughout as aged 3-9).

* Category 2 - Most of the rest of the seats now sell for $72.00
for adults and $44.00 for children.

* A new Category 3, available only through the box-office - The
very outside seats in the upper levels in Sections 201 and 207,
and the outside of the last couple of rows in Sections 202 and
206. These now sell for $59.00 for adults and $39.00 for

You can check out a seating map showing the new sections at < >. [Source:,; Keith Johnson]

Oh, ThoZe ChangeZ!
In addition to Part 2 of Wayne's look at Zumanity below, we've
learned a few things recently we wanted to relate. Firstly, we
made you aware back on 9/16 that singer Kinnie Starr has left
the show. The way we hear it, she wasn't satisfied with the
direction the music of the show was taking, so she and Cirque
came to an amicable agreement. (One might speculate that she
was expecting more of a featured role in the music of the show,
and the music's evolution didn't meet her expectations.)

Now we hear that, at Guy Laliberte's insistance, the fire
performers have also left! Evidently, Guy did not want any fire
in his show. The replacement is reported to be an aerial hoops

Also, we heard another rumor about the CD. Evidently it was
*not* a manufacturing error that caused the delay. From what we
hear, Cirque is re-thinking the whole CD, as the original
"Version 1" didn't really reflect the show after several
changes. (As we also speculated, they could also be going back
and remixing to remove Kinnie Starr.) The new version, whose
release date is unknown, should more accurately reflect what
we'll be seeing on stage for the long term. Of course, with all
the changes we continue to hear about, it could be a long time

Finally, if you want one of the "Foreplay" program books, better
get them soon! The initial run of 60,000 will be replaced with
a more permanent program book when it sells out. Of course, you
can order it through the Zumanity gift shop directly for $12.00
plus shipping. Call New York-New York at 1-800-693-6763, ask to
speak to the operator, and tell the operator you want the
Zumanity Gift Shop at extension 3125. [Source: Julie Hicks;
Keith Johnson]

PSST! Wanna see *more* pictures of Olga, um, fully clothed?
Remember last issue, where we posted a website of modeling shots
of Olga Pikhienko? We've found another one! And it's her
official site to boot! Check out, where her site
has several galleries of her modeling, contorting, and
contorting while modeling.

But the most newsworthy part of the site is in her biography,
where within it states, "Future plans include a worldwide tour
at the conclusion of Varekai this year." We can only conclude
from this Olga's intent to leave Varekai at time time by the end
of the year. First John Gilkey, now Olga. Who's next?
[Source:; Keith Johnson]

Now You Might See Him, Now You Won't.
Our most interestng rumor of the month comes from the
possibility that original Dralion singer Erik Karol might rejoin
the troup for it's Mexico City engagement. Sadly, while it was
a possibility, it was not to be.

According to his website,, in a message
posted in early October, "Many fans have been asking whether
Erik will return in the upcoming production of Cirque du
Soleil's Dralion in Mexico. Due to a personal tragedy in his
family, he will be unable to perform in Mexico."

According to a posting in CirqueClub, the gig was attractive to
Erik as it would only be for 3 months and wouldn't take him away
from his homebase in France for too long. But the family
tradgedy got in the way. We wish Erik and his family all the
best. [Source:,; Keith Johnson]

Silly Obscure Aplets and Cotlets Reference
Loyal readers may remember the two in-stores by the Alegria
musicians we covered, and how Keith Johnson and his wife Lucy
presented the musicians with local candy delicacy Aplets &
Cotlets in both Vancouver and Seattle.

We thought that would be the end of it. Yet they raise their
tasty heads again in the September, 2003 issue of "In The
Wings," the in-house publication of the Alegria North American
Tour. In addition to tons of photographs of Cirque artists and
staff having fun, a section called "Overheard" contains many
quotes heard throughout Alegria's Seattle, WA stay. The last one
made us laugh out loud. Will it ever end?

Reggie: "Do you eat these (Applets & Cobblets)?"
Driver: "Yeah, I eat them. They are like boogers."


Network: Bravo
Footprint: United States)
Note: All times are Eastern

* October:
No Further October Appearances

* November 24th (Monday):
06:00am -- Nouvelle Experience
03:00pm -- Quidam
05:00pm -- We Reinvent the Circus
06:00pm -- Saltimbanco
08:00pm -- Alegría
10:00pm -- Saltimbanco

* November 25th (Tuesday):
12:00am -- Quidam
02:00am -- Nouvelle Experience
03:00am -- We Reinvent the Circus
04:00am -- Saltimbanco
05:00am -- We Reinvent the Circus
05:00pm -- Alegría
08:00pm -- Varekai

* November 26th (Wednesday):
01:00am -- Varekai
03:00am -- Fire Within Episode 1
03:30am -- Fire Within Episode 2
04:00am -- Fire Within Episode 3
04:30am -- Fire Within Episode 4
05:00am -- Fire Within Episode 5
05:30am -- Fire Within Episode 6
03:30pm -- Nouvelle Experience
05:00pm -- Varekai
08:00pm -- Dralion
10:00pm -- Nouvelle Experience

* November 27th (Thursday):
12:00am -- Dralion
02:00am -- Fire Within Episode 7
02:30am -- Fire Within Episode 8
03:00am -- Fire Within Episode 9
03:30am -- Fire Within Episode 10
04:00am -- Fire Within Episode 11
04:30am -- Fire Within Episode 12
05:00am -- Fire Within Episode 13

* November 28th (Friday):
12:00am -- Quidam


Network: Bravo
Footprint: United States)

Network: Vitaya
Footprint: Belgium (Europe)
Note: Every Thursday at 9:00pm

Network: Odyssey Television
Footprint: Australia
Note: Every Wednesday at 9:30pm

* NOTE: Check your local listings for complete information. Schedule
is subject to change.


This Month in Cirque Club
(By: Keith Johnson)
The CirqueClub website has been somewhat quiet this month, though
staff have been kept busy with announcements of many new tour stops
and the Cirque For Life movie premier (discussed above). Articles for
this month include an essay on The Ringmasters role in Saltimbanco
(written by the artist who portrays him), and a look at Chinese Poles
with profiles of two performers of the skill. They also put up a page
dedicated to the CD Solarium, with short samples of each remixed song.
Finally, there is a Press Release touting their Emmy nod for Fire

And while we're at it, kudos to Lisa and Anne-Josee, the ruling ladies
of CirqueClub, for their continuing hard work on fans behalf. We
heard they were intimately involved in the tease campaign for Zumanity
that recently concluded, and we can only say we were kept breathless
by their efforts. Bravo!

At the Boutique
(By: Ricky Russo)
The Cirque du Soleil online boutique ( is bursting
at the seams with "new" goods that will surely please fans around the

1) Glass "Costume" Balls - $19.00 US
Purchase: < >

Hand-made by Canadian artist Holly Dean, these unique
collectibles feature original fabrics, sequins and trims from
Cirque du Soleil costumes, character photographs and
Calligraphic quotes inspirited by Cirque's creators. There are
currently spheres for Alegría, Mystère, "O", Dralion, La Nouba
and Varekai. Previously the costume balls have only been
available at the shows.

2) Tapis Rouge Solarium CD - $19.00 US
Purchase: < >

Solarium, a project that has long been rumored, is now available
to own! Previously available as a special gift to VIP Tapis
Rouge guests, Solarium features lounge remixes of some of
Cirque's more recognizable songs. The CD is only available
through Cirque du Soleil, so get yours today! A review of
Solarium by Paul Roberts is featured this issue. If you're
unsure about the CD, I invite you to read his review and listen
to clips at <
special/tapisrougecd/cd.htm >

3) Cirque du Soleil Presents: Varekai - $35.00 US/DVD, $25.00 US/VHS
Purchase: < >

It's finally here - the Varekai DVD! With Multi-Angle
performances, in-depth interviews, a "meet the artists"
featurette and more, you can bring this wonderful production
home! Read a review of the Varekai DVD by Keith Johnson within
this issue and see previews of the DVD at
en/special/varekaidvd/dvd.htm >.

4) Varekai Special Edition CD - $25.00 US
Purchase: < >

The new "premium" edition of the Varekai soundtrack is now
available exclusively through the online CirqueStore
( The product is a triple disk effort with
6 live tracks, 2 remixes and 2 video remixes. Disc 1 contains
previously released music, only with an updated track listing
and Disc 2 contains the six bonus *LIVE* tracks recorded under
the big top in Toronto (when the show was filmed for DVD/VHS).
Listen to Samples:<
CirqueDuSoleil /en/special/varekaicd/default.htm >

5) Varekai Olga Sculpture - $550.00 US
Purchase: < >

No, it's not a typo; it really costs that much. Created with
state-of-the-art digital technology and cutting-edge rapid
prototyping technology, this 10.25-inch by 4.25-inch by 4.25-
inch copper/pewter limited edition sculpture by Starlite
Originals is a marvelous keepsake for any fan. Get yours today
while they last!

La Presse: Links to the News

1) [Cirque's Zumanity an Odd Game of Taboo -- Las Vegas Sun]
515670192.html?Cirque+du+Soleil >

2) [Have a Cow!: Zumanity Acts Up -- Las Vegas Sun]
515649097.html?Cirque+du+Soleil >

3) [The Point of Being Different -- La Weekly]
< >

4) [Backstage Cirque - Daily Southtown]
< >

5) [Big Top Nouvelle -- FUN World]
BigTopNouvelle/bigtopnouvelle.html >

6) [Part of the Mystery -- British Gymnastics]
< >


Note that any information in brackets [] is UN-official information
and subject to change.

[Touring Shows]

* Portland, Oregon -- SW Moody Avenue
Dates: Oct 2, 2003 to Oct 26, 2003
* San Francisco, California -- Pacific Bell Park
Dates: Nov 6, 2003 to Dec 7, 2003
[May extend to Dec 21, 2003]
* Miami, Florida -- Bicentennial Park (Downtown)
Dates: Jan 9, 2004 to Jan 25, 2004
[May extend to Feb 8, 2004]
* St. Petersburg, Florida -- Tropicana Field
Dates: Feb 19, 2004 to Mar 7, 2004
[May extend to March 14, 2004]
* Atlanta, Georgia -- Cumberland Galleria
Dates: Mar 25, 2004 to Apr 11, 2004
[May extend to Apr 18, 2004]
* New York City, New York -- Randall's Island Park
[Possible Dates: April 29, 2004 to June 13, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Early Oct, 2003]
* Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -- TBA
[Possible Dates: June 24, 2004 to July 25, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Early Dec, 2003]
* Toronto, Ontario -- TBA
[Possible Dates: Aug 5, 2004 to Sep 12, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Early Dec, 2003]
[* Japan
Possible Dates: Oct, 2004 to Nov 2005]

* Mexico City, Mexico -- Gran Carpa Sante Fe
Dates: Oct 2, 2003 - Nov 2, 2003
[May extend to Dec 14, 2003]
* London, United Kingdom -- Royal Albert Hall
Dates: Jan 9, 2004 to Feb 1, 2004
* Amsterdam, Netherlands -- Next to Amsterdam Arena (P2)
Dates: Feb 27, 2004 to May 2, 2004
* Vienna, Austria -- TBA **NEW!**
* Antwerp, Belgium -- TBA **NEW!**

* Fukuoka, Japan
Dates: Oct 22, 2003 to Dec 7, 2003
* Tokyo, Japan
Dates: Dec 24, 2004 to Mar 7, 2004 **EXTENDED**
[May extend to Apr 4, 2004]
* Vancouver, BC, Canada -- Concord Pacific Place
[Possible Dates: May 6, 2004 to June 13, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Mid Oct, 2003]
* Calgary, Alberta, Canada -- TBA
[Dates: June 24, 2004 to Aug 1, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Mid Oct, 2003]

* Zürich, Switzerland -- Glatt Shopping Center
Dates: Sep 19, 2003 to Nov 9, 2003 **EXTENDED**
[May extend to Nov 16, 2003]
* Valencia, Spain -- Valencia Port
Dates: Nov 28, 2003 to Dec 21, 2003
[May extend to Jan 04, 2004]
* Lyon, Spain -- TBA **NEW!**
* Milan, Italy -- TBA **NEW!**
* Nice, France -- TBA **NEW!**
* Basel, Switzerland -- TBA **NEW!**
* Rome, Italy -- TBA **NEW!**

* Los Angeles, California -- Staples Center
Dates: Sep 12, 2003 to Nov 16, 2003 **EXTENDED**
[May extend to Nov 23, 2003]
* Pomona, California -- Fairplex
Dates: Dec 4, 2003 to Dec 28, 2003
* Orange County, California -- Orange Co Fair Grounds
Dates: Jan 16, 2004 to Feb 8, 2004
[May extend to March 7, 2004]
* San Diego, California -- Qualcomm Stadium
Dates: Mar 18, 2004 to Apr 4, 2004
[May extend to Apr 18, 2004]
* Phoenix, Arizona -- Westworld of Scottsdale
[Possible Dates: Apr 20, 2004 to May 23, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Early Oct, 2003]
* Denver, Colorado -- TBA
[Possible Dates: June 3, 2004 to July 11, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Mid Oct, 2003]
* Boston, Massachusetts -- TBA
[Possible Dates: July 28, 2004 to Sep 5, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Early Dec, 2003]
* Washington, DC -- TBA
[Possible Dates: Sep 16, 2004 to Oct 24, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Mid Mar, 2004]
* Dallas, Texas -- TBA
[Possible Dates: Nov 10, 2004 to Dec 19, 2004 /
Tickets may go on sale Early Dec, 2003]

[Resident Shows]

La Nouba:
* Two shows Nightly - Tuesday through Saturday
* Times: 6:00pm and 9:00pm
* Location: Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando
* No performances Sunday and Monday
* 2003 Dark Dates:
- October 26th through 29th
- December 7th through 15th
* 2004 Dark Dates:
- February 1st through 4th
- March 14th through 17th
- May 2nd through 5th
- June 20th through July 5th
- August 22nd through 25th
- October 17th through 20th
- December 5th through 13th

* Two shows Nightly - Friday through Tuesday
* Times: 7:30pm and 10:30pm
* Location: Treasure Island, Las Vegas
* No performances on Wednesday or Thursday
* 2003 Dark Dates:
- October 7th through 10th
- December 3rd through 18th

* Two shows Nightly - Wednesday through Sunday
* Times: 7:30pm and 10:30pm
* Location: Bellagio, Las Vegas
* No performances on Monday or Tuesday
* 2003 Dark Dates:
- October 12th through 15th
- December 1st through 16th

Zumanity: (Unveiled August 14, 2003)
* Two Shows Nightly - Tuesday through Saturday
* Times: 7:30pm and 10:30pm
* Location: New York-New York, Las Vegas
* No performances on Sunday or Monday
* 2003 Dark Dates:
Not Available


-- Ticket prices for Mystère's debut were only $52.00 US. Throughout
the years prices have risen to $68.00, $75.00, $80.00, $88.00 and are
now $95.00!

-- Approximately 85 to 90 percent of Cirque's revenue comes from
ticket sales. 1% of those sales go to charity.

-- It has been said that performers' annual earnings can range from
$30,000 a year to $250,000, depending on your status (either
apprenticeship or veteran).

-- They say the Mystère theater is haunted. A spirit dubbed "Sparky"
has caused many to run away in fright! Talk to the cleaning staff, or
ask Luis Perez (original percussionist, no longer with the show) who
had such an experience with the poltergeist that he came out of the
theater as white as a sheet!

-- A team of 14 divers is actually in the water for every show of "O".
Not only do they help out the acrobats to make their mark, but they're
also there in case of an emergency. You'll only see them once - and
that's a scripted point in the show!

-- A clown nose from jester Benny LeGrand (Mystère) flew aboard a NASA
Space Shuttle in May 1999 aboard Discovery. The STS-96 mission was a
joint mission between NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).
Astronaut Julie Payette (from Canada) stowed the cargo. Consequently,
a nose from Alegría also flew on another mission.

"The Secret World: Intimate and Interactive with Zumanity"
By: Wayne Leung, Staff Writer

When you step through the doors of the Zumanity Theatre at the New
York-New York Hotel and Casino it's as if you're being transported
into another time and place. Part of the allure of Cirque du Soleil's
shows is their escapist fantasy element. Integral to the experience
is the setting of the show; the theatre itself provides a milieu in
which the esoteric characters and exotic happenings of the show occur.
In order to properly convey that otherworldly feel and elicit the
Alice in Wonderland reaction in its audiences, Cirque du Soleil
meticulously fashions every element of its theatres, and their
attention to detail with the Zumanity theatre is astounding.

Tucked away in a cozy corner of the bustling New York-New York Casino,
just around the corner from "Greenwich Village" lies the Zumanity
Theatre entrance, box office and gift shop. The elegant art nouveau
style of the theatre contrasts sharply with the campy Disney-does-New
York City look of the casino. The box office windows, gift shop gates
and theatre doorway are all ornamented with curvaceous metal
trimmings. Once inside, you're immersed in a playfully exotic

The Zumanity theatre has a European flair. The ornamentation, from
the chandeliers to the stair railings, is all styled and organic in
appearance, looking like vines or tree branches giving the impression
that they were grown instead of installed. The dim lighting and
velvet walls combined with the colour palate of red, burgundy and
muted orange provide a sensuous ambience designed to get the audience
in the mood for the performance.

The intimate details of the theatre pique your curiosity and you
should really spend some time to explore before the show; you'll
discover all sorts of little wonders. After grabbing a cocktail and
maybe a light snack from one of the bars you might head over to a
display area with some furniture laid out within. It's reminiscent of
a department store window but there's something slightly off-kilter
about this display. Although unoccupied for the performance I
attended rumour has it that one might see a courtesan flirting with
the crowd from inside.

Following the curve around the lobby, one might notice that some of
the buttons are missing from the velvet-covered wall. Instead the
buttons are replaced by peepholes. The adventurous wgi might dare to
peek will see video monitors showing some sensual black and white
video images.

If perchance you should need to visit the theatre's washroom after
drinking down that cocktail, your senses might be heightened by the
sound of faint whispers.

All these details serve to create the perfect atmosphere for the
erotic and artful Zumanity performance before you even make your way
to the unique auditorium, which expands on the lobby's organic art
nouveau style.

When the performance has ended and the last kiss has been blown you
might want to wander into the Zumanity gift shop (although I'd
actually recommend buying your souvenirs before the show as after the
show the store is exceedingly crowded).

In contrast to the somber and sensuous theatre, the gift shop is more
traditional and brightly lit. Cirque music is pumped through the sound
system and Cirque DVDs showing on the video monitors. Where the
Zumanity gift shop really differs is in its eclectic selection of
merchandise. There are the requisite show insignia embroidered
souvenir t-shirts (available in red, yellow and gray as well as in
ladies baby tees styles with a stylized Zumanity "Z" printed on the
back). Instead of the usual mugs with the show logo the shop offers
martini glasses with funky crooked stems and "Zumanitini" (the name of
the show's signature cocktail) emblazoned on the glass. In addition
to the standard Cirque du Soleil merchandise selection that is
available at any of the shows Zumanity's store also carries a line of
exclusive products. They include such exotic aphrodisiacs as Zumanity
massage oil, erotic body powder and even a bar of soap made of
chocolate. Undoubtedly, the unique Zumanity line of merchandise will
be expanded with more tantalizing items.

When I saw the show in mid-August of 2003, the show's soundtrack CD
was not yet available however; the store's attendant suggested I check
out the CD sampler included with the unique preliminary souvenir
programme book being sold entitled "Foreplay".

The racy title and the fact that it comes wrapped in a sealed plastic
sleeve is the only resemblance the programme book bears to a porno
mag. The book is really a highly stylized collage of images from the
show's creation very similar to the limited edition Varekai Creator's
Notebook. The cover features a pink lock and keyhole. Once opened the
first page features one of the Zumanity ad pictures and a welcome from
the co-directors of the show; René-Richard Cyr and Dominic Champagne.

The bulk of the spreads are artistic layouts and collages of pictures
from rehearsals and Thierry Mugler's costume sketches. Interspersed
throughout are evocative phrases; "Let the mistress of seduction lead
you by the hand through an exotic realm." "Intense emotion arouses
desire." "The voluptuous thrills of the unknown." and "The quick
intake of breath and a racing heart."

Instead of the usual mundane head-shots of the cast in the credit
section there are full body photos of the performers in various poses.
Finally, some goodies on the inside back cover, a punch-out "Do not
disturb" doorknob hanger featuring a show photo of a couple kissing
and the Foreplay sampler CD that features four short live tracks from
the show.

"The Opener" on the CD is a jazzy piano and brass arrangement. "Major
Minor" is a piano/vocal ditty featuring Joey Arias and is reminiscent
of Cabaret. "The Rose Boy" is a sassy brass and bass heavy jazz tune
that feels as though it would have been played in a speak easy during
the prohibition era. The last track, "My Erotic Lounge" is a down-
tempo lounge number featuring trumpet and piano. The CD is a
thoughtful little addition to the programme.

I've always felt that Cirque du Soleil's strength is its attention to
detail; the company succeeds brilliantly in creating the sensual
universe of Zumanity and filling it with little treasures for the
adventurous to discover. I find myself quite anxious to re-visit this
sensuous world and seeing what other wonders I can uncover. Happy

"Another Side of"
By: Ricky Russo, Chief Editor

On September 22, 2003, Madame bid us farewell and left behind a
wonderful new tribute to Zumanity, the revamped Zumanity website! is a unique production all its own, as none of Cirque du
Soleil's previous endeavors (sans the IMAX film "Journey of Man")
received their own unique stand-alone website. And through its short
history, has grown to give audiences a delicious peek
into the world of the human zoo staged at New York-New York in Las
Vegas, Nevada.

Our eyes were opened to the world of Zumanity on February 27th, when
Cirque du Soleil registered the domain ( and began its
first tease by placing a site in both English and French online. The
site's initial offerings were humble, but promised to be the start of
something grand. Fans could chose to receive updates by email, which
was a first for Cirque du Soleil marketing of a new show.

Within these updates we were introduced to Madame, our host and guide,
the "high-priestess" if you will of the Garden of Delights. And over
the months she allowed us to taste some of her forbidden fruits.
Through Madame's diary, she whispered sweet nothings in our ears about
the cast, the crew, their training and the show at large. She treated
us to wonderful costume sketches, behind-the-scenes videos, press
event pictures and video, music that was still a work-in-progress and
much, much more!

Through Madame we were truly immersed in the Zumanity experience. But
her swansong farewell doesn't leave us out in the cold. Today, is a full-fledged working website dedicated to the
exchange of information to, and the titillation of, potential

The first thing you'll notice upon arrival is the sweet sound of
Zumanity. Each page has tantalizing beats to drive your every desire,
not to mention eye-candy in the form of wonderful, smooth-flowing
flash animation. Those are the first two things you'll notice and if
you never go off the front page, those may be all you see. But beyond
the front door lie many more interesting and amazing changes, which
can only be discovered first hand.

Go ahead, don't be shy. Let's peek into the new

First, Voyeur. Silky reds drape over the scene as another erotic beat
thumps hard in the background. Here, we're travelers in a secret
elevator, the TARDIS of Zumanity. While not a phone booth, this
elevator also has many different destinations - M, M1, L, 1, 2, 3, and
4. Down in the basement (M), Madame's Diary exists in its full and
luscious form. On M1, the "Making of Zumanity" comes to bear. Here you
can check out the musical works-in-progress (all four), the costume
sketches and behind-the-scenes video clips that so far have been
released. (Many of these Fascination! has reviewed in previous

Level 1 depicts "Zuman Life", which allows prying eyes a little
innocent peek backstage. Both selections are small 30-second video
clips with breathtaking visuals and wonderful musical accompaniments.
The first is a peek at costumes in action, from the shows various
characters. Here you can see those costume sketches come to life in
living color! The second clip is a quick peek into the art of applying
make-up, as we're shown many artists putting on their faces, hair, and
even eyes! Be Advised, some of these videos are not for the faint of

Level 2 is the "Zuman Stage", where fantasy comes to life in
previously unseen videos. Here, a quick peek into Zumanity's various
acts can be seen in three small videos. For example, the dislocation
artist Moukhtar Gusengadzhiev and the sensual ballet in silk appear
before our very eyes.

Level 3 is the home of "Zuman Moves", featuring four more enticing
videos featuring the primal engine of human machinery -- dance. Here
the voyeuristic nature of humanity comes out as we watch bodies
quiver, tremble and interweave together on stage.

Level 4, "Zuman Flesh", lets you drool over the characters as you've
never seen them before. Whips, chains and leather dominate the
backside of Zumanity as we are treated to two peeps into some of the
shows more racy themes: S&M, Bondage and Homoeroticism (with Cirque du
Soleil's first male to male kiss).

And Level 5, the "Zuman Heat", offers three more glimpses into the
world of Zumanity. Each has its own soundtrack with tantalizing and
eye-popping visuals, like Johan King Silverhult & Ugo Mazin performing
their aggressive pas de deux, and some on-stage loving. If you wish to
be left in the dark, viewing these videos is not recommended!

Can you feel your heart pounding in your chest? Your breath coming in
quick, shallow gasps? The sweat clinging to your trembling, open
palms? Whew... Let's step back into the lift now and return to the
Lobby, so we can further explore these new surroundings.

In the Human Zoo, the website comes alive in hues of blue and
windsong. Here you have two choices: The Creators and Fauna. The
Creators, who need no explanation, come alive with a new Flash
animation design. Select the creator of your choice and learn the
how's, why's and when's of their career. Under Fauna, the animals of
the zoo are exposed to us, providing superb biographies of the show's
signature creatures. Though the second is incomplete, they both
provide interesting reading and wonderful insight into the performers
of the show. So, if you've read through the Human Zoo in the past,
give it another go!

Finally, the Tickets and Wallpapers section of the website have yet to
undergo any changes. But even if they have not been updated, these two
sections are still above and beyond what is available for previous
Cirque du Soleil productions. The interactive seating chart is unique,
and still fun to play with. And the nine wallpapers available in both
800x600 and 1024x768 screen resolutions will still delight., like Cirque du, is a production of Diesel
Marketing and it has been a real pleasure to watch the site grow into
what it is today. So, visit for more titillation than you
can handle!

"Tapis Rogue's Solarium"
By: Paul Roberts, Senior Writer

Recently I received the following email from the CirqueClub:

"As Cirque du Soleil ventures towards new creative grounds, its music
is doing the same! A new music project, called TAPIS ROUGE (TM),
unites our music with the talent of some of the best producers in
electronic music today. The result is the innovative remix CD:

"The first CD to feature this new "chill mix" approach to Cirque du
Soleil's music is now available exclusively at Cirque's online
boutique. Be among the first to visit our TAPIS ROUGE Solarium page to
listen to audio clips and order your own copy.

"For customers who purchase VIP tickets for Alegría, Varekai or
Dralion in the coming few weeks, you will receive this CD as a gift as
part of your VIP experience!"

Solarium includes ten Cirque du Soleil songs (two of which are
included twice) that are tweaked with a dance club feel. The results,
for me, are...well...mixed. Following is the track listing with a
brief description of the songs' modifications.

1. "Ombra" from Dralion--Ibizzare Remix (remix and additional
production by Leonard Krarup). The opening lush keyboards and spoken
part (Erik Karol?) are very nice. But Agnès Sohier's vocal line in
the verse seems out of sync with the 4/4 time signature; I think the
original version is actually in 6/8 time. During the chorus, however,
the time signatures match. The echoing production gives this version
a soothing, airy feel.

2. "Alegría" from Alegría--A Man called Adam's Magical Remix (remix
and additional production by Sally Rodgers and Steve Jones). One of
my favorite aspects of the original version of "Alegría" is the simple
but pleasant chord progression. For some reason, the remixed version
is all one flat chord (mainly plucked on an acoustic guitar)
throughout the verse and chorus sections. The bass line is nice, but
just seems out of place.

3. "A Tale" from La Nouba--Chilluminati Mix (remix and additional
production by Illumination: Nicholas Silitoe and Per Martinsen). The
original version has a hip-hop feel that is similar to this remix
making it basically an extended version. Missing, however, are the
original version's rap lines and the great high-energy bridge. Dessy
sounds nice with the heavy reverb added to this version. If you
listen closely you can hear Star Trek sound effects playing in the

4. "El Pèndulo" from Varekai--Fenomenon "Northern Comfort Mix" (remix
and additional production by Kay Brets and Hobie Rosenberg with piano
solo played by Trond Tellefsen). This is about the fifth version of
this song (the latest live version remains my favorite). This
"Northern Comfort Mix" has a light jazz feel with some very nice piano
chops and a swinging upright bass line. Zara Tellander's wonderful
vocals are virtually untouched.

5. "Africa" from "O"--Cottonbelly Remix (remix and additional
production by Stuart Matthewman). This version was used during the
ending of Fire Within episode 12 when Guy Lalibertè asks the Atherton
to join him in his limousine. Toumany's Kora sounds like it is being
processed through a phase shifter and his vocals are heavily echoed.
The appropriate title should be "Africa in Space."

6. "Nocturn" from Alegría--Christophe Goze Remix (remix, additional
production, and lead guitar by Christophe Goze). The original version
is pretty much present with additional production enhancements
overlaying the bass, keyboards, and bells. Joey Sommerville's
flugelhorn sounds more distant than in the original and the new
straight drum pattern actually works.

7. "Le Rêveur" from Varekai--Thievery Corporation Remix (remix and
additional production by Thievery Corporation). A steady drum line
gives this mix more substance than the original droning version. The
vocals once again are laced with heavy echo effects that are
accompanied by filtered synthesizer patches. I can see this version
fitting nicely in a dance club setting.

8. "Gamelan" from "O"--Cantoma Remix (remix and additional production
by Cantoma with additional keys played by robin 12tree). Okay,
somebody please tell me what part of this remix is originally part of
"Gamelan?" There's possibly a syllable or two from the vocal line,
but this is completely a new song. I like it, however. The electric
piano and clavinet keyboard patches sound like something from a 1970s
pop song.

9. "Ombra" from Dralion--Afterlife Remix (remix and additional
production by Steve Miller). Once again a 4/4 time signature is used,
but in this more upbeat version, the out-of-sync vocal lines seem to
fit nicely. This is a successful conversion from a ballad to a dance-
beat song.

10. "Africa" from "O"--Banzai Republic "Equator Bound Mix" (remix and
additional production by Banzai Republic with additional guitar played
by Michael "Maestro" Landin and flutes played by Martinez). This is a
completely redone version that features only the original vocal
heavily echoed with an occasional Kora riff. A lot of floating
electronic sounds envelops the steady drum and bass rhythms.

One constant remains throughout the remixed versions of these songs:
echo. Overall, my preference is to listen to the original versions,
but I find these interpretations interesting. As with the Varekai
soundtrack, lately Cirque du Soleil music seems to be leaning towards
the European techno sound. I hope that present and future
composers/producers do not neglect the talented musicianship that has
always been featured in Cirque du Soleil's masterpieces. According to
the wording from the CirqueClub email, it appears that more remix CDs
are on the horizon. Hopefully, they will also consider some other
"remix genres" for future projects.

[Tapis Rouge is available at and at the La Nouba
boutique, Downtown Disney West Side]

"Varekai. Varekai! VAREKAI!!"
By: Keith Johnson, Senior Writer

I remember the heady feeling of being in Montreal for the second-ever
public performance of Varekai back in April of 2002. A brand new
Cirque show, fresh out of the box! I was looking forward to all the
new "Varekai" merchandise that would be available in the concession
tent. Varekai the shotglass. Varekai the boxer shorts. But no dice!
There were some things, but not a lot.

Since then the floodgates have opened! We now have a hardcover
coffee-table book, a VHS and DVD of the show, and a special-edition 3-
disk set of the soundtrack. And of course being the Cirque Freaque I
am I had to have it all (strictly for research purposes, of course).
What are my conclusions? Well, folks, I'm afraid the results are a
real mixed bag. Some wonderful stuff here, other stuff you just have
to scratch your head and wonder, "What were they thinking?"


Cirque du Soleil: Varekai. Photographs by Veronique Vial, Text by
Kerry Fleming. 128 full-color pages with 141 photographs, Harry N.
Abrams, New York, ISBN #0-8109-4442-1, $35.00

Ah, now here we have a winner! Yeah, it's an expensive winner, but a
winner nonetheless. Veronique Vial, in her third Cirque du Soleil-
related book (the others being "Wings" & "O"), takes on the task of
documenting Varekai in all it's glory.

Beyond the slipcover and the red cloth cover (with a handsome embossed
"Varekai" logo), the thick glossy pages begin with a complete listing
of the Cast of Characters. Some of these names I hadn't heard before.
Here the ladies of the Triple Trapeze are "The Goddesses," the Water
Meteor boys are "The Gatherers," Georgian Dancers are "Fire Masters,"
and the Aerial Strap duo of the Atherton Twins become "Castor" &

Then follows pictures of several of the minor characters, and we jump
into the prose of the book. Surprisingly, the book has poems! Yes,
actual rhyming poems that discuss various acts. Montreal-based writer
Fleming has collaborated with Vial before, on the "O" book. Here his
poems have been expanded upon, and unlike the "O" book actually shed
light on the plot and characters. For example, here's the poem that
goes with Icarus' Net Act (here called "Incantation"):

To dance once more
A chance to soar
From fire to ashes
Ashes to dust
Release me from this death unjust
Renew my spirit
Voice my name
Grant me life

Very nice! And there are several more like it scattered throughout.
And lots of text too! This is the books strongest asset. If you
really want to know the plot of Varekai, this is the place to go. It
really unwraps the subtleties of the plot; gotta give em kudos on
that. It puts each act into the context of the greater whole. In
addition, there's a short "Making of An Angel" article about the
creation of the show, though the quotes from it look to be from the
documentary included with the Varekai DVD (reviewed below).

So, what about the pics? From early reports, I was afraid the book
would be full of blurry photos taken during the show. While there
are several shots like that, meant to convey motion and energy, there
aren't as many as I was thinking. There are lots of posed, detailed,
in-focus shots here. Want to make a copy of the Georgian Dancers
outfits? This book will give you lots of clues.

The color pallet is vivid, bold, deep, and saturated. Some pictures
are so vivid as to be almost blurry while they're just standing still.
Unfortunately, some of them are centered to the spine of the book,
resulting in a beautiful photograph that "sucks in" in the middle.

And some acts are better represented than others. The Atherton twins
Aerial Straps and Olga's Handbalancing get several pages, but the
Juggler and the Acrobatic Pas De Deux get only one (and the Pas De
Deux gets no explanatory text, making you wonder, Why Are They Here?).
And there are no photographs of the musicians at all! A shocking

Wrapping up the book is a short section of "backstage" photo shots.
One of them shows a marker board with the date Friday, May 10, 2002 -
which suggests these photos were taken during the initial Montreal
run. I would have liked to see more backstage photos, but it's a
minor quibble.

So, should you buy it? I give it an 8 out of 10 for effort, though
only a 6 for value. At $35.00 for only 120 or so pages it's almost 30
cents a page, even a worse value than the programs (which normally
come in at about 25 cents a page). I really like a lot of the photos,
though I would have preferred less of the blurry "action" shots. If
you own either of the other two Vial monographs, this makes a worthy
addition, though I think the "O" book is actually the best book of the

Varekai: The Book is a high quality product, at a typical Cirque
premium price. But if you're only moderately interested in the show,
I'd take a pass. Buy the DVD instead.


Video directed by Nick Morris, Produced by Martin Bolduc & Yolande
Riccioli, Show 112 minutes, bonus materials 120 minutes, Columbia Tri-
Star Home Video #01720, $29.00 ($35.00 from Cirque's Boutique).

Since the initial broadcast of the show on CBC and Bravo, and the
somewhat mixed reviews that appeared on the net, fans greeted the news
that the DVD would be almost two hours long with cautious optimism.
I'm here to tell ya, the wait has been worth it! While it isn't the
"every single second" kind of document some fans might want, I think
it's the best show document Cirque has yet put out.

Let's start with the special features first. For the first time
Cirque has put out a 2 DVD set, with the show taking the first disk,
and the special features making up the second. I originally thought
this was a bad idea. The features couldn't take up that much time
could they? However, once I watched the show disk, I understood - the
"transfer rate" of the program (the amount of information encoded on
the disk for each second of programming) is very high, sometimes the
maximum allowed. There's a lot of detail on this disk in terms of
picture quality. So putting the extra stuff on the second disk became
the only choice, there just wasn't that much space left on the first!

The Special Features disks starts out with a very cute menu featuring
La Vigie and his sound machine. In fact, all of the menus are well
done. The special features include:

* Meet The Artists (13:30) - As with the Alegria video, this shows
artists in and out of makeup, stating their basic statistics
(name/age/country/how long with Cirque, etc.). Some of them display a
link to an "In Depth

Interview" which can also be accessed separately.   
You can play them all straight though, or go to a specific act.
Strangely enough, this feature won't pause!

* In Depth Interviews (about 20:00) - The Interviews mentioned above
are warehoused here. There are 7 short films all directed by Adrian
Wills, featuring Anton, Olga, John Gilkey, Rodrigue (the Guide),
Icarian Games, Georgian Dancers, and Russian Swings. The range from
2:30 to 5:00 each, and explain a little more about the artists
motivations and history than we'd otherwise know, though I'm not sure
I'd call the interviews "In Depth". Interestingly, the Atherton twins
are not included here.

* Making of an Angel (45:00) - Here is the documentary that we first
heard about airing in New York this past summer. With many
interviews, mostly from the Creative Team, it goes through the entire
creative process. There are several early concept designs and
constructions we see here that didn't make the final cut. We see bits
of Gareths(!) audition tape, and learn more about the projection
Cloud. After the night of the premiere, we are treated to a long
unnarrated moment of jubilation as the cast comes offstage, with
ovations for the creative team, a wonderful moment only hinted at in
"Fire Within." This film, directed by Joclyn Bernabe and directed by
Martin Bolduc (and co-produced with Bravo though it has yet to be
shown there) makes a nice companion to "Fire Within" looking at it
from the Creative Team's point of view. Which leads us to...

*Fire Within Series Preview (23:00) - The first installment of the 13-
episode series. What with the show recently taking home an Emmy, we
hope it might someday be issued on DVD. We've contacted Cirque
recently, and have nothing to report on that score yet ("Maybe" is all
they'll say). One can only hope.

* Promos (5:10) - A one minute Varekai Show preview, one minute
devoted to the various Cirque CD's, and a slide shot of the Varekai
poster are here. Also, a 3:10 promo on various CDS Images
productions. They make special mention of Fire Within and Run Before
You Fly, neither of which has made their way to DVD yet, and also
mention the new variety series. A nicely done promo, though one
wonders why they would mention programs the public can't buy.

But that isn't all! Some of the extra features can be subtitled in
French, Spanish or Japanese.

That's the "Extra's" disk. But there are also extras on the Program
disk as well. You get multi-angle performances from Icarian Games
(6:09), Russian Swings (5:46) and Handbalancing (7:15). Each of these
gives you a choice of three different camera angles, (overhead, full
stage, and detail) and shows pretty much the entire act. This is
similar to Dralion but an improvement over Alegria, which only showed
a small amount of their multi-angle acts. The three camera angles
constantly appear on the left side of the screen, which can be
disconcerting. But since they took care to include the entire act,
it's a tiny quibble.

They've made improvements in sound as well, and offer the show in 5.1
DTS as a sound option in addition to 5.1 Dolby Digital and 2 channel
Dolby Stereo. This is a nice addition, generally DTS is slightly
higher quality than Dolby Digital; kudos to Cirque for offering it.
The sound mix in either Dolby Digital or DTS is outstanding and
enveloping, though perhaps having a bit more hall ambiance than I
might like. (As a sidenote, several fans have reported problems with
the sound levels on this disk. I didn't experience any problems with
my disk, though I didn't listen to all three soundtracks completely.
If someone who's experienced problems would contact me at, perhaps we can research this further.)

But now on to the show? Several folks have complained about the show
being shot on High Definition Video instead of film, or "film look"
video. My wife agreed, it does tend to give the show an "amateurish"
feel. It doesn't look as slick or polished as shows shot on video. I
tend to agree with all these points. But whether you like it or not,
High Definition Video is the wave of the future, and Cirque is taking
steps to make sure it's programs will be easy to convert when Hi-Def
becomes mainstream. I can't fault them for that, in fact I think it's
forward thinking. Watching the show on our television I could see
more detail in the picture than in other shows, in clothing ruffles,
makeup, and other details. I think this is due in large part to the
show being shot in Hi-Def. I'd love to see this in true Hi-Def, but
that will have to wait. Till then, know the show is crisp and clean,
with good depth of field and color saturation. (There have been some
complaints of a freeze-frame glitch at the end of Body Skating. I
would chalk this up to the layer-change on the CD, where it takes a
moment for the DVD laser to change focus.)

We've gone on at length in these pages about the editing of the show.
This was based upon the Bravo telecast length of 90 minutes, yet some
of the criticisms still apply. Daniel, in his review, complained
about quick cuts and slow motion. I responded that I didn't find them
so distracting, and I still don't. I find both to be part and parcel
of what this kind of show is about, and don't find them distracting at

But what really impresses me about this "expanded" edition of Varekai
is how the show now "breathes." The intro (with John and the sound-
making machine) has been restored, as has Body Skating. New material
added to the intro now explain Claudio and Mookys presence, as well as
more shots of the musicians in the audience. And each act seems to
have a bit more to it than previously. Watching Cirque videos before
(and the "Bravo" version of Varekai), I felt at the end that what I
had seen was a good "sampling" of a Cirque show, but not a true
representation of the entire show. This show "feels" like a full
Cirque show. I really feel like I got my money's worth by the end.

That's a risk for director Nick Morris. Being in a Big Top, with the
entire experience in front of you, a lag or slow spot can be easily
overlooked, after all you have the whole tent experience enveloping
you. On video and with our short attention spans, however, even a
small lag risks people rushing to the remote control (or in this case
the fast forward button). Showing most all of each act risks
including those small lag spots. But the pacing and flow is all the
better for it. This was a great decision on Cirques' part. After
watching the DVD, you'll feel like you have *seen* Varekai, rather
than just highlights from it. (Of course, you haven't until you've
been in a big top, but we know that.)

Overall, this is an excellent product. I give it a 9 on a 10-point
scale. Worth every penny. This time I think we can pretty much say
Cirque got it right! I can't help but get the feeling, self-serving
as it might sound, that they've listened to the fans. Several fan
complaints have been addressed here - a longer running time, fewer
audience shots, less slow motion. All things that have been mentioned
in Fascination! as well as in discussion boards.

With two pretty good products so far, you'd hope the rest would be as
good. Sorry folks, the road gets rougher from here. From the "You've
got to be kidding" department comes...


(Cirque du Soleil Images #503885, 2003, $25.00)

After scouring the net for someone who might stock the VHS tape of
Varekai and coming up empty handed, I ordered the tape directly from
Cirque. It arrived quickly, and from the outside it looked great.
Nicely designed box, with "Total feature running time 112 minutes."
So it's the "full length" version, or so I thought.

Yet the printing on the tape itself said "Running time approx. 90
minutes." This concerned me at first, but I just assumed it was a
misprint on the tape itself. Cirque wouldn't make the VHS version
different from the DVD version, right? Wrong!

Strangely enough, the tape times out at exactly 90 minutes. What we
have here is the shorter "Bravo" version, in high quality VHS of
course. I was flabbergasted. Certainly Cirque knew this was a
mistake and would want to fix it. This wouldn't be like the reissue
of the Alegria soundtrack CD, where they reversed the channels but
decided not to fix it because the product was essentially "fine," I

Now, mind you, this VHS version is being distributed by Cirque
themselves. Columbia-Tri Star, which is releasing the US domestic DVD
is not producing a VHS companion. Since they are creating it in-
house, they can't go back to a distributor and have them fix a faulty
product. Any fix would have to come out of their pocket.

Still, a VHS tape that differs significantly from its DVD counterpart
has to be defective, right? Not according to the response I got from
Cirque. Essentially, they said that they were aware of the difference
but had no plans to re-manufacture the tapes with the extra material.
Instead, they will make a point of changing the box artwork and their
website, to make sure people know the VHS version is only 90 minutes

But why would they make the "error" of using the "Bravo" master to
make the tapes in the first place? According to them it wasn't an
error, or rather it was an "error in the print on the packaging." The
reasoning I got for why they couldn't put out a 112 minute VHS tape
because it couldn't hold all the material. What? Tell that to Peter
Jackson, whose two "Lord of the Rings" films on VHS each run about 2.5
hours on 1 tape.

Frankly folks, I just don't think that's the "real" reason. If you'll
allow me to speculate, I think somebody in Cirque sent the wrong
master out to the duplication house, sending out the 90 minute "Bravo"
master out instead of the 112 minute "full-length" version. It was a
mistake, made very early in the process. They were fully expecting to
put out "full-length" VHS tapes, and the box artwork reflects that.
But the duplication house, which put the labels on the tapes made them
with the 90-minute version that Cirque sent, and put that on the

Say you're Cirque who has just ordered and purchased, say, 10,000 VHS
tapes. When you get them you find that they're the wrong version, and
should be 22 minutes longer. You can't simply erase and re-record
them, as the cassette has only 90 minutes of tape in it. You're
looking at tens of thousands of dollars to correct it. What do you

In Cirque's case, you take the path of least resistance (and cost).
You relabel the boxes, perhaps with just a tiny sticker, and tell
everybody, "Uh, we meant to do that." And vow not to produce any more
VHS tapes in the future, sticking strictly with DVD. Spend the least
amount of money and cause the least amount of delay and hassle

And that's what they've chosen to do. Once this initial run of VHS
tapes is sold, we're told, there will be no more. And this applies to
ALL their shows as well. DVD is the wave of the future, and Cirque is
catching it.

My recommendation: stay away from this tape at all costs! Don't
purchase a shorter, inferior product. Stick with the DVD, it's a much
more satisfying package.

And finally we come to a most interesting product...

VAREKAI: The "Bonus CD & DVD" soundtrack CD package

(Cirque du Soleil Musique #503805, 2003, 3 disks, $25.00)

Soon after the release of the "soundtrack" to Varekai, Cirque started
to feel pressure from fans who were concerned that Nitin Sahwney's
production of Violaine Corradi's music was too radical a departure
from the shows "real" music. So much so that they created a Music FAQ
in which they hinted that they were considering releasing a "live" EP
from the show. Finally, this product has seen the light of day.

The CD is only available through Cirque's Boutique. We don't know how
many have been produced, or how limited an edition it might become.
It includes the previously released soundtrack , a second disk of live
tracks and remixes, and a "Bonus DVD" that turns out to be the
delightful surprise of the bunch. The CD's are housed in a tri-panel
fold-out CD cover with excellent layout and graphics. It's a very
cool package to look at. But what about the material itself?

DISK ONE - The "soundtrack." The full soundtrack is found here, but
has been re-indexed to give the three narrated "interludes" their own
track numbers and names (Aureus, Rubeus, and Infinitus respectively).
This separates the narrative bits from Rain One, Patzivota, and Lubia
Dobarstan, allowing these tracks to stand on their own. I have to say
I appreciate Cirque doing this, and it should have been done with the
initial release. In my case I now have the pleasure of fast-
forwarding past Mr. "I Walk....The Earth" when I listen to the CD.
(Note also that the booklet has been slightly reformatted and updated,
with several small musician credit changes.)

DISK TWO - Live tracks and remixes. I was really looking forward to
this part of the set. Back in Feb., when Paul Roberts and I "debated"
the Varekai soundtrack, we talked about what songs we might want
should a special "Live" EP ever be released. We both agreed that the
music missing from the soundtrack would be first on our lists.

And, surprise, our wishes have been fulfilled! On this CD they've
"filled in the blanks" with, in order, music from the "Overture"
celebration, Acrobatic Pas de Deux, Icarian Games, Body Skating,
Handbalancing on Canes, and Georgian Dance. And full-length versions
of each, a bonus!

Cirque du Soleil KNOWS how to make good "Live" CD's. Witness "Mystere
Live." Also witness the two bonus tracks on the Quidam re-release.
In both cases the audiences are present but don't intrude on the
music. Sadly, the mix here is not up to that caliber. In addition to
the expected applause between each number, the music is interrupted
several times during each song as the audience applauds a performing
artist. This drives me crazy! Since I'm not watching the show, I
have *no idea* what they're applauding. Unlike some who suggest this
type of mix takes them back to watching the show, I feel this takes me
out of the music which is what I'm supposed to be concentrating on.
At times it almost drowns out the music. I don't have a problem with
it between songs, it's applause for no reason during the music that
bugs me. So I must admit I'm really let down by this.

But I think I have an explanation for it. In another "path of least
resistance (and cost)" action, this music is the same one heard on the
DVD. The same performances, mix, even where the audience applauds.
Except, not exactly. I know it's confusing, but the music for
Georgian Dance and Body Skating is actually longer than the music on
the DVD! I think this is because this CD was mastered with a master
sound mix done before final edits were made to the DVD. In the case
of these two acts, some edits were made near the end of the process,
and the music was re-cut to match the edits. So, in a way, you're
getting more than the DVD, but in a way less than I was hoping for.

But wait, there's more! Appended to the end of the disk are two
remixes, which the packaging suggests come from "Solarium." But while
"El Pendulo-Fenomenon Northern Comfort Mix" does appear on "Solarium",
the other remix "Emballa-Llorca Remix" does not!

And it's too bad, because this is a great remix. Done by Ludovic
Llorca with additional guitars by Stefane Goldman, this 5:47 mix cooks
from the get-go with a very heavy danceable rhythm. In typical "disco
mix" style, it takes a while to build and break down, so it takes some
time to get to the "meat" of the song. But it's a fun ride, bringing
out the flamenco elements of the mix, while adding an ascending
structure of rising chords to the chorus. Come to think of it, this
is too danceable to be on "Solarium." Though I'm disappointed by the
intrusive audience noise of the live tracks, this remix redeems the
Bonus CD for me.

DISK THREE - Bonus DVD. That's right, we're not through yet! This
"Bonus DVD" is a further enhancement of what Cirque first tried to do
for the Quidam soundtrack, with extra multimedia content. In addition
to the first six minutes of "Making of an Angel" (available in full on
the Varekai DVD) and some promos, we get two "Video Remixes" in 5.1
Dolby Digital Surround Sound, a first for Cirque.

Now here we have some great stuff! The visuals here have been mixed
by Marc Silver and Nick Hillel of Yeast Visuals, and are very spacey.
The Surround Sound mix by David McEwan (who mixed the original
soundtrack with Nitin Sawhney) opens the music up fabulously,
enveloping you within it.

The first track, Rubeus-Patzivota (7:49 - the "wedding theme") focuses
on images of nature with time-lapse images of modern life, juxtaposed
against the beauty of musicians and Cirque acts. The music starts
with a toy piano-like sound that pans between the rear speakers, then
explodes around you with voices and instruments nicely placed around
the room.

It's accompanied by Moon Licht (6:17 - Handbalancing), which focuses
on Icarus and Olga and their respective acts. This video includes a
lot of processing, with another wonderful surround mix. At times
you'll see segments of the acts, then flash on musicians playing
instruments, then a pixilated image of a singer singing. Very spacey.

In both cases, these are wonderful, trippy surprises, and are
delightful. From the looks of this I strongly suggest to Cirque they
think of putting out a remix DVD with surround remixes of their music.
Move beyond "Solarium" and give me more of this, please!

So is this special 3-CD set worth your hard-earned money? The live
tracks are nice to have on CD, though they really should have been
remixed and the audience applause reduced. Yet the set does have some
nice finds in three nifty remixes. I'd have to say this set makes a
nice collectible despite the live tracks faults. If you've already
bought the soundtrack, give it to some friend interested in Dead Can
Dance or Enigma, they'll love it. Get your hands on this and turn up
your home video system, you're in for a treat. My score 7 out of 10.


"Zumanity: The voluptuous thrills of the unknown"

- Foreplay Programme


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"Fascination!" is Ricky Russo, Keith Johnson, Paul Roberts, Jen
Waldman and Wayne Leung.

"Fascination! Newsletter" is a concept by Ricky Russo. Copyright (c)
2001-2003 Ricky Russo, published by Vortex/RGR Productions, a
subsidiary of Communicore Enterprises. No portion of this newsletter
can be reproduced, published in any form or forum, quoted or
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