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Electronic newsletter for the history of astronomy 37
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* Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy *
* in the Astronomische Gesellschaft *
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* Number 37, July 13, 1999 *
* *
* Edited by: Wolfgang R. Dick *
* *
1. Bart Fried: Antique Telescope Society Mailing List and Newsgroup
2. The LeRoy E. Doggett Prize
3. Conference Announcement: Giordano Bruno and our Epoch
4. Conferences 1999
5. New Books
Item 1 ENHA No. 37, July 13, 1999
Antique Telescope Society Mailing List and Newsgroup
By Bart Fried, Plymouth Meeting, PA
The Antique Telescope Society has instituted a topical mailing list
including a web page of threads. Usual topics include sharing information
on telescope history and makers; restoration information; authentication
pointers; astronomical history and observatory history as well as ATS
related business. It is a closed discussion group available via
subscription. To subscribe, enter the following URL:, then click on "Our new email list" and
then input your email address.
Author's address:
Bart Fried
ATS Web Editor
Phone: 610-825-6600
Fax: 610-825-7905
Item 2 ENHA No. 37, July 13, 1999
The LeRoy E. Doggett Prize
Nominations are requested for the second LeRoy E. Doggett Prize for
Historical Astronomy, to be awarded in January 2000. The prize is awarded
biennially either for a publication (within the past 6 years) that
significantly illuminates the history of astronomy, or for a long-term
contribution that has significantly influenced the field of the history of
astronomy. Nominations are not limited to HAD or AAS members. Nominations
for the first cycle two years ago are automatically carried over to this
second cycle. Send new nominations to -
nominations should include a cover letter of not more than two to three
pages, as well as appropriate supporting materials (CV of nominee,
supporting letters by co-nominators, book reviews, etc.).
Nomination deadline: August 15, 1999.
The HAD Prize Committee (David DeVorkin, Chair)
Item 3 ENHA No. 37, July 13, 1999
Conference Announcement: Giordano Bruno and our Epoch
Preliminary Announcement
International conference
Giordano Bruno and our Epoch
Moscow, Moscow State University
February, 2000
(The exact dates will be given in the First Announcement.)
Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University (SAI MSU)
Institute for Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Science
Euro-Asian Astronomical Society (EAAS)
Scientific and Cultural Center "SETI"
The conference will be held at SAI MSU.
Main topics to be considered:
1. G.Bruno and scientific revolution of XVI-XVII centuries
2. G.Bruno and modern astronomy
3. G.Bruno and the SETI problem
4. G.Bruno and modern culture
Contact addresses: (Dr. Lev M. Gindilis, SAI MSU) (EAAS)
Preregistration Form
Expression of Interest:
Postal Address:
Please indicate if your attendance is: Highly probable/Probable/Possible
I wish to make poster oral contribution
Title of Proposed Poster or Oral Contribution:
Please, send the filled form to:
<> and/or <>
Item 4 ENHA No. 37, July 13, 1999
Conferences 1999
(From: "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 41,
27. Mai 1999, Item 7.)
Further conferences in the year 1999 were reported in previous issues of
ENHA. For a complete list of all conferences announced see the following
April 30, 1999, Dunchurch, UK
10th Conference of the British Sundial Society
Contacts: R.A. Nicholl, 45 Hound Street, Shereborne, DT9 3AB
August 16-22, 1999, Odessa, Ukraine
The Universe of G.Gamow: Original Ideas in Astrophysics and
The conference will include a memorial session for G.Gamow.
Contacts: Dr. M. Ryabov, Odessa Observatory URAN-4, Radioastronomical
Institute, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Pushkinskaya 37 St.,
270011 Odessa, Ukraine, Phone: 7 0482 24 71 60, Fax: 7 0482 22 84 42,
September 17-19, 1999, Washington, D.C., USA
Joint Atlantic Seminar in the History of the Physical Sciences
This seminar will examine the plurality of historiographical methods
developed during the last decade. Papers should be concrete historical
investigations on any topic in the history of physics, astronomy,
chemistry, biophysics or geosciences.
Abstracts are due April 30, 1999.
Contacts: JASHOPS, Center for History of Physics, American
Institute of Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3843,
USA, e-mail:
24.-25. September 1999, Lienz, Osttirol, Austria
10th Meeting of the Working Group for Sundials in the Austrian
Astronomical Society (Arbeitsgruppe Sonnenuhren im Oesterreichischen
Astronomischen Verein)
Information: Hans-Michael Salcher, Andreas-Hofer-Str. 32,
A-9900 Lienz, Oesterreich, Tel.: +43-4852-61414,
Item 5 ENHA No. 37, July 13, 1999
New Books
(From: "Elektronische Mitteilungen zur Astronomiegeschichte" Nr. 40,
30. April 1999, Item 3. Partial translations by the editor.)
This list contains books which appeared since 1993 and and have not yet
been announced in ENHA. In case we learned that a book was already out of
print this was indicated. Other extended lists of books will be included
into future issues.
850 Jahre Kloster Reichenbach [800 years Monastery Reichenbach; in German].
Festschrift. Herausgeber [Editor]: Gemeinde Reichenbach, Kath.
Kirchenstiftung Reichenbach, Orden der Barmherzigen Brueder Reichenbach.
Munich: Johannes von Gott-Verlag, 1993. 130 p., ISBN 3-929849-20-8,
paperback DM 15.00
[Partial contents: Wolfgang Kaunzner: Zum Stand von Astronomie und
Naturwissenschaften im Kloster Reichenbach [The status of astronomy and
science in Monastery Reichenbach]]
Appenzeller, Immo (Ed.): Highlights of Astronomy. Vol. 10. As presented
at the XXIInd General Assembly of the IAU, 1994. Dordrecht, Boston,
London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. xxiii, 706 p.,
ISBN 0-7923-3553-8, NLG 420.00, US$ 310.00 (hb);
ISBN 0-7923-3554-6, NLG 160.00, US$ 119.00 (pb)
[Contains also abstracts from the Joint Discussion "History of Astronomy".]
Barbieri, Cesare; Rahe, Juergen H.; Johnson, Torrence V.; Sohus, Anita M.
(Eds.): The three Galileos : The man, the spacecraft, the telescope.
Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
480 p., 24.5 x 16.5 cm, ISBN 0-7923-4861-3, NLG 358.00, GBP 143.25,
$ 217.50 (hb) (Astrophysics and Space Science Library ; Vol. 220)
[Proceedings of an international conference, held in Italy on January
7-10, 1997. 16 pages are devoted to Galileo Galilei, including a
paper on Casa Casale and number 3383/3384 via Vignali, the two houses that
Galileo Galilei occupied during his twelve-year stay in Padua.]
Review: D.W.Hughes: The Observatory 118 (1998) 1146, 313
Bauer, Brian S.; Dearborn, David S.P.: Astronomy and empire in the
Ancient Andes. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995. 220 p.,
ISBN 0-292-70829-7, $ 37.50 (hb); ISBN 0-292-70837-8, $ 14.95 (pb)
Bederson, Benjamin (Ed.): Reviews of Modern Physics. Special Issue in
Honor of The Centenary of the American Physical Society. American
Physical Society, 1999. 488 p. (Reviews in Modern Physics, Vol. 71, No. 2)
["Our intent was to present a contemporary portrait of physics, based on
its past achievements and its current status" (From the preface). Includes
two papers dealing with the history of astrophysics: George Field:
Astrophysics (p. S33-S.40); Irwin I. Shapiro: A century of relativy (p.
S41-S53). Contains also other review articles on astrophysics, but these
include no history or only short historical introductions.]
Bethe, Hans A.: Selected works of Hans A. Bethe. With commentary.
River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 1997. 605 p., ISBN 981-02-2876-7,
$ 68.00 (hb)
[Papers from 1929 up to 1996. The last selected paper is "Breakout of
the Supernova Shock", published in the Astrophysical Journal in 1996.]
Review: K.Gottfried: Phys. Today 51 (1998) 7, 65-66
Bolles, Edmund Blair (Ed.): Galileo's commandment - an anthology of great
science writing. New York: W.H.Freeman and Co., 1997. 485 p., 24 x 17 cm,
ISBN 0-716-73035-9, $ 26.95 (hb)
[Anthology of works in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and
psychology, from 444 BC to the present day.]
Review: B.Kent: The Observatory 118 (1998) 1143, 113-115
Bradley, Paul A.; Guzik, Joyce A. (Eds.): A half century of stellar
pulsation interpretations : A tribute to Arthur N. Cox. Proceedings of a
Conference held in Los Alamos, New Mexico, 16-20 June 1997. San
Francisco, Ca.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1998. xxxvi, 511 p.,
23.5 x 16 cm, ISBN 1-886733-55-4, $ 52.00 (hb)
(Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series ; Vol. 135)
Review: M.Barstow: The Observatory 118 (1998) 1146, 309
Budde, Kai: Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Technik im Zeitalter der
Aufklaerung: Mannheim und die Kurpfalz unter unter Carl Theodor 1743 -
1799 [Economy, science and technology at the time of Enlightenment:
Mannheim and the Electoral Pfalz under Carl Theodor 1743 - 1799; in
German]. Hrsg. vom [Edited by] Landesmuseum fuer Technik und Arbeit in
Mannheim. Ubstadt-Weiher: Verlag Regionalkultur, 1993. 95 p., numerous
ill., partially in colour, 17 x 24 cm, ISBN 3-929366-04-5, pb DM 19.00
(Katalog zur staendigen Ausstellung ; 1)
[Catalogue of the permanent exhibition in the Mannheim Museum of
Technology and Labour, which displays numerous items from the history of
astronomy, illustrated and described in the catalogue. The introduction
deals also with the history of the Mannheim Observatory.]
Caspar, Max: Kepler. Translated and edited by C. Doris Hellman, with
bibliographical citations by Owen Gingerich and Alain Segonds. New York:
Dover Publications, 1993. 441 p., ISBN 0-486-67605-6, $ 10.95 (pb)
[C. Doris Hellmann's 1959 translation from German in a corrected and
expanded edition.]
Review: G.Holton: J. Hist. Astron. 26 (1995) 2, 174-175
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan: Selected papers. Vol. 7. The non-radial
oscillation of stars in general relativity and other writings.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1997. 304 p., 24 x 17 cm,
ISBN 0-226-10103-7, GBP 79.25, $ 99.00 (hb); ISBN 0-226-10104-5, GBP 35.95,
$ 45.00 (pb)
Review: D.O.Gough: The Observatory 118 (1998) 1142, 29-31
Cook, Alan: Edmond Halley : Charting the heavens and the seas.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. xvi, 540 p., 18 b/w plates,
ISBN 0-19-850031-9, GBP 29.50, $ 40.00 (hb)
Review: D.Barraclough: Astronomy and Geophysics 39 (1998) 4.35
D.W.Hughes: Sky & Telescope 97 (1999) 3, 71-72
Ehlers, Anita: Liebes Hertz! Physiker und Mathematiker in Anekdoten
[Physicists and mathematicians in anecdotes; in German]. With a foreword
by Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhaeuser
Verlag, 1994. 216 p., ISBN 3-7643-5038-5, hardbound DM 29.80
[Contains also numerous anecdotes about astronomers (Walter Baade, Ludwig
Biermann, Heinz Billing, Goeffrey und Margaret Burbidge, Subrahmanyan
Chandrasekar, Otto Heckmann, Reimar and Rhea Luest) as well as
physicists and mathematicians who did works in astronomy.
Contents: Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker: Vorwort (p. 7-8), Kapitel 1 bis
12 (S. 9-172), Biographische Stichworte (p. 173-203), Zum 150.
Geburtstag der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (p. 205-208),
Nachgedanken (p. 209-211), Namenregister (p. 213-216).]
Review: A.Glindemann: Sterne Weltraum 35 (1996) 6, 512
Fellmann, Emil A.: Leonhard Euler. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt
Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. 159 p., ISBN 3-499-50387-5, pb DM 12.90
(rororo Monographie ; 529)
[Biography in German]
Gavaghan, Helen: Something new under the sun : Satellites and the
beginning of the Space Age. New York: Copernicus / Springer-Verlag, 1998.
XVIII, 300 p., ISBN 0-387-94914-3, $ 26.00, DM 39.50 (hb)
[The early story of the engineering and politics of the satellite
effort through 1965. The study is limited to early satellites for
navigation, weather forecast and communication.]
Review: U.v.Rauchhaupt: Phys. Bl. 55 (1999) 1, 60
Gingerich, Owen: The eye of heaven. Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler. New
York: American Institute of Physics, 1993. viii, 442 p., ill., bibl.,
index, ISBN 0-8831-8863-5, $ 24.95 (Masters of modern physics ; vol. 7)
Review: J.D.North: J. Hist. Astron. 25 (1994) 3, 243-244
Haerendel, G.; Grzedzielski, S.; Gavallo, G.; Battrick, B. (Eds.):
40 years of COSPAR. Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, 1998.
vi, 189 p., 14.5 x 21 cm, [no ISBN], Dfl 15.00 (pb) (BR-135)
[COSPAR = Committee on Space Research. Contents: Part 1: Some personal
recollections. Part 2: Statistical data.
Distribution: ESA Publications Divison. c/o ESTEC, PO Box 299, 2200 AG
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Tel. (31) 71 565 3400, Fax (31) 71 565 5433]
Hartl, Gerhard; Maerker, Karl; Teichmann, Juergen; Wolfschmidt, Gudrun:
Planeten - Sterne - Welteninseln. Astronomie im Deutschen Museum
[Planets - Stars - Island Universes. Astronomy in the Deutsches Museum;
in German.] Munich: Deutsches Museum, 1993. 248 p., ISBN 3-924183-21-X,
DM 29.80 (out of print)
Review: [MS:] Sonne 17 (1993) 66, 64
B.Kuhn: Sterne Weltraum 33 (1994) 2, 158-159
Herrmann, Dieter B.: Raetsel um Sirius. Das astronomische Geheimwissen der
Dogon [Mysterious Sirius. The secret astronomical knowledge of the Dogon;
in German.] Berlin: Paetec, Gesellschaft fuer Bildung und Technik, 1995.
24 p., ISBN 3-89517-305-3, paperback DM 9.20 (out of print)
Herrmann, Dieter B.; Hoffmann, Karl-Friedrich (eds.): Die Geschichte der
Astronomie in Berlin [The history of astronomy in Berlin; in German].
Berlin: Archenhold-Sternwarte, 1998. 159 p., numerous ill., 17 x 24 cm,
ISBN 3-86021-018-1, paperback DM 16.80
[Distribution: Archenhold-Sternwarte, Alt-Treptow 1, D-12435 Berlin;
Wilhelm-Foerster-Sternwarte, Munsterdamm 90, D-12169 Berlin.]
Herrmann, Dieter B.: 11. August 1999. Die Jahrhundertfinsternis
[August 11, 1999. The eclipse of the century; in German]. Berlin:
Paetec, Gesellschaft fuer Bildung und Technik, 1999. 48 p., 14.5 x 21 cm,
15 ill., ref., ISBN 3-89517-709-1, pb DM 9.80
[Part II: Beruehmte Sonnenfinsternisse der Geschichte [Famous solar
eclipses in history] (p. 21-44).]
Review: J.V.Feitzinger: Astron. Raumfahrt 36 (1999) 1, 28
Ichsanova, Vera: Pulkovo / St. Petersburg : Spuren der Sterne und der
Zeiten ; Geschichte der russischen Hauptsternwarte [Traces of stars and
times ; the history of the Russian Main Observatory [i.e. Pulkovo]; in
German]. Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang,
Europaeischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1995. 236 p., ISBN 3-631-49253-7,
paperback DM 69.00
Kolbe, Wilhelm: Der Stern zu Bethlehem. Zur Erinnerung an den 2000sten
Jahrestag des Sternstillstandes ueber Bethlehem am 12. November 1994 n.Chr.
aus astronomischer Sicht [The Star of Bethlehem. Commemorating the
2000th anniversary of the stellar standstill above Bethlehem on November
12, 1994 A.D., from an astronomical point of view; in German]. Burscheid:
Dr. Wilhelm Kolbe, 1995. 20 p., ISBN 3-929760-04-5, paperback DM 15.00
[Author's address: Dr. Wilhelm Kolbe, Maxhan 28, D-51399 Burscheid,
Germany; Tel. 02174-1241]
Krausse, Joachim; Ropohl, Dietmar; Scheiffele, Walter: Vom Grossen
Refraktor zum Einsteinturm - From the Great Refractor to the Einstein
Tower. An exhibition on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the
Einstein Tower in Potsdam - Eine Ausstellung zum 70. Jahrestag des
Einsteinturms in Potsdam. Giessen: Anabas Verlag Guenter Kaempff, 1996.
92 p., zahlr. Abb., ISBN 3-87038-290-2, paperback DM 14.80
[All texts in English and German]
Lemcke, Mechthild: Johannes Kepler. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt
Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. 176 p., ISBN 3-499-50529-0, paperback DM 12.90
(rororo Monographie ; 529)
[Biography in German]
Lindner, Klaus: Taschenbuch der Astronomie [Handbook of astronomy; in
German]. Leipzig, Koeln: Fachbuchverlag, 1993. 255 p., ISBN 3-343-00813-3,
paperback DM 22,-
[Contains also: Zeittafel zur Geschichte der Astronomie 3500 v.Chr.
bis 1990 [Time-line of the history of astronomy 3500 B.C. to 1990]]
Review: H.Bernhard: Astron. Raumfahrt 30 (1993) 16 (4/93), 46 (402)
Luehning, Felix: Der Gottorfer Globus und das Globushaus im 'Newen
Werck'. Dokumentation und Rekonstruktion eines fruehbarocken Welttheaters
[The Gottorf Globe and the globe building in the 'Newen Werck'.
Documentation and reconstruction of a world theater from early Baroque;
in German]. Schleswig: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, 1997.
176 p., 150 ill., 24 x 25.5 cm, hardbound DM 25.00
(Gottorf im Glanz des Barock. Kunst und Kultur am Schleswiger Hof 1544 -
1713. Kataloge der Ausstellungen zum 50-jaehrigen Bestehen des
Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landesmuseums auf Schloss Gottorf und zum 400.
Geburtstag Herzog Friedrich III. herausgegeben von Heinz Spielmann und Jan
Drees. [Band] IV.)
[Distribution: Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schloss Gottorf,
D-24837 Schleswig.
This volume is not a catalogue of the exhibition, but an investigation on
the basis of printed and archival sources as well as excavations in the
palace garden with the aim of reconstructing the appearances of the large
terrestrial and celestial globe and the globe building. The globe is now
in St. Petersburg. The book deals also with the Sphaera Copernicana and
the astronomical environment of the globe.]
McCluskey, Stephen C.: Astronomies and cultures in early medieval Europe.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
xxiv, 235 p., ISBN 0-521-58361-6, $ 54.95, GBP 40.00 (hb)
[More information:]
Miner, Ellis D.: Uranus, the planet, rings and satellites. 2nd edition.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1998. xx, 361 p., ISBN 0-471-97398-X,
GBP 45.00 (hb)
[Traces also Herschel's discovery of Uranus, the discovery of its main
satellites and rings, as well as other pre-Voyager observations.]
Review: R.Miles: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 108 (1998) 4, 228
Mittelstrass, Juergen: Machina Mundi - Zum astronomischen Weltbild der
Renaissance [Machina Mundi - On the astronomical world view of the
Renaissance; in German]. Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag, 1995. 31 p.,
ISBN 3-7190-1407-X, DM 19.00
(Vortr. d. Aeneas-Silvius Stift. an d. Uni Basel ; 31)
Moore, Patrick: The planet Neptune: An historical survey before Voyager.
2nd edition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1996. 150 p., 30 plates,
ISBN 0-471-96015-2, GBP 30.00 (hb)
Review: A.Chapman: J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 106 (1996) 3, 165
R.J.McKim: The Observatory 116 (1996) 1133, 254
Mueller, Uwe (ed.): 450 Jahre Copernicus "De revolutionibus".
Astronomische und mathematische Buecher aus Schweinfurter Bibliotheken
[450 years of Copernicus' "De revolutionibus". Astronomical and
mathematical books from Schweinfurt libraries; in German].
Exhibition of the Stadtarchiv Schweinfurt in cooperation with the
Bibliothek Otto Schaefer. 21 November 1993 - 19 June 1994. Schweinfurt,
1993. 2nd ed. 1998. 437 p., numerous ill., 26 x 20 cm,
ISBN 3-926896-08-6, hardbound DM 48.00
(Veroeffentlichungen des Stadtarchivs Schweinfurt ; Nr. 9)
[With contributions on the history of astronomy by F.Schmeidler, O.Goetz,
U.Lindgren, D.A.King and others. Extended catalogue; the part on astronomy
contains 100 descriptions of books of the 15th and 16th centuries,
written by W.Kokott, E.Knobloch, F.Schmeidler, M.Folkerts, U.Lindgren,
K.Reich, O.Gingerich, J.Hamel, A.Kuehne. Other parts concern mathematics,
manuscripts, instruments. Glossary, list of references, extended index
of names.]
Review: W.R.Dick: Sterne 71 (1995) 1, 56-57
C.Schoener: Naturwiss. Rundschau 48 (1995) 10, 404
Oestmann, Guenther: Die astronomische Uhr des Strassburger Muensters
[The astronomical clock of the Strasbourg cathedral; in German].
Stuttgart: Verlag fuer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik,
1993. 326 p., 48 illus., ISBN 3-928186-12-4, DM 80.00
Review: M.Schukowski: Astron. Raumfahrt 31 (1994) 22 (4/94), 46 (668)
A.Zenkert: Sterne 70 (1994) 5, 308-309
J.Fried: Sterne Weltraum 34 (1995) 1, 77
Pantin, Isabelle: Johannes Kepler: Discussion avec Le Messager Celeste et
Rapport sur l'Observation des Satellites de Jupiter. Paris: Les Belles
Lettres, 1993. cxxvi, 196 p., FF 275.00
Review: C.Wilson: J. Hist. Astron. 26 (1995) 1, 86-87
Raimond, Ernst; Genee, Rene (Eds.):
The Westerbork Observatory, Continuing Adventure in Radio Astronomy.
Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
viii, 266 p., ISBN 0-7923-4150-3, Dfl 145.00, $ 90.00, GBP 64.00
Review: G.Swarup: Space Science Reviews 83 (1998) 3-4, 523
Schroeder, Wilfried (Ed.): The Earth and the Universe. (A Festschrift in
honour of Hans-Juergen Treder). Bremen-Roennebeck, 1993. 498 p., out of
print (Newsletters of the Interdivisional commission on history of IAGA ;
No. 20)
Review: U.Bleyer: Sterne 70 (1994) 1, 58-59
Valls-Gabaud, David; Hendry, Martin A.; Molaro, Paolo; Chamcham, Khalil;
(Eds.): From quantum fluctuations to cosmological structures. Proceedings
of the First Moroccan School of Astrophysics, Casablanca, Morocco, 1-10
December 1996. San Francisco, Ca.: Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
1997. xix, 656 p., ISBN 1-886733-46-5, $ 52.00 (hb)
(Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series ; Vol. 126)
[Contains also: Bernard J. T. Jones: A brief history of cosmology
(p. 1-30).]
For information we thank all authors and in addition:
Wilhelm Brueggenthies, David DeVorkin, Dieter B. Herrmann,
Wolfgang Kaunzner, Wolfgang Kokott, Klaus Lindner, Felix Luehning, Stephen
C. McCluskey, Wilfried Schroeder, Vera Staerman, David Valls-Gabaud.
Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy (ENHA)
Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the
Astronomische Gesellschaft
Editor: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick <>
All items without an author's name are editorial contributions.
Articles as well as information for the several sections are appreciated.
Subscription for ENHA is free. Readers and subscribers are asked for
occasional voluntary donations to the working group.
Copyright Statement:
The Electronic Newsletters for the History of Astronomy may be freely
re-distributed in the case that no charge is imposed. Public offer in
WWW servers, BBS etc. is allowed after the editor has been informed.
Non-commercial reproduction of single items in electronic or printed media
is possible only with the editor's permission.
Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte / Working Group for the History of
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter Brosche, Observatorium Hoher List der
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn, D-54550 Daun, Germany,
Tel.: +49(0)6592 2150, Fax: +49(0)6592 985140
Secretary: Dr. Wolfgang R. Dick, Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und
Geodaesie, Aussenstelle Potsdam, Postfach 60 08 08, D-14408 Potsdam,
Germany, Tel.: +49(0)331 316 618, E-mail:
Bank Acct. of the Working Group of the Astronomische Gesellschaft:
Acct # 333 410 41, Sparkasse Bochum (BLZ 430 500 01)
Contributions from foreign countries: acct # 162 18-203, Postgiroamt
Hamburg, BLZ 200 400 20
Please sign with: "Fuer Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte"