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The discovery of the Eye of Quetzalcoatl and the secret of the Eye of Horus


Many archaeological discoveries were not made with pickaxes and shovels, but closed in a studio or in a museum. What for the excavator is only a piece among the thousands of archaeological finds, under careful study it can prove to be unique, even decades after its discovery.

This happened at the British Museum in 1872, when a simple engraver named George Smith, an amateur enthusiast of Assyrian antiquities, found himself in front of an Assyrian tablet from Nineveh with the first fragment found of the account of the Flood.

Today the find that I was able to study found its interpretation, fifty years after its discovery in Teotihuacan, a city located 40 kilometers north-east of Mexico City. The archaeological find that I am going to present to you and which I have baptized as "Eye of Quetzalcoatl", is incredible, as it is one of the rare finds that supports the already well-founded proof of the existence of airships in remote times that could sail the skies of our planet.

Furthermore, the archaeological find, due to the artistic and communicative capacity of the representation, reveals its uniqueness, the true interpretation to be given to the corresponding Egyptian representation of the well-known Eye of the god Horus and demonstrates at the same time, the indisputable existence of an evolved and arcane civilization who had interests and means to fly over spaces and distances starting from Heliopolis, i.e. from the lands of Egypt up to Teotihuacan and in the other lands of Central America protected by divinities such as Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, Kukulkan, etc.

The Aztec Eye of Quetzalcoatl, the representation of the corresponding Egyptian Eye of Horus; or rat
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The Aztec Eye of Quetzalcoatl, the representation of the corresponding Egyptian Eye of Horus; or rather as Sitchin says in translation of his eleventh Sumerian tablet, "the Flaming Pillar, the Celestial Fish given to Horon by Ningishzidda".

The Quelzalcoatl is expressed through the cult of the winged serpent, very widespread in Central America in the pre-Columbian period where it appears linked to a population of astronomers who inhabited Mexico about 3500 years ago and is linked to the mythical "light-skinned Wise Men", who appeared like serpents covered in feathers and who would arrive in Mexico on large ships without oars. These mysterious individuals with Caucasian features, "perhaps the survivors of the Atlantean population", were even represented in enormous sculptures at La Venta.

Among the peoples of Central America the Feathered Serpent is seen as a bringer of civilization, a master of astronomy and architecture. This is why according to Mayan legends the serpent god brought the art of the pyramids to Mexico and these same legends also describe the pyramids as tools for transforming the soul after death, with vague correlations with Egypt. In Egypt, the representation of a human soul resting on a feathered serpent was found and in ancient local myths the dragon Apep ruled the world of darkness.

Therefore the intrinsic value of the Eye of Quetzalcoatl appears clear, as we find ourselves in the presence of an artefact of even greater paleastronautical interest compared to other anachronistic discoveries, such as the Tropakkale clay spacecraft, found in site, formerly known as Tuspa, in Turkey, now kept in the museum of Istanbul, or the well-known Olmec bas-relief discovered in a basaltic rock wall in Cerro della Cantera, Chalcatzingo Morelos, in Mexico, depicting a sort of flying means of transport that travels in the rain with spirals and signs interpreted as flames coming out of the rear part of the aircraft, clearly explaining that it is a sort of airship or spaceship where inside is even visible the silhouette of a man who sits placing his hands on a sort of control panel; or again, the equally interesting and well-known stele of Palenque, Chiapas, south of Ciudad del Carmen, weighing 5 tons, 4 meters long, which Erich von Daniken interprets as the image of an astronaut, who, in addition to proposing the traditional religious symbols also highlights a figure very similar to an airship; and in this case it is intriguing that the Eye of Quetzalcoatl clearly resembles the sacred bird of Quetzal represented at the end of the stele and considered a symbol of the sky, representing the spiritual journey of King Pacal, or as I believe, the vehicle thanks to the which he ascends into heaven.

Just as happens with the Egyptians with their sacred bird Bennu, which represented the Ba, "the soul" of the god Rà, of which it was the emblem, while in the funerary texts it was the deceased himself who was the Bennu, considered the very manifestation of Osiris resurrected; not least his son Horus, whose term derives from hrw or hr, which in ancient Egyptian stands for "he who flies high in the heavens", the same term that indicated the starry sky was for the Egyptians Hat Hor, that is "the abode of Horus".

Horus was also depicted as a white monkey who came from the cosmos with his "celestial chamber", he was the god of energy, the sun and science, and the companion of Thoth, the god who invented the alphabet, who was represented by the Egyptians with the head of Ibis.

In the Book of the Dead in chapter LXVI we read: "I am Horus who comes from the eye of Horus".

The Eye of Quetzalcoatl dated about the 8th century AD, but perhaps a much older image, from Teotihu
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The Eye of Quetzalcoatl "dated about the 8th century AD, but perhaps a much older image," from Teotihuacan compared with the Olmec bas-relief found on a basaltic rock wall at Cerro de la Cantera, Chalcatzingo Morelos, Mexico, with the Tropakkale clay ship, found at the site, formerly known as Tuspa, in Turkey and with the image of the Palenque stele, the sarcophagus of the Mayan king Pacal, who lived in the 7th century AD. Note the similar representation of the sacred bird Qetzal above circled in the Palenque stele with the depiction of the Eye of Quetzalcoatl.

The Eye of Quetzalcoatl, believed to be a simple representation of an unknown Aztec deity, immediately captured my interest at first sight, as it represents, in my interpretation, what is called "the sacred Quetzal bird", in reality an airship or space aircraft, represented with incredibly elaborate graphics, as in use among pre-Columbian civilizations, which, as also happens to our early childhood children, have the prerogative of depicting what they know, as well as what they see, for example example by drawing the bone inside the fish; so too did Native Americans represent what they knew as well as what they saw. In fact, they depicted water in its flow with a succession and repetition of shapes to indicate the direction, or to represent an exchange between people, or shapes and spirals that departed from the object to give visual communication of the flames and movement, all for a more accurate communication of what they saw the object do or knew it could do.

The Eye of Quetzalcoatl compared with the representation of the movement of water and the voice on a
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The Eye of Quetzalcoatl compared with the representation of the movement of water and the voice on a plate of the Chavn culture, circa 900-200 BC and with another Aztec dish from Teotihuacan.

From studying the image I was able to immediately notice the similarity with the corresponding representation of the Eye of Horus, in fact stripped of the symbols representing flames and movement, the essential features that outline the eye will appear clear. But no wonder, Horus was a divine being similar to man who could transform himself into a falcon.

The Eye of Quetzalcoatl compared to the Eye of Horus
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The Eye of Quetzalcoatl compared to the Eye of Horus

Horus is above all a generic term for a large number of falcon deities and is also represented with a feathered eye, so Quetzalcoatl was a human-like deity who could transform himself into the sacred bird Quetzal which also appears here just like a feathered eye.

The same deities in the three different cultures: Sumerian, Egyptian and Olmec representing the bird
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The same deities in the three different cultures: Sumerian, Egyptian and Olmec representing the "bird gods"

The fact that this artefact demonstrates and clarifies from false interpretations the original and real meaning of the Eye of Horus takes on enormous importance, precisely because here the artist represented what he really saw; a flying machine that could hover in the sky and land at will, something that the representations of the Egyptians, due to their artistic ability and culture, were unable to provide.

Even if in their Book of the Dead the verses that attribute the power to fly to the Eye are very clear, for example: "Truly I am the firstborn son of Osiris And I dwell in the divine Eye" ... "Then similar to a great Golden Falcon with the head of a Phoenix I take flight towards the sky" … "I am Horus, I who appropriate the celestial Barque" … "Look! It is the Eye of Horus That rises flaming, before you" … " "Like the Falcon of Horus I soar in the sky; my cries are shrill, like those of a wild duck, (other times they are compared to a waterfowl) I descend, circling towards the Region of the Dead" … "Behold, I glide, bird-like, from the sky" … "I I am he who dwells in the Eye of Horus, Behold I come and place Maat (The goddess Maat is often represented as a woman with a feather on her head and symbolized truth, justice, she was the mother of Amun,) Into the hands of Rà (the sun god)" … etc.

In the following depiction, in addition to highlighting the possible maneuvers that the Eye of Horus, or rather the airship, could perform, its movement in the sky is also highlighted, in fact, the repetition of the same depiction which you can notice by separating the image in two parts can have the only function of communicating that the object depicted could occupy more spaces, therefore it was in movement, with the function added to what they represent that same succession of spirals which are interpreted, by scholars, generally like flames, but which in reality, in my opinion, aim above all to represent movement, something that a static representation, without artifice, cannot give.

The discovery of the Eye of Quetzalcoatl and the secret of the Eye of Horus
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It will appear clear that the discovery of the Eye of Quetzalcoatl, coming from Teotihuacan, "the ancient city of the thunder gods", linked by analogy to other pre-Columbian divinities such as the Inca deities of Viracocha and the Maya of Kulkulkan.

It is precisely also the representation of the similar Eye of the Egyptian god Horus or Ra; more precisely, it is the most detailed representation existing so far, so much so as to give the right interpretation which, not surprisingly, from my research finds correspondences even with the translation of some Sumerian and Akkadian tablets translated by Zecharia Sitchin in his book: "The Lost Book of god Enki", where in the translation of the eleventh tablet, he clearly mentions an airship given to Horus by the Sumerian deities; and translating he tells us:

"Ningishzidda (Thoth) gave Horus a Flaming Pillar like a celestial fish, with fiery fins and tail, his eyes changed color, from blue to red and then blue again. On board the Flaming Pillar Horus he soared towards the triumphant Seth. Far and wide they chased each other; fierce and merciless was the fight. At first the Flaming Pillar was struck, then with his harpoon, Horus struck Seth. Seth crashed to the ground and Horus bound him... ".

It must not be forgotten that Quetzalcoatl literally means Bird Serpent, or rather serpent with precious Quetzal feathers, and similarly Horus had the ability to transform into a falcon; probably so described, because he could fly with his Eye, or Flaming Pillar; in the Book of the Dead of the ancient Egyptians translated by G. Kolpaktchy and D. Piantanida, in chapter LXXVII we read verses such as:

"I take possession of the divine attributes of Horus ...", "Know therefore that I too, rise very high above my tomb ...", "Grant me a garment of feathers ! Behold, you invigorate my heart ..."

and coincidentally, the Aztec "eagle warriors" are known to all, represented with their mysterious robes. In Peru, there is even a place where the walls of Sacsayhuamn, "Place of the Falcon", an Inca archaeological site, stand on a hill in Carmenca, north of the city of Cusco, where people worshipped, precisely, Viracocha or rather "the Mesoamerican Horus".

These walls are up to 18 meters high and are composed of mysterious megalithic stones that came from the nearest quarries, which are more than 20 km away, in a place called Muyna. Also known to all is the mysterious "Fuente Magna", a vase found in Bolivia in 1950 with engravings in Sumerian cuneiform. Moreover, even in the south of Illinois, in 1982, a certain Russel Burrows discovered thousands of rock fragments engraved with depictions that were influenced by an Egyptian-Sumerian cultural influence, thus helping to support the theory of overseas contact.

Zecharia Sitchin, again in his translation of the eleventh tablet, tells us that Gibil, great-uncle of Horus, also created winged sandals for him

"so that he could soar in flight like a hawk. For him he made a divine harpoon, his arrows were like lightning. In the southern highlands Gibil revealed to him the secrets of metal and its processing".

It will appear clear why the mysterious tumbaga and snot goldsmith's art arose in Latin America, and after all even the harpoon described above could very well be represented by the same staves that, iconographically, Quetzalcoatl holds in his hand in ancient depictions of him.

Here are the winged sandals of Horus? . The Reuters news agency reported the news that in the jungle
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Here are the "winged sandals of Horus?". The Reuters news agency reported the news that in the jungle of northern Guatemala at the Mayan site of El Mirador some researchers recently brought to light some incredible carved panels representing beings with a humanoid appearance equipped with technological equipment for flying. Alongside a curious statuette also found in Guatemala which seems to represent a being in a space suit.
Moche, Tumbaga, Chavin, Olmeca representations; note the harpoon and the headdresses which highlight
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Moche, Tumbaga, Chavin, Olmeca representations; note the harpoon and the headdresses which highlight the prerogative of hovering.

In reality it would be enough to observe the Mayan, Aztec, Olmec representations and the representation of an original civilization that came into contact with evolved beings who had the ability to fly by various means, including the Eye of Quetzalcoatl, or Eye of Horus, or with the Flaming Pillar, or Celestial Fish, so well represented in this incredible artifact. We also have the measurements of these airships, in the book of the dead we read:

"Lying along the side of the mountain the Great Serpent sleeps. Thirty rooms long and eight wide (54 meters by 15). Its belly is decorated with silica and plates glittering. Now I know the name of the mountain serpent. Here he is: the one who lives in the flames. After sailing in silence Ra glances at the serpent. Suddenly his navigation stops."

Various measures also appear in the writings of the scholar Michele Manher who reports some strange writings such as those of the Ani papyrus, a version of Hunefer's Book of the Dead kept in the British Museum which tell of curious events, in chapter LXXVII we read:

"I fly away and then I land (standing) inside the falcon; its back measures seven cubits (3.7 meters, while in the translation of the Book of the Dead of the ancient Egyptians by G. Kolpaktchy and D. Piantanida it speaks of four cubits and the wings shine like Southern emeralds ), his two wings are like green feldspar. I leave him from the ship-sektet, my heart goes to the eastern mountain", in chapter LXXVIII we read: "I give you Ruth's nemes, mine, so that you can go and return by the celestial road. The gods of the Duat, who are at the extremity of the sky, will see you, they will respect you, they will pledge themselves before their gates for you, lahwed will be with them. They have worked hard for me, the gods masters of the boundaries (of the world), those who are bound to the abode of the one Lord. for I was above him floating : after that he takes my nemes, as Ruthy had said. lahwed opens a passage for me. I am above, Ruthy had taken the nemes for me, had placed it on my head, had fastened my body in its backrest for me, due to its great power I cannot fall into the void ... I saw the holy secret things, I have been trained in covert operations, I have seen what is in that place, my thoughts in the majesty of the lord of the air ... I am like Horus among his enlightened ones ... I have crossed the most distant regions of the sky. ... 'A nice trip!' the deities of the Duat told me".

In chapter CLXXV we read:

"what is this? I have traveled there and, moreover, there is no water, there is no air, there is no wind, dark, dark, without limits, without borders".

In chapter LXXXV we read:

"I spent a day in the base isolated where there is the blaze I went there on a mission, I return to give an account, open me up so that I can say what I saw. Horus the commander of the divine ship, ... I entered it esteemed and I exit enlarged through the door of the Lord of the Universe".

In the Egyptian papyrus of Ani presented in an article of the Clypeus newsletter n. 25 of 1964, the father of Horus Osiris (os - iris, "voice of light"), is described as follows:

"Your body is similar to clear and shining metal ... Your head is intense blue ... Radiations of turquoise surround you".

In the accounts of a battle that took place in the time of Ramosis II, written on the walls of the temples of Karnak, Luxor and Abydos as well as on papyri such as Sallier III, it is not difficult for scholars to translate curious verses such as:

"Uadjt fell for me my adversaries, its fiery wind from burning embers was in front of my enemies ... these rays burned the limbs of the rebels, and each of them shouted to the other 'beware!'. The great Sekhmet led him ... whoever tried to get closer to the king, the burning ray like fire burned his limbs, while others in the distance flew away from the ground, (and others bowed) with their hands in my presence ... they were in heaps in front of my horse, they were lying in heaps in their blood."

In the Rigs. Veda

"gods, germ of the world, god who wanders as he pleases. He makes himself heard with sound, but his form not seen. To this Vata we will dedicate our devout oblation."

To better understand what Vata was flying on, another verse from Rig. Veda clearly says,

"Vata's plane was enormous. Creating eddies of dust, it rose into the air making a thunderous noise. Flying across the sky it emitted a trail of smoke and a blinding reddish glow."

Some ancient Indian writings even tell us the type of fuel that these "celestial ships" used by their Devas and various deities used, a sort of liquid metal, probably mercury as confirmed by some findings of glass and porcelain artefacts, which end up in a cone with a drop of mercury inside, found in the Gobbi desert; which apparently served as fuel for their mythical Vimanas, a term which has been translated into: "artificial inhabited birds, luminous eggs, etc.", often described in the texts of the Ramayana and Mahabharata as flying machines which appear to have been constructed in various models, according to the use made of it; and it is said that some of them may still be hidden in the caves of the mythical underground kingdom of Agharti.

The same scenarios described in the traditional sacred texts manifested themselves with the clouds of Yahweh, the bearded white man who came from the stars. We have the same statements in the Bible, David in the second book of Samuel, after his settlement in Jerusalem, when he recalls the divine intervention in his defense during the wars against the Philistines recalls:

"Smoke came out of his nostrils; out of his mouth came a destructive fire while burning embers shot out of it. A misty cloud supported his feet. He climbed onto a cherub and flew; he moved on a wind while a dark cloud formed all around; they surrounded him like a cabin in a roar of waters and dense clouds. From the splendor that emanated between the clouds, incandescent stones splashed. The Lord thundered from heaven, the Most High produced his sound. He hurled his fireballs and scattered the enemies, he vibrated his thunderbolts and put them to flight".

(2 Sa 22, 9-15)

Representations of the Eye of Horus and Quetzalcoatl
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Representations of the Eye of Horus and Quetzalcoatl

Returning to America, this explains why the mysterious Nazca figures can only be appreciated from above, which are nothing other than the representation of animals and beings also represented by Tumbaga goldsmithery itself and by pre-Columbian art in general. This is why in anthropomorphic representations a feathered headdress always appears which even represents movement with those spiral curls that the pre-Columbian artist generally used to give the sense of movement.

The beings represented are always the same as the civilizers who came from heaven and were considered Gods by primitive people. It will be noted that from the Stones of Ica to the present day, the various American ethnic groups through the representations of feathered headdresses have always represented and carried with them the memory of this encounter with celestial beings who had the ability to fly with their incomprehensible means, and from this atavistic memory they have brought with them to the present day the Aztec myth of the Feathered Serpent and the eagle warriors.

The memory of the feathered gods in the Ica, Moche, Tumbaga, Egyptian, Sumerian and Indian cultures
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The memory of the feathered gods in the Ica, Moche, Tumbaga, Egyptian, Sumerian and Indian cultures of today.

In the Mesopotamian pantheon, the same thing happens.

We have Anu as the sky god and Antu his worthy wife, Zecharia Sitchin, translating his elusive tablets, even finds the connection with places such as Chavin de Huantar, 250 km from Lima, Per, at an altitude of 3150 m above sea level and Teothuacan, the Place of the Gods, of the god of thunder and tells us:

"This is now the story of why, in the far country (South America), a new place of chariots was built, andof the love of Dumuzi (youngest son of Enki, delegate of herding in his kingdom in Egypt) and Inanna (daughter of Nannar and Ningal, twin of Utu, lady of Uruk and Harappa), whom Marduk (firstborn of Enki and Damkina, venerated as Ra in Egypt) destroyed, causing the death of Dumuzi. It happened after the dispute between Horus (Egyptian god called Horon in Sumerian tradition) and Seth (son of Marduk and Sapanit, the Egyptian god known as Satu in Sumerian tradition) and after the aerial battle in the skies of Tilmun (Land of Missiles, the Fourth Region in the Sinai Peninsula) of Anu and Antu and head of the Earth colony of the Annunaki) summoned his three sons to council.

Concerned about what was happening, he told them: in the beginning we created the Earthlings in our image and likeness. Now, however, the descendants of the Annunaki are become in the image and likeness of the Earthlings. First Cain killed his brother, now a son of Marduk is the murderer of his own brother. For the first time a descendant of the Annunaki raised an army from the Earthlings. In their hands he placed weapons of a particular metal, a secret of the Annunaki. From the days when our legitimacy was challenged by Alalu (deposed king of Nibiru after the North-South War) and Anzu (spaceship pilot and first commander of the Mars Way Station), the Igigi (the three hundred Annunaki assigned to spacecraft and the Mars Way Station) continued to cause problems and violate the rules. Now the lighthouse peaks (the pyramids of Giza, Egypt) are in the land of Marduk, the Landing Place (the spaceport at Baalbek, Lebanon) controlled by the Igigi. Now the Igigi advance towards the Place of the Chariots. In the name of Seth they will claim for themselves all the Heaven-Earth stations. This said Enlil to his three sons; therefore proposed to adopt countermeasures, we must secretly create an alternative Heaven-Earth installation that is created in the land of Ninurta (god of Lagash, firstborn of Enlil and Ninmah, found other sources of gold in the Americas), beyond the oceans, in among Earthlings loyal to us. Thus it was that the secret mission was entrusted into the hands of Ninurta. In the Mountain Lands, beyond the oceans, beside the great lake, he built a new Heaven-Earth Bond, surrounded it with a fence. At the foot of the mountains, where gold nuggets were scattered, he chose a plain with stable ground; he traced the signs for the ascent and descent (Teotihuacan the place of the chariots and in other places as the Nazca lines clearly confirm). The stations are primitive, but will serve the purpose well. Thus Ninurta declared to his father, from there the gold shipments to Nibiru can continue, we too, in case of need, can ascend from there!".

Returning to the ancient Egyptians, they called their fabulous bird that could fly the skies Bennu, which later became the Phoenix in Greek legends. It is described as having a golden neck, red body feathers and a blue tail with pink feathers, partly gold and partly purple wings, a long tapered beak, long legs and two long feathers, one pink and one blue that slide softly down from her head, erect on the top of her head. In Egypt he was usually depicted with the Atef crown or with the solar disc emblem. It is also said that from the throat of the Phoenix came the breath of life that animated the god Shu also identified with Anhur, whose name means "Bearer of the sky", becoming Anhur Shu a bearded god like Quetzalcoatl. Anhur Shu or Ashur was precisely the god that the Assyrians venerated in place of Marduk and was also symbolized by a winged disk. Once again, the alien genetic intervention that gave "the breath of life" and the similarity with the sacred Mesoamerican bird, Quetzal, will appear clear; if we then hear the Egyptians themselves tell us these verses, every doubt vanishes:

"I am the soul of Ra, the guide of the Gods in the Duat... May I be allowed to enter like a hawk, may I proceed like the Bennu, the Morning Star... singing so divinely that it enchanted Ra himself".

It is no coincidence that in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, it seems that the "Gate of the Sun" reports the mythical story of "Orejona" who arrived from Venus on the island of the sun, near Lake Titicaca, millions of years ago, on board a 'airship. Orejona is described with a conical head, large ears and four-fingered webbed hands, she would have given birth to 70 children by mating with a tapir, who would subsequently give rise to the terrestrial race. The Bolivian "Uros" claim to be a more ancient people than the Incas, existing before To.Ti.Tu., the father of the sky who created white men; they say they have black blood and come from another planet.

There is a passage in the book of the Creation of the Vuh people, which highlights the superior intelligence of the creator and founding fathers of their civilization and tells us these words verbatim:

"They saw, and could see far away instantly, they were able to know everything what there was in the world. When they looked, they immediately saw everything around them and contemplated from time to time the arch of the sky and the round face of the Earth. they saw all the hidden things, without having to move; they immediately saw the world".

Above a person attacked by bird beings (2000-1600 BC) and a seal depicting Annunaki.
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Above a person attacked by bird beings (2000-1600 BC) and a seal depicting Annunaki.

In my text "The Invisible Mystery of Creation", an investigation into cosmological and anthropological problems, there are many references to mysterious airships which in ancient times were seen sailing the skies.

Some verses of the chapter CX of the Book of the Dead concludes:

"I land at the moment (...) on Earth, at the established time, according to all the writings of the Earth, since the Earth existed and according to what was ordered by (...)venerable"

We find beings coming from the sky in various ancient cults and myths and as GB Vico said, myths always hide some truth. For example, among the Manusa texts of ancient India, which describe real events, we have the Mahavira, in which among the countless descriptions, it is possible to read these incredible verses which are quite intriguing:

"A flying chariot transports many people towards the capital Ahyodhya The sky is full of amazing flying machines; black as darkness, on which yellow flashes stand out."

In the book of Krsna in chapter 49 we read:

"Determined to attack Mathura, the king prepared extensive measures. He mobilized thousands of chariots, elephants, horses and infantry soldiers; and with thirteen legions he took the field and surrounded Mathura, the capital of the kings Yadu, to avenge the death of Kamsa. Sri Krishna, in the role of a common man, saw the formidable power of Jarasandha, an ocean of weapons and warriors, an ocean about to flood an entire beach, he saw the terror of the inhabitants of Mathura and reflected on His mission as avatara how to deal with this new situation? The purpose of His mission was to reduce the burden of the people, and here came the opportunity to deal with so many men, chariots, elephants and horses at once. The military might of Jarasandha was arrayed before Him in all its grandeur and He would annihilate it without giving the enemies time to retreat and regroup. While Lord Krishna was absorbed in these thoughts, two war chariots, perfectly equipped with charioteers, weapons, banners and other war objects, they appeared in the sky and descended before Him (in reality, what chariots could descend from heaven?), Krishna then turned to His brother Balarama, also called Sankarsana. My dear elder brother, You are the best of the aryas, the Lord of the universe, and especially of the Yadus who are now terrified before the army of Jarasandha. Take your seat in Thy chariot, which there, well armed, and protect them; Go and face all those enemy warriors and destroy their might. We have come to Earth in order to eliminate these useless deployments of military forces and protect the virtuous bhaktas. Here is the opportunity to fulfill Our mission. So let's go! Thus, Krishna and Balarama, descendants of Dasarha, the king of Gadadha, decided to annihilate the thirteen legions of Jarasandha. Krishna got into the chariot driven by Daruka, and at the sound of conch shells (actually what was meant by the sound of conch shells?) he left the city followed by a small army. Strangely, although the enemy was far superior in numbers and armaments, when the sound of Krishna's conch reached the ears of Jarasandha's warriors, their hearts trembled. Seeing Krishna and Balarama, Jarasandha was filled with a feeling of compassion because those two brothers, after all, were his nephews; then, addressing Krishna, he called Him Purusadhama, the vilest among men, while the Vedic scriptures glorify Krishna as Purusottama, the highest among men Jarasandha certainly did not intend to call Krishna Purusottama, but great scholars have highlighted the true meaning of the term Purusadhama: he who with his presence makes every other personality disappear. Actually, no one can equal or surpass the Supreme Personality of Godhead."

Further on we read:

"The inhabitants of the heavenly planets, in the midst of joy, offered their respects to the Lord by chanting His glories and showering showers of rain upon Him. flowers; They thus showed their admiration for his victory and again Krishna wielded his bow, Sarnga. Drawing arrows one after another from his quiver, He drew his bow and shot them at the enemy with such precise aim that the elephants, horses and soldiers of Jarasandha soon passed into the realm of death. That incessant rain of arrows seemed like a whirlwind of fire that destroyed all of Jarasandha's armies. The elephants fell to the ground decapitated by Krishna's arrows, the horses collapsed, overwhelming chariots, standards and warriors, while the infantry lay on the ground, heads, hands and legs severed."

An ancient Tibetan text narrates:

"Bhima flew away with his chariot radiant like the sun and thunderous like thunder... the flying chariot shone like a flame in the sky of a summer night... it advanced majestically like a comet... it was as if two suns were shining Then the chariot went up and the whole sky lit up."

Homer's Odyssey also offers us some curiosities. Ancient sources have left us numerous legends about Homer's life which attribute to him not only the two great poems, but also a series of poems called Cyclical ones.

In the 5th century to. C. a biography was written, attributed to Herodotus. In Homer's Odyssey (far from being fantasy, as was claimed, given that the work turned out to be a reality with the archaeological discovery of the remains of the city of Troy) Ulysses is rescued several times by the gods through Athena and the winged Hermes who help him neutralize spells such as that of the nymph Calypso, in which the winged god announces to the nymph the gods' decision to restore Ulysses' freedom. Having arrived at the Phaeacians and then in the country of the Cyclopes, he finally reaches the shores of Ithaca and fears not being able to defeat his numerous opponents and once again helped by Athena. In the Odyssey translated by Ippolito Pindemonte we read ambiguous verses which can be interpreted from another perspective:

"The island of the Phaeacians arose to meet him with its shady mountains, to which the road led him shorter, and which appeared almost like a shield from the dark waves above. From the mountains of Solima the mighty Neptune, returning from Etopia, saw him sailing across the salty calm waves".

Further on we read:

"Many times the Phaeacians were famous at sea for the alternate words. Alas! who in the sea tied the ship that sailed towards us through the waters of flight, which already appeared entirely? Thus, the eyes turning to its neighbor, someone said: but the cause of the miracle remained unknown to everyone".

Other verses narrate:

"Tell me your land, the people and the city, so that the ship full of intellect takes aim and carries you there. The boats of Phaeacia have no use for helmsmen, nor do they have a mind for the rudder, and all they know the plans of those who were above it. They know the cities and the fat fields, and without fear of ruin or cripple, they cross very quickly, and covered in thick fog, the sea foam".

The Phaeacians were able to transport Odysseus from their homeland to Ithaca, Greece and return to Corfu on the same day, and how could they do this?

The priests of ancient Mesopotamian civilizations claimed that their knowledge was taught to men by angels descended from heaven. In the Bible, semi-divine beings called angels are mentioned several times, which today could be called something completely different; already in 1950 the astronomer Morris Jessup pointed it out and even wrote a book: The Bible and UFOs, this idea was then taken up by other scholars and researchers. In my personal research, I have noticed various interesting descriptions on the figure of Angels. In the Apocalypse, John describes angels similar to men, dressed in long robes of pure, shining linen and girded around the chest with gold belts, just like the divinities of the pre-Columbian peoples; the Apocalypse describes the messenger angel with white hair on his head, similar to wool as white as snow, eyes blazing like fire, feet with the appearance of shining bronze purified in the crucible and his face compared to the sun when it shines in all its strength.

An interesting thing is that in the Apocalypse these consider themselves only servants of God, in the Apocalypse (22, 8, 9) we read:

"I am John, who have seen and heard these things. Having heard and seen them, I I prostrated myself in adoration at the feet of the Angel who had shown them to me. But he said to me: Beware of doing so! I am a servant of God like you and your brothers, the prophets, and like those who keep the words of this book. God you must worship."

To confirm the existence of a world civilization, it is enough to note the similarities between the sites, for example, both the Inca and the Sumerian and Toltec astronomy had 12 houses of the zodiac, with many coincidences between them; let us also remember that just as there was a cross on Quetzalcoatl's shield, there was a cross in the Egyptian emblem of the Winged Disk and the cross was also there as a Sumerian symbol of the planet Nibiru.

Even the representations and symbols of many deities are nothing more than the ruins and memories of an archaic advanced civilization that possessed flying machines and such knowledge as to pass for divinity in the eyes of primitive cultures throughout the world and which (like "the Eye of Quetzalcoatl", the sacred bird, actually the airship seen as the "Serpent with Quetzal's feathers") were represented according to their innate sensations, artistic abilities and evolutionary awareness.

The Eye of Qetzalcoatl was found in Teotihuacan in 1957 and was purchased by Mexican collectors who moved to the USA, who on their return to Chichén Itzà, in the center of the ruins, came into possession of it precisely in the place of discovery in Teotihuacan, in city ​​of San Juan, in a public place where the archaeological find was offered to them. In those days, in fact, it was not difficult to obtain this type of find. From what I have been able to know, the representation believed until now to be the representation of an unknown deity has never been recognized, far from being considered the representation of the sacred bird Quetzal, or of the god Quezalcoatl and compared with the Eye of Horus.

The discovery of the Eye of Quetzalcoatl and the secret of the Eye of Horus
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The eye of Horus was usually represented with an eyebrow and with a sort of teardrop and a sort of "comma" attached below it; it is also called "UJAT" and traditionally symbolizes the god Horus whose eyes were believed to be the sun and moon. Subsequently, when the city of Heliopolis had the religious upper hand over Memphis, Horus, who was initially a local god worshiped only in the Nile delta region, spread throughout Egypt, so much so that he was assimilated to the god Ra and so the sun it was mistakenly associated with the latter's eye, leaving the lunar eye to the other deity. Symbolically, awake consciousness is believed to be an extension of the subconscious state, therefore, Heru is symbolically stated to be a descendant of Ra. At this point I believe it can be stated that this belief is ancestrally linked to the genetic intervention of the "celestial Archons" carried out on primitive people, as many myths of Creation remind us stripped of the symbolism collected in subsequent eras.

Ancient legends say that the eye was taken from Horus by Seth during a fight between the two, subsequently this eye would have been returned, or depending on the traditions, it would have returned on its own to Horus, where it was reimplanted by the god Toth. It is said that the sun god Ra was the judge who presided over the court and originally divided the territory between them. He offered the dominion of Upper Egypt to Seth while he left that of Lower Egypt to Horus. The eye surmounted by an eyebrow also takes on the symbol of health and regeneration and the tear beneath it, which appears like a spiral, for some is only the residual trait of the plumage of the falcon, an animal of which Horus could, precisely, take the form, being a god of heaven recognized by the officials and by the pharaoh himself, as a deity to protect the then reigning dynasty; in fact his divinity had great importance and diffusion in all the dynasties of Ancient Egypt.

Horus is also the lord of prophecy and god of hunters, associated with the eastern horizon and foreign lands, namely the lands of Quetzalcoatl and his "eagle warriors". It is no coincidence that the pyramids of Teotihuacan, in some respects, in addition to being similar to the Sumerian ziggurats, are similar to the pyramids of Giza; just think that the Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Cheops are both built on artificial platforms and measure 227 meters at the side respectively in Teotihuacan and 230 meters in Giza, with a minimum difference of just three metres.

In my text "The Invisible Mystery of Creation", I report some insights on the origin of hieroglyphs reporting the fact that, not surprisingly, some scholars maintain that thirteen Egyptian hieroglyphs were similar to thirteen Mayan hieroglyphs and this means that there was a migration, or in any case a contact of the same people, perhaps the Atlanteans themselves. Therefore it becomes logical to hypothesize traces of the existence of Atlantis off the coast of Bimini. I am not the only one to contemplate this idea: the well-known medium Edgar Cayce already did it, indeed I also prophesy the discovery which promptly occurred as prophesied in 1968, many years after his death; It's a shame that the stone formation discovered in front of Bimini is today considered only a natural formation.

In any case, it is good to know that there have been many theses on the matter: for example in Madrid a descendant of Hernan Cortés, a professor called Jean de Troy Ortalano, had in his possession a rare document known by the name of Codex Troanus, which belonged to generations to his family. This seventy-page document, later reunited with the other half, the forty-two-page Codex Cortesianus, was renamed the "Madrid codex" and constitutes the most important and substantial Mayan manuscript existing in the world, and from this already in 1864 the Abbot Charles Etienne Brasseur (known as De Bourbourg, the discoverer of the "Popol Vuh", who in Guatemala saved the so-called Annals of Cakhiquel, a work written by a Mayan group similar to the Quiché), found support in the Atlantic myths narrated by the indigenous people of Mesoamerica, believing, precisely, that a large continental island called Mu, "Atlantis", once extended from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canary Islands.

The Maya, in his opinion, were descended from the survivors of a great cataclysm, or rather of a series of cataclysms that had engulfed that continent. He put forward the hypothesis that civilization was born in Atlantis (and not in the Near East as was generally believed) and that it was the survivors of Atlantis who introduced civilization to Egypt, as well as to Central America. These ideas did not have success in the academic world then, as it still happens today, but at least they provided, and provide, for some objective researchers an explanation for certain disconcerting similarities between the Mayan and Egyptian civilization and writing. Moreover, De Bourbourg translated the manuscripts by applying the method invented in the sixteenth century by Diego de Landa, a Spanish monk who became bishop of Yucatan (the same one who from 1562 onwards had the Mayan texts burned, considering them only superstition). Chance then led him to become interested in Mayan writing, developing his own comparative table between symbols and alphabet which was later deemed incorrect. And it is precisely from this comparative table that De Bourbourg translated the manuscripts, drawing his ideas and also the term Mu, previously unknown, although in the famous Mayan sacred book, now in the British Museum, we read:

"In the year 6 of Kan, on the 2nd muluc, in the month of Zac, terrible earthquakes occurred and continued without interruption until the 13th Chuen. The district of the Clay hills, the town of Ma, was sacrificed. After being shaken twice, it disappeared at a stretch during the night.The ground was continually raised by volcanic forces, which made it rise and fall in a thousand places".

This text is called the Popol Vuh (literally, "book of the community" or "of the council") or the sacred text of the Quiché Maya of Guatemala which collects the genesis, mythology and ancient history regarding migrations and contact with the Olmec, Toltec and Mayan Yucatena cultures.

Subsequently, it was believed that the Madrid manuscript actually dealt with astrology, but despite this, many infected by these ideas were inspired by the topic, such as the American Ignatius Donnelly who wrote: Atlantis, the Antediluvian World, (Atlantis, the world antediluvian) and James Churchward, a retired British army colonel, who, during his travels in the East at the end of the nineteenth century, ended up coming across the story of a remote civilization that disappeared in the mists of time, the continent itself of Mu, the Empire of the Sun, source of all the ancient civilizations of the planet, in a series of very ancient terracotta tablets, the Naacal tablets, kept in an Indian temple (the existence of which has never actually been ascertained). He even wrote a book: Mu: The Lost Continent, published in 1926, which started a series of theories and publications that still find interest among a large number of curious people today. Moreover, already in 1830 a curious book also appeared, The Book of Mormon, a real bible of the Mormon sect, which describes a destruction with Atlantean characteristics derived, apparently, also from the discovery of some tables written in a unknown language. It would tell of the survivors of Nephi's people, who had taken refuge before the destruction in a rich land, building temples and cities, including the temple of Palenque and a large fortress later identified with Machu Picchu.

Continuing to delve deeper into the topic of hieroglyphs, in my text I tell: "As regards the hieroglyphs, these are attributed to the Egyptian priest Imothep revealed to him by the god Thoth, Thut, Dehuti, or that of Dehut, the one who "controlled the waters", perhaps the same Enoch, the seventh Jewish patriarch, the Thoth, of whom the well-known Turin Papyrus makes it known that he was the sixth or seventh pharaoh of Egypt, "the very tall bearded" successor of Osiris, the one whose abode "rested on 'water and had walls made of live snakes' (so we read in the Book of the Dead). Of Thoth they say that his writings predate those of Sanchoniaten by eight hundred years; what is really known about him comes to us only from some papyri and inscriptions such as that of the "Metternich Stele" preserved in the Cairo museum; what is certain is that he lived between 40,000 and 9,000 years ago. Herodotus assures that the Egyptian god Thoth arrived on earth 17570 BC. C.; he would have invented writing by noting in his scrolls, and in the "Book of Breath", now lost, the rituals to be performed for the transformation from man to divinity (gift of sentience) starting to control the breath, which he did of him the symbol of human knowledge. In fact, such knowledge is found not only in the places of Egyptian hermetic knowledge, but also in the East, where yogis practice pranayama with the aim of dominating respiratory movements, as is stated verbatim in the chapter. 50 pages 397 of the book of Krishn. The scrolls of Thoth would have been hidden on two columns erected before the Flood, by a certain Set, one of the "Sons of the Dragon" or of the "Serpent God", perhaps the same "Egyptian and Babylonian Hierophants", and located in Heliopolis and Thebes. Solon says that the story of Atlantis was engraved on it; Herodotus recalls that the knowledge of Egypt came from these columns and recalls that one was made of pure gold and the other of emerald, and both capable of shining at night. Another similar legend narrates that upon learning of the imminent flood, not Thoth, but Enoch, i.e. "the Initiate", before ascending to heaven, with his son Methuselah built nine underground rooms, hiding a triangular gold tablet at the bottom or of white stone with the name of the unpronounceable God of the Jews and above it he would have erected two columns, one of marble and the other of bricks with the seven sciences of humanity engraved on them. The historian Manetho, in collecting the stories of Egypt, tells us of four dynastic periods before the pharaohs, one of which, in 10700, was the kingdom of Thoth, also defined as "he who calculates the heavens" and "the measurer of the earth ". It was the time of Imothep, the architect of the first Pyramids, who is said to have been a pupil of the "Watchers" who came to earth aboard "celestial ships". From the writings of Sanconiatone we learn that in the "Golden Age", when men lived in harmony with the gods, Taautus, the Egyptian Thoth, founded the Egyptian civilization. He built a vessel, a "Celestial Chamber", which he used to travel in space and when he left Egypt, bidding farewell to the priests he told them: "Now I return from the country from whence I came".

Comparison between the pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico, those of Giza in Egypt and the ziggurat of
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Comparison between the pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico, those of Giza in Egypt and the ziggurat of Ur.

The best-known legend tells that Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, wanted to avenge the death of his father, killed by his brother Seth, who wanted to rule Egypt alone. Seth, to escape guilt, cut his brother's body into pieces and scattered it in the desert, to ensure that it would never be found. Isis mourned her dead husband and Horus, who swore revenge, promised her mother that he would find his deceased father; he took the form of a falcon and flew over the entire desert and thanks to the power of his sight he found the 14 pieces of his father's body. Isis then recomposed her husband's body, guaranteeing him a peaceful journey to the afterlife. It is said that in the exact spot where Horus found the 14 pieces of his father's body, the 14 provinces of Egypt arose, which Horus protected forever.

In my opinion I believe that this legend is linked to the myths of Teotihuachan. In fact it is said that there Quetzalcoatl took possession of some precious bones and took them to Tamoanchan, the place of our origin, and gave them to the goddess, snake woman, Cihuacoatl; she took the bones and placed them in a thin-sided terracotta tub. Quetzalcoatl bled his male organ and spread his blood on them. Before the eyes of the other gods, she mixed the bones made of earth with the god's blood and obtained a mixture similar to clay, with which Macehuales, the first man, was modeled.

In Sumerian tales, these deities are called Enki and Ninti (She who gives life, also called Ninharsag) who gave life to Adapa, the first man. These stories were then taken up by Moses and came to us through Genesis, the first book of the Bible. It is enough to remember the Creation of Adam from clay and Eve from one of his ribs, who later became the first inhabitants of the Garden of Eden. Precisely the "Place of our Origin", where all the sagas of the "Elohim" took place which we also find in the texts of Enoch with the name "Watchers" and in the pages of Egyptian history which reconfirms these sagas. In fact, Plutarch recounts that the Egyptians narrated how at the birth of Osiris, a voice was heard which said that the lord of all things had come to light.

Finally, God draws woman (Ise, Ischa) from man (Is, Isch), in order to establish the closest degree of consanguinity between them; but without, however, this being, strictly speaking, the daughter of the former.

Diodorus Siculus, in confirmation, reminds us that Osiris, father of Oro, was born in Nisia of Arabia where there is a column carved with sacred letters dedicated to Isis and Osiris; I focus on that sentence where Osiris says:

"And I am the eldest of the children of Saturn, a plant born of beauty and generosity, which did not have its origin from the seed".

Virgil, remembered by Cartari in his book "Images of the Gods of the Ancients", not least remembering the great Mother, the goddess of Phrygia also called Berecinthia (i.e. from Mount Berecinth, a hill like Hermon for the Watchers and the Anunnaki), tells us:

"As Berecinthia, mother of the Gods, crowned with bulls on her chariot, goes through the city of Phrygia proud of her divine offspring, where she sees a hundred grandchildren all inhabiting the sky, and often embraces them".

The meaning of all these verses will appear clear and they only indicate a creation that occurred with genetic manipulation; after all, that was the time of the "Creation of sentient man". Just as Moses before the flood numbers nine generations of long-lived men, starting from the son of Adam, so the historian Manetho counts nine generations of demigod kings, starting from the son of Osiris; while the V chronicle only has eight, but it probably included Orro among the gods rather than among the demigods, but these are other stories that you can find and learn more about in my text The Invisible Mystery of Creation: Investigation of cosmological and anthropological problems (V. Atalanta 2005).

Some even dare to associate Quetzalcoatl with Jesus by stating that he was a genetic experiment thanks to which YHWH managed to hybridize the Sapiens with the Elohim Michael; and just as Ganesha and Michael "Jesus" landed in India with a diving suit that the primitive tribes of the Indus Valley mistook for the face of an elephant, Quetzalcoatl and Michael "Jesus" landed in the American regions with a spaceship with lights and smoke which was mistaken for a feathered serpent.

What is certain is that these gods seem to have come to our planet for their interests or experimental purposes, at the same time bringing education to man, putting him on the path of technical, social and cultural development and this appears more than a clue, since the texts that have come down to us from the ancient civilizations of the planet, all express a similar reality, reminding us that the "Gods came from heaven" and archaeological discoveries such as the Eye of Quetzalcoatl confirm this. Moreover, there are many clues that suggest a link between archaic civilizations and extraterrestrial visitors. In Egypt, for example, in 1992 archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the mythical pharaoh Tutankhamen. Along with priceless finds, he discovered the figures of two small fetal-sized mummies. One was a mummified fetus, but the second mummy, wrapped in sacred bandages, did not have a human morphology. The being had a wider and higher rib cage than ours, the arms and fingers were unusually long, the face ended in a point, with protruding cheekbones, the nose and mouth were tiny. This description corresponds perfectly to the cases of the Hebes or Greys, and can be linked to the cult of the Mother Goddess which, in my opinion, hides within itself the ancient genetic intervention on the part of the alien which first created humanity and then an aristocratic class which governs the "Zep Tepi" or First Time of sentient humanity, which was endowed with the knowledge of "the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". Mysteriously, as always happens, the mummy was lost during its transfer to Cairo, together with the photos.

The Aztec Quetzalcoatl, called Kukulkan by the Maya, Viracocha by the Inca, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal, etc., as you may have noticed finds similarities with the main Egyptian and Sumerian deities; The name Quetzalcoatl literally means, as already mentioned, snake-bird, or rather, with "Quetzal feathers" and was the greatest deity for Mesoamerican civilizations for more than 2000 years, from the pre-classical period until the Spanish conquest. The same thing happened in Egypt: the Edfu texts speak of a flaming serpent that descended to earth in ancient times. In fact, the writings of the Pyramid report: "I am he who fled from the coiled serpent" ; we find a better description of it in the Book of the Dead of the ancient Egyptians by G. Kolpaktchy and D. Piantanida (Atanòr 2003), where in chapter LXVI, "The exit of the soul towards the light of day," we read:

"The occult science, I have learned it! I know that the goddess Sekhmet carried me in her womb, that the goddess Neith gave birth to me, that I am, at the same time, Uadjt with the serpentine head and an emanation of the divine Eye of Horus... Here I am plano, bird-like, from the sky... I rest on Rà's forehead and I sail on the celestial ocean seated in peace, on the prow of his boat".

Among other things, the stele of the serpent king from the tomb of Djet, Abydos, dating back to 3100 BC even suggests an identification of man with the serpent. Then let's not forget the "Dragon" god of the Yam sea of ​​the Sumerian world and the statuettes of reptilian divinities found in the tombs of the Ubaid culture in Iraq, dated 6,000 - 7,000 years ago and that's not all... How can we forget the Enmerkar, "the lord of Aratta", which is a Sumerian poem of 636 lines, the first of a cycle which tells of the conflict, probably real, which had pitted the cities of Uruk and Aratta, around 3000 BC, where we read:

"Says the herald to the lord of Aratta: “Your father sends me, my king: The lord of Erech, the lord of Kullab is he who sends me” “What did he say, what words did your king speak?” My king, these words he spoke, this he said: My king, from the day of his birth to the crown destined, The lord of Erech, the great viper of Sumer, he who as... the Ram filled with princely power over walled plateau, The shepherd who ... born of the faithful cow in the heart of the plateau, Enmerkar, son of Utu, sends me, my king, this is what he says to you: "I will drive out the inhabitants of the city, so that they flee from it like a bird ... from its tree. I will chase them away, so that they fly like a bird into a neighbor's nest".

The legend of Quetzalcoatl originates from the ancient myth of the indigenous Nahua populations of Mexico and Central America who speak a language called Nahuatl. Their origins are linked to the localities of Teotihuacan, "City of the Gods" and Aztlan, "Place of the Heron"; the latter often connected and exchanged with the mythical Atlantis mentioned by Plato. But moreover, if Atlantis was located beyond the "Pillars of Hercules", the Azores, it is possible to locate the evolved Atlantis on a fragmentary island that disappeared and once existed between the two continents of Europe and America. But this is another story that would explain the existence of an ancient population that due to probable catastrophic events migrated to Africa and America, building those pyramidal monuments so common between them. In fact, an ancient legend of the indigenous people of Mexico, transcribed in the Aubin Codex, began with these words:

"The Uexotzincas, the Xochimilacas, the Cuitlahuacas, the Matlatzincas, the Malincalas abandoned Aztlan and wandered aimlessly".

Aztlan was an island in the Atlantic and the ancient tribes had had to leave it because it was sinking into the ocean. The survivors took their name from the island: they called themselves Aztecs, or "Inhabitants of Aztlan".

The "Feathered Serpent", already known by the Olmecs, and which the Toltecs, in the Nahua language, adopted with the name of Quetzalcoatl, due to its popularity also became the title attributed to priest kings as happens to the fifth king of the Toltecs. In fact, legends tell of the white king, son of the Sky God Mixcoatl (cloud serpent) and the Earth Goddess Chipalman (lying shield) who generated him, precisely, as an Avatar, "from the vital breath of those who descend", after ingesting an emerald. It is said that he came from the East and taught men all the sciences, preached peace until a demon took possession of the wise king, dragged him to all sorts of abominations, and he, ashamed, abandoned Tula, went to the bank of the sea ​​and set himself on fire. His heart became Venus, the morning star.

The astronomer Gerarld S. Hawkins, a well-known scholar of archaeoastronomy, reporting a version of the myth says:

"There were five moon goddesses, all sisters, who one day climbed to the top of a hill to do penance for their sins. First her name was Coatlicue and she wore a skirt of entwined serpents. The sun was her husband and had been made bright and mighty by her. Coatlicue stood on the hilltop and was made pregnant, Life stirred within her. Some say it happened when a colored feather touched her breast. Others say that the sun placed an emerald in her mouth and so it happened. In due time she swelled and gave birth to the great god, who was called Quetzalcoatl. His name meant "serpent with feathers and quills." He had a twin who lived in the spirit world and who sometimes took the form of a dog. But Coatlicue already had a large family. Some say he had 400 sons, all warriors. Others say the number was 4000. The children shouted: «Who is he who made our mother pregnant?». When they were told that it was the sun they were filled with hatred for him. They made war on the sun god. The 400 brothers made war, killed the sun and buried his body in the sand. A vulture flew to Quetzalcoatl who looked like a 9-year-old boy and told him about the murder. A coyote, an eagle, and a wolf helped Quetzalcoatl find his body, and an army of moles took him into the dark underworld to reach the bones. To avenge his father's death he fought and killed all 400 warriors. The gods transformed Quetzalcoatl into the form of a handsome, broad-foreheaded, fine-skinned man with large eyes and a light beard. His face was smeared with soot to show that he belonged in the dark night sky. He wore a necklace of sea shells and from his back hung a long-tailed quetzal bird, the beautiful green bird that lives in the treetops in the jungle. As a man he was given strength and a pure heart. He disdained lust and pleasure and renounced making human sacrifices. He lived in a temple with 4 rooms facing east, west, north and south, covered with gold, emeralds, sea shells and silver. From a hill in Tollan his voice could be heard for a distance of 10 leagues. He transformed himself into a black ant and stole the grain from the red ants. When he walked the earth in the form of a man he taught the people to grow wheat and make clay pots. He was peaceful, resisted all temptations and was full of love for all things. At midnight he used to go to the banks of a stream with his sister to bathe and pray. But time changed him to the point that his face was no longer human. His eyes were sunken, his skin pale and wrinkled, his eyelids inflamed. When he looked at himself in a mirror he saw his weakness and said: "If the people see me they will shout 'He is weak, he is pale!' and they will kill me." So Quetzalcoatl retreated to a hiding place. A deceptive and cunning enemy reached him and spoke to him. The enemy dressed him in a robe of fine feathers. He painted his lips red, like a woman's, painted his forehead yellow like the sun, and gave him a beard made of beautiful bird feathers. When he finished, the enemy showed him the mirror and Quetzalcoatl was pleased. Three enemies took him to their house. They brought him the intoxicating juice of the maguey plant and said: "Drink!" but he refused, remembering his vows. Quetzalcoatl dipped his fingers into the cup and it tasted good. So he drank 5 full cups. With the wine he became tipsy and so did his servants. The company no longer led a pure life and became very cruel. Quetzalcoatl sent priests and emperors and against the whole people to call her sister and she too drank 5 cups and became tipsy with the wine. There was music and there was celebration in the house and all the sensual pleasures. Brother and sister lay down together and sinned. Time passed and Quetzalcoatl sank into total despair. He felt that he was no longer a god, that he was no longer the celebrated son of the goddess in the snake skirt. He went to seek a response from the oracles. The signs were all against him. He decided to do penance for his sins. He ordered a stone coffin to be made and lay there as if dead, some say for 4 days, others for 8. He buried his gold and all his riches and ordered his people to march with him towards the east, towards the coast, saying: « the sun god calls me to him, I must go." He migrated with his followers to the land of the sun. “Don't look back,” he said, “Keep a steady step; you will achieve something." Along the way the demons stripped him of his arts, agriculture, the art of making jewelry, writing and poetry. When he arrived at the beach, Quetzalcoatl donned the feathered royal robe and covered his face with a turquoise mask. A yellow rectangle was painted on his forehead. Some say that he boarded a magical raft propelled by serpents and sailed out to sea, telling his people that one day he would return as a god and a noble king. Others say he gathered wood and built a pile for a large fire near the beach. He threw himself on it until he was consumed in the great heat. The ashes of his body immediately transformed into birds of paradise. His heart rose from the flames and ascended into the morning sky, and his blood became Venus-Quetzalcoatl, the bright morning star. From his throne in the sky Venus hurls arrows cce on the world, against warriors".

This divinity, perhaps arriving with a "Recumbent Shield" spaceship, seems to have been able to transform itself into various forms and was a god generally believed, like Horus, also to be a symbol of the sun and creation, the warrior god of the sky; just like the Egyptian god Horus, we see him bearded with white robes and a bringer of knowledge.

In fact, Bernal Daz del Castillo (Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva Espana), testifies that Hernando Cortés left Cuba in 1519 and, having reached the continent, set up the camp on the border between Mayan and Aztec territory and called it Veracruz. It was there that officials of the Aztec ruler showed up to welcome and offer gifts. As those in charge explained, their sovereign Montezuma sent those gifts to the divine Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent who was the god of wisdom of the Aztecs. He had been a great benefactor who long ago, due to the god of war, had been forced to leave and leave the land to the Aztecs. With a group of followers he went to Yucatan, and then moved further east; he had promised, however, that he would return on the anniversary of his birth, in the so-called year of return, coincidentally, 1519, the very year in which Cortés had appeared from the east on the borders of Aztec territory.

Quetzalcoatl has his cult which is primarily centered in cities such as Teotihuacan which the Aztecs called "City of the Gods" and Tiahuanaco also "City of the God of the sky and thunder", which immediately suggests the overcoming of the sound barrier, overcome perhaps, from the airship represented by our "Eye of Quetzalcoatl". Having said this, it is not surprising that from Bolivia, in 1708 Father Gusmão returned to Lisbon with an extraordinary invention: called the "Flying Gondola". Not much is known about that machine, it seems that not even the father himself was aware of its functioning, even if it was described as a bird; one wonders if the father had received inspiration precisely from the knowledge of finds similar to the Eye of Quetzalcoatl which represent a sort of "ship - bird" that once sailed the skies of Teothiuacan and Tiahuanaco; the archaeological site that the researcher Arthur Posnansky (Una Metropoli Prehistorica en la America del Sur, 1914), on astronomical considerations, ventures to date even around 15,000 BC, where Olmecs, first Toltecs and then Aztecs worshiped Quetzalcoatl, a divinity who could fly, like those that arose in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Greece, which then largely, as many scholars think, were under the aegis of the mythical Atlantis remembered by Plato in Critias and Timaeus.

It seems clear that since these transfers occurred, there was probably really an advanced civilization of "celestial archons" that had world hegemony, as demonstrated by the dolichocephalic skulls found in Abydos, Egypt and Palenque; but this is not surprising, given that research on pyramids, Egyptian mummies and some Toltec temples present characteristics and links, even with atomic energy. It is no coincidence that, according to what Laurence Gardner writes in his book Genesis of the Grail Kings The Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve (Bantam, 1999), the first explorers found in the sarcophagus of the King's chamber, not the mummy of Cheops, but a white powder later identified as a compound of Feldispate and Mica grains; and coincidentally, not far from Teotihuacan there is, precisely, a pyramid called mica, since inside it two layers of this material measuring 27 square centimeters were found, hidden under a floor, evidently with a precise and unknown function. These "gods", as the curious representations of the Ica Stones would confirm, had great medical knowledge: in Egypt a metal prosthesis, made of pure iron and 23 cm long, was even found in the leg of the mummy of the priest Usermontu dating back to the XXVI Egyptian dynasty (656 BC - 525 BC).

An Ica Stone representing a surgical operation, alongside a curious Moche sculpture and a strange ba
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An Ica Stone representing a surgical operation, alongside a curious Moche sculpture and a strange bas-relief on the walls of the late Ptolemaic temple of Hathor at Dendera, Egypt.

This parallelism between Africa and America is also confirmed by the discovery of Murry Hope who in his book The Secret of Sirius (Corbaccio 1997) states that, upon analysis, the royal mummies of the XVIII dynasty would present blood group A. Considering that the most widespread blood group in Egypt it was, and still is, group 0, which is unusual. The strangeness increases if we consider that group A usually accompanies the type of people with light skin and blue eyes, called Caucasian. It makes you wonder what Nordic-looking individuals were doing among the pharaohs of New Kingdom Egypt? Furthermore, some Inca mummies, preserved in the British Museum in London, have given the same results (group A and Caucasian appearance) completely unrelated to the pre-Hispanic populations of the New Continent: blond, light-skinned individuals among the dominant castes of Egypt and 'America.

Professor WC Emery, author of Archaic Egypt, is convinced that these were a people who came from outside, not indigenous, kept at a distance from the common people, united only with the aristocratic classes. Blonde mummies with Caucasian features have also been found in India and China: it seems that in ancient times, a population of this type established colonies all over the globe, keeping its genetic mix rather limited in an elite. The question we ask ourselves is always the same: who were these blond people completely unrelated to the local ethnic groups? What connection did they have with the Shemsu Hor, the demigods followers of Horus and the blond Viracochas of American mythologies? By the end of the 4th millennium BC the people known as the "Followers of Horus" were known, appearing as a highly dominant aristocracy that ruled all of Egypt. The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the tombs of the pre-dynastic period, in the northern part of Upper Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with a skull and a body size larger than the local indigenous people, with differences so marked as to make any hypothesis of a common racial stock impossible. Likewise in Mexico, elongated or deformed skulls, larger than normal, have been found, and this increases the links between Egypt and America as well as increasing the possibility of a common racial strain underlying the two cultures.

The discovery of the presence of tobacco and cocaine in the hair and in the bandages of Egyptian mummies is another notable clue, considering that tobacco and cocaine are plants native to South America and there are no signs of their cultivation in ancient Egypt. Furthermore, in the XVIII dynasty, affected by blood group A, reigned the pharaoh Amenhotep IV, better known as Akhenaten, mentioned previously, who loved to be portrayed in statues and bas-reliefs with an elongated skull and a stocky build, characteristics found in the pre-dynastic mentioned by Emery. Trace of a possible link can be found in the blood group of his successor Tutankhamun, son of the heretical pharaoh, who, like other members of the XVIII dynasty, was type A. Akhenaten is remembered for his religious reform, inspired by the monotheism of the God Sun Aton, usually also represented with two feathers on his head. Considering that the solar cult is the oldest that humanity remembers (along with that of the Great Mother), it is not science fiction to hypothesize a cultural and perhaps genetic link between this pharaoh and non-Egyptian racial strains, whose genealogical line perhaps belonging to a advanced culture pre-existing the Egyptian one.

In conclusion we have seen that the most logical interpretations of the symbolic and mythological traditions, the study of the sacred texts, the translation of the Sumerian clay tablets, the research on the DNA of the mummies, the archaeological discoveries in the various sites, the various chemical analyses, the presence of anachronistic artifacts, etc. all lead to the same conclusion: the existence of a remote advanced civilization that had technological means and knowledge such that only now, rereading the overlapping of cults and myths, we begin to understand, including those airships that could cross the oceans, and the Eye of Quetzalcoatl is just one of the most accurate representations to this day.

In an article by Paul Damon (TruthSeekers Research INT.), from AlunaJoy's newsletter, HAUK'IN SPECTRUM – April 1999 it is told of a mysterious rock structure, resembling a door 7 meters high and equally wide, with a small 2 meter alcove in the center, which was recently found by Jose Luis Delgado Mamani, in the Hayu Marca Mountain, in the region of southern Peru, 35 km from the city of Puno, called by the Indians: City of the Gods. The native Indians of the area tell of "a passage to the land of the Gods" and say that in a distant past, the great heroes had gone to meet their gods; passing through the gate they prepared for a new immortal life and sometimes returned, passing through the same gate with the Gods to "inspect the lands of their kingdom." Another legend says that at the time of the looting and stealing of gold from the Incas by the Spanish conquistadors, an Inca priest of the temple of the 7 rays, called Aramu Maru, escaped from his temple with a sacred gold disk known as" The Key of the Gods of the 7 Rays" and hid in the mountains of Hayu Brand. The priest was seen by some shamans near the door, with their help he began the ritual and opened "with the disc" the small door, the "alcove" from which a bright blue light came out. Aramu Maru handed the disk to a shaman and went through the door: he was never seen again. Archaeologists have discovered a small circular seat to the right of the alcove and assume that this is where the disc was placed for the ritual. the complex is reminiscent of "The Gate of the Sun" of Tiahuanaco and 5 other archaeological sites joined together by imaginary lines which coincidentally cross at a point which on the geographical map corresponds to the Titicaca plateau and Lake. New reports from this region over the past 20 years have indicated numerous UFO sightings throughout the area. Many of the sightings involve blue orbs and white discs. The legend reported above concludes with a prophecy: the door of the Gods will one day be reopened "many times larger than it is now" and will allow the gods to return to their "solar ships". It seems that this civilization of ancient gods is still observing us, it is no coincidence that there are many reports of UFO sightings in these regions and around the world. The Mexican Carlos Diaz has been witness to UFO events for over twenty years, but it is enough for us to only remember the news which dates back to 31 December 2007, right near the Mexican town of Mezcala, where a large luminous flying saucer was observed by the whole population move slowly over the city, passing through the main square, until reaching an adjacent hill, Pie de Minas, rich in deposits of uranium, zinc, gold, silver and copper, and land them, remaining visible for about 30 hours. A group of people who managed to get within about 50 meters of the object reported a traditional metallic-colored flying saucer emitting a strong bluish-white light.

Once upon a time these deities probably landed their airships on special runways or elevated structures, as is also evident in the imposing pyramid of Cuicuilco, in the Anahuac valley, a few kilometers from Mexico City. This monument, dating back to approximately 8 - 10,000 years ago, would even be contemporary with the Tepexpan man, the oldest human specimen ever found so far in Central America and certainly not capable of building such a construction. In fact, news arrives that the Spanish doctor Hernandez, who, at the time of the Spanish conquest, visited the pyramid, writing detailed reports to his sovereign Philip II, reported having found remains of enormous animals near the monument and human remains which, at in his opinion, they must have belonged to other people at least 4 - 5 meters away. They are certainly the same giants Rephaim or Nephilim, mentioned in the Bible, who founded cities like Balbek in Lebanon, of which the priest of the god Baal, Berosus, speaks more extensively in the Chaldean Antiquities of Anio da Viterbo and who, according to the locals, they also built this pyramid.

It is no coincidence that the so-called OOParts appear in all these places, a term that derives from the English acronym Out of Place Artifacts, coined by the American naturalist Ivan Sanderson to give a name to a category of difficult objects. historical location. They are all those archaeological or paleontological finds which, according to common beliefs regarding the past, are supposed not to have existed in the era to which the datings assert.

The imposing pyramid of Cuicuilco, in the Anahuac valley, a few kilometers from Mexico City, next to
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The imposing pyramid of Cuicuilco, in the Anahuac valley, a few kilometers from Mexico City, next to a sort of landing strip located in 3000 km south of Peru and a depiction of the Nazca Lines discovered accidentally in the early twentieth century by the American geographer Paul Kosok and studied extensively by archaeologist Maria Reich of the University of Hamburg.
Horus and Amun in a representation in the Valley of the Kings, note that Amun commonly features the
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Horus and Amun in a representation in the Valley of the Kings, note that Amun commonly features the two feathers on his headdress found in the sculptural representations of pre-Columbian civilisations; alongside an Egyptian representation of the eye of Horus.
Teotihuacan with the mezzanines, where divinities such as Horus landed with winged sandals , as Sitc
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Teotihuacan with the mezzanines, where divinities such as Horus landed with "winged sandals", as Sitchin says: "so that capable of hovering like a hawk", alongside a pre-Columbian terracotta statuette with the deity above the pyramid.
Sumerian deities compared with the deities of Ica, mezcala overseas and the deities of the Indus Val
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Sumerian deities compared with the deities of Ica, mezcala overseas and the deities of the Indus Valley, the Anunnaki themselves, Watchers, Elohim, etc.; the "Creators" of the sentient human race, developed by the primitive inhabitants of the planet.
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