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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 631

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 631 

Monday, March 15th 1993

(C) Copyright 1993 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

Dr Victorian Responds to Mufon Nov 92 Article - part 3
Aussie crop circles
Houston Mass Abduction
Cow Mutilations Across The U.s.a.
New Affiliates
Houston Mass Abduction


From: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic)
Subject: Dr Victorian Responds to Mufon Nov 92 Article - part 3
Date: 8 Mar 93 01:07:00 GMT

...........continued from page 2:

It was in the course of my telephone conversation with Jim
Schnabel in August 30 and 31, 1992, when a clearer picture emerged.
His use of certain worlds left no doubt in my mind about the length
and the depth of the problem we were faced with. Some of the
vocabulary he used is used only by Intelligence officers or their
recruits. In the course of over two decades that I have been
engaged as a researcher within Intelligence, only those who have
had an intelligence or related career used terms such as "Burnt
in the context of their conversations: "It's extremely
strenuous work and, you know, sometimes people become BURNED OUT
after only a few years but usually they've made enough money that
they are able to retire, you know, after a few years anyway... it's
very generous."
How would a young student know about all these
professional details of the espionage world, whilst none of his
previous few articles were about the world of spooks? Perhaps one
should not forget that Edward Hunter, a formidable CIA agent, also
claimed to be a Journalist, as Jim Schnabel now claims. We are
also aware that Jim Schnabel belongs to a Catholic far-right group.

The result of the voice-stress analysis carried out by an
official government body in the U.S. has proved beyond any shadow
of doubt that he spoke the truth in his telephone conversations
with me. Two further independent analyses have provided the same
results. What is more hilarious is that Jim Schnabel is now
investigating Budd Hopkins' latest abduction case, which was coined
"the case of the century" by Dennis Stacy. I have no doubts about
his future writing on the case as he has expanded his scope and is
about to write a book on abductions. Or, is there something else
that the researchers are missing. I wonder will they ever wake up
and smell the coffee, or will they prefer to leave the decision
making in the hands of punch-drunk editors and sleazy directors,
whilst the Schnabels and Irvings slaughter what is left of the field.


Vladimir Godic - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pony.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Pony Godic)
Subject: MJ-12
Date: 8 Mar 93 01:17:00 GMT


The following excerpts from the above article are retyped here
with the kind permission of Dr Victorian.

Dr Armen Victorian (AV) contacted Ronald Geisler (RG) Executive
Clerk to the President, who is from the Executive Office of the
White House, with regards to the numbering of Executive Orders upon
which MJ-12 claims are based. During the course of a telephone
conversation, Mr Geisler said of the MJ-12 Executive Order number
092447 (TS/ EO):

know President's issue orders, and any order the President issues
is called Executive Order. Because he is the Chief Executive under
our constitution. But, the term `Executive Order' started numbering
in Lincoln's administration... number one, two... Now we are up to
12814, which was issued last Septemeber. SO THAT NUMBER YOU GAVE
ME IS IMPOSSIBLE. It probably... I got a suspicion back then the
National Security Council here would number their different papers
that they called DECISION MEMORANDA, that various Presidents make
in the area of FOREIGN RELATIONS. And so, when a President comes in
they start numbering these things, which there again it causes a
lot of confusion. That might be what you have there."

AV: "Well, you will be surprised. What I have is a Top
Secret/Majic, Eyes Only. Copy One of One, Attachment `A', Special
Classified Executive Order nunber 092447 (TS/EO), which means Top
Secret Executive Order. I suspect this is a fake record."

RG: "I don't know. You know, that is NOT AN EXECUTIVE ORDER. I
KNOW THAT. I mean that is one of the things I do, Executive
These Executive Clerks stay here for usually anywhere between 40-50
years. We are the persons you never hear about in the newspapers.
I run a very small career staff here. Now, this could be some kind
of paper from the Eisenhower administration. If that is the case,
then you have to call the Eisenhower Library."

AV: "We have checked, it doesn't exist."

RG: "Well, it doesn't exist here in the permanent files."

AV: "Is it possible, again based on your long-standing experience
that an Executive Order might have slipped through your hands or
your colleagues in the position that you hold? To have been so
sensitive that the President behind closed doors could issue such a
thing without anybody knowing?"

RG: "NO. Because Executive Oders once they are signed by the
Presient are sent to the United States National Archives. Then, by
law they are required to be printed in something called the Federal
Registrar. This is a document put out daily by the Federal
Government and National Archives. That includes documents from the
Secretary of State, the Director of USI (US Intelligence - author)
or the President of the Unites States. By law, we are required to
place such documentation in the Federal Registrar. If it came out,
it is a public document. And, I can tell you THIS IS NOT AN
and I get the press announcements done to make sure all are dated.

Dr Victorian then thanked Mr Geisler for his assistance. In
conclusion, Mr Geisler added: "Well, I am glad...then again...
this number is so... it is just such a DUMB looking number. I've
never seen a number like that."

Closing his article, Dr Victorian said:

"I am currently in touch with the National Security Council to
conclude whether or not there has ever been a Decision Memorandum

"Even if this is possible, how could we account for the mistake
made in the document title? The record clearly states - `Special
Classified Executive Order."

"In my opinion, it is quite obvious the MJ-12 document(s) was a
deliberate hoax by those who played an active, but effective role
to divert the UFO fields' attention; to create confusion and
friction. The `UFO Community' must now question how active a role
did William Moore and Jamie Shadera have in ...(A) the construction
of this document? (B) Its promotion as a genuine document? (C) The
damage and time wasted to determine its authenticity by fellow
researchers such as Stanton T. Friedman?"

Pony Godic - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pony.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield)
Subject: GENERAL
Date: 8 Mar 93 04:26:00 GMT

Hi Sheldon, we down under have been having a bit of difficulty sending
messages to the US of late. Mike now tells us this is OK. I am pleased
to see you still with us on Paranet and making some very pertinent
observations on the phenomenon. Besides UFOs I have an interest in
the paranomral generally. Like Vallee I repeatedly come across aspects
of the paranormal in abduction research. In 1984 I undertook, with a
colleague in Melbourne, some of Australia's first research into Near
Death experiences. It was therefore fascinating to read Kenneth Ring's
latest work: "The Omega factor" comparing NDEs and abductions. Seems
there is a strong correlation between the type of person and the after
effects of, both NDEs and abductions. I also know a owman who is
researching panic and anxiety attacks in people. She bought a copy of
Ring's book and says that where you read about the personality
profiles of people with NDEs/abductions you could read personality of
people with panic and anxiety attacks! She is now interested in
discussing abductions! All for now.

Keith Basterfield - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield)
Subject: Aussie crop circles
Date: 8 Mar 93 04:28:00 GMT

We are now well past the end of Australia's crop harvesting season,
and I can report that the UFORA network, with its national level
perspective and collecting agencies, has not been advised of any
Australian crop circles this season 92/93.

Keith Basterfield - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Vince.Johnson@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Vince Johnson)
Subject: Houston Mass Abduction
Date: 7 Mar 93 19:17:00 GMT

The following file is courtesy of HUFON Report, the newsletter of the
Houston UFO Network. For more information call (713) 850-1352.


(See related graphic file HUFONABD.GIF)

The Mass Abduction Event of December 8, 1992
by Dale Musser

Note: In the following report, the term "alien(s)" is used generically to
denote the abducting entities, and does not presuppose an
extraterrestrial origin.

In late summer of 1992, Derrel Sims, chief abductions investigator for
HUFON (Houston UFO Network) implemented a plan to establish
communications with alien abductors. This was to be accomplished by
means of hypnotic suggestions implanted in the subconscious minds of
several subjects with multiple abduction histories. The intent being, if
any of these subjects were abducted again, the hypnotic suggestions
would allow the individuals to gather data and/or establish more
positive contact with the aliens.

In November of 1992, subject DS92007PH was abducted. The subject
maintained conscious memory for a fair amount of time into the
abduction before the aliens were able to "zap" the subject (place the
subject in a mental state where they no longer have conscious memories
of the event). At the beginning of the abduction, the subject was able
to communicate with the aliens, although they did not appear to be
terribly inclined to communicate or reveal much information. As the
aliens were completing their preparations for their examination, the
subject felt herself losing mental control. The aliens began to reinforce
their efforts to "zap" her. In one last effort to maintain consciousness
and communication as long as possible she blurted out "We know what
your doing... we know about..."
(subject still under investigation). This
statement seemed to evoke a reaction on the part of the aliens and
appears to have predicated the events that follow.

Starting December 8, 1992, just prior to the HUFON meeting "Alien
Abductions: Working with Abductees,"
several of the subjects on the
panel were reabducted. These abductions were not realized at the time,
but over the next few days, many of the abductees began suffering PAS
(Post Abduction Syndrome). At this time the abductees were not in
communication with each other.

Subject DS92002DM reported that he had experienced a dream or
possible flashback of an earlier abduction When he began having PAS
and other physical manifestations that accompanied his earlier
abductions, it became obvious to him that an abduction had taken

Subjects DM92003JA, DS92034LC & DS92017RP also reported dreams
with possible abduction signs. In addition a number of the abductees
reported having nose bleeds and/or sinus pains.

On Thursday, December 10th, at the monthly HUFON meeting, a
number of the abductees were questioned by the audience about their
experiences. Although most of the abductees were very uncomfortable
and felt that they "...shouldn't be talking about (their) abductions," the
meeting went quite well.

On Friday morning, December 11, many of the abductees (most of whom
were on the panel the night before), awoke to find they had nose bleeds
during the night. Almost all had sinus pains and within a day or two
almost all had head colds and flu like symptoms.

Subject DS92009LT awoke on the 11th with an irritation in one eye.
While rubbing her eye, a small object (about the size of a mustard seed)
came out of her eye. The subject called Derrel Sims and turned the
object over to him.

This object has been photographed and is currently undergoing
analysis. The object appears to be made out of a flesh-colored plastic.
It is somewhat egg-shaped (with the narrow end open) and is hollow

On the same day, subject DS92002DM awoke to discover he had a nose
bleed (the first in over 20 years). He also called Derrel Sims to make
immediate arrangements for a hypnosis session. On Sunday, December
20, 1992, DS92002DM was regressed hypnotically to his latest
encounter with aliens.

The event occurred the night of December 10, the night of the HUFON
meeting. Some time after the subject went to sleep for the night, he was
awakened by aliens in his bedroom who, in a very quick procedure,
removed a nasal implant from the subject and immediately left (later
under hypnosis a number of other abductees reported similar events).
Mr. Sims then regressed the subject to the next earliest abduction
(December 8).

On December 8, subject DS92002DM awoke and observed a bright flash
of light (there was no sound of thunder following). The subject rolled
over and noticed a small gray alien "wearing a harness/utility belt." The
subject was instructed to follow the alien outside, where a blue/white
light was shining on a spot on the ground. The subject was instructed
to stand in the light, and an instant later, found himself in a large
circular room (about the size of a high school gymnasium).

The subject was instructed to disrobe and led out of the room and
through a series of corridors and passageways. Part of the time they
walked but mostly they were transported by a means unknown by the
subject (floated or on a conveyor).

Eventually, they arrived at a small room where several other aliens were
present. A quick physical examination was given and then a human-
appearing individual entered the room (the subject in prior abductions
had never encountered a human). The human asked several questions
as to how/why the abductee knew he had been abducted before. The
subject was also asked how abductees knew/found out about other
abductees and why were they meeting together.

A model of the human brain was shown to the subject and he was asked
to indicate where the "subconscious mind was located." When the
subject was unable to indicate a location, he received a mental image of
another abductee (DS92007PH) in a state of suspended animation and
had the impression she was being asked the same questions. The
human then left the room and the subject was moved to another room.

This room appeared to be some type of meeting or conference room. It
also was round, but the lighting and the furnishings were quite
different. A number of different alien life forms entered the room, the
last being the one with human appearance. The small grey aliens left
the room but two of the taller brown aliens stayed. (The description of
the other life forms is being withheld pending further investigation).

The subject was again questioned as to the nature of the subconscious
mind and to his knowledge of his abductions and other abductees.
After each question the subject received images of other abductees. He
could see them in a room together. They were all nude and seemed to
be unaware of the presence of each other. Each seemed to be in a
halucinative state and behaved as if acting out a part.

He sensed that the other abductees were being "accessed" by the
aliens by some means and were being asked many of the same
questions as himself. The subject also sensed DS92007PH, who was in
a different location from himself and from the other abductees.
He could "feel" the aliens trying to "access" her mind to retrieve
information. A debate seemed to be taking place among the aliens as to
whether the "experiment/project" should be allowed to continue or if it
had been compromised by the recent events (abductees knowing of
their abductions and meeting together).

Accusations were made about improper procedures being followed by
the "Grays" and "Browns." At one point, when DS92002DM
"sensed/saw" the other abductees as they were being accessed by the
aliens, he had the thought that the other abductees "don't know there
are others there."

This thought caught the attention of the human who seemed surprised
that the subject was picking up on their activities. Immediately, two
"Grays" entered the room and took hold of the subject's hands and he
was unable to "pick up anything further of the alien thoughts or

At this point another of Derrel Sims' hypnotic suggestions activated
itself with the subject with interesting results which we are unable to
report at this time as further investigation and experimentation are

One of the more interesting aspects of this case, and one which is being
looked into further, pertains to a question asked of subject DS92002DM
by the aliens. At one point he was asked what he knew about a
government project called "Project Prometheus." Although the subject
had no knowledge of such a project, we are researching the matter.

As the meeting seemed to be ending, the human asked the subject what
he "would like to do," to which the subject responded that he would like
to go with them (a suggestion even he finds bizarre). The subject was
told that this was "impossible" as he was "contaminated" (the subject
did not feel this implied physically).

The human then took him into a side room where he was shown a
"strange sort of chart or diagram" which he did not understand and was
unlike any he'd ever seen before. He then was led by the two "Browns"
through several other rooms to another examination room/laboratory
where a nasal implant was placed in his nostril (the one later removed).
The subject was then given his pajamas, told to dress, and returned to
his home and bed.

Subjects DS92009LT and DM92003JA were also hypnotized and
reported being abducted on December 8, and being in a room with

Subject DS92034LC had conscious memories of being in the room on
that night.

All three of these subjects have independently described the room, its
appearance, and individuals in the room. All of the subjects'
descriptions are similar and details of the room match--including several
unique aspects unheard of in other cases.

It is interesting to note that all of the abductees in the "group room
perceived events differently although parallel. One
believed she had died and was with her dead brother (who had strange
eyes). One thought she was with God whose face she couldn't see
because of a fog that only allowed her to see his shape. All of the
individuals reported themselves and others in the room as being nude.

One abductee who felt hungry was told they would be fed was handed
silverware as though they were about to be served food. When she
was told to look at the silverware under hypnosis, it was not silverware
at all but some strange objects she could not identify.

Each of the abductees in the "group room experience" seemed to be in
a drugged or hallucinative state. This condition seemed to alleviate
when they were taken to another room for examinations and nasal and
ocular implants.

Other abductees also have reported supporting events and experiences.
The total number of abductees involved in the event is not known for

Great care was taken in the early stages of the investigation to ensure
that subjects were unaware of the others' events. It was only after
hypnosis, with similar descriptions of events and locations by five
different individuals (each unaware of any other abductee reporting
anything) that information concerning the event was released.
Numerous descriptions and minute details have been deliberately left
out of this report, as investigations are still ongoing.

The significance of this event cannot be overlooked. It would appear
that the implants were deliberately placed in the abductees before the
HUFON meeting and removed the day after. Whether the aliens knew
about the meeting or had simply implanted the abductees with the intent
of monitoring a gathering of abductees is unknown. However, for the
first time within the history of the abduction phenomenon, the
abductees seem to have captured the attention of the abductors.

Although we do not know the outcome of these events we hope that it
may lead to a breakthrough in communication, improvement in
relationship with the aliens, and an end to abductions and
experimentation on unwilling subjects.

For more information on HUFON abduction research, contact Derrel
Sims at (713) 353-1550, or Patrice Eldrige at (713) 353-3980.

End of File
Vince Johnson - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vince.Johnson@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Cow Mutilations Across The U.s.a.
Date: 7 Mar 93 19:08:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally by Scott Leaf
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 6 Mar 1993, 14:49

From: (Scott Leaf)
Date: 5 Mar 93 22:50:17 GMT
Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors

Reprinted from The Toronto Globe and Mail, March 4, 1993.
(Canada's National Newspaper)


-Cox News Service
Sand Mountain, Alabama

Who's killing the cows of Sand Mountain? Some suspect
aliens in UFOs. Some say Satanists. Or else it's
government agents swooping down from helicopters for the
kill. Or exposure to high-pressure lines. Or it's cow
murderers, impure and simple. Whoever, it's udder chaos up
here. As Ted Oliphant said: "There's strange things afoot."
Ahoof, too. Since October, 26 (1992) animals -nearly
all cows- have been mutilated in several small, rural
communities in this mountain in northeastern Alabama.
Nearly all have been killed in the same manner, with
precise, bloodless, almost high-tech surgical incisions that
removed various animal parts: tongues, teeth, eyes, ears,
hearts, and excretory and sexual organs.
And when the animals are found in pastures, there are
no footprints. No wire tracks. No trails. No blood,
"It's pure Sherlock Holmes and one of the weirdest
cases I've ever seen in my life,"
said Mr. Oliphant, a Fyffe
policeman investigating the killings. "We've got no
witnesses, no motive, no suspects. The only thing we got is
the animals left behind."

The mystery is enhanced by two factors: helicopters and
UFOs. According to Mr. Oliphant. 95 per cent of the cases
have involved reports of helicopter sightings, often with
red, green and white lights or blue and white ones. Last
month, Jean Cole, the wife of Albertville Chief Detective
Tommy Cole saw a copter in their back yard. She saw four
men in business suits sitting in it. When she spied them,
the copter flew off. The next day, Det. Cole found a Black
Angus mutilated, it's sexual organs and rectum removed.
"I've seen many animals killed by predators, and there's
always blood around, "
he said
"I've never seen anything like it. I don't know what
it was. I've been in the business 35 years. I've had many,
many dead cows and bulls, but none like that."

Furthermore, Fyffe is the "UFO Capital of Alabama," as
proclaimed by the Alabama state Senate in 1989 after several
UFO sightings that year. Mr. Oliphant, 33, once a filmaker
who made a documentary on UFO's, moved here two and a half
years ago to study this phenomenon. A year later, he became
a policeman to better understand the effects of life in he
UFO Capital of Alabama.
Now he is investigating another phenomenon. Thousands
of such cow mutilations have occurred across the U.S. since
1967. Linda Louton Howe, a Philadelphia filmaker who made a
documentary and wrote a book on the subject, arrived in
Fyffe last weekend with a film crew. She's convinced that
aliens are responsible.
Margaret Pope agrees. A calf belonging to the
Geraldine woman was mutilated earlier this month. At first
she suspected coyotes. But not with the calf's udders
removed. "Like somebody had sliced it off - a straight cut,
not like an animal,"
Mrs Pope said. There was an incision
on the left shoulder and a circular cut on the left side of
the jaw. The teeth were gone.
"There was no sign of a struggle," Mrs Pope said. "No
blood, nothing. Just laying there with it's parts cut out.
I think it's UFOs, because of lots of lights in the sky, no
disturbance on the ground. And the cuts were too precise.
But you watch who you say [aliens] to. I don't want to be
made fun of. We're not weird. And this isn't fun."

Not for John Strawn of Albertville, who's patrolling
his land at night to protect his cattle. "This ol' boy don'
believe in little green men and flying saucers, because it
he said. "Its strange but it ain't [aliens]. If we
want to make up stories we can do better than this."

"I heard one storythat it was a swamp ape. I like that
one pretty good, a lot better than I like aliens. They
ain't no aliens piloting these helicopters, I can tell you.
We got cow murderers over here, thats all there is to it."

Mr. Strawn insists he's seen helicopters in pastures at
night. Earlier this month, Doug Segers said he saw a
helicopter forcing his 42 cattle into a corner of his
pasture. He was carrying his rifle and when he ran to his
truck the copter flew off.
Who's responsible? Is it merely bovine intervention?
Another theory: Goverment agents, flying in low-level
helicopters at night, are killing animals and removing their
organs to sxtudy the effects (testing for cancer and other
diseases) on livestock living near high-power lines.

The most recent mutilation occured Feb 17 (1993), when
P.T. Williams of Arab found one of his Black Anguscalves
with its reproductive organs, togue and right eye removed.
"I'm not saying there are mutilation cases in this
county that have not happened,"
said Jimmy Miller, an
investigator for the Alabama Department of Agriculture.
"But what I've seen have not been mutilation cases except
for Tommy's. There were bodu parts removed from his that
could not have ben removed by predators."

"Predators don't do this," Mr. Oliphant said. "And is
it were a satanic cult they would have used knives and
there'd be blood. They'd do it in secrecy and not with
technology. Everybody wants me to tell 'em it's a satanic
cult, because this is the heart of the Bible Belt and they
want an easy explanation so they can be done with it. They
don't want to look at the scientific facts. The evidence
doesn't lead to that. We've got more than one group doing
this. We've got the unexplained events, with high
technology, cauterization of wounds. And we've got
something I can't release right now."

So the folks on Sand Mountain wait and watch. Watch
carefully for close encounters of the herd kind.


"Who is it dear? | Don't fear the Reaper,
It's a quaint little man from the | Fear your government.
village...something about the |

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: New Affiliates
Date: 7 Mar 93 19:41:02 GMT

This is to announce two new affiliates to the ParaNet family:

The UFO Intelligence Network
Jim Dritsas
Brampton, Ontario CANADA.

The Eagle's Nest
Mike Labbe
Providence, RI

Billy Goodman of the Billy Goodman HAPPENING radio show will join this
conference. Billy has a radio show in the Providence area on radio station
WALE radio.

On behalf of the ParaNet family, WELCOME!

Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Houston Mass Abduction
Date: 8 Mar 93 07:31:00 GMT

Vince Johnson writes:
> * * *
> At this point another of Derrel Sims' hypnotic suggestions
> activated
> itself with the subject with interesting results which we
> are unable to
> report at this time as further investigation and
> experimentation are
> continuing.

Don't forget to update us on this and the other points upon which
information was witheld!

> One of the more interesting aspects of this case, and one
> which is being
> looked into further, pertains to a question asked of
> subject DS92002DM
> by the aliens. At one point he was asked what he knew
> about a
> government project called "Project Prometheus." Although
> the subject
> had no knowledge of such a project, we are researching the
> matter.

What is interesting about this is that Prometheus Books is the
publisher of almost all of the books written by the CSICOP

Maybe, some day, we'll find out that:

> Project Prometheus was founded by Dr. Donald Menzel ...
> ... and continued through the 1970's & 1980's under
> the direction of ______________________ ...
(fill in name of your favorite suspect)

Thanx for that detailed & interesting post, Vince!
-- John

John Burke - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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