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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 622

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 622 

Saturday, February 6th 1993

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

Re: Cover Story?
Quality reporting - NOT!
Colorado UFO!!
Colorado UFO Update
TV ALERT: Unsolved Mysteries, Feb. 3
Quality reporting - NOT!
Denver UFO Report
Vatican sets evangelical sights on outer space
Quality reporting - NOT!
Re: stink
Re: Paper on abductions


From: John.Galt@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Galt)
Subject: Re: COVER STORY?
Date: 22 Jan 93 19:51:19 GMT

flying a
NUCLEAR REACTOR! It was `he' that I (without naming him)
referred to in my last paper. << Schuessler was sent each
and all of my papers as they were written. He also directly
addressed my material in a letter he wrote. I have a copy.
Also, Stan Friedman endorsed - in writing - my work in a
letter to me dated January 17, 1990 in which he states,
"I really think you are on the right track ... " >>
I think, at this point, you may be getting the `picture'
as to where I am coming from in writing this letter.
The date of the Cash/Landrum incident (I believe it was
December of 1980) seems to fit `comfortably' into the
chronological development and deployment pattern I am firm-
ly establishing as concerns the `secret B-2 - UFO'. Because
this is so, I am rapidly beginning to believe the two
(UFO/B-2 & Cash/Landrum craft) are connected. Though I cer-
tainly yield to your expertise on this matter, I'd like to
explain my brief hypothesis as to `how' they may be connect-
ed and `why' I am beginning to think so.

Firstly, it seems evident (to me at least) that the pre-
sence of what is believed to be `retro-fire' on the Cash/
Landrum craft coupled with the facts that it was seen to
`hover' and to be in the company of military helicopters
along with the `radiation burns' and the dis-similarity of
it's outward appearance from the `typical' descriptions of
other UFOs seems to imply that it `could' have been a TEST
VEHICLE for NUCLEAR POWERED UFO (anti-gravitational) TECH-
NOLOGY. My feeling is that the `retro-fire' may have come
from a `back-up' system that may have been incorporated in
case the `anti-gravity' field grew weak or failed. It seems
to make sense both from the standpoint of `pilot safety' and
in view of the event that was witnessed - namely that the
craft seemed to come down at a location that clearly was
`unintended' This, of course, being the SAME technology
that I believe found it's way into the UFO/B-2! << It was
later learned that the fed removed the entire stretch of
highway <in Texas> where the event occurred and hauled >>>>


About the pyramid/Nixon/USA material:
I have been very carefully observing the replys in this
topic to see what direction they would take. To date, only
Mack and Antara have taken the `high road' in so far as
being able to understand and appreciate the nature of the
material. <If I missed anyone I apologize>. With this in
mind, perhaps it would be better if I limited further posts
to `e-mail' and thereby not burden anyone else with what has
been described <by others> as borderline `meaningless'.
I am not threatening to stop posting. It's just that I am
observing what can only be interpreted as `resistance' to
the material. This, a willing contributor it does not make.
With all due respect to `everyone's' right to their own
opinions, I am going to refrain from posting anything
further in this area until such time as Mack and Antara are
joined by others who `may' have as serious an interest. I
am only yielding to the majority's expressed wishes.
In the event that this is the destiny <here>, I can only
add that I have a tremendous amount of material in this area
and that what has been posted represents less than 1 or 2%
of it. And NO, I am not trying to entice anyone here. I
only say this so others will know that I could go on posting
this material for at least the next month if I wished to.
I am not a foolish man. I did not come to believe this
material on a whim. I came to it after years of research
and study in many areas of study. It is valid.
I think one of the final proofs comes in the fact that
President Nixon DID resign at 12 noon on August 9th, 1974 -
EXACTLY as determined through `calculation' and NOT by any
psychic means. It was `concisely calculated' - not
`psychically predicted'. His background <and that of other
Presidents>, and a whole host of other related material was
researched and examined - all of which pointed to his
resignation in the `specific' year of 1974 - on the
`specific' date of August 9th - at the `specific' hour,
minute and second of 12 o'clock noon.
And, in closing, may I add that I gave `numerous'
presentations on the Nixon material for 2 years prior to the
resignation. So, there are hundreds of people who can
verify the facts. Finally, if I have offended anyone's
intelligence with this material I apologize. I certainly
would not want to impose anything `new <old>' upon anyone of
higher intelligence who is comfortable and content with
their present way of thinking.

8 8 8 Tony INRI
past state future
Public Domain Yet to come
---end of Prodigy message---

My question is does this make any sense? Is this guy playing with a full
deck or am I missing something that makes an obvious connection here?
Sorry about the form but copied text just doesn't come out the same on Fido
as it was on Prodigy.
John Galt - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Galt@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Re: Cover Story?
Date: 25 Jan 93 09:13:00 GMT

I guess this stuff came from Tony Gonsalves, godfather of the
"There is model of the B2 that's a UFO" hypothesis:
> I am not a foolish man. . . .

Speaking of Nixon, he once felt compelled to say: "I am not a

> 8 8 8 Tony INRI
> past state future
> Public Domain Yet to come
> ---end of Prodigy message---
> My question is does this make any sense?

Yes. It makes non - sense.

> Is this guy
> playing with a full deck or am I missing something that
> makes an obvious connection here?

Well, we can all see that he has at least three Eights!

Anyway, you'd think that he'd realize, with both Bill Knell *and*
Stanton Friedman telling him that he's "on to something" -- that
he's WASTING HIS TIME. Some people never learn!
-- John

John Burke - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.Faeder@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Quality reporting - NOT!
Date: 24 Jan 93 04:40:00 GMT

Subliminal messages?

I was reading a newspaper article which originally appeared in the
Keene NH SENTINEL on Sept. 25, 1992, was clipped and reappeared
in the UFO Newsclipping Service in December 1992, page 5.

The article is titled "Do you believe in UFOs?" by Paul Montgomery
and after reading it I became aware of a sort of subtle message and
I now wonder if this sort of subtlety is rampant.

What follows are selected passages from the article which will appear
in quotes. I will capitalize those unobjective, opinionated comments
that lend an air of absurdity to the entire article - the subliminal
message being that UFO believers are crazy. Well, see what you think.

Referring to Stan Gordon : "Among the speakers: a self-described
investigator who gained national prominence as the primary investigator
for the -STEADY NOW- famous 1973 ufo-big foot encounters in Pennsylvania."

Referring to John Mack: "...Mack reported that a Roper poll found that
perhaps more than 3 million adults in the United States alone may have had
alien-abduction experiences. Three million people. THAT COULD ACCOUNT FOR

Referring to the UFO convention he was covering the writer says:
"People attending the convention weren't there for flying saucer talk

Referring to abductee Peter Faust, the writer says:
MURDERER CHARLES STUART, sat in front of the camera..."

Continuing, Faust says: " 'They got what they wanted,' Faust is saying.
'They do it all the time. They take my seed.' OKAY. SO, FAUST HAD JUST HAD

There are other comments I could mention but I think the point is made.
These type of subtle, flippant, comedic remarks are clearly superfluous
and not at all germain to the "news" story that was supposed to have
been reported.

Unfortunately, this type of irresponsible reporting is nothing but
damaging to those that seriously want the UFO enigma investigated
scientifically and I wonder just how wide-spread is this practice?

Paul Faeder - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Colorado UFO!!
Date: 27 Jan 93 04:27:01 GMT

Just heard through two sources of a UFO sighting in South western Jefferson
County, in the Ken Caryl Valley. A yellow shepd UFO with flashing lights was
seen over the Manor House (a residential House for events) it was seen on
Sunday January 24 at 7:25pm MST. Several Jefferson County Sheriffs were
witness to this and the Sheriffs department itself was flooded with between
200 and 300 calls on this object. My sources were Channel 4 and head it
through my CB Radio. I will post more as details become available.

Mike Keithly

Mike Keithly - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Colorado UFO Update
Date: 28 Jan 93 04:58:01 GMT

A little more detail on the object scene in the Ken Caryl Ranch area on Sunday
Jan 24 1993. I myself talked to the sheriff today and he shed a little more
light on a few things. It was anywhere from 500 to 1000 feet above the
location, also it had a band of yellow lights below the bright light as well.
Some Investigators from MICAP and ParaNet are as I type are on there way to
look it over and talk to the sheriff about this. Also NORAD was contacted to
and did not show anything on there radar. One other possibility is our skys
the past week have been clear and some of the planets are visible, we are
checking out a star chart to see if they had something to do with being bright
and maybe the source of this. I will keep posting as more becomes available..

Mike Keithly

Mike Keithly - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: vanth!jms
Subject: TV ALERT: Unsolved Mysteries, Feb. 3
Date: 28 Jan 93 08:11:29 GMT

From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)

Next week's (February 3) episode of Unsolved Mysteries is going to have a
videotape of a landed or crashed UFO and a government helicopter. The tape
is anonymous, but there is allegedly an independent witness.

* From the disk of: | jms@vanth.uucp | 'there's a hell of
Jim Shaffer, Jr. | uunet!cbmvax!vanth!jms | a good universe
37 Brook Street | | next door; let's go'
Montgomery, PA 17752 | | (e.e. cummings)


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Quality reporting - NOT!
Date: 29 Jan 93 05:44:00 GMT

In a message to All <23 Jan 93 21:40> Paul Faeder wrote:

PF> Subliminal messages?

PF> I was reading a newspaper article which originally appeared in the
PF> Keene NH SENTINEL on Sept. 25, 1992, was clipped and reappeared
PF> in the UFO Newsclipping Service in December 1992, page 5.

Hi Paul. That name ... Paul Montgomery ... rings a bell.

I thought that this Montgomery chap could be the same byline that wrote a
caustic sendup of the Hudson Valley UFO watchers about 3 years ago? The article
appeared in the Gannett Westchester papers (all of them) and was especially
cruel to Ellen Silver. But it seems not. The Gannett article was a little AP
"rip and read" torpedo, which they're so good at doing.

Well, let us raise a glass to Mr. Paul Montgomery, phillistine, if there really
ever was such a person in the first place...


Clark Matthews - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: LINDA REPORT - 15/15
Date: 27 Jan 93 23:11:00 GMT

PP>But if Dan doesn't exist, how can he have died? That's something else to
PP>ponder. Some sort of paradox involved.

Yeah Pete... this case gets more bizarre <and less credible>
all the time. Perhaps there is something to your philosophy
of "e spiritus fermenti" after all. I'll try it tonight
and let you know what I uncover. --Sheldon

* OLX 2.1 TD * ********** ( + ) = (
Sheldon Wernikoff - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: William.Early@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (William Early)
Subject: Denver UFO Report
Date: 29 Jan 93 20:37:00 GMT

Sighting Report 1/27/93

Date: The date of the incident was January 24th, 1993. The first
reports came in to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office (9-1-1)
at 19:38 hours (7:38 PM). Two Sheriff's deputies were dispatched
to the area to meet with the first man reporting unusual lights
hanging in the sky at 19:39 hours (7:39 PM) to investigate.

Location: The area of the Ken Caryl Ranch [located South-West of
the Denver, Colorado metro area] - [centered over the top of the
mountain that is the apparent center of the Ken Caryl West
Ranch]. The primary object (large white intense light) was
estimated to have hovered about 800 to 1000 feet above ground
level. The five small objects (yellow lights) that were also
observed at the same time were located approximately 100 feet
above the ground, below and to the left of the large white

What occurred: The first reports occurred at 19:38 hours when the
public (twelve individuals) reported to the Sheriff's office that
they were seeing "strange lights illuminating their houses". One
person also reported that "someone was causing his
electra/mechanical garage door to keep opening and closing"
[sic] that his "house was being light up by a bright light from
[sic] an unknown source. A woman called for help from
law enforcement officers stating that "someone was shining a
bright light in her windows, and she was scared"
. A third car in
the area was dispatched.

The first car in the area arrived only a couple of minutes after
the initial call to police. Officer M.S. (93012401.01) was first
observed the primary light from I-470 and Ken Caryl road. This is
approximately 3 miles from the later sightings. He was ordered to
meet with one of the public witnesses at that location. The
witness was not there, because he had not returned yet from his
home where he went to make the call to law enforcement
authorities. Officer M.S. (93012401.01) decided to continue
into the housing area and investigate the "bright light" that he
was observing. He had to drive West about 1/2 a mile to enter the
area through the "Hog Back" (for information: a geological area
that appears like small mountains with a cut through them for the
roadway). For the minute that it took to traverse that distance,
the bright object was out of his field of view. When he cleared
the area of the roadway cut he again regained visual sighting of
the object.

The officer proceeded up the road to a better visual vantage
point. He entered the parking lot of the " Bradford Elementary "
school and parked his car. From this position near the base of
the first range of mountains facing West; he and his K-9 partner
exited the police car to better observe the bright object over
the mountain. His dog didn't show any unusual signs as Officer
M.S. observed the object. At this time Officer M.S. estimated
that the "bright white object was about a half mile away"
(West-North-West). The officer stated that he estimated that the
object was about 12 feet in diameter. And that it was about as
bright as looking into a high intensity flood light from close
proximity as compared to star light which is extremely dim by
comparison. {NOTE: One needs to know that this housing area is in
a very small valley that shields light and noise from Denver to
the North-East. When we (the investigative teams) have been in
the area at night: you can hear people on the street talking to
each other in a normal voice from several hundred feet away.
There is virtually no ambient light or noise in the area.}
Officer M.S. stated that during the whole 40+ plus minutes that
he was able to observe any or all of the lights; that there
was no sound associated with the objects.

Officer M.S. returned to his car and was contacted by other
officers that had also moved into the area and could also see the
lights over the mountains. A police supervisor who could see the
primary object, drove around the mountain to the back (Western)
side of the Ken Caryl West Ranch. It took him about an hour to
work his way to a point where he could again observe the area
above the housing area. Due to the time necessary to get to that
location, he was never able to see the bright white object again.

Officers engaged in discussion about the objects over the police
radio for about 40 minutes. Jefferson County Sheriff's
dispatchers contacted the Air Traffic Control Tower at Stapleton
Airport. Controllers there said that they could see the object
clearly from the control tower approximately 20 miles distant.
But stated that the object was too low to be observed by radar
due to the "ground clutter" caused by the reflectivity of the
earth surface. They contacted Centennial Airport tower. Personnel
there couldn't see it. Buckley Air Force Base tower (East of
Stapleton Airport) stated that they could see a light, but didn't
know what it was. They denied that any military aircraft were in
the area or working near the area. Norad Air Defense Command in
Colorado Springs was called. Controllers there stated that they
couldn't identify any airborne object above that area. They also
stated that they were unaware of any military aircraft that might
be operation high over the area. {They cannot "see" down close to
the ground there except by looking down by satellite.}

Commercial aircraft continued to fly an evening landing approach
to Stapleton near to the area without abetment. The tower from
Stapleton asked a couple of the landing aircraft if they had
observed anything flying close to the ground in the area with a
bright light, however they stated that they hadn't seen any

Officer M.S. changed his position several times, noting that the
primary light had now been joined by 5 small yellow lights that
were very low over the mountain, and to the South of the central
object. He noted that the lights would disappear for a minute or
so just as if someone had turned off a light switch. Then they
would come on again suddenly.

The atmosphere was clear with a visibility of a hundred miles
that night. No clouds were in the area, high or low.
Officer M.S. had a very clear view during
most of the 40+ plus minutes that he drove around the area or
observed from the side of the road. He stated that there was
never any noise observed during the incident; humming, turbine
sounds, blade sounds that are made by helicopters nor engine
sounds from any engine associated with the incident. All was very
quiet. The only occasional noise was associated with aircraft
that were approaching Stapleton Airport. He further stated that
he didn't see any "beams going down to the ground, or anything
like that"
. The lights didn't appear to move, flicker, change in
intensity, or maneuver in any erratic fashion. The only unusual
phenomenon observed was that the lights would blink out for a few
seconds; then reappear in about the same place a few seconds
later. This occurred while the officer was outside his patrol
car, within 3/4 of a mile of the light, and not moving. This
effect was observed by all of the officers except the police
supervisor who drove around the mountain to come up on the object
from the back side.

No ill effects were reported either by the officers involved nor
by the reporting public.

No physical trace evidence has been found nor is expected to be
found because the objects were not observed actually on the earth

January 1993
Astronomical Overview of 1993

Denver Skies astronomical highlights
copyright 1993 Final Copy, Inc.


The closest planet to the sun is never easy to see.
However, it will be in the early evening western sky from early
February to early March, from the last week in May to the first
week in July, and from the second week in September through
October. It will be in the pre-dawn eastern sky between mid-March
and the first week of May, the last week in July through the
third week in August, and mid-November through mid-December.

Typically this planet is easy to find because it is so
bright. Look for it in the west after sunset from now through the
end of March. It will be in the eastern morning sky from late
April until early December.

This month the Red Planet is closest to Earth and the
brightest for the next two years. Although January is the best
month to view, Mars is in the evening sky until the last week in
December, though it will be lost in the glow of the setting sun
some weeks before.

The investigation is continuing.
William Early - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: William.Early@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: "TRUTH"
Date: 26 Jan 93 23:37:05 GMT

I should read Jacobs book. From his discussions on Paranet, he seems faily
level (fair and level) in his approach. I just don't know if the others start
with a search for truth, and end up with a quest for financial gain above all
reason. In other fields it's called selling out. I don't expect the abduction
questions to go away with the ease of Meier, Mr. Ed, or Crop circles. There's
still too much happeneing and too many people who have had experiences like
this to discount that they honestly "Believe they have been abducted". What's
behind it, is still an open question.
Pete Porro - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: Re: "TRUTH"
Date: 28 Jan 93 15:27:00 GMT

* Replying to a message originally to Sheldon Wernikoff
PP> I should read Jacobs book. From his discussions on Paranet,
PP> he seems faily level (fair and level) in his approach. I
PP> just don't know if the others start with a search for
PP> truth, and end up with a quest for financial gain above all
PP> reason. In other fields it's called selling out. I don't
PP> expect the abduction questions to go away with the ease of
PP> Meier, Mr. Ed, or Crop circles. There's still too much
PP> happeneing and too many people who have had experiences
PP> like this to discount that they honestly "Believe they have
PP> been abducted"
. What's behind it, is still an open
PP> question.
PP> --- TBBS v2.1/NM
PP> * Origin: ParaNet XI-Alpha=- Radio Free Milw 4143526176HST
PP> (1:154/414)

Pete, I read the book and tought it was well written. It bother me
in a since that if the material is true, these or those aliens have
complete mine control over us. The only other person I know that do
that is my wife. Scares the hell out of person.
I carry the UFO Magazine in the store, if you want one let me
know. And Yes, Don and Vicki do a excellent job on the magazine and
I recommend it to all that visit the UFO Museum.
73's --Jim---
Jim Greenen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Paul.Faeder@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
Subject: Vatican sets evangelical sights on outer space
Date: 27 Jan 93 05:26:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "R L News Clips"
* Originally by Carl Aztec
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 25 Jan 1993, 19:23

DAILY TELEGRAPH, London England Oct. 28, 1992
NCS Dec. 1992 pg. 15

Vatican sets evangelical sights on outer space

By Bruce Johnston
In Rome

THE Roman Catholic Church is to team up with America's space
agency to look for life in outer space and so spread the Gospel
to extraterrestrials.

Jesuit priests who run the Vatican Observatory near Rome
say they are joining forces with the US Nasa agency to hunt for
UFOs and signs of life on planets in solar systems similar to

NASA's job will be to monitor for "alien" communication
signals; the Vatican, which has helped to build a new reflector
telescope in Tucson, Arizona, would search for planets
displaying conditions for life.

The Vatican's new telescope, which Father George Coyne,
director of the Vatican Observatory, said would be "ready for
use within the next few days, and unveiled to the public in
, is a joint venture with the University of Arizona.

He said it was "not the most powerful in the world, but
certainly the most novel"
and the most accurate.

Should intelligent alien life be found, Fr Coyne said, "the
Church would be obliged to address the question of whether extra
terrestrials might be brought within the fold and baptised"

"Why not, if we have the pleasure of meeting them?" asked
the Jesuit astronomer, who with nine other clerics runs the
Observatory in Tucson, another in Canada, and the Vatican

Fr Coyne said the Church's attitude to science had
radically changed since the Inquisition, which demanded in 1633
that Galileo should back down from his theory that the earth was
not the centre of the Universe.

He added that for the Church to suddenly find itself
meeting an extra terrestrial being could pose "complications
from a theological point"

"First of all", Fr Coyne said, "one would need to put some
questions to him, such as: 'Have you ever experienced something
similar to Adam and Eve, in other words original sin?"

And then: "Do you people also know a Jesus who has redeemed

Paul Faeder - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@f70.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Quality reporting - NOT!
Date: 29 Jan 93 03:21:00 GMT

> Subliminal messages?

> I was reading a newspaper article which originally appeared in the
> Keene NH SENTINEL on Sept. 25, 1992, was clipped and reappeared
> in the UFO Newsclipping Service in December 1992, page 5.

> The article is titled "Do you believe in UFOs?" by Paul Montgomery
> and after reading it I became aware of a sort of subtle message and
> I now wonder if this sort of subtlety is rampant.

> What follows are selected passages from the article which will appear
> in quotes. I will capitalize those unobjective, opinionated comments
> that lend an air of absurdity to the entire article - the subliminal
> message being that UFO believers are crazy. Well, see what you think.

Hey thanks for posting this was very disturbing to read such
biased subliminal reporting in that article and really aggravates me.


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Date: 29 Jan 93 03:23:02 GMT

> Firstly, it seems evident (to me at least) that the pre-
> sence of what is believed to be `retro-fire' on the Cash/
> Landrum craft coupled with the facts that it was seen to
> `hover' and to be in the company of military helicopters
> along with the `radiation burns' and the dis-similarity of
> it's outward appearance from the `typical' descriptions of
> other UFOs seems to imply that it `could' have been a TEST
> VEHICLE for NUCLEAR POWERED UFO (anti-gravitational) TECH-
> NOLOGY. My feeling is that the `retro-fire' may have come
> from a `back-up' system that may have been incorporated in
> case the `anti-gravity' field grew weak or failed. It seems
> to make sense both from the standpoint of `pilot safety' and
> in view of the event that was witnessed - namely that the
> craft seemed to come down at a location that clearly was
> `unintended' This, of course, being the SAME technology
> that I believe found it's way into the UFO/B-2! << It was
> later learned that the fed removed the entire stretch of
> highway <in Texas> where the event occurred and hauled >>>>

That was certainly an interesting post!

Was he in a drug induced mental state when he wrote it? :-)


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: "Truth"
Date: 29 Jan 93 03:26:03 GMT

> What about Roswell... Two recent books out - but I haven't heard
> of any _new_ mainstream scientists joining the quest for truth.

I don't suppose you read where Ed Dames has pulled his hocus-pocus
Ingo Swann impersonation and declared that Roswell was simply a hoax
of gigantic proportions! hold him down, while I fasten the jacket :}


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: "TRUTH"
Date: 29 Jan 93 03:30:04 GMT

> I should read Jacobs book. From his discussions on Paranet, he seems
> faily level (fair and level) in his approach. I just don't know if
> the others start with a search for truth, and end up with a quest for
> financial gain above all reason. In other fields it's called selling
> out. I don't expect the abduction questions to go away with the ease
> of Meier, Mr. Ed, or Crop circles. There's still too much happeneing
> and too many people who have had experiences like this to discount
> that they honestly "Believe they have been abducted". What's behind
> it, is still an open question.

By all means Pete, buy the book and have a's fascinating and
very thought provoking. It's not Dr. Jacobs I have a problem with; I
believe his work speaks for itself; it's the disturbing circus with
Budd Hopkins and the Linda "case" that bothers me and makes me wonder
about your point of "selling out".

Still, no refutation as of yet of the "three guys from Jersey" 's report.


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Powell)
Subject: Re: stink
Date: 27 Jan 93 00:54:00 GMT

-=> Quoting Tom Davis to John Powell <=-

TD> Probably, on a similar basis, the people on the hill
TD> recognized an odor unpleasant and unfamiliar and simply
TD> said, "It stank."

Yep, most likely.

What do you think of some of the various theories that connect monster
sightings (Bigfoot, etc.) with UFOs?

Thanks, take care.
<Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence>

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10

John Powell - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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From: Jeff.Brewi@p0.f812.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jeff Brewi)
Subject: Re: Paper on abductions
Date: 30 Jan 93 16:41:24 GMT

AK> Dr. Robert Baker, who has taught psychology at Stanford University, MI
AK> the University of Kentucky (where he is professor emeritus of psycholo
AK> who is coauthor of the widely used textbook _Psychology_for_Man_, has
AK> a fascinating paper on alien abductions.

AK> In "Alien Abductions or Alien Productions?: Some Not So Unusual Perso
AK> Experiences,"
Dr. Baker discusses the position that alien abduction re
AK> (especially those recalled under hypnosis) are the result of the
AK> misunderstanding of common sleep disorders by abduction researchers.

AK> I'd be happy to send a copy of this 30 page report to anyone intereste

My wife and I are quite interested in this phenomenon and doing
research into the possibility of not-so-alien abductions. We would
appreciate a copy of this paper! Please send to

P.O. Box 689
Palm Springs, CA 92263

If you'd like, we can reimburse you for the expenses (i.e. photocopying
and postage).


Jeff Brewi - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jeff.Brewi@p0.f812.n202.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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