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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 602

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 602 

Saturday, October 31st 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

"Linda" Abduction Case - Conclusion
"linda" Abduction Case - Part 1
Ogden objects
'going To Extremes', 9/22/92
"linda" Abduction Case - Part 1
Current Cases......
E.U.P Conference
"linda" Abduction Case -


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: "Linda" Abduction Case - Conclusion
Date: 27 Oct 92 01:24:04 GMT

<<..Continued from previous message>>

Evidence accumulated by Hopkins

Hopkins reports accumulating much information about the identities of
Richard and Dan, and this could be extremely helpful in a criminal
investigation. He has approximately 80 pages of letters from the two men.
These might potentially be used to identify typewriters on which they were
produced. They may also contain fingerprints. Hopkins has tape recordings of
Richard and Dan; perhaps these could be used to help identify them by
voiceprints. Hopkins claims to know which government agency employs the two.
He says that he knows the identity of the dignitary they were guarding, and
this person should be in a position to help locate and identify Richard and
Dan. (Linda told Stefula and Butler that the dignitary was Javier Perez de
Cuellar, then Secretary General of the United Nations.)

The counsel of ufology's leaders

The reader may be tempted to dismiss Linda's account as a preposterous
script for a grade B movie, and I personally do not believe her claims.
However, several notable figures in ufology have expressed the conviction that
Linda is telling the truth. On October 6, 1992, I spoke with Dr. John Mack,
former head of the psychiatry department at Harvard Medical School, and he
confirmed that he had met Linda and concluded that she was not the type of
person to make up this kind of story. That same day I also spoke with David
Jacobs, a professor of history at Temple University, an abduction research
colleague of Budd Hopkins, and author of the book Secret Life. He too believed
that Linda was telling the truth.

Hopkins presented additional secret evidence to Walter Andrus and Jerome
Clark who are now both persuaded of Linda's honesty. Andrus and Clark are
arguably the two most influential figures in U.S. ufology. Andrus is
International Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and he organizes the
largest annual conference on UFOs in the country and regularly writes for
MUFON's monthly magazine. Clark is a columnist for Fate magazine, editor of
International UFO Reporter, and a vice-president of the Center for UFO Studies.

At a meeting in New York City on October 3, 1992, Linda said that she is
willing to testify against Richard and Dan (though she had previously indicated
that she was afraid of filing charges herself). I informed those at the
meeting that I was prepared to make a formal request for a federal
investigation of the attempted murder of Linda. Hopkins, Andrus, and Clark all
vigorously objected to this, and they strongly urged me not to do so. They
said that such action would be "politically damaging" to ufology. I was
extremely puzzled by their reasoning and their apparent priorities. On October
5, 1992, two days later, I called Andrus to make certain that I understood his
position. I asked him to join with me and request a formal investigation of
these allegations by the proper law enforcement agencies. I explained to him
that UFO researchers were generally not qualified to investigate attempted
murder. I was taken aback when Andrus asked me what right I had to raise these
issues. He again urged that the crimes not be reported. The following day I
spoke with Clark. He told me that he accepted Linda's statements, and he
reaffirmed his opposition to reporting the crimes.

I have not been given a satisfactory explanation for their views. At risk
is not only the safety of Linda but also that of the general public. If federal
agents have engaged in kidnapping and attempted murder, they should be brought
to justice. The matter is of great concern for the general citizenry and for
the conduct of UFO abduction research. I call upon Clark, Andrus, and Hopkins
to publicly explain their rationale and priorities.

20 October 1992

-------End of forwarded post----------------------------------------------

The Politics of Torquemada; or, Earth Calling Hansen's Planet

George Hansen, who is short on ufological experience but
long on self-righteous blather, is distributing a document
entitled "Attempted Murder vs. the Politics of Ufology: A
question of Priorities in the Linda Napolitano Case."
In an
October 13 memo addressed to Budd Hopkins, Walt Andrus, John
Mack, David Jacobs, and me, Hansen grandiosely announces, "I plan
to publish this in periodicals devoted to UFOs and mail copies to
leading ufologists, boards of directors of MUFON, CUFOS, and the
Intruders Foundation, and funders of UFO research. I also expect
to post this on electronic bulletin boards and send copies to
reporter for Omni, the New York Times, Paris Match, and the Wall
Street Journal."

In the extremely unlikely event that Hansen's communication
does not end up in the CP file of these latter publications and I
receive a call or visit from a reporter from the same, I will
inform him or her of the following:

Hansen claims that when he expressed a desire to "make a
formal request for a federal investigation of Linda, "
Andrus, and I "strongly urged me not to do so. They said that
such action would be politically damaging to ufology."
I cannot
speak for budd and Walt, though I know them to be men of
integrity. I can, however, state flatly that Hansen's
characterization of my remarks is, in its first half, misleading
and, in its second, blatantly false.

Hansen called me late on the evening of October 6, two days
after my return from New York City and the meeting with
proponents and critics of the Linda case. As i have told Buldd
and others, I have serious problems with the story. I told Budd
that at this stage too many links in the chain of evidence are
missing to sustain a suspension of unbelief. Moreover, some
aspects of it seem to me to be impossible. At the same time I
have problems with the charge that Linda hoaxed the entire even,
an allegation that -- in view of the extraordinary complexity of
this episode, not to mention what I observed of and learned about
Linda's personality -- strikes me as simplistic and unconvincing.
Tow metal-health professionals (not counting John Mack here) who
know Linda far better that Hansen does concur, emphatically.

My thoughts about all this are complicated, and I could
devote many pages to them. I shall not do so here, however. At
the meeting in which the case was discussed, I kept an open mind;
in fact, I may have been the only individual there who had not
come to a firm and unshakable conclusion. Finally I suggested
what I thought would be a compromise acceptable to all whose
motive was to find the truth.

I urged the critics to refrain, over the next six months,
form pursuing the investigation, which they had indicated now
consisted, or would soon consist, of knocking on the doors of
government agencies looking for evidence of the elusive Richard
and Dan. I stated that, if this story is true, it is no just a
UFO case but a "politically sensitive" event because it
supposedly involves a political figure of international stature
and therefore has consequences far outside the tiny world of
ufology. If that is indeed the case, we would never find Richard
and Dan (if they exist as who they say they are) because banging
on the wrong doors could alert the relevant agency that two of
its agents were leaking a huge secret. They would then be
effectively silenced, and we would never learn the truth.

If, on the other hand, the story is a hoax, I went on, a
six-month delay will have no effect on that fact, and the
evidence will be just as retrievable then as now. I assumed we
were all in this a truth-seeker, I said, and I thought my idea of
a compromise best served that end.

Rich Butler and Joe Stefula, critics and honorable men,
immediately saw my point and agreed. George "Torquemada" Hansen,
however, proceeded to shout that "science doesn't work that way,"
to which I rejoined that , if the story was true, this is not
just a scientific matter but a political one as well. Nothing I
said could have led anyone to think I meant the "politics of
The context made it clear to everyone that the
"politics" to which I referred was the national and international
political realm of which the Third Man is allegedly a resident
and in which (again if they are who they claim to be) Richard and
Dan operate.

To anyone who has read my voluminous writings on ufology's
problems and concerns, the notion that I would urge the
concealment of truth for any reason -- least of all "political
to ufology -- is laughable.
My printed record shows just the opposite: a fierce
commitment to the truth above and beyond anything else. No one
has been so consistently, even obsessively, outspoken on the
subject of ufologists' need for radical objectivity, vigorous
debate, and fearless scrutiny of all issues, regardless of their
potential effect on someone's misguided vision of ufology's
institutional interests. Anyone who doubts any of this is
invited to read a few IUR editorials.

Therefore I am forced to conclude that Hansen deliberately
misrepresented my remarks. In all the conversations I had with
the principals of this case, I recall no one's saying that
Hansen's proposed "action would be politically damaging to
If anyone had used that as an excuse for inaction, I
would have spoken up, bluntly, to state precisely what I thought
of that.

At any rate, what the proponents did talk about, in my
hearing, was their concern about Linda's well being. Budd, who
is a profoundly decent man, feels strongly that the attacks on
Linda are unfair, unfounded and injurious to a woman who already
has suffered enough. Valid or invalid, this concern -- not
damage to the "politics of ufology" (whatever that's supposed to
mean) -- dominated Budd's conversations with me.

Still, since our exchanges in New York had been entirely
cordial, I was unprepared for Hansen's behavior when he called me
on October 6. I thought he wanted to continue our discussion of
the case, but as I started to explain my thoroughly ambivalent
feelings, he cut me off, said curtly that he would be brief, and
asked if I thought Linda was lying. I said I doubted it, for
many reasons, which Hansen, who by now had thoroughly demonized
the poor woman, did not want to hear. He informed me that by not
sanctioning his plan to go to federal authorities, I was doing
effectively aiding and abetting gross misuse of police power. I
said that if such action were to be taken, it is Linda's
decision, not mine or his, to make, and I could not see how
anyone could think otherwise. Knowing more about this than
Hansen does, I added that the story contains elements which, if
Linda is telling the truth, seem to explain her what otherwise
looks like a puzzling reluctance to act. In any case, I added,
it was clear enough that Hansen, his pious assertion to the
contrary (see the hilariously hypocritical concluding paragraph
of his article), sought not to help Linda but to destroy her.

Hansen was at least honest enough not to deny that. Instead
he chose to try to intimidate me. He warned that he intended to
turn my name, address, and phone number, along with Hopkins', et
al, into the FBI. He then launched into a diatribe in which he
accused my colleagues and me of "living in a delusional world."
On Hansen's planet, apparently, those who disagree with him are
not just wrong but deluded and, perhaps, as his paper implies,
intellectually corrupt and, moreover, deserving of the attention
of police agencies. I said, "George, you're full of shit," and
hung up on him. His subsequent pronouncements have only served
to confirm the cogency of that analysis.

So what is the significance of the Linda case? I don't
know. Let me repeat: I don't know. Does anybody? It is
staggeringly complex, and the available evidence can be read in
several ways, though certainly in none. I admire Budd Hopkins
for his dogged, courageous pursuit of the evidence, and I respect
those who, like Butler, Stefula, and Don Johnson, honestly
dissent from Budd's interpretation. As an unbeliever (in other
words, neither believer nor disbeliever), I support all rational
debate on the issue.

In my opinion, at this stage of an incomplete and ongoing
investigation, the only conclusion with which I feel comfortable
is this one: Time will tell. Then again, maybe it won't. Am am
I the only one out there with a tolerance for ambiguity?

Jerome Clark

October 24, 1992


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Anson.Kennedy@p0.f25.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Anson Kennedy)
Subject: "linda" Abduction Case - Part 1
Date: 28 Oct 92 02:06:00 GMT

Just one comment.

Have I missed something? Every other account of this case which named the
alleged abductee used the pseudonym "Linda Cortile." Now her last name is
"Napolitano." Has someone slipped and leaked her real name?

--- Anson

Anson Kennedy - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Anson.Kennedy@p0.f25.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Date: 28 Oct 92 00:29:01 GMT

* Message originally:
From: Arie Vandenberg
To : All
Date: 10-27-92
Area: "UFO Natl Echo"
* Forwarded by Mike Keithly using RemoteAccess 1.11+


Mike Keithly - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: Ogden objects
Date: 27 Oct 92 06:59:01 GMT

> I thought that I'd see if anyone on the net has any newer info about the
> objects discovered in Ogden UT

Haven't heard anything more in a while since Don Ecker mentioned that the
person (Guy Kirkwood / Mel Noel) who was claiming to have seen, or have photos
of, the objects perhaps wasn't the most reliable person around.


John Hicks - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Ray.Jenson@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Ray Jenson)
Subject: 'going To Extremes', 9/22/92
Date: 28 Oct 92 23:23:01 GMT

* In a message originally to All, vanth!jms said:
>From: vanth! (Jim Shaffer)
>To: Ray Jenson
>>I would like a description of what you saw, if not inconvernient.
>Sorry about the long delay, everyone.
>Basically, the scene consisted of a bunch of people on the beach around a
>fire, trying to call down UFOs by humming the 'Close Encounters' theme.
>Like I said, I was surprised to see it because it had absolutely nothing to
>do with the rest of the episode.

Sounds like fun...
Anyway, I *DID* see that, but I didn't think a whole lot about it.
I think they were just kids having fun; you know how that goes...

BTW, Love the quote! (I laughed for about thirty second before I
could type again. Thanks, I was having a bad day.)

As for my theory on why they were doing that, I think my theory is
logical, mainly because people poke fun at everything from personal
idiosyncrasies to cultural dynamics to politics to everything else.
I was just wondering: Do you think it had something to do with the
director's/writer's personal sense of humour, or with something
actually being put into our psyche in order to calm the event of a
first contact?
Ray Jenson - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Ray.Jenson@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: "linda" Abduction Case - Part 1
Date: 29 Oct 92 00:30:01 GMT

+ Just one comment.
+ Have I missed something? Every other account of this case which named
+ the alleged abductee used the pseudonym "Linda Cortile." Now her last
+ name is "Napolitano." Has someone slipped and leaked her real name?

I don't know either. Perhaps. I noticed in the latest issue of UFO Magazine
that here name is different in there too.


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Current Cases......
Date: 30 Oct 92 02:23:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "MUFONET"
* Originally by John Komar
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 26 Oct 1992, 16:08


(From time to time, current, on-going cases which are being
investigated by MUFON Field Investigators will be posted.)

3OREGON CASE: August 15, 1992, 12:07 a.m. Duration of the 3
3sighting was 15 seconds at close range, 2 hours total visual3
3sighting. 3
3 3
3A triangular-shaped object with lights, emitting no sound, 3
3was sighted slowly flying South East. The object turned and3
3flew over Salem Airport in an easterly direction, to a spot 3
3over the Cascade Mountains, and remained there for one hour.3
3 3
3The object then flew north towards Mt. Hood. After reaching3
3the mountain, it turned and flew back to the original 3
3position and remained there for another hour. 3
3 3
3Case is under investigation. 3
3 3
3=END= 3

Mike Keithly - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Bob.Dunn@p0.f31.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Bob Dunn)
Subject: E.U.P Conference
Date: 30 Oct 92 00:06:00 GMT

APRIL 30th to MAY 2nd, 1993
Lincoln, Nebraska


Dr. John Salter: The Salter UFO Encounters; A Comprehensive Update.
Professor and Chair of American Indian Studies at
the University of North Dakota, where he teaches a
course on UFOs, ETs, and Close Encounters. He will
discuss a 1988 UFO encounter and abduction experience
he and his son had while driving across Wisconsin.

Kevin Randle - Stanton Friedman: The Roswell Incident.
Kevin Randle is a former Air Force intelligence officer
and co-author of the book UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL. Stanton
Friedman is a nuclear physicist and co-author of CRASH
AT CORONA. Both authors have done extensive research into
the alleged crash of a UFO in the New Mexico desert in 1947,
and have come to somewhat different conclusions.

Harry Jordan - Jack Kasher: NASA UFO Images / Iowa Mini-Flap Update.
Harry Jordan is a science teacher and founder of the Mars
Project in Omaha. Dr. Jack Kasher is a professor of physics
and astronomy at the University of Nebraska-Omaha and MUFON
state director for Nebraska. Their presentation will be on
the videotape taken during a space shuttle flight allegedly
showing unidentified objects, and an update on a series of
UFO sightings and landing traces in southern Iowa.

Linda Moulton-Howe: Aliens, Abductions, & Scientific Findings on Crop Circles
Winner of local, national, and international awards for her
documentaries on science, medicine, and the environment and
author of AN ALIEN HARVEST. She will present an update on
her current and past research.

Budd Hopkins: New Revelations About UFO Abductions.
The bestselling author of INTRUDERS and MISSING TIME, and one
of the researchers most credited with bringing serious
attention to UFO abductions.

Rosemary Ellen Guiley: Crop Circles & Unusual Ground Markings Worldwide.
Director of the Center for North American Crop Circle
Studies and the author of HARPER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF


$40.00 before January 1st
$45.00 afterwards and at the door
(Members of the Fortean Research Center receive a $5.00 discount)

SPEAKING PROGRAM. Each presentation will be for approximately two hours, so
that an indepth presentation and exchange can occur between the speakers and
the audience.

OTHER EVENTS. There will be a dinner Friday night, a tour of haunted and
ghostly sites around Lincoln, and a Saturday night banquet. Details on
these events have yet to be finalized, but if you're interested please
please check the spaces in the registration form and we'll send you infor-
mation when it's available.

HOTEL. The Nebraska Center for Continuing Studies at 33rd and Holdredge St.
Lincoln, Ne. 68583-0901. Phone (402) 472-3435. A block of rooms has been
reserved. Please make your reservations directly with the hotel.

QUESTIONS? Call Scott Colborn at (402) 421-1701, Monday through Friday,
1:00 - 7:00 pm CST. Or write to: THE FORTEAN RESEARCH CENTER
PO BOX 94627
Lincoln, NE. 68509


Registration received before January 1, 1993:
Number of people _____ Member $35.00 _____ Non-member $40.00 _____

Registration received after January 1, 1993:
Number of people _____ Member $40.00 _____ Non-member $45.00 _____

Membership in the Fortean Research Center - No. of people _____ $20.00 _____
Interested in the Friday evening dinner _____
Saturday banquet _____
Ghost tour of Lincoln _____

TOTAL enclosed __________
Check or money order in U.S. funds, please no cash. Payable to the F.R.C.

Name ___________________________ Address ___________________________________
City ___________________________ State _________________ Zip _______________
Affiliation ____________________________________ PLEASE PRINT
Photocopies of this form and written orders accepted.


* OLX 2.1 TD * ParaNet(sm) Alpha-Beta 9:1012/31 Fido 1:285/205
- JetMail v1.14a8 - Unregistered QWK Mail Door for Spitfire

Bob Dunn - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bob.Dunn@p0.f31.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 27 Oct 92 18:47:08 GMT

So the article says the film will be released in 1990, anyone know if this
happened yet? Very interesting story. Any more confirmation?
Pete Porro - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Date: 27 Oct 92 18:50:17 GMT

Darn I was just there on a Wed. and didn't see anything. Now I have better
directions thanks to you. There is so much smog, I don't know how anything
can be seen clearly. At least the 80 degree weather for five days didn't hurt
me? It snowed back here!
Pete Porro - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: "linda" Abduction Case -
Date: 31 Oct 92 08:55:00 GMT

MC> > Just one comment.
MC> > Have I missed something? Every other account of this case which named
MC> > the alleged abductee used the pseudonym "Linda Cortile." Now her last
MC> > name is "Napolitano." Has someone slipped and leaked her real name?
MC>I don't know either. Perhaps. I noticed in the latest issue of UFO Magazine
MC>that here name is different in there too.

Her real name is Linda Napolitano. UFO had the spelling wrong, I think.


* OLX 2.1 TD * "I'll be Bach!" -- Johann Sebastian Schwarzenegger

Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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