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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 573

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
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                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 573 

Tuesday, July 21st 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

Witnessed Abduction - Linda
My Thoughts And Experiences
Witnessed Abduction - Linda
Larry King Live
Re: K2 And The Phoenix Project
Re: K2 And The Phoenix Project
Popular Science, August 1992 (p 22)


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Witnessed Abduction - Linda
Date: 15 Jul 92 02:22:02 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from Jon Roland
* Originally dated 07-14-92 13:24

From: jdr@starflight.Corp.Sun.COM (Jon Roland)
Date: 14 Jul 92 04:27:03 GMT
Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Message-ID: <l64lsnINN2pq@jethro.Corp.Sun.COM>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranormal

This is a report on one of the highlights of the 1992 MUFON Symposium
in Albuquerque, NM, July 11-12.

In his talk on abductions July 11, Budd Hopkins reported on the case of
Linda, whose abduction has been confirmed by several witnesses. The
following is a synopsis of his report:

On or about the evening of November 30, 1989, at approximately 3:15 AM,
Linda (last name withheld) was asleep in her apartment on the 12th
floor of an apartment building in New York City, together with her
husband and two young sons. She made contact with Budd Hopkins and
under hypnosis reported being levitated off her bed, approached by
three grey aliens, and transported with them through her apartment wall
out above the street and then up into a floating disk. She reported
that she sensed her nightgown being drawn up to her face.

A few weeks later, Dan (last name withheld) wrote a letter to Hopkins,
stating that he and his partner Richard (last name withheld) had
witnessed the event from a car parked on the street about a block
away. He described a young woman and three small grey creatures
emerging from the side of the building at the 12th floor in a fetal
position, arms wrapped around their legs, head up, with one creature
above the woman and the other two below and to each side. After
emerging from the side of the building, their bodies extended and they
were then lifted up and into the floating disk, which was described as
having an orange glowing topside, with yellow illumination extending
down and outward, except for a narrow bluish beam extending straight
downward up which the four figures were lifted. Dan reported that after
the figures entered the craft, it then moved over and down into the
river (name withheld by author) and never reappeared. Dan described
himself and Richard as "undercover policemen" who would not publicly
come forward for fear of damaging their careers. Dan said they were
both extremely upset by the incident, fearing for the life or safety of
the young woman, and distressed that they had been unable to do
anything to help her. Dan stated that he and Richard would attempt to
visit the apartment from which Linda had been taken to see what became
of her.

Having no way to contact Dan or Richard, Hopkins read their letter to
Linda, advising her that they might visit her, and asking her to ask
them to contact him again if they did.

Dan and Richard then went to Linda's apartment, and when they identified
themselves, Linda told them Hopkins had told her to expect them. Dan
and Richard were very relieved that Linda was seemingly okay, and Linda
expressed mixed feelings, saying that it might have been easier to
accept being crazy than having it be confirmed that it really happened.

Dan and Richard did not agree to visit Hopkins, but Linda did get them
to agree to send Hopkins an audiotape giving a more detailed account
of the events of November 30, and a few days later Hopkins did receive
the audiotape, which he played for the MUFON audience. Dan reported that
Richard was so concerned about Linda that he had taken to observing
her and her apartment during off hours to make sure she was okay.

In the meantime, Linda developed discomfort in her right nostril and
visited her physician, who took an Xray. A day or two later, before the
Xray was developed and returned, Linda woke up with blood over her face
and bedding from her right nostril. The Xray was shown to the MUFON
audience. It clearly showed a cylindrical radio-opaque object, perhaps
2-4 mm in length, with a helical pointed extension off each end and to
one side. Subsequent examination showed no object present and under
hypnosis it came out that Linda had been visited again by aliens and
the object removed.

In the meantime, Hopkins tried to identify Dan and Richard. Then he was
contacted by a woman who reported that she had been driving on a major
New York bridge (name withheld by author) on the evening of November
30, 1989, together with a few other cars, when her vehicle stopped,
together with all electrical activity. She then noticed an orange glow
and saw a glowing disk floating above and to the side of an apartment
building near the bridge. She saw a young woman and three small grey
creatures emerge from the side of the building, from an upper floor
about the level of the bridge, in fetal position, then extend before
lifting up into the disk along a blue beam. She also reported that
people in other stalled vehicles also saw the incident. After the disk
left, her car's dome light came on again and she was able to restart
her car and leave the area.

When asked to remember the event and count off the number of seconds it
took from the time the figures emerged from the side of the building
to the time they unfolded, the witness estimated x seconds (number
withheld by author).

In the meantime, Dan and Richard accosted Linda on the street, asking
her to come with them. When she refused, they took her by force to
another location and interrogated her. They seemed particularly
concerned about whether she could tell them whether the aliens had
known about the men witnessing the event. They also removed her shoes
and examined her feet, seeking confirmation that she was human, because
they thought aliens had no toes.

Under hypnosis, Linda was able to give Hopkins the license number of
one of the vehicles used in arresting her and part of the license
number of the other. From that and other investigation, Hopkins was
able to learn that they are not policemen, but US government agents.
The men further revealed to Linda that at the time of the incident,
their car had been moving and lost power, and that they had a third
party with them, a high public official who they were escorting, who
also witnessed the incident. They excused their own abduction of her as
a matter of "national security".

Hopkins reported that he has been able to obtain a photograph of one of
the two men, knows their identities and their agency, and knows the
identity of the high public official who was with them.

Hopkins further reported on some other visits to Linda and her family.
It turned out that her youngest son had been similarly abducted from
their apartment several months before the events of November 30, 1989.
And during a later overnight visit by a young family friend, Linda, her
husband, two sons, and their guest all awoke with severe nosebleeds
from their right nostrils.

One of the two men also provided a drawing, which closely resembled one
done by the witness on the bridge, and also resembled one done by the
son of Linda who had been abducted. One of the men also estimated that
the duration from emergence to unfolding was about x seconds (same
number reported by bridge witness).

Hopkins then produced Linda, who further elaborated on her experiences
and answered questions from the audience.

In subsequent remarks and remarks to the author in private, Budd Hopkins
said he hoped that more witnesses would come forward, and that the
public official would come forward, if not in public then at least to
privately contact him. He confirmed that he is withholding a number of
details that he will use to verify the authenticity of any witness
accounts he may receive.

Linda appears to be in her mid-30s, slender, attractive, about 5'6",
with long brown hair, an Italian-American Catholic whose boys go to
parochial schools.

Arch-debunker Phil Klass was very careful to get a good photograph of

The author asked Hopkins whether he had taken precautions to make sure
the facts come out in case anything happens to him. Hopkins is
recovering from a recent operation, but says he is now feeling fine. He
assured the author he has thought about the problem and that was the
reason he decided to take the matter public at this time. He said he is
trying to get a more complete report published in the New York _Post_,
so readers should look for it there. If any mishap should befall
Hopkins, or any attempt be made to silence or discredit him, readers
should not fail to ask penetrating questions about the matter.

This case is significant because there have heretofore been few cases
of abductions witnessed by persons who were not among the abducted.
Hopkins expressed the opinion that the event may, at least in part,
have been staged for the benefit of the public figure who witnessed it.

The feelings of some in the audience may have later been summarized by
Shelley ..., one of the attendees, who said "
God, I hope it's not Dan

The author apologizes for any errors in the above report, taken from
memory after returning from the Symposium.,
Jon Roland
Starflight Corporation, 1755 E Bayshore Rd #9A,
Redwood City, CA 94063-4142, 415/361-8141

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: My Thoughts And Experiences
Date: 15 Jul 92 02:24:03 GMT

* Forwarded from "
* Originally from Thad P Floryan
* Originally dated 07-14-92 13:25

From: (Thad P Floryan)
Date: 14 Jul 92 14:00:50 GMT
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,sci.skeptic

Seems some people overlooked the smilies "
:-)" in my article about the
Lord Capt. Yahweh and his horny band of Zeta Reticulan exobiologists
who transformed some extant creatures into their personal playthings! :-)

Seriously, though, there are sufficient unexplained mysteries in ancient
writings AND other artifacts, both ancient and recent, which suggest that a
lot has transpired over the years about which we'll probably never fully

That reference I quoted from the Q'uran (formerly known as the Koran) is
just one of many that have intrigued me over the years: a very explicit
50,000 years and my oblique interpretation as an "
effect" of time dilation.

Just suppose "
someone" visited an earlier earth and performed experiments.
Another 100,000 year round trip to return to earth to observe the results
could" be the incidents related in several ancient documents. This is
something akin to the story in "
2001: A Space Odyssey", and is something
interesting" upon which to speculate. But I digress.

John Winston mentioned he had met my father who John claims was a "
researcher. I cannot speak for either gentlemen, but it was I who introduced
Jacques Valee' to my Dad because of an apparent mutual interest in UFOs.

I met Jacques professionally when he was a staff researcher at the Institute
For the Future (IFF), a Menlo Park CA "
think tank." IFF was utilizing my
company's computers for online worldwide teleconferencing back in the early
1970s. That same system, NotePAD, was also used to great effect during the
Chernobyl Crisis and is still in use today at my site on a facilities-
management type of arrangement via Tymnet (which itself is interesting,
because I was back at Tymshare in the early days, and my other company at
which I'm VP Engineering is one which produces specialized data processing
computers for TelCo and government clients).

As such, we lunched several times, and I learned he was an Astronomer and
a mathematician. My background is computational linguistics, compiler theory,
numerical analysis, communication theory, hardware design, microwave IC fab,
etc. with an intense interest in astronomy. Thus, we had a common ground and
I also learned that Jacques and Dr. Hynek participated in the computerization
of the unique twin-dome observatory at the school where I did some undergrad
studies: New Mexico State University, which also hosts (hosted?) Dr. Clyde
Tombaugh (the discoverer of Pluto) as Professor Emeritus.

I also learned that Jacques authored some v-e-r-y interesting books about
the "
UFO Phenomenon" and, of course, I read them, and I share his feelings
and interpretations about the situation.

Interestingly, Jacques and I participated in one "
field trip" arranged by
my Dad which attempted to locate a "
siting" in the Santa Cruz mountains.
Nothing was found, discovered, revealed or uncovered during that trip.

I believe the reason Jacques consented to the trip was because of my Dad's
background. As John Winston noted, my Dad was an ex-Army officer; he was also
ex-CIA, and participated in some "
interesting" activities during WWII, among
which was "
Antwerp X" (for which he received the highest commendations from
Belgium for zapping the V-1 buzzbombs) and the "
liberation" of the Von Braun
German rocket team to the USA.

In later years my Dad was strategically involved with the Redstone missile
program (a mod of which carried the first US satellite, Explorer I, into orbit
on Jan 31, 1958) and commanded BOTH the US nuclear missile batallions (40th
and 46th Field Artillery Groups) in Europe during the early 1960s (which also
were Redstone-origined). As such, both my Dad and I have seen a lot of
interesting things over the years, from USA satellite launches, to
anti-missile-missile tests, you name it.

So, do I "
believe" in UFOs?

Let's say I'm still cogitating that answer due to four experiences which
I'll share with you. As a summary answer, I'll state now that there is
definitely "
something" that bears further open-minded study and research.

First experience was during 1957 in San Antonio, Texas, at Fort Sam Houston,
the HQ of the 4th Army. Saturday night, approx. 11pm, I was building some
plastic rocket models and the radio was tuned to a local rock station (yeah,
Elvis was BIG that year! :-) when all of a sudden a UFO alert was broadcast
on the station. Don't ask me why, but I just happened to look up and out
the window and saw "
something" circular and extremely dark brown that was
just about to pass over the house.

At this same moment, there was intense static on the radio drowning out all
reception; this static lasted about 5 seconds and presumably was caused by the
object as it passed over and away. Believe me, I was scared shitless (only 11
years old at the time). All that week there were UFO sightings reported on
the front pages of the San Antonio newspapers.

Second experience was approx. 1964 (my records are "
somewhere" out in my
garage) in El Paso TX (actually Fort Bliss, Army Air Defense Command HQ and
home to a SAC base (at the other end of town), and White Sands Missile Range
about 50 miles to the north). For some reason, approx 1:45am I awoke, arose
from bed, and peered out the window to see a brilliant white oblong-shaped
object whose frontal 10% was brilliantly red moving east to west about 400
yards away and about 100 yards up before it left my view.

Those distances were precise due to the known height of the trees AND the fact
it passed in front of some homes that were about 500 yards away; "
in front of"
because of the way the object illuminated the houses. Sheesh, scared shitless

My sighting was the first that week (I believe this was a Sunday); all week
long afterwards similar objects were reported in the El Paso Times and ALL
descriptions of the object by others were the same [ I still have those
clippings and my original report in my files ].

Third episode, approx. 1967 in Silicon Valley CA. I was working for the
Electronic Defense Labs, and my Dad was working for Lockheed Missiles and
Space Company. I was returning home about 9pm and turned to face the street
to see my house key when I noticed a strange stationary aerial light out in the
distance. Because of my interest in astronomy, I often observe the skies and
I have a "
feel" for when things aren't as they should be; this was such a
case. And the conditions were PERFECT for data collection.

First thing was the ol' binoculars. Holy Shit. A classic "
UFO": half dome
with fluted edges. And it was just below the cloud layer (totally overcast
that night), and a fragment of cloud would occasionally "
touch" and obscure
portions of the object.

Quick calls to Moffet Field Naval Air Station, US Weather Bureau, San Jose
Airport, etc. confirmed the cloud layer was at 2400 feet. Perfect; so we
know how high the object was. Next step: measure direction and angular
elevation [details of all this are in my notes]. Plotting onto a topo map put
the object DIRECTLY between the main hangar at Moffett NAS and the combined
LMSC/Air Force Satellite Test Center (now known as Onizuka Air Force Base;
which is THE central command for all US spy satellites and, at one time, the
NUMBER ONE military target in the USA).

And for those who don't know, Moffett NAS is also the home of NASA's Ames
Research Center. Sheesh. That object was perfectly stationary, did NOT move
(though the flanking clouds obviously were moving), and it remained there for
at least 30 minutes. My neighbors and many others whom I called all saw the
object and confirmed its existence and appearance (light yellow glow); calls
to the NAS revealed nothing.

Given my measurements of the vertical and lateral angular displacements,
the known height (of the cloud layer), and the known location (simple trig :-)
I was able to calculate the size of the object. I'm writing this from memory
but it was about 30-40 feet at its widest (and it was about 5 miles away).

The last (and fourth) episode is the one that really has me wondering. It
was late 1972 or early 1973 (would have to check my old expense reports at
the office for Air Cal expenses for the exact date), but I was regularly
visiting a client site in San Juan Capistrano CA for work I was doing for
light water reactor vessel testing (which later was used for stress analysis
on the Golden Gate Bridge). Usually I would make the trip alone, get the
work done, fly back. That day a colleague accompanied me because he wanted
to use some of my stuff in another project for scanning electron microscopes.

Having made the trip scores of times, I knew precisely how long the travel
time by air and by car from John Wayne airport down I-5 to San Juan Capistrano
would take in both directions. With a 9pm flight from Orange County airport
back to San Jose, we had plenty of time when we finished dinner and left the
Franciscan Restaurant at 8pm; I figured 20-25 minutes to the airport.

As we're headed north on I-5 to the airport, we were discussing the events
of the day, and then I learned my colleague was reared in that area, so he
was pointing out interesting sights and we had a jolly good time joking about
all the slow drivers I was passing (I learned to drive in Europe on ice-covered
autobahns with no chains and no speed limits, so I do, uh, drive rapidly! :-)

Now remember I had made this joourney at least 30 times before, and my
colleague "
knew" the area. We were headed north on I-5 to reach the John
Wayne airport. Yet, all of a sudden, we were in the middle of who-knows-where
and there were NO other cars in the vicinity.

You talk about confusion; I hit the brakes. Sheesh. Then suddenly my friend
said, "
I know where we are", and I followed his directions, and we arrive at
the damned airport just as our flight, the last of the day, was taking off
at 9:05pm. Goddamn, talk about panic. I also neglected to mention that my
colleague was sporting a cast due to a broken foot experienced a week earlier
when he slipped on ice at Lake Tahoe.

In any event, with the help of Air Cal, we managed to get a flight out of LAX
arriving at San Francisco Int'l at midnight (and yeah, with my car at the San
Jose Airport) (and the story of my attempts to return the rental car at LAX,
finally driving backwards into the #^%$%# return area and popping the tires on
the wrong-way spikes because the car return area was "
just outside" the loop,
doesn't belong here :-)

BUT, on that flight, after we had caught our breaths after running to catch
THAT late flight which we almost missed, too, and after one beer, I *FINALLY*
looked at my watch and noticed it had stopped. I asked my friend the time
and his watch had stopped at precisely the same time. My watch was an old
Timex electric motor model, and my friend's was a windup something or other.
The time on BOTH watches was 8:55pm; the actual time was about 11:30pm.

Later, the next day, we determined we had somehow "
lost" 30 minutes. That was
the only way to account for our missing the flight from Orange County. And
how the hell we ended up on that strange road with NO recollection how we
got there when "
just a moment earlier" we were on I-5, we'll never know, and
that's a mystery to both of us to this day.

There is another aspect of this last event that interests me: I occasionally
have a dream in which I seem to be rising up in the air over that freeway as
we were heading north. I look down and see cars travelling on the freeway at
what appears to be a mile beneath us; that's it. This is inexplicable to me,
and is what I call my "
abduction case."

So, these are "
my" cases. And why I attempt to keep an open-mind and attempt
to correlate these events with others.

I don't have any answers. Perhaps there IS another lifeform on this planet.
If so, it "
may" be indigenous, and it might not. Perhaps it could be to us
as we are to the fish we catch (and throw back) into the water. Who knows?

I research many things on behalf of my employer and on behalf of my clients.
Sometimes I get sidetracked and onto the trail of something new and completely
different. One such trail led me to study some ancient documents and some
religious material, which is why my familiarity with the Bible, Q'uran, and
others (and why I have them online, too).

Many passages in the Bible have correspondences in, say, the Q'uran. And
there are many differences, too. In the Q'uran, for example, we find the jinn
who were created from fire before humans were created from the black muds of
the earth. In both the Bible and the Q'uran we find angels. Studying the
Q'uran, one MUST ponder; and yet we find explicit details such as the 50,000
year measure of one day, and the "
periods" of creation; in the Bible there is
seldom such accurate depiction of time passage and it refers to the "
days" of

Many mysteries.

These are some of my thoughts and experiences. Hope you enjoyed reading
them as much as I did finally putting them down in writing.

Thad Floryan [ (OR) {decwrl, mips, fernwood}!btr!thad ]

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: Witnessed Abduction - Linda
Date: 15 Jul 92 07:11:00 GMT

> In subsequent remarks and remarks to the author in private,
> Budd Hopkins said he hoped that more witnesses
> would come forward, and that the
> public official would come forward, if not in public then
> at least to privately contact him.


John Burke - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Larry King Live
Date: 15 Jul 92 07:34:00 GMT


I don't think I ever answered your message re: Larry King Live. Sorry, I
got sidetracked.

The simple answer is that I just disagree with the "
us" vs. "them"
attitude. I told you on the phone that you sounded like you came loaded
for bear, and you agreed that you were. That's fine, but your passion
should be reserved for presenting what you think is exciting data,
rather than trying to paint Oberg in an obfuscatory light. You were
attempting to demonstrate that Oberg was not going to admit to a genuine
UFO even if he believed it, but in doing so, you also gave the
impression that you weren't going to believe Oberg yourself, no matter
what he said.

In any case, Oberg has come out with a more definitive statement on
alt.sci.skeptic regarding "
Event 2". I shall try to repost it here.
Interestingly enough, while he is not backing down on claiming the
object is ice, he DOES seem to imply that he didn't even look at the
tape before. He seems to be saying, "
Oh, NOW I see what all the fuss is
about, and I can see where ufologists might think this was a UFO."


* OLX 2.1 TD * Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.

Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Brune@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Brune)
Subject: Re: K2 And The Phoenix Project
Date: 15 Jul 92 23:26:00 GMT


I'd be happy to keep you and everyone else up to date as to what happens. The
gentleman that contacted me was Jack Mathias, and I have been talking with him
via Compuserve since it is a bit more private. As I find things out I will
keep you appriased. I would like to learn more about this Phoenix Group so I
am willing to keep whatever information they have confidential if they so ask,
but I will let you know what I can. As for moving the messages to a
different echo, go right ahead, but please let me know which one since I don't
scan all of them.


David Brune - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Brune@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Brune@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Brune)
Subject: Re: K2 And The Phoenix Project
Date: 15 Jul 92 23:28:00 GMT

No problem Clark, I just need to make sure I'm scanning that echo. I've been
in contact with one of the members of the Phoenix Group via Compuserve, since
it is more private, and will keep you informed of whatever I find, if I'm able
too. I am attempting to learn more about them, and to gain their trust, so I
have offered to keep confidential any information they wish me too, but I will
keep you and others posted with what I can.


David Brune - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Brune@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: NASA UFO FOOTAGE (HARD COPY) in Australia
Date: 17 Jul 92 03:29:15 GMT

From: Brian Evans <>


Last night in Australia I was getting my weekly fix for Hard Copy when
they decided to preview next weeks stories. Guess what, they
have decided to show the NASA FOOTAGE on Australian TV with a story from
the USA.

Last night they showed some of the footage a couple of times.

I agree that you can definately see something move off at great speed.

The hard Copy UFO REPORT will be screen in Australia on July 23rd on
Network 10.




From: Steve.Gresser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Gresser)
Subject: Popular Science, August 1992 (p 22)
Date: 17 Jul 92 00:55:00 GMT

This story is typed in from the August 1992 Special Anniversary Issue of
Popular Science, Page 22. Accompanying are a photo and a blowup of what appear
to be bursts within a contrail (almost like a bad piston or some-such) and
seismic profiles of the Space Shuttle and an unknown aircraft.

[HEADING]What hypersonic airplane?

Something very strange is flying around at terrific speeds. Although no one had
managed to photograph the craft itself, its radar image, unique exhaust
contrail, engine sound, and sonic boom have all been characterized in multiple
reports by obervers in the Western United States and Great Britain. Yet
questions directed to the prime suspect in mystery-plane cases -- the U.S. Air
Force -- yield only denails of any knowledge.
The aircraft betraying its shadowny presence may be a high-altitude
hypersonic spy plane code-named "
Aurora" that's presumed to have replaced the
retired SR-71 Blackbird ["
Revealed! Mach 5 Spy Plane," Nov. '88]. On five
occasions since June 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey's extensive nework of
earthquake-monitoring seismographs in Southern California has recorded
window-rattling sonic booms produced by an airplane traveling northeast at
several times the speed of sound.
The booms have all occurred on Thursdays at about 7 a.m., says U.S.
Geological Survey seismologist James J. Mori at the California Institute of
Technology in Pasadena. "
We call them airquakes," he says. "This mystery plane
has a distinctly different sonic-boom waveform than other large, supersonic
aircraft like the space shuttle and the SR-71. We track it because people
have been calling us wanting to know if there's been an earthquake."
Many observers in several states have reported hearing very loud, deep
rumbling and pulsating sounds coming from an aircraft moving at high speed. An
aircraft emitting these sounds was spotted this past Gebruary taking off at
night from Beale Air Force Base near Sacramento, Calif. Its propulsion system
may be a pulse detonation wave engine -- a known type that develops throust in
intermittent bursts, rather than continouously -- according to reports in the
trade journal Aviation Week & Space Technology.
Bill Sweetman, an expert on classified "
black" military programs, suggests
in Jane's Defense Weekly that the aircraft may be capable of reaching Mach 6
(4,000 mph) burning liquid methane or hydrogen fuel. He believes the plane is
returning from hypersonic (greater than Mach 5) flights over the Pacific Ocean
and decelerating over the Los Angeles area as it heads northeast for a landing
at the highly classified flight test base at Groom Lake, Nev.
Sweetman reports that a Royal Air Force air traffic controller tracked an
aircraft leaving the remote NATO-RAF base at Machrihanish in western Scotland
last November at a speed of Mach 3. No acknowledged aircraft capable of such
speed is based there.
Call it Aurora, the mystery plane, or whatever. The ultrafast, groundshaking
high-flyer may be one of the latest in the long line of exotic aircraft that
have resulted from Lockheed Corp.'s fabled Skunk Works. financial analysts
note that the company's budget and work force can only be fully accounted for
by one or more substantial black programs secretly funded by the Pentagon --
and perhaps the intelligence service. -- Stuart F. Brown

Please excuse any typographical errors as I typed this in quickly and without
the aid of a spell-checker!

I find it most interesting that all of the sightings (soundings?) occur on
Thursday mornings. Most likely one guy who doesn't decelrate fast enough to
get out of >Mach flight, eh?

Thanks for reading,


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