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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 588

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                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 588 

Monday, August 31st 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

Re: "The Dancing Lights"
"The Dancing Lights"
Re: "The Dancing Lights"
Jack Mathias
Sighting Report 8/29/92
: sighting 8/29/92
Re: Mysterious Happening


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: "The Dancing Lights"
Date: 26 Aug 92 20:30:00 GMT

HI Brent,

Thanks for the note! Tell me more about artist James Terrel and Rodin
Crater, OK? Is this the artist who paints realistic UFO's against
realistic desert scenery??

One thing about the weather here, Brent, is that it is changeable!
A recent storm had the temp down to 70. and now it's back to 102.
Take care! :-)


Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Brent Wilcox)
Subject: "The Dancing Lights"
Date: 28 Aug 92 04:18:00 GMT

>>Thanks for the note! Tell me more about artist James Terrel and
>> Rodin Crater, OK? Is this the artist who paints realistic UFO's
>> against realistic desert scenery??

Terrell does remarkable "scuplture installations" using perceptual
qualities of light and color to create illusions of space and depth
(or the lack thereof). Hard to explain... About a decade ago he --
inspired by the qualities of desert light he'd observed as a pilot
-- bought Rodin Crater, northeast of Flagstaff. Since then he's
been digging out an elaborate assortment of "galleries" and
viewports in various parts of the extinct crater, entered from an
underground tunnel entrance. It was supposed to be completeted
years ago, but his concept has gotten increasingly complicated and
larger. I really love his work, and tried to visit the Crater.
They used to give occaisonal tours of the work-in-progress, but
insurance costs put an end to that. At least I know where he hangs
out on Flagstaff.

* JABBER v1.1 #55 *

Brent Wilcox - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: Vallee
Date: 28 Aug 92 00:08:00 GMT

> It isn't the first time...

Yeah, I know, but in the past he's pretty much just vanished without making
such a pronouncement.


John Hicks - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Article
Date: 29 Aug 92 01:10:02 GMT

* Forwarded from "Fidonet UFO Conference"
* Originally from Tim Rigg
* Originally dated 08-26-92 07:57

This article appeared in the Daily Breeze (LA) 8/25/92

Mystery Craft Spotted by Jetliner
By Ken Leiser

THe cockpit crew of a London-bound 747 reported a close encounter
with a fast-moving aircraft near a Southern California Air Force
Base earlier this month, but federal officials said Monday that the
mysterious second craft never showed up on radar screens.

A United Airlines crew reported seeing what appeared to be a missile
or a Lockheed SR-71 type of airplane in airspace above George Air
Force Base near Victorville, said Fred O'Donnell, spokesman for the

United flight 934 was en route to London from LA on August 5 when the
alleged sighting occurred, O'Donnell said. A United spokesman said today
that the pilot did not report a near collision and couldn't say whether the
airline will follow up the investigation.

An account that appeared in this week's edition of Aviation Week &
Space Technology said the "unusual aircraft" passed beneath the jumbo jet
within 500 to 1000 feet at a high rate of speed, leading the crew to conclude
it was supersonic.

"There is really nothing to investigate," O'Donnell said.

When controllers at the LA radar center were told of a close call, they
couldn't find a second radar target on their screens.

The sighting was near the soon-to-be closed George Air Force Base, bt a
spokesman there said all aircraft were removed from the base at the end of June
and any munitions have been packed away. He referred further inquiries to the

"We're done. We're down," said Air Farce Captain Jim Tynan.

George Air Farce Base is about 55 miles south of Edwards Air Farce
Base and was a training area for pilots of the F-4G WIld Weasel, an
aircraft whose mission is to eliminate surface-to-air missile sites.

Dottie Spiegelberg, chief of media relations at Edwards, said the sighting
was reported in the airspace that military officials monitor, but "there was
nothing on (base radar tapes) but the United Airlines

O'Donnell said the desert airspace is not restricted, but it is used for
military operations. However, none was in progress that day, he said.

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: "The Dancing Lights"
Date: 29 Aug 92 05:54:00 GMT

Hi Brent,

Thanks for the info on James Terrel! Never heard of him or Rodin
Crater until you told me (I've only live here since Dec. '87). I
love Flagstaff, so will ask next time I'm there,



Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Jack Mathias
Date: 30 Aug 92 17:14:10 GMT

From: Trevor Prinn <>

I was quite interested in the Phoenix Project stuff until I read that
Paranet had obtained it from Jack L Mathias. About a year ago Jack
appeared in the Issues forum on Compuserve (CIS) with a couple of SF
stories he had written under the name Jay Lewis, and was claiming to
be true stories. They told of how he had been abducted by aliens on
numerous occasions and had eventually been informed by them that he
was himself an alien implanted into a human body and was, in reality,
the husband (or something) of one of his abductors. He was trying to
get them published as fiction but I didn't think he was likely to

In subsequent messages in the forum he mentioned things like having
broken into an underground alien base and getting into a (gun?) fight
with the greys who occupied it. He also claimed to have been taught
some mind control and ESP techniques by the friendly aliens from the
SF stories. The first of these I recognised from an early novel by AE
Van Vogt and when I asked him if it was called the cortical thalamic
pause he confirmed it enthusiastically and near enough asked me which
aliens had taught it to me. When I told him where it came from he
replied that he had never read any Van Vogt, and that that author
must therefore have had some alien contact similar to his own. I
didn't believe the first part of that because I had already noted
that the Jay Lewis stories showed some stylistic similarities to Van
Vogt. I thought of writing to Van Vogt to get his opinion about the
second part but decided that it would probably just annoy him.

Later Jack posted some information about a further technique he had
been taught that enabled him to carry out telekinesis. This also
looked rather familiar and an hour spent poking around my quite
extensive SF collection turned up Jack of Eagles by James Blish. Not
only did this describe exactly the same thing in some detail but
Blish also made a deliberate mistake when quoting the Blackett
equation (a formulation of Heisenburg indeterminacy), which Jack had
witlessly copied. I don't know if it was significant but both of
these SF books were inspired by Count Korzybski's exposition of
General Semantics, Science and Sanity.

I posted a reply that included a reference to a scene in Jack of
Eagles so that Jack could, if he wished, continue our game without
letting on to the other forum participants, but he didn't reply and
posted no further messages in the forum. Not long after that money
trouble forced me to reduce my CIS usage to just a mailbox and
distribution point for my shareware business so I didn't know that he
had returned with more of this stuff. By coincidence, I intended to
rejoin the Issues forum in a week or two anyway, so I hope he is
still there peddling this Phoenix stuff - he gave me a few good
laughs last time around.

(Sorry if that was a bit long but you know how it is when you are
assigning someone's character.)

Trev Prinn


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Sighting Report 8/29/92
Date: 31 Aug 92 05:06:01 GMT

* Forwarded from Michael Corbin, 104/428
* Originally to uucp
* Originally dated 30 Aug 92 21:51:47

Subject:: sighting 8/29/92

Date: 08/29/92 Time: 20:19 Hrs.
Last seen at: 20:37 Hrs. Event Duration: 18 Minutes
Observation Location: 2000 W. 92nd Ave.,******, Federal Heights, CO., USA.

Type of Event: Unidentifiable Flying Craft.

Distance when first noticed: Aproxmately 8 Nautical Miles.
Distance when last seen: Aproxmately 40 Nautical Miles.
Estimated altitude @ first observation: 3500 Ft. A.G.L. (Above Ground
Estimated altitude when last seen: Aproxmately 15,000 Ft. A.G.L..

Wittness narration of event:
On this date (Aug-29-1992) at 20:19 Hrs. I was standing in my
driveway, next to my car watching my dogs in the yard. It was a clear night
with, with very few clouds in the sky. Visibility at the time was
unlimited. At that time I heard, then looked up, and saw a commercial jet
liner turning West as it passed over my area of town. This is a regular
event in this area.
I then scanned the skies to see what else was flying at that time
of night. I saw a second jet liner arking up, and making a turn out to the
East, from Stapleton Airport, in Denver. Immediately thereafter, I noticed
a bright white light, eminating from an approaching craft flying slowly in
an approxmate heading of 40 degrees inbound from the South Western side of
the metro area. It was flying at aproxmately 3500 Ft. above the ground at
aproxmately 250 KTS. (Nautical Miles Per Hour). A normal altitude and
speed for heavy jet aircraft to approach the Stapleton Airport.
When the noise from the departing jets had abaited, I then noticed
that there was no noise comming from the direction of the oncoming craft.
Noting that I couldn't see any other running lights, strobes, nor wing and
tail lights; I opened my car and pulled out my binoculars to have a closer
At about the time that I got my binoculars trained on the object,
it started a gentle turn across the middle of the Denver Area. The object
seemed to flutter a little bit (a gentle rocking motion, like a small plane
in a high wind) as it flew twards me. Never, during the time of
observation, did I hear any sound from the direction of the craft. A light
breeze was blowing at the time. But as a trained weather watcher, I don't
feel that it was in any way near the velocity necessary to hide the sound
of an aircraft flying over the Denver basin.
As the craft made its turn I seemed to detect a dark mass behind
the white light. But the light was too bright to see any detail. Continuing
to make its turn, and picking up a new heading of aproxmately 90 degrees,
magnetic, it continued on Eastward without loosing altitude as a landing
aircraft might have done. (I am reasonably sure that the craft was low
enough to be in the Denver TCA (Denver [aircraft] Traffic Control Area the
entire time over the city)
It continued to fly Eastward at the same rate of speed. When it was
East of the city a little way, it sic.[aparently] began to rise in
altitude; just as the surface of the earth does East of Denver. At that
point, I began to have trees show up in the picture I saw through my
binoculars. The object seemed to stay relatively leval for a while.
Then, I began to see some color change near the base of the white
light. It first flashed a bluish color then turned to yellow alternating
with green. These color changes were at the base of the white light, and
only lasted for a few seconds. Then the object started to rise. I know that
because I could see the trees in my binoculars sight picture starting to
drop away at the bottom of the picture. The object didn't appear to be
going away at that time eather. It remained just as bright as it had beeb
the whole sighting time.
The most unusual thing about the sighting was that the white light
was plainly visible from all angles. Very much "unlike" the lights on an
regular aircraft. When lights from a regular aircraft are seen, they dim,
fade out, or completely change pattern when the aircraft turns and flys off
in a different direction. Had the light eminated from a conventional
landing light, it would have dissappeared when the craft was flying away
from my vantage point. This light did not do eather.
I had to let the dogs back in the house. In doing so, I lost view
of the object for about 30 seconds. When I returned to my observation
place, the object had vanished.
Noting that there was an up-slope condition in the weather
information for that evening, coupled with the appaerance of a thin
overcast approaching from the East, I called the lead forcaster at the U.S.
Weather Bureau and asked the cloud heigth. He informed me that the cloud
heigth at 21:00 hours, was 12,000 Ft. Or aproxmately 7,500 above the
ground. The cloud height was aparently lower than the object when I last
observed it. This was determined a few minutes after the lost sighting, as
the clouds began to come in from the East; and appeared over the view with
the trees in it.
During the sighting, I had my binoculars steadyed on the top of the


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Mysterious Happening
Date: 31 Aug 92 15:29:02 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from
* Originally dated 08-29-92 12:24

Date: 27 Aug 92 12:41:46 GMT
Organization: ASO IM operations
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors

with all the noise about investigators and their non-clinical approach I
decided to add this little thread.

I was regressed once by Dr. John Mack at his home in Mass. We were
investigating a particular incident that seemed a bit odd, but where I had
no conscious memory of anything unusual happening, except that there was a
time anomoly, ie: it appeared that I had lost a couple hours of time. My
closest friend who was there at the time felt my behavior was bizzarre and
inconsistant with my normal behavior both immediately before and after the
incident, he however cannot discuss the subject for any length of time without
becoming violently ill. I find this to be a bit odd in itself. There were
other details that are consistant with other abduction experiences which
I have been asked to keep private as some of these details are used to in an
attempt to validate other potential experiencer's stories.I have
a cassette tape of the regression and I can say that he did not lead me to
any conclusion, in fact we found nothing at all. This is a very normal
occurance, Hopkins and others have all done countless regressions where
there was no "memory" of an abduction or any other out of the ordinary
experience. (the missing time has not been explaned though) Skeptics and
critics of these investigators ignore this fact as it's inconsistant with
their preconceptions of amatuers leading hypnotized victims to outrageous
conclusions. The reason you don't hear more about the failures is because
they aren't of any value whatsoever in the continuing investigations.

There are a number of trained professionals like Dr. Mack who are working
in this field now who are not charlatans or amatuers and they get similar
results as Hopkins and others without leading their subject in any way. There
are unfortunately a number of hangers-on like Strieber (who ripped Budd
Hopkins off to write his books) who only add to the noise level. (an
interesting aside here about Strieber: All of the abductees that I know
personally believe that Strieber is lying in his books, the same feeling I
got when I read them, I've since heard rumors that Strieber has admitted
making it up but I don't know if that's true).

As to what Dr. Mack believes he's pretty hard to pin down on the subject. I
take that to be positive since he's not saying that aliens abducted these
people, he does say that all of the abductees have a remarkably consistant
story to tell and they have all been subjected to some major trauma in their
lives, the source of which seems to be the same. To quote Dr Mack "30 crazy
people could not have thought up stories this consistant independantly of
each other"

If there is a terrestial explanation I'd love to hear one I can believe. Spare
me the child sexual trauma explanations though they don't pan out in most
of these cases and where they do the investigation is dropped, at least by
the people who I've been exposed to.


| ESP, Steinberger, Fender, Kitty Hawk, Rivera, Rocktron, Alesis, Tascam, |
| Metaltronix, EMG, Semour Duncan, D'Addario rock on! |
| Midi rack pukes do it with 16 channels |
| You make my life and times a book of bluesy Saturdays... |

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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