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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 587

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 587 

Monday, August 31st 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

"the dancing lights"
Ufo crash in Kingman, AZ
Gulf Breeze Six
Air&Space magazine article
Ufo Crash
The Sacramento Sig's Trips To K2
"The Dancing Lights"
CBS Special
Re: "the dancing lights"
Re: Ufo crash in Kingman, AZ
Re: Computer Confession


From: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Powell)
Subject: "the dancing lights"
Date: 25 Aug 92 08:09:08 GMT

-=> Quoting Linda Bird to All <=-

LB> Hi! As most of you know, I am a 7-8th grade teacher, and often
LB> review literature and textbooks, etc. before use. Here's an
LB> interesting story in one of the reading books:

Linda, could you get the Name/Author/ISBN on that book?

Also, I don't suppose you get (or see) the Weekly Reader do you? They
have been covering UFOs and Crop Circles quite faithfully for our
elementary kiddies... (Their presentations of the crop circle 'enigma'
were more readable than the National Geographic's show was watchable...)

Thanks, take care.
<Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence>

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10

John Powell - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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INTERNET: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Powell)
Subject: Ufo crash in Kingman, AZ
Date: 25 Aug 92 08:12:10 GMT

-=> Quoting Linda Bird to All Readers <=-

LB> I have a request! A friend of mine is trying to research a
LB> UFO crash that alledgedly happened around Kingman, AZ in
LB> the early 1950's.
LB> He said the approx. date is May 1953, and the Air Force
LB> went out to investigate, and nothing more is known(?)

Your friend is getting into the Scully-Aztec-etc. realm, best of luck.

Hope the following helps:

"Coming on the heels of all this new information [Scully-Aztec]
is the story of another crash in the Kingman, Arizona area. One witness
claimed that while working on another project for the government, he and
fifteen or twenty others were driven to an Air Force base, put on a
plane, and flown to Arizona.
On arrival, they were escorted to a field where they saw a
disc-shaped object that had crashed with some force into the desert. It
was about thirty feet in diameter, and was stuck in the sand without any
sign of structural damage.
"Nearby was a tent where the single occupant of the craft lay.
According to the sources, he was about four feet tall, had two eyes, and
a round mouth.
Once everyone had finished his task, all of them were put on
the plane and flown back to their original duties, with instructions to
forget what they had seen." [1]

Also, your friend's first step should be in the direction of Len
Stringfield. (If for nothing more than to get a feel for the outer
boundaries of the event(s) and etc.) A reading of Stringfield also
suggests that Raymond Fowler is the next step since it is Fowler's
research that contributed to the Kingman material in the original
Retrievals of the Third Kind.

Case A-1, Arizona, 1953. pg 2. [2]
Case A-3, Southwest, 1957, pg 4. [2]
(Commentary), pg. 9. [2]

[1] - The UFO Casebook by Kevin D. Randle, 1989, Warner Books.
[2] - The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: (Status Report II: New Sources,
New Data) by Leonard Stringfield, MUFON, 1980.

Thanks, take care.
<Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence>

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10

John Powell - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Powell)
Subject: Gulf Breeze Six
Date: 25 Aug 92 08:10:12 GMT

-=> Quoting Jim Speiser to Michael Corbin <=-

MC>ParaNet Information Services
MC>Reprinted from the Rocky Mountain News, Sunday, August 2, 1992,
MC>Page 16
JS> Mike:
JS> Something's rotten in Denmark. Every ex-military I've talked to has
JS> told me that desertion results in court-martial, period; and that an
JS> AWOL resulting in anything higher than a general discharge is out of
JS> the question.
JS> I suggest someone get on the stick and try to obtain interviews with
JS> persons connected with this story: the wife, the psychic in Gulf
JS> Breeze, the cops, the military at Ft. Benning, ANYONE. This stinks.

I absolutely agree. I'm willing to make LD calls for basic second-level
fact checking, etc. if necessary.

I'd like to know how they got into the country, and how/why they were
untouched by military intelligence and the FBI for so long.

I'd also like to know exactly what Vallee is suggesting when he writes:
And why doesn't the Army reveal what was written on the precious
computer disk the soldiers were carrying with them when they were
arrested in Gulf Breeze?" [Revelations: Alien Contact and Human
Deception by Jacques Vallee. 1991, Ballantine Books, Random House.
ISBN 0-345-37172-0 p. 176]

Thanks, take care.
<Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence>

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10

John Powell - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Powell)
Subject: Mufon
Date: 25 Aug 92 08:11:16 GMT

-=> Quoting Jeff Walker to All <=-

JW> I'd like to know if somebody could tell me how large an
JW> organization MUFON is,

Approaching 4,000 members/subscribers.

JW> ...what their basic investigative philosophy is,
JW> and what their relationship is to other UFO networks.

There really isn't such a thing as UFO, Inc., (and subsidiaries, with
competitors, etc.), so I can boldly, if not wistfully, say that we all
basically relate to each other as individual human beings in a way that
only individual human beings can... (Except for those who might be
clones... <grin>)

JW> I'd also like to know if they can be reached in the Los Angeles
JW> area and/or what their headquarters phone number is.

'HQ' is: MUFON - Mutual UFO Network
103 Oldtowne Rd.,
Sequin, Texas 78155,
(Basic membership/subscription is $25/yr.)

LA Area: (Try these)

Infomania BBS, 213-850-1627, LA, CA
Ursa Major BBS, 310-545-7216, Manhattan Beach, CA

Thanks, take care.
<Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence>

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10

John Powell - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Powell@f601.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Air&Space magazine article
Date: 25 Aug 92 15:16:17 GMT

From: (John H. Chalmers Jr.)

(in response to Jim Speiser's post of 8/18/92)

Jim: At the time to which I referred in my post on the Air&Space article,
I was a geneticist. I had been hired to set up a project to study
the genetics of the most important class of antibiotic-producing
organisms.This was about a decade after the field had been pioneered
by academics, albeit with non-commercial strains.
The seminar I mentioned was about the inheritance of breast size
in chickens, a topic mainly of interest to commercial poultry breeders rather
than chickens.
I, too, would be interested in the possibility that the Delphos traces
were due to a gasoline spill. I would think that the products of the microbial
metabolism of the gasoline hydrocarbons would be detectable for some years.
Also, the tetraethyl lead might leave traces as well.

--- John


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Ufo Crash
Date: 25 Aug 92 20:32:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "
FidoNet UFO Echo"
* Originally by Bob Dunn
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 22 Aug 1992, 0:53

This is an article I found in the Nebraska State Journal, July 7-9
1887. All I can vouch for is the authenticity of the article itself.


A Startling and Curious Story from the
Ranges of Dundy County.

It is Evidently a Machine of Human

All Particulars that are Yet Learned.

Special to The State Journal.

BENKELMAN, June 7. -- A most remarkable phenomenon occurred about
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon at a point thirty-five miles northwest
of this place. John W. Ellis, a well known ranchman, was going out
to his herd in company with three of his herders and several other
cowboys engaged in the annual roundup. While riding along a draw
they heard a terrific rushing, roaring sound overhead, and looking
up, saw what appeared to be a blazing meteor of immense size falling
at an angle to the earth. A moment later it struck the ground out of
sight over the bank. Scrambling up the steep hill they saw the
object bounding along half a mile away and disappear in another

Galloping towards it with all their speed, they were astounded to
see several fragments of cog-wheels and other pieces of machinery
lying on the ground, scattered in the path made by the aerial
visitor, glowing with heat so intense as to scorch the grass for a
long distance around each fragment and make it impossible for one to
approach it. Coming to the edge of the deep ravine into which the
strange object had fallen, they undertook to see what it was. But
the heat was so great that the air about it was fairly ablaze and it
emitted a light so dazzling that the eye could not rest on it for
more than a moment.

An idea of the heat may be gained from the fact that one of the
party, a cowboy named Alf Williamson, stood with his head
incautiously exposed over the bank, and in less than half a minute
he fell senseless. His face was desperately blistered and his hair
singed to a crisp. His condition is said to be dangerous. The
distance to the aerolite, or whatever it is, was nearly 200 feet.
The burned man was taken to Mr. Ellis' house, cared for as well as
circumstances would allow and a doctor sent for. His brother, who
lives in Denver has just been telegraphed for.

Finding it impossible to approach the mysterious visitor, the
party turned back on it's trail. Where it first touched the earth
the ground was sandy and bare of grass. The sand was fused to an
unknown depth over a space about twenty feet wide by eighty feet
long, and the melted stuff was still bubbling and hissing. Between
this and the final resting place there were several like spots where
it had come in contact with the ground, but none so well marked.

Finding it impossible to do any investigating, Mr. Ellis returned to
his house and sent out messengers to neighboring ranches. When night
came the light from the wonderful object beamed almost like the sun,
and the visitors who went out to see it were entirely powerless to
bear the glow.

This morning another visit was made to the spot. In the party was E.
W. Rawlins, brand inspector for this district, who came into
Benkleman tonight, and from whom a full verification of particulars
is obtained. The smaller portions of the scattered machinery had
cooled so that they could be approached, but not handled. One piece
that looked like the blade of a propeller screw of a metal of an
appearance like brass, about sixteen inches wide, three inches thick
and three and a half feet long, was picked up by a spade. It would
not weigh more than five pounds, but appeared as strong and compact
as any known metal. A fragment of a wheel with a milled rim,
apparently having had a diameter of seven or eight feet, was also
picked up. It seemed to be of the same material and had the same
remarkable lightness.

The aerolite, or whatever it is, seems to be about fifty or sixty
feet long, cylindrical, and about ten or twelve feet in diameter.
Great excitement exists in the vicinity and the round-up is
suspended while the cowboys wait for the wonderful find to cool off
so they can examine it.

Mr. Ellis is here and will take the first train to the land office
with the intention of securing the land on which the strange thing
lies, so that his claim to it cannot be disputed.

A party left here for the scene an hour ago and will travel all
night. The country in the vicinity is rather wild and rough, and the
roads hardly more than trails. Will telegraph all particulars as
fast as obtained.

Category 2, Topic 9

Before you all strap on your hiking boots and break out the picks
and shovels to dig up the Benkelman saucer, here's the rest of the
story. From the Nebraska State Journal, June 10, 1884.


It Dissolves Like a Drop of Dew Before
the Morning Sun.

The Most Mysterious Element of the
Strange Phenomenon.

Special to The State Journal.

BENKELMAN, June 9, 1884. Your correspondent has just returned from
the spot where the aerial visitor fell last Friday. It is gone,
disolved into the air. A tremendous rain storm fell yesterday
afternoon beginning around 2 o'clock. As it approached, in regular
blizzard style, most of those assembled to watch the mysterious
visitor fled to shelter. a dozen or more, among them your
correspondent, waited to see the effect of rain upon the glowing
mass of metal. The storm came down from the north, on it's crest a
sheet of flying spray and a torrent of rain. It was impossible to
see more than a rod through the driving, blinding mass. It lasted
for half and hour, and when it slackened so that the aerolite should
have been visible it was no longer there. The draw was running three
feet deep in water and supposing it had floated off the strange
vessel the party crossed over at the risk of their lives.

They were astounded to see that the queer object had melted,
dissolved by the water like a spoonful of salt. Scarcely a vestige
of it remained. Small, jelly-like pools stood here and there on the
ground, but under the eyes of the observers these grew thinner and
thinner till they were but muddy water joining the rills that led to
the current a few feet away. The air was filled with a faint,
sweetish smell.

The whole affair is bewildering to the highest degree, and will no
doubt forever be a mystery.

Alf Williamson, the injured cowboy, left yesterday for Denver,
accompanied by his brother. It is feared he will never recover his
eyesight, but otherwise he does not appear to be seriously injured.

There has been a continued stream of investigators here for the past
two days, among them a number of members of the press. The Denver
Tribune representative was among the witnesses to the evanishment of

Mike Keithly - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: MICAP.Administration.1:104/605@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (MICAP Administration 1:104/605)
Subject: The Sacramento Sig's Trips To K2
Date: 25 Aug 92 20:36:02 GMT

* Forwarded from "
FidoNet UFO Echo"
* Originally by Steve Jones
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 23 Aug 1992, 12:37

Greetings To Everyone-

The Phoenix Group's K2 Report put not only this echo, but related echos
on Genie and CompuServe into a clamor last month and I have been amazed at the
severity and types of responses to it's contents. I have seen character
assasination's to the point of being shrill and to be frank, it leaves me with
a feeling a revulsion for those slinging the mud. As a student of the social
sciences, I have never had much respect for "
armchair anthropologists." I have
come away from this whole thing with a great deal less respect for those
organizations involved. It seems that those who deem themselves as the
offical" writers of history, or dogma, scream the loudest when someone has
the audacity to question their authority, whether it is official or not. This
type of thing was particularly evident during last year's uproar over the
movie "


The Sacramento UFO SIG (Special Interest Group) is a small group of
individuals who have keen interest in expanding their knowledge on this
subject. We have been meeting officially for one year and numerous members
of this group have had significant encounters. Like most of you, we have a
keen interesting in the Who, What and especially the Why on this subject.
The SIG has made four trips up to K2 during the last 3 weeks, and at this
point, to be frank, we have come up empty handed. This is not saying that
there is nothing up there, but we are not seeing evidence of anything at this
time. Due to the fact that there have been a flurry of sightings occuring
approximetely 75 miles to the south of K2 (Pilot Peak), both ourselves and
apparently several MUFON members are of the opinion that the Greys may have
moved their operations to the south.

We have made the following observations.

1. The area, although remote, is somewhat heavily traveled by the locals.
This, we feel, is the reason for the very smooth surface of the road. Road
traffic is light, if not non-exsistent, at night (usually between about 9:00PM
and around 4:00AM when the local loggers start coming through from Quincy to
go to work at the logging sites). There seems to be extensive logging going on
between the mountain and the junction of the Quincy-LaPorte Road and the road
that goes up to Little Grass Valley Lake. It is our opinion that the reason
that the road is paved from the base of the mountain, up and through the valley
below the peak itself and to the top of the rise that over looks the Feather
River canyon, is the possibility of eliminating washouts, especially along the
face of the hill just below the valley entrance.

2. The valley itself, which contains the Onion Valley creek, is not, in my
opinion, anything unusual for the Sierras. The place is teeming with life,
including bear, deer, owls, squirrels, birds, frogs and in the evening, loads
of bats (which swarm down from the mountain). Two of the people who went up to
the mountain (John Pickens and Ed Stewart) went up to the lookout and they said
that there was alot of evidence of extensive rat population up there. I have
personally walked over approximetely 75% of that valley floor and about 25%
of the slope to the south (which is just below the face of the mountain. I
have found very little evidence of anything out of the ordinary, especially
cave or cavern openings. In fact, I found little if any indication that anyone
had been walking up there within recent weeks.
The pond is made from a small man-made dam, which appears to be at least
20 years old. I can see the distinct possibility that the forest service made
it to creat a water source in case of fires. I did see the area that the report
mentions regarding the washed out part of the dam. The pond is, according to
a man that one of our party interviewed, fishless. It does, however, have
several resident ducks, which make a considerable amount of noise during the
night. The bats feed extensively on the insects that populate the pond and
they are somewhat aggressive. You can toss a small stone up in the air and
the bats will go after it. John Pickens showed us that little trick.

3. We were only approached once by a local sheriff, who simply wanted to
know what we were doing sitting by the side of the road late at night. This
was just after he had left the campground which held a large group of local
indians, who were camping there. These indians were very much aware of our
pressence and no doubt were concerned about us. Since the mountains of Calif-
ornia are known to have drug farmers, it is prudent to maintain one's distance.
Mountain folks are a quiet bunch and usually have little to say to "
landers." We only saw US Forest Service Rangers driving their trucks on the
road and we were never approached about why we were in the area.

4. Pilot Peak (K2) is indeed in a fairly remote area, which given the
patterns of life of the area, could be an ideal spot for some surrepticious
activity. Logistically it is in a very good location, considering the local
terrain, it's relationship to areas in Northern California and Nevada and it's
relative ease of access. If I were going to build a secret base in Northern
California, this area would be ideal. The roads leading to the site from the
south are paved up to within 10 miles of the mountain and the loggers and the
locals, use it extensively from 4:00AM until about 9:00PM. As I have mentioned
above from 9:00PM until 4:00AM, the road is deserted and the place is very
The area to the west of the mouth of the U-shaped valley just below the
peak goes into a long narrow canyon, which the Phoenix group discribes in their
report. I can see that this could be utilized to gain access below radar.

5. The marshes behind and in front of the pond have tall rice-like grass
and there are areas that appear to have been flattened, but not in the classic
crop-circle sense. The pattern of the flattened grass is uni-directional and
it does appear to have been folded over and braided, but there is no defined
shape to the areas themselves. There are approximetely 10 of these sites
either below the dam or behind it and they all have signs of foot trafic going
into them. The grass in these areas show signs of browning and do not show
any of the signs of burning (either shaded or tip-burning as mentioned in the
crop circle evidence). I walked the entire area of both marshes and saw no
signs of circular burn marks.

6. Regarding the comments that the Phoenix Group has made about the
feelings that their team has regarding being watched, there were two seperate
incidents that occurred while we were up there that gives me pause to reflect.
The first of these events occurred when my son and I originally ent to the
mountain three weeks ago. At the time, I didn't see the significance of it,
but I do now. It was dusk and my son and I had set up my tripod and camera on
the dam looking towards the peak. It was somewhat of a moonlite night and the
bats had just come out. It was approximetely 9:30PM on Saturday, the 8th of
August. Suddenly I heard what appeared to be the sounds of bear cubs. I
immediately recognized the sounds, having spend years in the woods. Instantly,
I had the uneasy feeling that mother bear might be close and I told my son to
take the tripod and we should quietly go back to the car. Since we hadn't
intended to stay the night, we decided to leave the area. The location of
these noises were approximetely 150 feet up the side of the mountain to the
South-South West of the southern tip of the dam.
On the evening of Wednesday, the 12th I went up to the mountain by myself
and spent the night parked by the side of the main road which is slightly
above the valley floor and has an excellent view of the entire valley. The
only significant noise that I heard that night was from a very loud owl, who
hooted from the very same area that the bear noises emminated from.
On Saturday, the 15th, myself and Ed Stewart spent the afternoon and early
evening up at K2. I walked up the side of the hill to the south, southeast of
the pond with Ed and we set up some listening equipment (sensitive mikes,
including one contact mike, which I set up on some solid granite). Suddenly,
Ed said, "
What was that???", motioning over into the same area of the hillside
that I have previously mentioned with the owl and bear sounds. It gave me
a very short term feeling of uneasiness, but it pasted. At that point I was
under the impression that we were sitting over the area that was supposed to
have the base entrance. Later, I found out that I was wrong.
Last night, on the evening of August 22nd, I spoke to Jack Mathias on the
phone. I essentially told him what I have transcribed here with the exception
of the strange noises and their locations. I told him that we had been looking
for the base entrances and were having trouble finding them. It was then that
he told me that the main one was to the south-southwest of the southern tip of
the dam, approximetely 150-165 feet up the side of the hill and that apparently
I had been looking at the wrong place all along. Whether the locations of the
noises that myself, Ed Stewart and my son Kris have heard are in fact located
nearer to the supposed entrance is still an open question. If so, the there
is the possibility that someone may have been trying to warn us away, by play-
ing mind games with us. I didn't think of it at the time, but this reminds me
of the types of things that Whitley Streiber experienced. HUMMMM!!????

In conclusion, we still have some unanswered questions regarding the K2
site. We do question some of the allegations of the Phoenix Group, but haven't
closed the book yet. There is still the possibility that there is something
going on up there, but we feel that the burden of proof is on the Phoenix Group.
The data that they have listed in their report is outlined with some
inconsistencies. The grid pattern for their magnetometer readings is devoid of
X,Y co-ordinate markers corresponding to their readings. The maps of the area
that they have listed in the report doesn't have marked on it the origin (0,0)
point for the X,Y grid. For a scientific report, this is a very sizeable data
We also have some problem with their conclusions regarding the road and it's
usage, the quizical nature of the rangers, the lack of life around the area
and in particular the LZ sites that they mention. I can see that the place
would make an excellent site for a secret base, but it's exsistence is still
questionable. We have, as I have mentioned, not closed the book on this case,
and will keep everyone posted.
I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to the very helpful
efforts and support from Ed Stewart, John Pickens and my son Kristopher Jones.
I have found that when it comes down to making a commitment to field research,
there are often few, if any volunteers. I greatly appreciate those who
participated. Thanks.

Sincerely- Steve Jones, co-moderator of the Sacramento UFO SIG.

MICAP Administration 1:104/605 - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: MICAP.Administration.1:104/605@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Brent Wilcox)
Subject: "
The Dancing Lights"
Date: 26 Aug 92 03:36:00 GMT

>>You're just going to have to move to Aridzona - we don't have
>>earthquakes here: just monsoons, dust storms, scorpions, and nutty

I've thought of it. I like Arizona a lot. Great scenery and
archaeology, the Navaho and Hopi nations, and an assortment of
interesting cultural-fringe attractions like Sedona, The Biosphere,
and Arcosanti.

I'd like to live in the Flagstaff area. I want to be there when
artist James Terrell finishes turning nearby Rodin Crater into his
metorological/environmental/astronomical observatory. I've been
waiting years for that.

As for the lack of earthquakes... well, it seems to me that Sunset
Crater near Flagstaff erupted in historic times (something like 600
AD). Something's still keeping the geology awake in the state...

I could actually have a good time living in Arizona. Though at the
moment I'm enjoying the fog on the Central California coast.

* JABBER v1.1 #55 *

Brent Wilcox - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Brent Wilcox)
Subject: CBS Special
Date: 26 Aug 92 03:36:00 GMT

>>...I'm just not so sure any more. And again, the show last night
>>presented some startling new information that I wasn't aware
>>of...genetic manipulation of the seedlings in the stalks?? Did
>>anyone here know of this?

I've heard some "
mutterings" about this for months, but no details.
My gut reaction is to treat it like Colin Andrews' old "
changes in
the energy pattern" of the grain. He included some pics of
crystalized "
something" in one of his books, but gave no
explanations. Turns out the "
laboratory" who found these
crystalized energy patterns" has a ton of neat-looking and
expensive equipment, but all the scientific clout of aromatherapy...
(but hey, they were all wearing white lab coats).

And then there were last year's "
anomalous radiation" readings that
remained anomalous, unexplained, and ultimately buried under a pile
of bad or garbled data (last I heard the well-meaning researchers
were still trying to sort that out).

Until I hear more details about the "
genetic manipulation", that's
where I have to lump it.

I've thought there was something genuinely mysterious about the
agriglyphs for some time, which couldn't be explained by hoaxers.
Bad Science, though, leaves me cold, especially when it's waved
around in an attempt to leave a scent of significance in the air...

* JABBER v1.1 #55 *

Brent Wilcox - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Speiser
Date: 26 Aug 92 21:17:11 GMT

From: (Rick Pavek)

posted for an accountless friend:

Jim Speiser writes:
+Did y'all see 'Visitors from the Unknown' last night? I have to say, I was
+pleasantly surprised by their treatment of the Trans-en-Provence case.
+CUFOS, and especially Jerry Clark, have been touting this case for some time
+now. Although I had seen a very brief summary of the case before, I wasn't
+quite sure until last night why it was so impressive. If that biochemist's
+credentials are as solid as represented, that's a helluva case. Seems like
+it belongs next to the Delphos landing.

First, some questions from a beginner:

I think you have some knowlege about the Trans-en-Provence case that I would
like to know about. For a beginner such as myself, just what has Jerry
Clark been touting?

I was NOT so impressed with the CBS program because in that segment, there was
just some gobbly-gook about how the physical traces would have taken some
great knowlege to produce without any detail information about that.

I have another stupid question. Why is Delphos so great and some of the other
hundreds of traces collected by say Ted Phillips, and others, not so great?

Since I'm new at this, and I'm quite interested in physical traces, I was
disappointed recently to find out that Mr. Phillips is no longer in this
field. As a matter of fact, he won't even talk to people these days about
it. He has allegedly even thrown out some of the material he still has.

I also tried to call Ted Bloecher recently about the New Berlin NY
physical trace case. He informed me that he was out of the field now as
well and all his files have been given to another researcher.

Boy, I'm batting 1000!



From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: "
the dancing lights"
Date: 26 Aug 92 20:33:00 GMT

Hi John,

Sorry I can't get any info for you on that story, "
The Dancing Lights"
as I gave the 1-page story to a friend. I'll see what I can do. Once
I get back into my classroom, I should be able to find the book and
then I'll get that info for you.

I have some other stories and will look for them and post them. I know
I'm almost out of time right now.

Thanks for your interest!!


Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Ufo crash in Kingman, AZ
Date: 26 Aug 92 20:37:00 GMT

Hi John!!

Thanks so much for the references to the Kingman crash! My friend will
surely jump out of his skin with happiness, and I think I have some of
the Len Stringfield material here at home.

You're a great help, and thanks so much.



Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
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INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Computer Confession
Date: 26 Aug 92 20:07:00 GMT

Hi Peggy,

I saved your message to show Loren and perhaps he can figure out why it
was in CAPS and so tightly spaced. 'Tis a mystery to me...

The radio show Jim and I did was mostly general in nature--crop
circles, and answering questions. One lady seriously wanted to know
where she could go to see and observe UFO's as she has never seen one.
I let Jim handle that as he is so diplomatic.

Still no idea when school starts as the new school bldg is not

See ya,


Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG

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