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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 572

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 572 

Monday, July 20th 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

Nasa Censorship!
K2 Report - Conclusion
K2 Report - Conclusion
Oberg's "explanation For Sts-48 Ufo"
Re: What can we do? (and
K2 And The Phoenix Project
K2 And The Phoenix Project
Rating on Dulce Report and K2 Report
Re: What Can We Do? (And
K2 Report - Conclusion
Re: Men In Black (mib's)


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Nasa Censorship!
Date: 8 Jul 92 23:16:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from Bill Moore
* Originally dated 07-06-92 12:43

From: billy@anasaz (Bill Moore)
Date: 4 Jul 92 06:31:19 GMT
Organization: Anasazi, Inc. Phoenix, AZ, USA
Message-ID: <1992Jul4.063119.9412@anasaz>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors

I've been off sick and haven't been on this group for awhile so I apologize
if this has been covered.

Does anyone know why NASA is encoding the shuttle feed on Satcom 2,
transponder 5? That's the "raw" uplink to NASA direct from the shuttle.
Transponder 13 is still in the clear but that's the "packaged" stuff
NASA puts together for the news media.

Audio and video from the shuttle has been "in the clear" during every shuttle
mission for years so it was really a suprise when they started this. They're
using the same encoding system as CBS and ABC whcih means they're pretty
serious about it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bill Moore (602) 395-1732
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
Subject: K2 Report - Conclusion
Date: 9 Jul 92 07:01:00 GMT


This Phoenix group's report demonstrates a good con technique:

Gain confidence of the audience by demonstrating that Dulce is a
myth. Then replace that myth with a new one: K2 (include
repeated "regrets" that the data base of UFOlogy is cluttered
with disinformation).

Some nagging questions:

Do these people people have names? Why would they keep their
names secret? Their phones are allegedly tapped, so their
identity is no secret to the government. So, from whom do they
seek to conceal their identities? (Obviously from UFOlogists who
may ask too many of the "right" questions)

It's also interesting to note that Pilot's Peak is not too far
from Carson City (about 75 miles) just as Area 51 was about that
far from Lear's home in Las Vegas. Would these people be telling
us about an "alien base" in South Carolina? Are they really that
all-knowing or do they just like creating mythology about local
"mysterious places"?

What has this Phoenix group contributed to UFOlogy since its
alleged inception in 1952? (Answer: Not a f***ing thing!)

It's time people in this field started demanding more
documentation, just as the K2 report suggests. We can start by
demanding the NAMES of the characters who come up with
far-fetched tales such as this. (Actually, I wouldn't be too
surprised to see that this Phoenix group consisted of some of the
same old B.S.'ers from Nevada: Grace, Lear & Co.)

-- John

John Burke - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: K2 Report - Conclusion
Date: 9 Jul 92 13:58:01 GMT

+ This Phoenix group's report demonstrates a good con technique:
+ Gain confidence of the audience by demonstrating that Dulce is a
+ myth. Then replace that myth with a new one: K2 (include repeated
+ "regrets" that the data base of UFOlogy is cluttered with
+ disinformation).
+ Some nagging questions:
+ Do these people people have names? Why would they keep their names
+ secret? Their phones are allegedly tapped, so their identity is no
+ secret to the government. So, from whom do they seek to conceal their
+ identities? (Obviously from UFOlogists who may ask too many of the
+ "right" questions)
+ +It's also interesting to note that Pilot's Peak is not too far from
+ Carson City (about 75 miles) just as Area 51 was about that far from
+ Lear's home in Las Vegas. Would these people be telling us about an
+ "alien base" in South Carolina? Are they really that all-knowing or do
+ they just like creating mythology about local "mysterious places"?
+ What has this Phoenix group contributed to UFOlogy since its alleged
+ inception in 1952? (Answer: Not a f***ing thing!)
+ It's time people in this field started demanding more documentation,
+ just as the K2 report suggests. We can start by demanding the NAMES of
+ the characters who come up with far-fetched tales such as this.
+ (Actually, I wouldn't be too surprised to see that this Phoenix group
+ consisted of some of the same old B.S.'ers from Nevada: Grace, Lear &
+ Co.)

I agree. These are just the beginning of some of the questions that we will


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Brent Wilcox)
Date: 10 Jul 92 01:03:00 GMT

>>Long time, no see/hear! Hey, that's one way of checking on crop circles!
>>Make your own, then see how they compare to what is considered the "real

(Hi Linda -- I've been lurking... and moving out of L.A...)

Seems like this crop circle competition is the best idea anyone's
had so far. Putting some of the proposed man-made strategies to a
test is long overdue.

I just wish I could attend the contest! But travel to the UK would
be stretching things a bit right now...

* JABBER v1.1 #55 *

Brent Wilcox - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Brent.Wilcox@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: ROAD FLARES
Date: 6 Jul 92 21:43:11 GMT

Oh I guess I should look at the scale on the map next time? I thought it
looked like a mile across the bay. 8*) As someone else say, "Know anyone with
a really fast boat?"

At this point in time, even if someone was caught red handed, with a flare
on a balloon, the answer would be... "Oh that's only one case, it doesn't
explain the rest."
How true, but as usual we are left with unexplained on one
hand and egg in our face in the other. The burden of proof rests upon the
people making the claims, not the converse.

Some things which crossed my diluted mind this weekend: 1) It's up to the
real UFO researchers to help weed out the frauds, and clean up the field. 2)
Just because someone has competence in one field, it doesn't mean they are
qualified in another. 3) Factoids are made believable because of repetition,
not because of valid evidence that supports the information. 4) One who has a
political or personal agenda connected to any scientific endevour, should be
examined even more skeptically.

So what am I getting at? Dr. So And So, who happens to be a Phd. in one
field, starts to be an expert in UFO's. He has credibility because of his
education is something unrelated to UFO's. Self proclaimed experts flood the
field with no training, no publications and more important no peer review.
The "expert" then finds associates to follow and spread "the truth" which
only they know and control. Through sheer repetition it becomes part of the
bank of knowledge, even though it has no solid footing to begin with. The
result is the morass we all have to deal with, while trying to solve the UFO
The information base is not only diluted, but poluted.

Here's the UFO puzzle as it stands today. Take 25 jig-saw puzzles from
assorted manufacturers. Mix well and remove 1000 parts. Now make a logical
coherent picture using only these parts. That's what's wrong!

First step is getting together and getting organized. Tough one isn't it
since no-one even seems to agree what faction has the best foundation of
ideas. Next systematically review information for validity. (I think Hynek
already tried both of these?) Next have some system for accepting or
rejecting information, based on reality (logic) instead of emotional drive.
Last of all, create the starting point! Even if this is not the correct
starting point, one would have a base available for review and adjustment
according to new information, instead of a bag full of clippings in no
particular order.

If UFO's are a personal and emotional science, I might as well give up
trying, because it means each individual can create their own reality and
perception. I would have nothing much to learn from others, as this would be
a totally internalized, feeling observation, and not a science at all.

Let me explain the personal agenda above because it's really broad. Money,
power, controlling others, gaining attention or religious aspects can each be
a driving force. Let's not forget the few who are just mentally ill and don't
have much contact with reality much in their whole life. (not just when
refering to the paranormal, UFO's, or abduction)

Not blasting at you of course, just speaking my mind to anyone who cares to
read this and think about it. After all the words, it comes down to getting
together and systematically working towards answering some questions. I don't
know who said it first, but I've remembered this for a long time. "The most
important part of solving a problem is not looking for the solution, but
first figuring out what the question really is before starting."
If it was
me, I'll take credit, but I doubt that. 8*)

ps Loved the fireworks / hated the traffic. Happy 4th again.
Pete Porro - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Oberg's "explanation For Sts-48 Ufo"
Date: 10 Jul 92 23:41:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from Robert Sheaffer
* Originally dated 07-09-92 18:09

From: (Robert Sheaffer)
Date: 9 Jul 92 14:09:34 GMT
Organization: Netcom - Online Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors

NOTE OF INTEREST June 28, 1992

By: James Oberg, Rt 2 Box 35O, Dickinson, Texas 77539

Subject: Actual explanation for the notorious STS-48 "UFOs" on

After the "HardCopy" interview with Don Ecker (June 5), and my
appearance with him on "Larry King Live" June 26, I've gotten an
appreciation of where this UFO connection has come from. When I
saw the original incoherent letters from D. Ratsch, I dismissed
it as complete looney-tunes, but subsequently I've found out what
fundamental misunderstanding and ignorance has led to the fuss.

Lights on the shuttle TV cameras can be many things, and on these
scenes in question they are stars, cities, lens spots, and nearby
shuttle-generated debris (they are rarely if ever other
satellites). Especially with the low-light cameras used for the
nighttime mesoscale lightning surveys, the horizon is deceptive
because the glowing line is the airglow and the actual edge of
the earth is somewhat below it. With poor contrast; this means
that stars can cross the glowing "horizon" and still be visible a
bit further before actually setting.

There are more than 50 sources of ice on the shuttle, plus a
steady source of debris such as insulation flakes from inside the
payload bay. This includes 38 primary RCS jets and 6 vernier jets
(which burn the hypergolic [self-igniting] propellants of
nitrogen tetroxide and hydrazine), an air dump line, a waste
water dump line, a supply water dump line, two fuel cell purge
lines (the hydrogen one is always leaking water), two flash
evaporators, a water spray boiler, and so forth. No surprise,
then, that floating debris near the shuttle is a common sight.
The particles usually (not always) spin, and depending on the
axis of spin they may or may not flash, and depending on the
speed of spin their flicker may or may not be picked up by the
camera CCD scanner.

The RCS jets usually fire in 80-millisecond pulses to keep the
shuttle pointed in a desired direction, under autopilot control
(usually once every few minutes). These jets may flash when they
ignite if the mixture ratio is not quite right. Propellant also
tends to seep out the feed lines into the nozzle, where it
accumulates, freezes through evaporative cooling, and flakes off
during the next firing. The ejected burn byproducts travel at
about 1000 ft/sec. One pulse usually emits about a quarter pound
of propellant in a fan-shaped plume.

When small, drifting debris particles are hit by this RCS plume
they are violently accelerated away from the jet. This is what is
seen in the infamous "Case 2" sequence, where a flash (the jet
firing) is immediately followed by all nearby particles being
pushed away from the jet, followed shortly later by a fast moving
object (evidently RCS fuel ice) departing from the direction of
the jet (the streak is caused by the slow camera speed). If one
plotted all the departure lines of the pushed debris and the
expelled ice, they would converge at the jet's location.

These ice particles, in particular, form slowly inside the jets
and elsewhere, as the fluid (water or propellant) seeps out and
spreads over the surface, They take on the shape of the structure
they form on. They can thus have just about any shape, usually
flat. They have been seen and photographed for thirty years,
about as long as UFOlogists have mistaken them for flying


Robert Sheaffer - Scepticus Maximus -

Past Chairman, The Bay Area Skeptics - for whom I speak only when authorized!

"Every psychic investigator of [the medium] Mrs. Piper was impressed
by her simplicity and honesty. It never occurred to them that no
charlatan ever achieves greatness by acting like a charlatan. No
professional spy acts like a spy. No card cheat behaves at the
table like a card cheat."

- Martin Gardner (writing in "Free Inquiry",
Spring, 1992)

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Rick Moen)
Subject: Re: What can we do? (and
Date: 10 Jul 92 19:27:33 GMT

+ TD> "It is the opinion of SOFT that this represents a dangerous
+ TD> escalation of the myth of UFOs and should not be taken lightly."

+ Tom:
+ THIS is the kind of thing I've long ranted against in my tirades
+ against organized skepticism. "A dangerous escalation"? Dangerous to
+ whom?? I do wish you would post this in the ParaNet Skeptics echo. I
+ would like to hear from Rick Moen or Anson Kennedy on this issue. I'm
+ sure they, being reasonable, will decry it, but I want them to see
+ that the phenomenon of skepticism as true-believerism is alive and
+ well, and is manifesting itself not just in some short-sighted
+ individuals but in entire organizations. Just where is this SOFT
+ located, and are they sanctioned by CSICOP to your knowledge? (Yes, I
+ know, CSICOP doesn't "sanction" its various satellite groups, but
+ there is a great amount of information exchanged between them).

You betcha I decry it, although I typically just mutter to myself
"What a bunch of yammering twits", and ignore it. I didn't think
it needed comment.

I've never heard of this "SOFT", and certainly don't know of any
connection to skeptics' groups such as BAS, NYASk, NCAS, etc.

Best Regards, These WERE my opinions.
Rick Moen Now they're yours, if you wish.
Vice-Chair, Bay Area Skeptics

Rick Moen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Rick.Moen@f27.n125.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: David.Brune@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Brune)
Subject: K2 And The Phoenix Project
Date: 9 Jul 92 08:26:00 GMT


I have been personally contacted by one of the members of the Phoenix Group,
via CompuServe. He tells me that the reports from Advent publishing are only
about $10.00. I was also able to find out that this heliport that NASA has
there must have something to do with all this. He says they are/have
investigated this site. So whats next, I don't know. I'm trying to open a
dialogue with the guy, they are worried about the government coming down on
them. I'd be interested in what all they have, which is evidently more then
is in the report. I will keep everyone posted as to what develops.


David Brune - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: David.Brune@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: K2 And The Phoenix Project
Date: 11 Jul 92 15:36:00 GMT

Hi David -- I've taken the liberty of moving the K2/Phoenix messages from you
and Mike Corbin over from "Ask UFO<tm> Magazine" to ParaNet UFO.

This area gets wider distribution, so it's probably the best place for
discussing the "Phoenix Project".

Let's have at it! ;-)


Clark Matthews - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
Subject: Rating on Dulce Report and K2 Report
Date: 13 Jul 92 05:01:01 GMT

Recently we published two reports generated by the Phoenix Project, a group in
Carson City, Nevada. These two documents allege that members of this group
investigated reports of underground alien bases in Dulce, New Mexico, and an
underground alien base located in the Plumas National Forest in Northern

Because of the following findings/reasons, ParaNet has assigned a high level
of probability that the material contained in the documents is disinformation
and is inaccurate.

The reasons are as follows:

1) The Phoenix Project is unknown to the general UFO research community. No
where in any of the materials are the principals of the organization
identified. As is the case with any materials where substantive findings are
reported, it demonstrates a strong lack of credibility when the names and
addresses of the investigators are not provided.

2) Due to an investigation that has been ongoing, we have found that the
material on Dulce is inaccurate. It is interesting that the Dulce report
denies that anything exists at Dulce. Although we have found no information
to the contrary, we feel that the report from the Phoenix Project is
inaccurate as to location of buildings and other factors. There are things
down there which are unusual.

3) The K2 material is too ambiguous and does not provide enough reliable data
bits to launch an investigation into the claims. It appears that although the
report is written with some literary license, the findings are presented in a
very unscientific fashion.

ParaNet will provide a complete report of its investigation into the various
other claims contained in the reports as soon as the information is available.
We have written to the Phoenix Project requesting further information.

In the meantime, we urge caution in the use of this material.

Michael Corbin
ParaNet Information Services

ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: ParaNet(sm).Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Tom.Davis@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Tom Davis)
Subject: Re: What Can We Do? (And
Date: 10 Jul 92 06:49:00 GMT

Well, previous opinion aside, it seems that group's magazine is
published by a fellow in Eugene, Oregon. Most of the material,
however, seems to refer to Southern California and someplace called
Haddonfield, New Jersey. I suspect this is really no more than a fan
letter of sorts - it is hard to tell in these days of desk-top
The incident has certainly taught me two important lessons. First,
you never know who is reading a BBS; and, second, that it is very easy
to become a "well known expert."
You do understand that I wrote that last sentence with all the
somberness it deserves?

Tom Davis - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Tom.Davis@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
Subject: K2 Report - Conclusion
Date: 13 Jul 92 06:11:10 GMT

Hello John!

JB> has this Phoenix group contributed to UFOlogy since its alleged inception
JB> in 1952? (Answer: Not a f***ing thing!) It's time people in this field
JB> started demanding more documentation, just as the K2 report suggests. We
JB> can start by demanding the NAMES of the characters who come up with
JB> far-fetched tales such as this. (Actually, I wouldn't be too surprised to
JB> see that this Phoenix group consisted of some of the same old B.S.'ers
JB> from Nevada: Grace, Lear & Co.)

Hear! Hear! <clap!> <clap!> <clap!>...

Steve Rose - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: UK CIRCLES
Date: 8 Jul 92 18:41:40 GMT

Alright! Finally a creative competition to see how hard or easy it is to
make a circle. How would this be... The site and date are selected. The teams
arrive in the morning to find an entry from an unknown team, which showed up
overnight. Or is it a real one from aliens with a sense of ironic humor? 8*)

I hope you post the results, it is interesting.
Pete Porro - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Men In Black (mib's)
Date: 15 Jul 92 02:19:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from Charles Mcgrew
* Originally dated 07-13-92 12:23

From: (Charles Mcgrew)
Date: 13 Jul 92 14:15:31 GMT
Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors (Joe Citro III) writes:

Did anyone else out there catch the Sightings show on the Fox
Network last night (10 July 92)? I know some of you are
overseas, so here is a brief overview.

.. yeah, it was a fairly short segment, which touched on (barely) the
helicopters-with-no-markings stuff too.

Apparently some of the latest UFO sightings have a common
characteristc. Men in black have been threatening the

.. actually, this sort of report is not new:

From Brad Steiger's disorganized opus "Mysteries of Time & Space"
Prenntice-Hall, 1974, ISBN 0-113-609040-0 (some of the book first
appeared in "Saga" and "Male" magazine -- that should give you some
context of the 'hardness' of this info, but it is grist for the mill).

In September, 1953 Albert K. Bender had figured out parts of the
origin of flying saucers, and sent his theory off to a "trusted
. Soon thereafter three men dressed in black appeared, with
his letter in hand. They told him 'the real story', and he became

Bender, apparently to "save mankind", kept the details to himself
and gave up UFO research. Parts of this story were retold in Gray
Barker's "They knew too much about flying saucers" (1956) [without the
part of 'revealed truth'], and said that several other people (in
Australia and New Zealand) had also been visited.

Bender decided to tell all in his 1962 "Flying Saucers and the
Three Men"
, which (Steiger says) was disappointing, in that it didn't
tell much (that anyone wanted to know, anyway). Alien bases in
Antartica (which Bender saw by Astral Projection), and so on. (I
haven't been able to find this book.)

However, others continued to stick to the MIB story, saying that
Bender had in fact been silenced. "Bender was a changed man after the
MIB visited him. It was as if he had been lobotomized."
He suffered
headaches that he said were caused by 'them'.

Steiger says that "large numbers" of UFO-ologists have been
harassed by *somebody*. A number of them (none named, unfortunately)
had had photographs and negatives of UFO's confiscated by people
claiming "government affiliation" (curious term, that) - "usually
three, usually dressed in black"
. [BTW, if you ever get a visit from
MIB (or indeed bona fide government agents, what they're asking you to
do is a violation of search and seizure laws.]

In an issue of "Saucer Scoop" (as usual, Steiger doesn't give an
issue number) John Keel is quoted as saying that MIB are professional
terrorists who go from place to place making sure that too much isn't
found out about the UFO phenominon. Keel says that MIB victims appear
to be subjected to "some sort of brainwashing technique that leaves
him in a state of nausea, mental confusion, or even amnesia lasting
for several days"
. Keel goes on to charge that local police/FBI/etc.
must be in on it, because they refuse to investigate MIB.

Col. George Freeman (Blue Book) was quoted by Steiger as being
quoted by Keel (do you get the drift here of Mr. Steiger's
"journalistic" zeal?) as saying that MIB cases were investigated by
Blue Book, and that they weren't connected to the Air Force in any
way. Steiger goes on to detail how four bogus USAF officers
(Men-In-Blue, I guess :-) told witnesses in NJ that they "hadn't seen
a thing"
in 1967, and that they shouldn't tell anyone what they saw.

.. Steiger goes on to give sketchy details of several other MIB
visitations (though several are of encounters with a single man, not
three), claiming to be NORAD officers, from the "UFO Research
, and (my favorite) "a government agency so secret he
couldn't give its name"
. Also, telephone and mail harassment and
messages from TV's and radios are mentioned. The MIB know where
you're going, where you've been, and what you've been doing, and will
tell you such things to convince you to be quiet.

From there, Steiger goes off the deep end, claiming that MIB are to
be found throughout history, as "Trickster", "Poltergeist" or
"Sorcerer" figures. Well, I didn't say this was a good source, now
did I?

A comment on clothing: I've seen various things about the material
the MIB supposedly wear -- its made of a plastic-like substance, a
rubbery substance, and in Steiger's book the material is described by
"Major Joseph Jenkins, Retired, Field Investigations Director for the
UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"
in 1968 as
"reminding him of the quilted uniforms (by Korean/Chinese troops) in
the Korean war"

Comments on appearance: I've seen all sorts of descriptions of
MIB's physical appearance -- here's another that I haven't seen
before: "Jim" (no date, no last name): "He was cadaverous... he
looked like those WWII photographs of someone in a concentration camp.
But he seemed alert enough."


Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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